How do I get an American gf to marry so that I don't have to join the Sea Org or do something equally shifty to get residence?
How do I get an American gf to marry so that I don't have to join the Sea Org or do something equally shifty to get...
you don't. stay in chile
ill marry u user
Is everyone in Texas this retarded?
I want to shit on her breast so badly
All American women are entitled
i want to cum hard in ventis tight pussy
thanks for making this thread here, i am banned from /int/
but i would fuck the shit out of britney venti, even thought she is a living meme - an ugly mutt who think she's white
Just join their military
I knew this qt Costa Rican in the sea org. She works at the church of scientology in Hollywood. Is that why she was married at 21?
Is she some Instagram thot? That immediately runs my boner
looks like a taller version of my gf with a bigger nose and long hair
She's a streamer
/pol/ personality
How do I marry a French or literally any european* woman to gain citizenship in a white country?
*excluding brits
Tell them you're a big dicked Americhad
>tfw have a merely average 7.5” dick
>tfw no italian qt3.14 to bully my small 8" dick
pure Germanic heritage, absolutely based
I want to cum into her pussy and impregnate her
that's kinda gay
>t. brazilian refugee in Mexico
Could you elaborate further?
Please stop posting my wife.
You pay her, weon.
She's hot I would bang the piss out of her if you catch my drift
user, this girl doesnt jumping haver that it have to be
She looks so different here
based right wing shitskin
t. Ubermensch
>didn’t even get her tits out when Peanut Butter won
dishonest attention whore
Someone post her tits already.
Took me 3 viewings to notice her pochette is imitating a milk carton.
She brightens her webcam a ton.