hon hon hon
qts et poutine
On top of being a fan of future 4 time Stanley cup winner Jets, I also have a gf btw. Not sure if that's important
DID YOU allow a goal in the first minute?
Is there a grimmer goalie duo than JonesDell
guess this is it
I've been trying to warn you faggots about the fucking Lightning, but nobody wanted to listen.
thread's over here
gary needs to expand sunbelt hockey somehow
Ryan Johansson is a beautiful person
wheres his jaw?
This thread is so gay
This thread is much more hetero
I can't really think of any off the top of my head.
Maybe Florida's duo.
Holy fuck I hate the sharks so much. They're gonna make me blackout again during the playoffs aren't they?
But this one was on time.
I think I'll be staying right here.
so far >shorks can skate and pass same as ever, you can see why they can score so much, they'll probably take this one 7-2 or something
>not posting the real thread
it's this one
any team with Mrazek is fucked. Would I lie to you, /hoc/?
Is this the thread
What's his name
/hoc/, don't let an average, everyday >shorking distract you from the fact that LA is holding onto a 1-0 lead over Calgary after 2, despite having less than half of Calgary's shots.
>Currently 2 active threads
Is this shall?
We thread dueling tonight?
hockey a shit
In Minnesota's head
It's a nice thread...FOR ME TO POOP ON
It’s a double shall for me
Janny seething
He's like a ping pong ball out there
>*poke-checks your breakaway*
>something something Czech something, kurwa
>Ted's reaction when the poojacks miss the playoffs
It's hardly a duel when only one of them (this one) was on-time.
Damn, I'm 2/7 today
has Doughty heemed that TayTaycuck yet?
What have Shork fans done to deserve this suffering
It’s like fanbase purgatory
That’s pretty cool t b h
Mickey Redmond is a comfy announcer t b h
that just turned me gay and I'll probably never go back
He's not even announcing right now
How can overrated shit denial posters possibly COPE after tonight?
>yfw the Star win the Stan Lee Cup
By chuckling at the fact that you came back desperately seeking >our approval.
Most of them have already killed them selves I reckon
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
>he really thinks that boston vegas final is happening
just dropped a pretty stinky >jest before going to bed lads
Is overrated shit a good golfer? He'll have lots of time to work on it in a couple weeks.
love you max just wanna get you to keep going! my faggot cardiologist wants me to connect with you speds so maybe I'll ask for you lmao
stay scared bruins
Of course not
yes, no, no
It is weird how Burns takes over the sharks offense when he's on the ice. It's like they're two different teams when he's out and when he's not they're all looking for him
bing how do you get rid of a pimple
imagine the asspain if the Canes take Metro2 or 3
use google Rasmus
I'm top homies with kanter and cohen lmao I can get your address if I want
who are all these beer leaguers the Wings dressed tonight?
They'll take 3rd if lucky. Fate seems to pin them in wild card anyway
all that matters is home ice, otherwise any series could go any way
>5 GAA
>basket case tendie
Decidedly not scared
who are these semon demons?
Just some dudes looking to have fun
They’re like 16, Doug from Duluth.
can anyone recommend me some hockey literature?
>losing 1-0 by allowing a shorthanded goal
wheres waldo
The Brothers Karamazov
Honey Nut Cheerios >
The Mein Kampf of hockey
Thigh gap
Nose structure
Pressing f for your hammy
For me it was the tupelo T-rex
I don't get it.
why did they regress back?
Yeah that's why you're here
Reminder that phoneposters will swing
>laine scores his first goal in 50 games
>it's the same gay slapper that he needs to be fed on the pp
imagine drafting Laine
At your face?
Based shitty (Finnish) Ovechkin
*looks around in /hoc/*
Happy laugh at the flames day
did you really think he grew another dimension?
Based kangz sending Hughes to Denver
It's time for Teemo to suck my cock.
What county you from Liam
go away
Kill yourself
Guys I hurt my dick
Kill yourself
I hurt my dick today
to see if I still feel
my dicks feeling pretty good today
Ass > tits > legs > feet
Not up for debate
I thought the real pussy hours were suposed to be good? no fucking posts
god i love ice so much
uh oh we found a spic
The sharks lucky they didn't give one up what a heavy shift by the beer leaguers
I focus on the pain
retarded sport. like wwe on ice.
>Actually losing at home to the Kings
Flams are a first round exit.
who /shines his shoes/ here?
>T. losing to niggers
These are the patrician preferences, and yes, they are not up for debate.
Thanks for the worthless opinion you sunbelt retard, go get brutally murdered now
Thought hokkei was for everyone tho :^)
>implying i'm a spic
why would I shine a pair of nikes?
To get pusy
There really is no stopping Tampa Bay now, >your team will be swept.
Retarded country. Like Australia with more niggers.
cant sweep >us cuz we're tanking. checkmate atheists
>shorks gonna keep >shorking 'til the clock runs out
lmao >shorks
you will be punished for your sinful tanking, blessed be those who are not tanking faggots
are they brown?
>for me, it's not watching the games but watching the reactions in /hoc/ general
I take it we scored?
where is based sean?
Florida let us down tonight. They coulda hammered the final nails into the >laffs coffin of a season.
double AA baby
Fuck off sean
another cherry picking Athanisiou breakaway with Burns fumbling and flailing
Max Meyer from lake elmo minnesota.
>fans abandon the team the instant they miss the playoffs
Unironically think I might have to take a shit lads
I'm not muscular and elite like based sean.
Going to have to second this. Literally no reason not to watch this game if you're staying up anyway.
>shitting at 9:00 PM
You might have a problem
are feed and sneed secret fags?
It’s 12:10am
nobody but a fucking spic ever said hockey was for everyone
Going to have to second this. I literally only shit 30-45 minutes after I wake and I am the measuring stick for fitness.
>the last time the Red Wings had a player score 30+ goals was the 08-09 season
>that season they had 4 players score 30+ goals
double AA and the Lark Knight are finally going to break that spell
even worse
post pics or kill yourself spic
Formerly straight
get help
>not having a morning and nightly shit
Me too m8. shitting first thing is the sign of a true patrician
Going to have to second this. I need your mom to help me wipe my ass.
>drew doughty takes one
>it’s a story
Yeah nigger enjoy taking what you give out
Betman isnt a spic
I get my 40g of fiber every day, one second I’m fine the next second an enormous load of shit drops out of my lower intestine
sad news, swedebro. Nyquist's career has passed away peacefully.
>not having a morning then a midmorning shit
Imagine shitting on your own time.
I'm trying to study for a fucking exam you literal NEETS.
yes he is, do you think kikes are white?
Absolute RIP, the goose never fully blossomed
Who's in charge here? Tell that shit it's going to have to wait for sunrise.
What the fuck is this thing?
I’m a crypto millionaire so every second of my life is my own time
I NEET, therefore I am, wagecuck.
what's the last year a swedish goaltender won the stan lee cup?
I prefer shitting at night to be honest because I like to take a shit and then have a shower and then relax and then go to bed
send me 10k i need it for a new car
Literally last year you stupid fuck
try again
low iq post
Sorry it’s all tied up at the moment, ask me again when crypto hits a new peak in a year or two
As long as you're showering i will allow it.
That was a Memecock special. He misused the guy completely and started the guy off wrong.
The same year you lost your virginity
ok whats your email ill email you then
Under memecock was the only time he was ever good.
No but likes arent spics. They're kikes
Literally the most overrated coach in the league
Actually, send the 10k to me. I have a gambling problem
Shut up Dr. Dumbass
Going to have to second this. NHL Coaches aren't your mommy and if the cream can't rise it isn't cream
You now remember the time Justin Bieber got shot multiple times on the all-star celebrity shootout
>doesn't even create an email to keep up the crypto millionare ruse
lazy, user
Sent ;)
Why are you so desperate for our attention with your pointless meme shit
actually i don't
Memecock played him with Datsyuk, who could make the average /hoc/ beer leaguer look good.
Nyquist is a playmaking winger, not a scorer, not much good along the wall, little presence in the slot or in front of the net. He should be played with bottom 6 players moving the puck so they can somehow bounce some goals in, not skilled players on top line.
based satan
>implying I would give handouts
Going to have to second this
you probably give handjobs instead
I have before. I guess you're poor
I know you are, you made that much obvious
please tell me the last time a swedish goaltender won the stanley cup. I would really like to know the year
first round exit here >we go ahahah
To my own dick
I gave $20 to a homeless guy once but that was before I made it
The red wings just look like they give a shit and the sharks completely stoped pushing this period
No you don't. You are just trying to make a cheap joke
Answer the question.
why? is it longer than 1993? I'm just asking you I thought it was ok to ask here but I guess all swede posters are fucking faggots that should be ignored
does shannon move his bowels before or after he makes his videos?
Okay /hoc/, it's been a while now. Time to admit anime isn't that bad.
the only good weeb is a dead weeb
Sweden: all the sissy faggotness of yurope and all the subhumanity of finland
Why would I answer a rude poster like this? --> If he is honestly curious he can come back and discuss it like and adult when he feels ready
Anime is gr8
By not answering it you look very bothered
>no I refuse to tell you about hockey in my country in this hockey thread that I post in
by being gay you look like a faggot
Anime is best
By being a faggot you look like you're gay
shorks really shorking it
hello how many stanley cups have been won by a swedish goaltender?
Burns really doesn't give a fuck about anything but taking shots, nohmi'msayin?
lmao one of the most Bush league shorties I ever saw
holy fuck drew doughty was so right about burns
Heiterally just asked a simple question and you went off like a raging faggot. You are literally the child here
big daddy kane
Refresh my memory what he say
Again with the rude language. Why are you so angry?
he never won a cup and never will
he doesnt see why burns should be considered a norris candidate when he has at least a few defensive lapses every game
shit taste
so you like children then?
Just read it I have a hard time taking him seriously when he just seems emotional about Tkachuk bullying him
I noticed the post, thanks
>this guy comes into your thread after his dad an hero's because his son is a faggot and threatens to drink himself to death if the Leafs go one and done to the ghost of Chara again
Wat do /hoc/?
so how many cups have been won by a swedish goaltender?
No more time to reply to your posts friends, got to go to work. Bye!
and he's right, Burns has fucked it for 3 breakaways minimum tonight, and he does it every time I see him
>Reddit hair
>reddit teeth
>reddit team
>reddit play
Have a nice day thanks for the laughs
Because you're being a faggot?
He’s the most overrated player in the league; but he has the reddit smile and hair so nobody bothers exposing his game
there's a reason karlsson teams and burns teams can't win against the metro
nigga u gay
Neither can Doughty
No, thank you!
he beat a metro team to win his cup tho
he did though
Why is doughty so butthurt over thachuk?
hes a grumpy old boomer
Tkachuk elbowed him in the face and then doughty talked a ton of shit, so next game tkachuk (who is a teenager) tries to kill him with a flying head hunting hit at center ice, fight anyone on the kings, and they all look like they're scared shitless
Great game to watch and embarrassing for LA
>leading scoring defenseman in the league
>"b-b-but he's overrated!"
tkachuk is a homo and nobody in the league respects him because of it
dumb (phone poster)
TayTay cheapshotted him a few times and he's butthurt about it.
get off the internet, drew
>scoring defenseman
lol top cups you got there anime faggot
burns costs the shorks more points than he scores by being a huge defensive liability
Quite the weekend for young Mr. Alexandre Texier, who had 3-2-5, plus-5, including a game-winner and a power play goal, in three weekend wins over Rochester and Hershey (2
Tkachuk owns doughty and doughty has no future in the league lol
real pathetic hours here
welp, >shorks are going to have to dump Wilson. He's the chief faggot in charge of all their faggotry.
It's one fucking game where they're resting players
jamie benn with a beard will never win the cup
your mom's pucci is cupped after I get done pounding it
so none?
Tin cups
No future
Fuck kings
is this a mexican cartel code?
no, she gets my cock regularly
Si se puede puto
u bang ese?
holy mother of friggin based
Toe to toe? Blow for blow? Wanna catch this fade homie?
just want you gone
Up above
Too bad you sunbelt faggot that doesn't know shit about hockey
i just be bustin nuts
cinturón solar Aka beaner belt BTFO snow bird cuccs once again
you bang ese?
orale homes
Why do people act like hockey is some kind of high IQ sport that is hard to understand?
Cricket is far more intellectual.
hungry for some tamales now, lads
>stand in a field for 5 days
was >kongs elimination day even noteworthy this year?
garbage team
at least they know how to properly tank though
the kings were eliminated by the end of october
they thought they were being clever
this year it's >teds elimination day
based and tedlindsaypilled
tfw no test hockey
The Hockey Sweater by Roch Carrier
just want to say hi to my alliance bros from carolina
John 8:12
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
reminder that John's gospel was writen almost 100 years after jesus' death and by then some christians had moved to see jesus as an incarnation of god on earth instead of jesus' own belief that he was a prophet
this nigga think he more important than the sun?
reminder 24 year old leafs who think they have it all figured out aren’t as smart as they think they are
ive never touched a religious scripture of any kind before
People were too busy bullying the >shorks because they got BTFO by vegas to give a fuck about it.
Drank beers then took a gasx to see if it makes me not burp
that series was boring as fuck. like 4 goals scored in that entire series, so there was no hype around it
That was last year tho
cant wait for the autistic collage when my team gets swept by the lightning
i'm retarded and missread. yeah considering they were shit from the very start of the season then there was no real elimination day
you're not making the playoffs ted
what a pussy sliding to avoid the hit
Jokes on you I’m 25
works perfectly for me considering im not ted
then i dunno what you're talking about because it's them or the habs playing tampa gay
Think you're more likely to get an autistic collage if your team sweeps the blots (pls happen)
you just said the teds arent making the playoffs you retard
>3-2 to fucking Detroit at home
>6 in a row
What the absolute FUCK
mlbfag here
can someone post the pics of the cute minnesota wild girl for me so i can jerk off and go to sleep
We only jerk off to Shannon’s wife around here partner
He is caught in his wifes' gravitational pull
*fat wife braps in the distance*
Too busy looking for a uniform to wear
There's always next year
Was last year the meme year, or is this year the meme year?
>lottery in 2 weeks
oh shiiiiit
I can't wait for the Avs to snatch up Jack Hughes just to cap off how absolute horrendous the Snes season and franchise has been this year.
they have enough centers, they'll get krappo desu
>tfw the stadium series game is a matchup between Hughes and Kappo
>Oilers south
>the Avalanche will have a top 3 draft pick even though they made the playoffs this year
How did they do it lads?
who's going to the draft and booing gary?
Gonna throw some beers at the Boston table
kek i can actually see someone doing that
1000 IQ general manager
>we're a team
got laughed out of the building tonight lads
When you draft that high it isn’t about picking up a player your team necessarily needs, it’s about picking the player that’s worth the most. That way you can trade him and get the best return for him if you need to
Arizona is going to absolutely dab Colorado out of a spot
i would argue that right now hughes and krappo are interchangeable, so it's fine to pick on positional needs
Holy fucking BASED
Yeah they looked pretty shitty but also it didn't seem like they were really trying and got within a goal.
saw kaapo play, he looks like a skilled power forward who can stickhandle and power through the boards with the puck. from what i've seen jack hughes is basically patrick kane at center but with better skating, but maybe not as skilled
>not in a wild card spot
>franchise isn't willing to rebuild
enjoy multiple years of mediocrity
t. cantpucks fan
Patrick Kane is kind of underrrated to me skill-wise
naw i meant to say hughes is not as killed as patty kane. just like quinn his best selling point is how great of a skater he is, and that's a pretty big deal in the current nu-nhl
No I completely understand. I meant to say Kane will be looked at as incredibly skilled for decades once he's retired, so I don't expect anyone to be close.
People get mad at me irl when I say it but to me Kane is already the USA goat
>People get mad at me irl when I say it
do they expect you to say modano?
rags posting hours?
Yes, absolutely everty time. I respect Modano and I think he was a great player with underrated size if that's a thing, kind of like Marleau today, but Kane has accomplished so much and has been so consistent no ones even close
um... mike richter???
tbf modano was pretty consistent too until he became a boomer
I don't have anything against him but the stats and trophies aren't close
Mike was the man and as a Michigander I want him to be the goat but Kane is an all time great and people don't realize this because he's only like 30. I cheered against him in every cup he won other that 15 (fuck Tampa)
who is this slut
Yui Hirasawa is NOT a slut!
Sorry for getting all faggy about Patrick Kane, I just like hockey and want everyone to realize we have the opportunity to see an all time player that's all
If you get a chance to see him play do it
patick kane will always be known to me as le spin and backhand man
You sound like those assholes who said Datsyuk was just a memer when he was the best all around player alongside Crosby
Redpill me on minnesota wild
fans are pedos
no cups
calls themselves the state of hockey
unironically got relocated
insanely boring to watch
They stink
gonna dream about hockey tonight
I hate American posters
All I know is this.
Forgot datsyuk existed until you said his name just now desu
sorry to hear you're retarded but personally I don't care
lol that is great. saved.
fuck the jets
What the fuck happened to the sharks?
>this is something new
Y u hef 2 be mad?
No I mean this type of play is really out of character for the shorks, especially at this time of year
Will Gary even pick up the phone for these guys? He’d probably just see an unfamiliar 614 area code and put it to voicemail.
Don’t mind me I’m posting elite goalies right now
>same goalies
>different coach
Really gets my noggin' joggin'
Was Tavares a defense liability?
>no overrated shit
Lehner is the new one because we had halak last season. Ffs the coaching has been a miracle for this team. At least it isn’t games like 6-5 every night but at the cost of no scoring because of “muh pajamas” leaving
I hope you go far this year. Mainly because I want to see laffs SEETH for the nth year in a row, but also because I like the eggman
Id like if the isles and laffs go far so the ECF is between two fan bases who just fucking hate each other, but also because I miss 2002 and that series that happened
Yes but also no. I wouldn’t say tavares was the sole reason why the defense sucked last season, it was really piss poor coaching and having a literally rookie in aho play when he was just drafted a year before
>Laffs go far
im not a leafs fan but that was a GUTSY win over the panthers last night. theyre really winning the cup this year arent they.
Pissing in the woods is one of the true delights of this world
Anything’s possible. I’m just choosing the crack pipe option where the most ridiculous outcome happens
>fans are pedos
but every news article i see about pedos is out east
there was that one from tedland where the guy got arrested for attacking a child molester who was in the process of molesting a child
>this is the leading candidate for the vezina
say it aint so gary
To be fair he’s a god damn workhorse for Tampa
vasi is eleventh (11th) overall for goaltending minutes
dubnyk has 14 more games played
Just consumed 200 micrograms of lsd
Love Vasy
Bob has only lost ONCE in OT this year
The bluejackets have the best OT record
>needing OT
The jackets have only gone to OT 13 times this season
>regular season OT matters
Alexander texier is fucking elite
He’s going to come up and score 35 next season on the right wing with bjorkstrand and wennberg
>hockey matters
Are you okay Finland
The islanders remind me of a John tortorella team
As opposed to the actual Tortorella team?
i also believe that trotz is a fraud
Well they have a shit roster, yet they play as a complete team instead of as a superstar focused team, this is how the golden knights and predators have made the Stanley cup, the only thing that holds them back is not having a superstar.
Columbus has their superstar in panarin, but he’s most likely gone, if he stays he will most likely become the highest paid player in bluejackets history I’m sure that would excite him to stay (would also be One of the most lucrative contracts in NHL history)
I admit it now hoc
I've lost hope (only now) for any post-season with the kitties
this defence and goaltending is just horrible
so sad for barkov and huberdeau
the canadiens just need to put the final nail to the coffin today
Please beat the Canadians tonight I beg of you
Columbus should have traded for Thomas chabot instead of Adam Macqueef
teds didnt have anymore draft picks to give up for a young defender
they would have to trade a roster player
How the fuck was jeff skinner producing? He’s back to his shitty old self now, how the fuck do you average a -20 in your career
>how the fuck do you average a -20 in your career
you play for shitty teams
Ottawa would never give him up unless it was a terribly one-sided deal on columbus' part
>not enough draft picks
They still have all of 2022 2021 and most of 2020 this years draft has to be the worst it’s been in decades
2016 was the best draft probably ever
by playing for two really shitty teams
likely 2 firsts for chabot unless there was a real prospect to add
ive never heard of a team trade a 1st overall that was 4 years away
Yeah but skinner should be doing more than he is right now
2 points in 10 games YIKES
The kitties will be back fren
Do you REALLY want to make the playoffs just to play us bud?
now that the dust has settled, is cuckersson going to re-sign in SJ?
islanders roster isnt THAT bad, but when you have the corpse of andrew ladd on that contract its easy to see the stains of snows GM tenure. Trotz has easily taught this team to not only defend, but also stay as a solid offense despite having loons of 1-2 goal games
If lee and nelson can produce, then maybe I like our chances come postseason
Skinner belongs with the Sabres. He’s a flash in the pan meme like they are.
his shooting percentage has fallen back to reality, yet hes still at a career high
teds put up a better effort vs the caps than tranpa ever did
opportunity for an upset
So he’s literally John tortorella lite
Just get in anything can happen
Isn’t that how it goes
He sucks on the backcheck and and his puck battle is weak af.
Yes but without the tempers. I still dont know why they aren't playing dal colle, even when they do have some speed issues. Barzal is also in a very bad slump yet he is shooting. Hopefully he can get a goal soon because he really needs that boost, especially in that sophomore slump
LOVE Albertans
Go Caps
If I were a Jackets fan I’d be reaching for the Reset button, especially when it comes to the coach. You can’t undo the trade deadline moves, which were not horrible on paper but are not executing. That also isn’t going to right itself in time for a meaningful playoff run.
Anything can happen that’s why they play the games
Holy fuck I’m starting to trip heavy balls
took an albertan
are you me?
Took an edmongolia and now need a proctologist to assess the damage.
Waken baken
Guy blacked out with rage apparently. He must have fucked that rapist up pretty bad to catch charges.
I can tell you I would find him not guilty
eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind
It just happened again yesterday
Yeah but the man who molested the kid, hurt someone’s life forever
not excusing his actions, society has systems in place to deal with those
Of course but what if it was your son or daughter you walked in on getting raped
id hope that the perpetrator was brought to justice by those systems
not taken out back and beaten by a vigilante
You’re the kind of people the helps rapists get away
you say that to save face but unless you're autistic you'd get enraged
beating up that rapist isnt going to prevent another rapist from raping
honestly, i dont know how i would react, as i dont have any children
The predators scored a weak fucking goal what
Hello there fellow memer, I would like to ask you if we could exchange social media connections so we could have a further talk about these memes.
when did they threaten your ability to form trade unions?
Stank related question, lads.
>Do those Ozone machines that allegedly de-odor your gear really work?
>Does it dry out your pads so you could leave them in your bag and not have to worry about mildew?
Why did they delete >rags
Why is drew daughty so btfo by tkcachuk
>Do those Ozone machines that allegedly de-odor your gear really work?
ozone will kill bacteria/mold
>Does it dry out your pads so you could leave them in your bag and not have to worry about mildew?
this would be difficult and more effort than simply tossing your bag in a ozone rich environment
if you had a dedicated sealed atmosphere room to hang your pads with an ozone machine it would perform as expected
actually ozone is not healthy it literally releases toxic ozone which is what you don’t want
correct, which is why you would need an isolated space
I can’t wait to see Tampa crash and burn in the first round
they both look naturally smug as fuck I'd get assblasted as well
Stay scared m8
is nice
Wow hoc is fucking dead thank god I don’t browse during class
>Obviously some avid Fortnite players are able to thrive on the ice or field. But teams increasingly want to know about video-game habits before agreeing to pay players millions of dollars. They don't want an unchecked obsession to undermine the carefully choreographed sleep and training schedule that is part of modern sports.
>At last year's NHL draft, eventual Washington Capitals draft pick Riley Sutter saidalmost every team inquired about his Fortnite play.
You think the Habs can pull it off?
Carey price is a choker I’d rather see bob do it anyway because it would save his career
hot take: teds and habs bump out the relocanes
That would be ideal fuck the hurricants
>Long Island filled with cucks
Not new information.
fuck life lol
for me, its neet life for the next three weeks until i start another shitty seasonal job
then you die
Overchicken gonna get you back.
>Panthers aint gonna make it
>Carey price is a choker
Uneducated opinion. CBJ has never been past the first round