Lose the game 1-5

>lose the game 1-5
>still send ripples of butthurt trough england
Is montenegro this based, or are english simply butthurt by nature

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No, but being black makes you vulnerable to words

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>making monkey noises at black players

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English are by far the most butthurt posters on Yea Forums if that is a good indicator of general English butthurt.

>Getting destroyed in match
>Fans forced to resort to racism
>Get their own country kicked out of the competition

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We drew swastikas and didn't get kicked out of the competition don't fool yourself

Nice projection yankstain. Maybe you should make another "soccer is gay" thread to salve your fragile ego.

>Implying UEFA aren't going to make an example of them now that Sterling is the media's darling

>Sterling is the media's darling
Maybe in the inbred isles

>now that Sterling is the media's darling
are you really this out of touch with reality?
jesus christ the people on this board

Look at a newspaper today, every journalist is brown nosing him in an effort to show that they weren't the ones being racist. Except maybe the Mail.

The English just enjoy whenever other fans take away the spotlight from exposing them.

>pne pf the few times the retarded papers aren't trying to shit on him means he is now a media darling and UEFA will do something like ban a team from competing
your perspective is fucked lad, get some help

*one of

You're incredibly naive if you don't think journalists creating a giant media circus around any issue doesn't have consequences, intentional or not.

I don't think that british tabloids have an impact on uefa

Why does UEFA hate what amounts to just a harmless bit of bants and IRL shitposting? I swear, it’s like that one time that guy flew that drone into the game that looked like a ghost... they totally overreacted to that shit.

Are you fucking stupid, kid? They've flip-flopped in order to keep readership.

Aren't people talking about Sterling in your media? I just assume you guys are obsessed with the PL, as most other countries in the world.

>English are by far the most butthurt posters on Yea Forums
Every football thread ever
>Soccer's gay
>Third World
>Preschool & Girls
Americans are like Jealous children making excuses about how the party they weren't invited too was "shit anyway" when in contrary the party's fucking awesome.

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yes and this flip flop will get uefa to ban montenegro
off yourself lads, why is this board now submerged with melts like you

No EPL and most other leagues is kinda secondary here, the biggest news regarding football is about our players around europe.
I'm suprised that this incident wasn't bigger news, nobody is even mentioning it in croatian media, you'd thinkg they'd jump on the opportunity to shit on montenegrins

Who hurt you, Croat? The Mountain-Negroes don't even care, but the last 24 hours there you are in every thread. Are you OK?

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The papers aren't racist to him, probably some of those supporters were but he's like some of those kids, in South London who cry bah racism while carrying zombie knives, if the police stop and search them, I'm Asian but don't play the victim in life..

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>this flip flop will get uefa to ban montenegro
I didn't say that, i'm just arguing that the papers love Sterling now.

You seem to be the butthurt one here

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Imagine crying over words. Couldn't never be me.

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Isn't football in Croatia, internationally anyway, a bit of a meme atm due to all the manager shit that's happened?

You're so underestimating the power journalists have these days. Have you been outside recently? I guarantee even if Montenegro get a slap on the wrist fine, BBC will still be moaning and bringing up Sterling and Rose's "unacceptable racial abuse in the Euro qualifiers" and use it as an example in any and all future discourse on the topic.

I don't understand, what manager shit?

>I'm Asian
Which means what?

danny rose is a fucking pussy cant take the banter stupid nigger

I'm not okay with that. Start watching our league. Everyone MUST watch our league.

>Croatia LARPing as an all-white team

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I had a feeling there was some issue with Croats over selections that Ante Čačić made that Dalić repeated?

That he's from the geographical content of Asia. He's probably South Asian (ie from one of the Poo states).

its simply the fact that he has not just called them out like others but has made a statement to media peers on a different continent because he doesn't trust the british papers. In addition he is not just playing well but goals make headlines, simple as that.

>I guarantee even if Montenegro get a slap on the wrist fine
no shit, it happens everytime this happens that isn't anything new.
>BBC will still be moaning and bringing up Sterling and Rose's "unacceptable racial abuse in the Euro qualifiers" and use it as an example in any and all future discourse on the topic.
they have done this in the past why on earth do you think that this will result in UEFA banning a team? you have to do some fucked shit to get banned from a UEFA competition, which this isn't.
not everything Yea Forums over reacts to becomes world shattering in the real world.

Monteniggers will just get a stadium ban and maybe a points deduction, not that they care about it as they never intended on qualifying anyway. Meanwhile every English white person will have to pretend Sterling is Messi until the guy retires or else he risks being called racist.

Sterling is shit and is overhyped. 9 Goals in 49 games isn't good.

I think they poo in loo outside of India. He's probably from Pakistan, we have a lot of Muslims from there.

Honestly I'm not sure, everyone in Croatia is sucking Dalić's big hard bosnian cock right now, if there was any objections to his selection of players nobody is mentioning it since the WC.
There was a lot of objections to Čačić though, pushing players that don't belong in the NT so that they might bump their price up and sell them.

There's always those seething dalmatians though, trying to push their players from their mid table team into the NT, crying discrimination when the NT plays in the capital to avoid them stiring shit with swastikas

I swear I remember some Croats on here saying that Dalic made some stupid decisions in the Final (I think it was the GK who was injured yet he still played him?) and yeah Čačić was generally weird with his selection choices.

had a good kek at this, thanks for reminding me why the Balkans is the most based place in Europe

Bangladesh or Sri Lanka is also possible. He won't be from Bhutan or Nepal most likely. Or Burma (can't spell the meme name they are now). But Pakistan is most likey, yeah. Issue is lots of Yanks think the entire area is called 'India' so get thrown by the generic cover all term of 'South Asian'. Imagine telling a Yank there is 11 million Muslims in China.

Nothing big. They though Subasic shouldn't have been GK, but kalinic because of suposed injury, but kalinic sucks as witnesed in the last few games

>not everything Yea Forums over reacts to becomes world shattering in the real world.
We're not talking about the reaction from Yea Forums, we're talking about the reaction from the British press. I'm looking at BBC right now and they're still updating with hard hitting interviews with fucking John Barnes about racism in football. In this world now were political correctness is borderline enforced, eventually football will be hit too, and it's already starting.

>already starting
it started YEARS ago, this is nothing new.

>using fragile unironically

yikes , watch some more inbetweneers lad and grow a pair you fag

he's been unlocked by pep and has taken the title of third best player in the world from hazard

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It’s unironically both. Can’t even handle the banter

So why is montenegrins making monkey sounds bad? What is the historical oppression of niggers in Montenegro? Or does that just apply to the whole planet now?


Shut the fuck up you dumb zoomer. All that xanax has rotted your brain.


>its another croatia thread
seek help

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Got a problem wh*Teboi?

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what are you talking about

>he's still mad over the fucking nations league
ohnononononono enjoy playing with finland and scotland lmao

the butthurt from the cheeky slav monkeys making fun of Sterling

where is the fucking video of the "abuse" i literally can't find it anywhere

Danny Rose is a stupid cunt, in Krusevac we kicked his dumb ass.

yfw you realize that MonteNiggers meme is around over 20 years


Why there have never been terrorist attacks in football stadiums?
Europeans who support the destruction of their national teams do not deserve to live!

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Damn you were proven right by

English can’t handle the banter

i dont see what the big deal is
montenword fans chanted nigger nigger
sterling made a tweet

did the UK put an embargo on MN or what

I know you're trying to sound all smart but the indian subcontinent is a real thing and you're a fucking moron.

Why did the English let nogs migrate to England? Destroyed an entire civilized nation. England used to be a nice, ethnically united country and London was safe to live in.

Now London is shit. England is cucked. The English can't even handle bantz because it's so fucked by nogs and Pakis.

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english people are experts are virtue signalling, they'll never try to downplay an event if it can used against someone and allow them to portray themselves as agood and sensible people. they were the first sjw.

>London was safe to live in
at what point in the past millennium has this been true?

>all of England is london
Okay lad...
80% of England is fine. Its just the cities that are shite


>London was safe to live in
another bold opinion from /pol/tarded yank
read a book you fuckwit

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>London was safe to live in

Someone tell him

How can Americans be so utterly retarded in all matters, not just sport?

>London was safe to live in
It probably hasn't been any safer than it is now since the Industrial Revolution.

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>London was safe to live in.
Another amerifat actually thinking he knows anything about Europe

I guess you never heard of Jack the Ripper?

that guy most likely wasn't a Paki, lad

his real name was Dchakhda Rippah

Based Blackmountineers.

Any time something like this happens there are about 29 articles about fighting racism on the Guardian within 24 hours. It's almost like they have placeholder articles and just fill in the dates and names

he was an :
>Eternal Pole

nah, it was Charles Allen Lechmere, a cart meat driver

he was pretty much caught in the act, but somehow managed to fool the police, media and the guy who found the body of one victim that he was just a passerby

You fat twat.

Learn some history first before running your mouth on a topic you clearly are dyslexic in.

/pol/ is the new history book you cuck


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>Why did the English let nogs migrate to England?
I know Americans are famous for being oblivious to world history, but is this dumbo being serious?

Good banter desu

We didn't get a vote on the matter, as I'm sure you know.
Why did you lot them in? Where was your militia storming the whitehouse with their gatling guns?

London in the 1950s was far safer to live in than the shithole you have today, zoomers.

My grandma said London was safer and pleasant, faggot. People would even greet each other in the morning on the bus out of civility, you fucking UKfags. Then muh Labour let all the nogs in.

Now you have muh nogs and Pakis with all this multiculti bullshit that literally fucked up your city. I'll get shanked by a fucking Jamaican or some shit.

How do the English go from based Empire to butthurt because muh Raheem can't handle bantz?

Attached: 1959-London-Piccadilly.jpg (1353x2048, 1.06M)

No one gives a fuck what your slag granny thinks

>old person says it was better in their day
do tell me more

Based, your grandma was right. Look at the chart here .

You can't argue with facts. The faggots arguing with you are nogs or Muzzies themselves that listen to UK drill. That's why they're butthurt.

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>My grandma said London was safer and pleasant, faggot. People would even greet each other in the morning on the bus out of civility, you fucking UKfags. Then muh Labour let all the nogs in.
shut the fuck up you mutt

>When brits do it
>It's just banter la, can't handul banta la?

>When brits get bantered
>Disgusting, why would you say that? That's unacceptable. I'm crying right now, mods help me

Fucking idiots. Don't overlook facts.

Fuck Sterling.

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then use facts instead of some anecdotes from your grandma, idiot.

Based and redpilled.

Kys. Thought Poles were based.

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London is safer than any of the large US cities

Attached: chartoftheday_13767_london_homicide_rate_in_perspective_n.png (960x684, 52K)

Okay, but are you gonna post the crime rates of your major cities next?

Protip: Don't think they will be much better than London's, m8

Didn't we match NYC for murder recently?

Quite likely
NYC put a shit ton of money into the police force recently I think

Briefly yes, our most dangerous city matched one of America's safest cities.

That's just the overall crime rate, which now indeed is lower in NYC than in London.


But the homicide rate is still higher in NYC.
Ain't so easy to kill someone with a knife as opposed to with a gun.

So you're more likely to fall victim to a crime in London at this point, but you're still more likely to get murdered in NYC.

I think it happened for one month and then all the papers went hysterical over it

Most American cities have a much higher homicide rate than London in what we consider a 'crisis'. Difference being, our media doesn't masturbate over that fact to deflect.

>Muh flip the argument.

We were talking about why did England fuck up their formerly based lifestyle? Of course we have a higher rate of violence, dumbasses, are you fucking retarded, everyone knows that.

A literal retard with Downs Syndrome can buy a gun in the US, but we're talking about butthurt Raheem Sterling who can't handle bantz.

Our nogs came here because the fucking English imported them as slaves. Fuck the English for being incapable of bantz. Fuck Raheem and fuck Prince Harry and his nog.

Based Monteniggers for triggering Brits. Watch you faggots report me because you can't handle bantz and are butthurt.

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You know you were still importing slaves when we banned it right?

Based Americans removing themselves

That chart literally ends at the peak of UK crime rates, it's very misleading as it's not a trend that's continued

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>formerly based lifestyle
Are you referring to the days of extreme poverty and rationing, getting bombed daily and living on bread and water, not having the right to vote and dying down mines, child slaves, workhouses and rotting bodies in the streets or are you going further back than that when the mythical 'everything in England was lovely' times were?

>extreme poverty and rationing, getting bombed daily and living on bread and water, not having the right to vote and dying down mines, child slaves, workhouses and rotting bodies in the streets

These things are all in different eras.

>waa waaa they called me a nigger abloo bloo

Literally comparing WWII and the Victorian Era. Kek, cope harder UKfag.

Brits can't bantz. Brits butthurt when they get E X P O S E D.

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Yea, its you and the americans, like father like son I guess.

It all started with Henry VIII and some time later letting jews do whatever the hell they wanted.


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