why do people live in India?
Why do people live in India?
poo walls blocking passage and keeping us safe
Would you rather have those "people" living around you?
imagine living in south america lmfao
it's not like you have a choice where you are born
Why do people live where they live
Why do you think you're off any better? I bet you're a negro villero de Temuco.
Based and superpowerpilled
>that guy on the right holding his nose
Based and poopilled
Roll Dubs and I’ll post her tits
hopefully she has a penis
it's cheap
There's a lot of seething faggots wishing they could be there to buy that redmi note 7 pro. I'm enjoying all the tears over that
Nah just a normal Hispanic girl(female)
>why have people come to india for thousands of years?
Maybe it's because it's the motherland that gave everyone wealth and culture
Dubs get, deliver them tits
someone has to be in the lowest caste
you could have at least said Egypt or Babylonia
s a g e
You could have also asked why people live in XXI century.