Why do people like to pretend that R9 was better than these two?

Why do people like to pretend that R9 was better than these two?

Attached: Messi and Ronaldo.jpg (620x420, 68K)

because at his peak he was. the problem is his peak was only like 4-5 years. messi and cr7 are going strong for over 12 years.


>4-5 years
that’s generous
anytime post Inter Milan was arguably downhill, Ronaldo’s best years were in the late 90’s

His goalscoring numbers aren't close

I would take Messi and R9 anyday over cr7
t 40 year old boomer

If his knees never got fucked up I think he could have been. Even with both fucked knees tho he was just a tier below them. Just imagine

Because of his skillset. It was much tougher to score goals back then. He could both breakdown a defense like Messi and finish like CR7.

Fatnaldo on Messi's Argentina would have won a WC by now, and he could have also done it with one of CR7's more talented Portugal teams as well

im pretty sure im just gonna remember the mid-late noughties as just the era of shit hair

People are just role playing

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na it was the last era of good hair before the endless legions of long on top faded sides footy lad haircuts. nobody in football wears his hair long and free anymore. very sad


>It was much tougher to score goals back then.

Pele was better than all of them

yeah but it looks fuckin gay

cristiano has never been the best player on his team

>It was much tougher to score goals back then.

Attached: 1479248026401.jpg (229x221, 11K)

Because people feel that with two massive knee injuries early in his career, the Ronaldo we saw starting from the 2002 World Cup was like 5% of what he could really do and that still was an elite striker.

It's more of a what if-opinion really. Mbappe might give us a glimpse of what could've been, if he stays fit.


Just fucking kys you zoomer prick

What should I say instead? Fat Ronaldo?

He was second to only Oliver beiroff, who was tapin god, in the same time he was setting up for his team's, that's what matters. Ronaldo at his good tempo fucks fully built teams, which there are none now a days

>Ronaldo at his good tempo fucks fully built teams
Yeah and Messi and Ronaldo don't. Do you have any idea how unabashedly biased you sound?

R9 Barcelona version is what CR7 has worked like a madman to become. A goalscorer so fast and strong that can rip defenses apart with his pace, and that is also skillful enough to be a menace from a standing point. But R9 didnt need to work a 10% of what CR7 needed to.

>Comparing poonaldo with good Ronaldo

>enter "Ronaldo" into Google
>front page is all CR7 links
Why is this allowed

>there are none nowadays

That's false

post one(1)

Most top fucking teams I would say are "fully built"

give me an example of what a fully built team is for you

Manchester City

>shit defense
>fully built

>shit defense
Are you fucking kidding me? They concede only 6 fucking shots per game. If Ederson wasn't a meme keeper who gets played for his distribution they'd probably only have conceded single digits at this point

AC Milan 1996 conceded like what 15 goals in 50 matches

They conceded 24 goals in the league alone. If you want me to take you seriously can you fucking fact check?

>It was much tougher to score goals back then
Yeah... no.

>>>**And that's Thier worst team ever

Name us one good goal scorer who was consistently scoring 40+ goals then.

Ronaldo is remembered today because he came back from career theatning injury, Ronaldo is remembered today because of phenomenal change he brought to attack


Best goal scoring seasons
Sterling: 23
Hazard: 22
Lukaku: 27
Icardi: 29
Benzema: 32
Griezmann: 32
Aguero: 33
Neymar: 39
Aubameyang: 40
Kane: 41
Lewandowski: 43
Nobody aside from Messi and Ronaldo consistently score 40+. Don't use the two greatest goal scorers of all time as the rule; they're a massive exception

Against painters and literal farmers


>current penaldo
Do you people even watch the sport

t. gay