Which one, Yea Forums?

Which one, Yea Forums?

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The one with the bigger penis

Skate of course, what kind of goober has rollerblades, literally only girls used them when I was a kid

If you don't want your knees to explode by the time you are 25, rollerblades.


More tricks, more you can do with it. All you have with inline is arguably more speed.

fruit boots vs stoner plank
bad choices all around

rollerblades are more fun and more practical, it's a shame about their corny reputation because it really is a great way to get around, better than a bike because you can store them in a locker, and not bumpy and uncomfortable like a skateboard.


Skateboards are the true betafilter. You will eat a lot of shit learning to shred, so if you see someone skating you know they arent scared.

I miss being 20 in college with everything in my life located within skating distance. Skate to work. Skate to get groceries. Skate to class. Skate when drunk. Skate when bored. I miss it bros

i actually respected bladers a bit more than a lot of kids who "skated" that i knew growing up because they were just gigantic posers so at least the bladers kept it a bit real

Is roller blading and skateboarding still a thing?

skating culture and fashion sorta got taken by pop culture and now everybody wears Thrasher mag t-shirts and vans but dont really skate but still want to seem cool, like suburban white kids with rap

the thinking kid's choice

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>if you see someone skating you know they arent scared
more like you know they are retarded t b h

>the fat dork kid's choice*

I see skaters and on my way to work.

Roller blades not so much, but I'd prefer them over the other two.

i see so many fucking grown men and women on scooters now, its fucked

>All these anons wanting to Tony Hawk instead of UNDERSTAND UNDERSTAND
shaking my head at you fools

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>Literally having to change your shoes/carry an extra pair
>More practical
You can try to justify it however you want but it's not more practical, it's only more fun cause you never stuck with skating to learn how to actually fuckin do anything and you're scared of hurting yourself.

TL;DR - Nigga you gay

This one

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Skate culture has died in the mid 2000s. It used to be something to those who live on the margins of society. No punk, no anarchism anymore, only Fortnite players and people who have never been involved in a fight are still there.

just get a backpack for your shoes, it's not rocket science. the skaters didn't want to be seen with me because i actually cared about my body and wore pads and a helmet, so i never got to learn anything. chuckled to myself every time i saw one of them come to school with crutches.

>Skate culture has died in the mid 2000s. It used to be something to those who live on the margins of society. No punk, no anarchism anymore, only Fortnite players and people who have never been involved in a fight are still there.

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Where do they even come from? When and how did it become trendy among boomers and zoomers to use fucking scooters? I've never even noticed a marketing push from the (((Big Scooter))) to make them cool. What happened

Flatland BMX is objectively better than both OP options in terms of tricks and practicality as a method of transport.

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BMX suck for transport, the seat is too low. mountain bikes are the best if you just need to get from A to B.

Then the week later when they're off the crutches they're right back at it, have nailed that kickflip over the stair set, and have footage to prove it. Keep thinking you made the better choice though aha.
None of us had skate lessons. You just practice till you're good. It's really humiliating and really humbling. Makes it more rewarding when you git gud.
You're a faggot who's scared of challenges.

I dont know, people who dont want to walk but also dont want to cycle
they are all quite nerdy looking

This tbqhwuf

Raise the seat, brah

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when you damage the inside of your body, it may go away for a while but it's going to come back with a vengeance when you get old. the skaters where i grew up were a bunch of arrogant assholes and they would tell me to meet them somewhere and never show up, because they didn't want to be seen with me just because i wore pads. i wouldn't want anything to do with people like that anyway. the professionals on tv wore pads, people who were actually making money off it.

rollerblading is way more fun cuz you can go fast as fuck but skateboarding is a lot more convenient. you can just carry around your skateboard when you arent using it and then toss it on the ground and go, but for rollerblades you have take them all the way off when you arent using them and its a hassle to get back into them when you wanna go

Skating is objectively one of the most worthless hobbies you can git gud at.

Skate obviously, I'm not gay

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It's definitely not the cool thing to do anymore in a lot of places but at least in aus the skate parks are still full of street punk kids who are pretty rough.

All sport except MMA is worthless if you think that.

Faggot of the century right here

i noticed that none of you skaters came to the high school reunion, hm could it be because you're embarrassed that you're still driving the same shitbox you had in high school?

Street hockey on roller blades is so fun fuck yall

Yeah except real sports require lifting and conditioning, unlike skating which is only practiced by skinny lmaoweeds. Guess which one builds a better long term physical/mental base for your life.

You don't get injured every fuckin time you fall, you just scuff your fucking knee you pussy. Stop acting like every time you fall on your ass you break a bone. Man up fgt.

go back to /lgbt/ with this faggot shit

Any of them that stuck with it at any high level were probably busy in brazil fucking models at some competitions after party.

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I'd bet on a skater in long term endurance competitions over any power lifter.

from what i heard back then they got some pretty gruesome injuries. it's just not the kind of thing i'd want to risk life and limb for, it has no practical use. boxing or mma for example, that makes sense, to make sacrifices for those skills because you can put them to use in a bad situation. but skating, it's just another way to kill time.

American football causes infinitely more injuries, and worse ones, than skating. The only reason you see so many fucked up skate injuries compared to anything else is because filming and shit is such a big part of skate culture, so there's almost always a camera rolling on any skater around the world trying a new trick. People fall down. You get back up and try again. Stop being a pussy.

i'm not a pussy, it's just a bit of a turn-off when you try to make friends with people who treat you like shit because of what you're wearing. that's female behavior, funny that you're calling me a pussy.

I choose this

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they made fun of you cause you were dressing like your fuckin Tony Hawk trying to land the 900 every time they wanted to go for a skate around the block.

they actually never made fun of me to my face, because they're the real pussies. twice they flaked on me after telling me to meet up with them, that was enough of a hint for me that they were cunts and should be ignored along with their silly middle school tier hobby.

>all skaters are exactly the same as these three dudes i went to school with

Smart people recognize that skateboarding is one of the hardest sports to get good at and when mastered is truly some next level, mind over matter, Jedi type shit, and the tricks just simply look cool. While not as aesthetic as skateboarding, rollerblading is cool too and a great form of transportation and shouldn't get as much hate as it does. Roller Hockey is also a very fun sport and ads a couple more points for it in my books.

there was like 20 of them, they went everywhere together probably because they were banging each other.

Right is for males, left is for females

none, i drive a car, like a fucking adult

I didn't go to school with you, deluded fatboy

Left if you live with your stepmom, and right if you live with your stepdad.

t. perpetual victim

t. mcdonald's assistant manager

>that rubber stopper
Always felt bad for that one kid in roller hockey who was still using that well past the age of 5

>more speed
That's the way I roll. Tricks are for kids.

>like suburban white kids with rap
Or like the United Kingdom with "first world" status.


I always wanted one when I was a kid but my dad bought me one of these, but even uglier.

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Skateboarding, no rollerblader is gonna do this.

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>not cruising around on a based leiftech

FAGGOTS in this thread



What a fucking odd comment.

rodney mullen, now that's a skateboarder
they don't make them like they used to

why hello thar. i concur. 80'sfag here, i'm an old man now but i still have a gt performer and ride it when it's nice out. i don't care that i'm over 40 and it's a 20" bike, it's badass as fuck.

down with all wanks on a plank. down with all faggotbladers. BMX is clearly the fastest mode of transportation out of all three, as well as the most physically and technically demanding as far as skill and tricks.

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Skaters rise up

I beat up skaters and fuck up their skates.

There's a bunch of kids nearby that like to skate around, graffiti shit and smoke weed and what not. They make a lot of noise and I like to get my rest in my house, so I'm not ignoring that. When I told them to shut up and they didn't I've started planning how to get back at the faggots. One night they were all gathered there making noise I called the cops on them. After they showed up and told them to fuck off I waited a bit then went down, set the garden bench on fire and called the cops again.
Got a few of them scared enough not to show up again. The rest I've "let go" of my dog's leash when walking him and made the poor fella run. Needless to say they started avoiding this area entirely.
After my condo decided to repaint the wall I caught a couple of skaters doing some more graffiti and beat them up, then took their skates and paint. I've burned the skate afterwards.

When I used to skate the scooters started taking over the skatepark slowly, first 1 or 2 people but eventually it was scooter majority and the bmx cunts started useing the skate park as well, I haven’t skated for a few years now but I never see kids on skate boards anymore, only scooters and bikes

Blame the parents not letting their kids ride anything dangerous. I saw a little kid would have been about 6 or 7 get dropped off into the skatepark and ride his little bmx into the skate park wearing a full motorcross helmet. Little guy would have had 0 peripheral vision because their dipshit parents thought it was safer, kid was a danger to himself and other riders.

Attention whore.


Would heem a fruit booter

>That's the way I roll. Tricks are for kids.
Based and redpilled, I must say.

Attached: rollerblading1.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

>attention whoring for views on jewtube
Rollerbros are humble and fun people to skate around with.
Here in Moscow, when the weather is nice, we have regular rollerblading parties, skating around town for 3-4 hours in a group of 10-30 people for 30-45 kilometers. Or skating all night long until the sun comes up for 50-100 kilometers.
It brings me a lot of fun every time, can't wait for this summer.

Attached: rollerblading2.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

>Not playing streethockey with rollerblades
Skaters are scrawny hipsters/emos