Feels bad to be a zoomer

feels bad to be a zoomer

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Yeah that bottlejob in the league and losing to fucking Monaco was special

I recognize three of these legends, but who is the guy with actual hair on his head?

Figo, Barcelona/Madrid legend and beloved player

>you realize people don't rate Figo or even recognize him anymore

Never heard about him.

*sips* now THAT was a galaxy

he played for Barcelona, RM and Inter. It was a huge treason when he moved from Barcelona to RM.

why did football have so much more soul back then


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>Le win absolutely nothing team

Really miss him desu

Fucking hate superstar teams, lads. What's the fucking point?

He was a reference in Barcelona but the eternal Florentino played 10D chess and brought him to Madrid.


>Beckham nowhere to be seen
Overrated trash tßh

this really was a 10D chess move. Even today they still sethe, I remember reading recently someone from Barcelona crying that he didn't want to leave, but Perez force him through some deal with his agent? Don't remember exacly.


underrated post

>Barcelona beloved player

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>Sacrificing Redondo for Figo

Don't want to dicksuck Cristiano but it's funny how he's probably a bigger star than everyone of those players was.

>Bigger star than Ronaldo or Zidane
In his fucking dreams

I meant that he's ranked higher in the all time list that they are. His numbers just blow them away. But, then again, maybe he's still not above.

(I misused the word 'star')

Jesus, they look so awkward with the ball. Why are they so stiff.

Let's not forget, the level of football is higher today, mid tier teams like Everton would beat that team of giants.

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>born in 1995
>only got into football in 2006
>joined a team but was way behind all the other players

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It's a fact that modern teams are "better" than earlier teams. Doesn't mean they're more entertaining or whatever.

Beckham's right foot was such a weapon

Imagine when Messi and Ronnie are gone. Who is going to replace them as the 'Best in the World'?

to steal all your best players lmao

Because it did not have to appeal to asian and americans.
As soon as football executives saw that there was a bunch of money to be made, they pussified the game to sanitize it for tourists.
Lol can you imagine all the chinks that go to every clasico now in the camp nou back then?
Or the americans that like to larp, as if the fucking bois noixs are not a racist group, and pretend that barcelona is somehow a club with liberal ideals.

Is this the ultimate boomer team of all time? The fucking out of shape Ronaldo and MASSIVE Roberto Carlos combined with the oversized shirts... they look like 35 year old slobs. And it's fucking great.

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Fatnaldo was a better player. He got crocked

controversial opinion

Figo was better looking than Cristiano Ronaldo


Cмoтpeть здecь: youtu.be/VncIVu5kPjE

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Norgay was baiting and you fell for it, Rodolfo Guidetti