Why do White People in multiple countries hate him so much?

Why do White People in multiple countries hate him so much?

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which one is it rashford or pinkerton ?

is it cos he is black

hudson odoi

Isn't this the guy that keeps claiming racism or some shit?

Because he’s a filthy nigger

You underestimate the number of Liverpool FC fans abroad.

cant say i know him desu
i'll check his stats on fm

They are seething because such a GOAT does not play for their club or national team

white bwoy
gimme ya pud pud

he's just a flashy and arrogant cunt. just look at he was winding up the Montenegro fans like that

I thought the Sterling hate was more to do with the fact that he is hated by both Liverpool and United, who are the English media darlings of course. For that reason, I thought he was based. If it was about race then why aren't the other coons targeted?

He has scored in about 2 games out of 177 for England.

I actually don't mind him. He's like a turbo-midget version of B A Baracus

This has a lot to do with it, he makes both scousers and customers seethe and they are the two largest fanbases in the country. From then on its just a bandwagon which people jumped on.

it's not actual racism though
they just know it will trigger him
no one here gives a fuck about skin color

Why do "Black" people try and make everything about race? I legit didn't give a fuck until you brought it up

Becuase he’s elite tier

this, it's just banter but niggers get special treatment because of muh racism

He responded well to the banter and that should be that.
Too bad SJW's won't leave it be.

lol do you guys really think negros are people? ROFL Jesus Christ wake up europeans, otherwise you lot will be just like >us in no time.

He’s a disingenuous snide cunt.

Just like Barkley is and this is why the public don’t like them.

Sadly a very small minority also bring up his race but speaking overall, the reasons I said above are why. Idiots to racially abuse him are giving him a way to deflect criticism of his personality.

He's unpopular on Yea Forums because of the unfortunate profusion of white supremacist losers since the world cup. Whilst very popular amongst the normal, racists obviously seethe at his continued success.

Diving cunt

The away crowd were literally making making sounds every time he touched the ball

Pogba is way more flashy than Sterling
He plays for manure as well
He dosent get the shit Sterling does

Must be the racist liverslip fans

Pogba is hated by all 30-50 year old white men in this country.

Why would the English fans be the one making the noises you daft yank

>The Mauler of Montenegro
>The Chiller of Czechs

Because you phone post
and on an ancient ios version too

The crowd wasn't being racist, they were just chanting Montenegro.

I misspoke relax yourself

Ugly spineless nigger

a sta su mu pjevali?

>Go to shit-tier Slavic nation
>Receive racist abuse

>not cheering for your own monkeys

>be on Yea Forums
>crying about racism and abuse

Thats a yike from me

if he is sterling I hate him from when suarez played on liverpool so I watched some games and he used to fuck everything and was very shitty, when suarez left liverpool I practically did not saw him again but his image of a little pussy shitter remained.

Take your retarded language elsewhere this place is autistic enough

Its okay Milot, no need to be upset

navodno samo imitirali majmune

Much racism wow.

volim kako je redit u fazonu, bravo rahime neka si im rekao

I didn't mind him too much on Liverpool (he was younger back then so he was still going through some growing pains as a player, but he also showed flashes) except when he asked to leave.

But then again, I kind of expected him to as soon as his agent stopped negotiating for a new contract. It was what he wanted and they got a good fee for him in the end so I also stopped paying attention then. I don't remember him ever not giving it all for the team so I do still kind of wish him well, except when playing against Liverpool of course.

i don't hate him, i want to fuck him up the ass

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for me its that ridiculous beard

I hate him because of his City transfer. Simple as.

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I feel like a lot of people don't like him because he doesn't act all humble and grateful for his position, even Pogba plays the "I'm so grateful" game. I think we always expect a certain level of humbleness that we "allow" a black person to become successful and it hurts a lot of peoples feelings when they don't give a shit, since he left Liverpool the media ran a campaign trying to demonise everything he did, whether he flew economy on EasyJet or rented a private aircraft they would be all over it.