
ha ha only '90s kids will remember this
am I right gamers

>Monday night's schedule:

Attached: logo.png (1200x1005, 142K)

Other urls found in this thread:


on-time and shallpilled

get in here scrub

On-time, shall.

The lost city of Atlanta.


this is the thread

Attached: 1384714080379.gif (285x171, 1.05M)

>early thread


I have no idea what this webm is but I'm going through some old folders

Attached: 1398574184090.webm (1024x576, 2.95M)

Third time's the charm.

That's gonna be a "shan't" from me, maplefriend.


that's a weird one

Attached: hoverboards.webm (516x450, 1.25M)

live footage of sunbelt fans when they get destroyed with facts and logic

>destroyed with facts and logic
That just reminds me of that Seben Shapiraho edit that we never got.

Attached: shiggy.webm (1280x720, 416K)

Does this have a source?



Attached: 14815591_web1_181216-IFD-Canucks-Oilers2.jpg (1200x800, 164K)

>Yea Forums
please go and stay gone

Even the dribbling retards over at Yea Forums are right every once in a while.

don't want to hear about >your team's injuries so zip it

Yea Forums.org may 8, 2016 is all I got for ya

Attached: what the fuck.webm (508x480, 1.92M)

More like snowbelters when they find out sunbelters like hockey


wew got 'em

Attached: can't contain it.gif (400x400, 1.64M)

>n-no u

>somebody mentioned the wild
>nobody was even talking about “them” instead

Attached: 1461681230994.jpg (640x454, 50K)


>gets destroyed with facts and logic
>responds with >no you

Based gif

I’ve travelled many moons searching for the land of /shall/

You've found it, lad. Welcome home.

Attached: thrashers blue (3rd).png (270x270, 12K)

last one I don't know for now

Attached: btfo.webm (640x640, 1.66M)

>nobody even talked about “then
>somebody not discussing the wild

How will /hoc/ cope with another sunbelt cup.

Attached: image.jpg (960x639, 264K)


washington is repeating again though

>somebody even
>no mention wild “them”

is washington sunbelt?

Attached: 1522911969795.png (647x340, 361K)

It’s below the Mason-Dixon so yes


stinky smelly

It's in the confederacy. It's sunbelt

Washington DC didn't secede from the Union

What is the thread?









not a fucking chance lmao

It was literally the capital of the Union.


>putting >us with the laffs

Attached: sunbelts.jpg (580x393, 53K)

shit rank

excellent post.



The only thing right about this ranking is the Soilers


my penis is really hard right now

Very unbased

What the fuck is a percent?

could your voice be any more nerd

are you looking at bulju’s Instagram or something?

its also literally below the Mason-Dixon Line so its still sunbelt

good list my man

Attached: 1526673800559.png (987x715, 299K)

>being in the same breathing space with the jests, laffs, and mild
Thanks for proving sunbelt is best belt

Attached: cats_blue.png (270x270, 13K)



Attached: lol ted.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Why are you fucking fags so autistic about threads. I get off work and am reading and posting in a dead because hurrrr can't make the thread at 500, must wait until 501. Kill yourselves.

And so it is official! The Buffalo Sabres have won the 2019 NHL Draft Lottery! That's two years in a row for the Sabres.

go away

>why can't you all be nice and hold my hand and tell me where to post :((((((

Attached: 1395926083729.jpg (499x496, 58K)

>bantlels WILL overpay for panarin and bob
wewewew, i kinda hope they fuck vancouver in the process

business idea: log into hocgeneral.com and then post in the active /hoc/

Attached: flagscanner.webm (640x360, 1.51M)

you made it at 499
simple as

>can't make the thread at 500
But it was at 499, newfriend.

Attached: fag.jpg (352x524, 26K)

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why did so many pensfags latch on to the niggits as their "second team"

thoughts on canadian geese?

Attached: 1473469470825.jpg (750x626, 152K)

good post
because of fleury and the 41 other former pens players on that team you retard

>everyone already talking about wild
>nobody remembers “them”

God, what a mystery.

Attached: 1541651118017.jpg (460x600, 82K)

Attached: 20161013_014256.jpg (1439x1055, 795K)

Attached: fleury.jpg (475x712, 225K)

imagine thinking you’re funny

Friendly reminder the Caps also begged them to not take Nate Schmidt and they did anyways
They also went out of their way to help the Pens acquire Brassard even though he was shit

>my second team
very bleak

>tfw no qt Quebecois wife
Just kill me now.


it's cuz you never wore the yellow pads

Attached: fleury yellow pads.jpg (377x379, 186K)

I prefer snowgeese

Attached: 635918343785635110.jpg (1680x980, 305K)

lentils and rice for dinner again boys


Attached: qc.jpg (1280x977, 172K)

Are you broke or?

>post mentions my team
>hurr durr quit talking about me team
Only I can talk about my team so shut up.

Attached: megan.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

No, just bad at cooking.

post fridge and pantry contents I'll tell you what to make

Does anyone know what time Amazon delivers its kindle ebook preorders? Never preordered before and I don’t want to ask Yea Forums because they’re bullies and commies. Amazon says the book comes out on the 26th, will it be at midnight?


between now and the 30th

>kindle ebook
>Amazon says the book comes out on the 26th, will it be at midnight?
I would think so.


Neat, thanks. Very excited, I don’t know if I want to stay up to read a chapter or two.

9 games

Attached: sketch-1553553386593.png (1093x720, 300K)

i trust this guy

Buy a real book you zoomer faggot

>you just know

Attached: Spiun.jpg (1024x683, 351K)

why buy a book you are only going to read once?

Jets are going to whoop some Texas ass tonight. Give them a taste of what's coming up in the first round.

Gary doesn't usually go, does he?

google says you're better off going to sleep

Imagine if they lost their next two games to the Hurricanes lol.

Attached: hello.png (1267x785, 206K)

he does

Attached: Gary+Bettman+NHL+Champion+Pittsburgh+Penguins+61hIXC4YHxvl.jpg (600x371, 94K)

Didn’t no that /hoc/ was full of try-hard pseuds who still pretend to read books in 2019

>these guys won a thing last year
he didnt even know what the trophy was called. almost as embarrassing as when clinton called yzerman "e-zeer-man".

Gary doesn't look too happy lol. I think he votes Democrat.

how come they don't visit the queen of canada ever?

I only read non fiction

>only read once
It takes AT MINIMUM five read throughs to properly understand any given text

Attached: 207579C8-EF03-4236-9DF5-1E5FC9CD34DB.jpg (550x543, 83K)

rich people don’t vote

he also claimed to be a capitals fan even tho hes a >rags fan

>not reading
wew, didn't know this place was filled with high school kids

Don't read as much as I used to but I still find it very cathartic
Not sure why that bothers you tßh

Yes I'm sure the money grubbing head of a billion dollar sports league kike vote democrat

Haha retard

>didn't no

his bosses don't

Honestly did a better job than presidents before him. Seems to have known Gary and Ted personally for many years, and that fat retard wouldn’t shut the fuck up about Bobby Orr.

Plenty of rich Juden do

Canada’s team about to start playing hockey :)

/cric/ reads

Daily reminder

Attached: download.jpg (700x1030, 245K)

archived threads because they're autosaging LMAO

you're retarded if you don't understand that, he says it as a joke like he always does
>"we won a pretty big thing in 2016, it was a big deal"

got any recommendations?


Attached: 1540063590954.jpg (469x600, 180K)

must be why they can tolerate such a slow thinking man's game while gary needs to appeal to adhd zoomers with moar goalz moar funz

look at him command the room, what an alpha

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dubs and linay hatty

Attached: IMG_4623 2.gif (464x330, 2.83M)

My lsd arrived in the mail today

Visible confusion dot jay peg

This is true. At that level they just to see who wins and then bribe that person.

also why didnt he stand up at a podium or outside like all the other teams do? it looked awkward with him sitting down and swiveling around to look at the players.

they bribe both of them ahead of time

The fatal conceit

I guess you could say there was a Russian collusion

Just wait until Seattle wins the Stanley Cup in the first year

it was raining

The oddessy
The divine trilogy

the whitehouse has a lot of rooms

Why is henrik sedin so gay?


Every jersey is made better by silver.
Vancouver's maroon / blue jersey was their best.
The trapezoid is fucking gay.

What a fucking guy. One thing about Trump he's not boring.

why did he give them pens and candy?

Based Ovi and Backstrom
which craps missed? only pith-smelly and holtgay?


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Kings are taking Hughes
Ducks are taking kakko

this beaner delusion

cucks and kongs are both getting pushed back

Ready to unironically lose to the Kitties.

Attached: ready.png (485x631, 120K)

Pakistan's team is about to drop the puck against Cuba

the negro isn't even on the team lmao

Attached: 650541.jpg (414x430, 106K)

>tkasneeze is not respected by anyone in the league and that's a FACT
is this true, /hoc/?

sounds like an oldboomer absolutely SEETHING over a zoomershit

>tfw barely made it in

Attached: 1548215969367.png (270x270, 11K)

Damn fine night of hockey ahead of us lads

Hitler wasn't boring either

Probably going to get his clock cleaned by wilson that's all I'm saying.

Must have had a lot of cookouts with a gas bill that high

>drafting a defenceman #1 overall


tkachuk probably thinks he's tough but he's constantly getting btfo out on the ice then draws a penalty. i mean sure he's doing his "job" but he's such a giant faggot

>t. leafs mentality


Hitler was probably misunderstood. A sensitive man who loved his dog and was kind to his wife.


lentils were good today :)

hes doing exactly what a pest does. kind of surprised that more people arent memeing that doughty is >obsessed with tkabust right now.

you know remember erik johnson

probably because doughty is irrelevant

>letting Marleau score
holy fuck

>jack hughes is a defenceman


Attached: hasb.jpg (400x275, 14K)

>A mussie lets a bomb go in toronto


Attached: 1530391072835.png (270x270, 13K)


Attached: kyle-dubas.jpg (1000x750, 266K)

general reminder that hockey really is for everyone

absolute zoomer of a GM

>in 3 weeks

Attached: 1550762095898.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

*grades your social studies assingment*

at least we would be mourned by the majority of humanity
when you get shot by the local nigger no one will care


have you seen the succubus yet?

Feel bad for that montemblo kid. Why would they play him against the leafs versus the habs? Bit of a meat grinder regardless but the leafs are the most offensive team.

Attached: 1489535000131.png (533x631, 143K)

did the leafs win yet?

Attached: 1553538549261.png (348x301, 75K)

fuck that queer team

inb4 boston fucking mauls the blots

>tell me a joke..

Attached: 1545388304539.gif (195x229, 1.32M)


>"the leafs are the most offensive team."
>not even top3 in goals for this season

Attached: 1520154761554.png (645x729, 50K)

i based it on average snowfall so it's fairly objective

toronto is currently tied with SJS for 3rd in GF

Recently I've read a book called Blitzed: drugs in Nazi Germany. It's translated from German and written by Norman Ohler. He got access to a bunch of Hitlers personal doctors files, and is a new perspective on the use of amphetimines in Germany and the army at the time. It's really interesting and gives new perspective on Hitlers life and just how many top officials were addicted to pills.

Also The Nazi and the Psychiatrist, by Jack El-Hai, which is about the relationship between Hermann Goring and his american doctor Douglas Kelley, who treated him during the nueremburg trials. It's fucking fascinating and *spoilers* Goring commits suicide via cyanide pill, and later on Kelley goes nuts and does the same thing...in front of his family. Both are quick and easy reads.

Ps im not a /pol/fag, i just love reading history books and these twoare very unique.

they have offensive weapons, thats what they mean. Dumb wojakposter


who even knew Kyrgystan had internet

Attached: 90940.png (523x497, 13K)

hall and oates is BASED

two of those posts are mine

Could have sworn he was. Does he have a brother who is.

you sir are based

Meant "more offensive team". Sorry for the error.

>war is what you get without knowledge
>has created the majority of technological advancements in human history

space race is better

Attached: cric btfo.webm (450x360, 1.89M)

cool proxy nippers, where'd you get it?

>war is what you get without knowledge

That's not what the poster implies at all

lets get back on topic. Calder goes to binnington, hart, or skeleton?

fear the bear

it was already given to pettersson back in october.


>This is just a diarrhea stream

do you assume that no one in Kyrgyzstan has internet?

there's like 6 games left in the season, there's no way the skeleton doesn't get it

for me, it’s shoegaze
the patrician genre

Attached: 120E0748-8BB1-4A5D-A988-31D7D683DFB0.jpg (1000x800, 666K)

How bad are the Broons gonna kill the Blots tonight?

say my name

Attached: goatest.jpg (160x204, 8K)




i only like slowdive

just got home from slaving away for the man. wot we watching, lads? blots/pooins?

edit: got warned for using a racial epithet lolz

i think its safe to assume that people in kyrgyzstan are asleep at 530am, not posting on a tibetan tapestry weaving forum about a sport they dont play.

I listen to Jawbreaker a lot still

Mount Baker is the snowiest place on earth
>inb4 mountains don't count
You don't count faggot

Attached: VJTrXAK.gif (450x363, 1.42M)

hahahahaha that bruins game really broke the kitties it seems

gg laffs

Attached: 1552331177888.png (146x197, 86K)

We did it leafs nation! We beat some random sunbelt team!

Waiting for blues/knights

we speak Russian here. hockey is very well known

just ordered a PRS McCarty singlecut 594
gonna start gigging and get famous. i won't forget you guys.

hell yeah brother
*dabs* *dabs* *dabs*

Attached: DhCnoovWAAYiGbX.jpg (582x450, 47K)

did he catch it as it was falling through the air or did he throw it? very confusing gif, poor editing

to be fair, a lot of the climates out west in the valleys where most people live are mostly high elevation deserts, it gets well over 100 some days in Salt Lake City or Denver, rarely does snow stick on the valley floors unless we're getting absolutely pummeled.

Damn, Mitchy looks like THAT!?

Pongs getting btfo by yet another shitter team trying to tank. Makes no sense

*not during the summer of course i should have clarified, winters are pretty mild with the exception of this season

Scarborough goes under!

I work with a guy from Kyrgyzstan, he says he loves it here because if you want something like a house/car etc and are willing to work hard for it, you can get it. He says you can't reall do that in Kyrgyzstan

he hates potatoes

I look forward to your fentanyl overdose

This is an insult to the four horsemen and their legacy

Who's will end up the Jannetty?

I still haven't listened to Have a Nice Life again since about 5 years ago and it just crushed me.

a-are the leafs finally gonna win the cup this year bros?
i-its only been 50 years

Attached: 1533028164985.jpg (250x221, 10K)

What the fuck do the leafs mean by this?

post again I like what happens right after

lol leafs. don't get a 3 goal lead.



>it's a meme game
who woulda thunk it

that wan't very funny

Kyrgyzstan... tell me a joke..

Attached: 1525318318331.gif (192x221, 882K)

This game is gonna end 12-5 isn't it?


What's THE game tonight lads? Thinking Bos-Tbl

Pongs getting btfo by yet another shitter team trying to tank. Makes no sense

makes our job easier then

Attached: Isles futo.jpg (761x1000, 350K)

>39 years of American military service to drop a ceremonial puck for a frenchie and a slav

for me, its NHL.com's Free Game of The Night between the Detroit Red Wings and The San Jose Sharks

WWE Monday Night Raw

Blues/Knights god damnit

>10:30 start for Detoilet fans
>literally shit opponent for shorks
thanks (((Bettman)))

I know someone who's going to that

Don’t ever (You) me again Jew York

Attached: 1545081640752.jpg (274x184, 7K)


it didn't work that time

I'd be impressed if it was 1998

>our game

Attached: da bluez.png (686x636, 206K)

stand up and clap for him. he had to work for his welfare.

Othello is great fun


MST game time starts arent so bad for me that late, lads. Easier start times on the fans were also some reasons they decided to move the wongs to the east i recall, every SJ/DET game went till midnight or later, especially the playoff rounds.

Attached: 1533245248384.jpg (534x629, 206K)

Gonna play Sekiro instead of watching any of these shit games.

Change my mind

good thing you don't have to worry about many playoff rounds

i was cringing at the fact you're so poor you have to watch "free" games

Fine by me cause they've mostly been trash since then

that's out already?
well I'm off to Yea Forums to shitpost about a game I've never played

Attached: 03025.png (636x440, 115K)

Tonight's game is going to be quite late indeed. Excited to see how we do against a good team though.

>Mount Baker
what nhl team plays there?

suck my cock shitsburgh

h-ha y-yeah a real weight off the ol shoulders xd

Attached: 1532883760417.png (760x773, 204K)

I would if I gave even a one quark of one shit what you do with your time

>tedious From Software games
>with all of the usual vague intrigue replaced by weebshit

Attached: they expect me to stay awake for the 2OT intermission.png (1084x1080, 2.43M)

Would like to try it but ive a terrible temper.

>he doesn't follow the 'squatch league

still playing the cowboy vidya, lads

>I would if I gave even a one quark of one shit what you do with your time
>if I gave even a one quark of one shit

Attached: explosive edge.png (1635x686, 2.1M)

I'm actually enjoying rdr2 online

How is that edgy?

Trying far too hard to seem smart and forceful.

Is it still in beta?

What does russian instagram thot smells like? Like heaven yes?

Attached: 51436322_150366165975313_9167931793304373587_n.jpg (1080x1349, 146K)

newfags don't know what edgy means

Silicone and vodka.

Attached: soirge.jpg (874x512, 348K)

she has at least a pound of makeup on

I can assure you I didn't have to think that hard to come up with quark. I'm sure you had to Google it, though.

nah but the update might have made things a bit worse. They took out some really fun things to do online to make things like hunting/fishing worthwhile, made the whole nerfing/grieving almost encouraged, and downgraded the graphics a bit to accomodate online. its been noticeable in single player so I just reinstalled the game and didnt update anything and just autistically larp in single player mode

I want to breed superior hockey players with her

>he actually spent time making this

Attached: one yike.png (440x440, 314K)

Yes but they keep adding more stuff. Video game neet autists with too much free time complain there is fuck all to do, but for someone like me who plays twice a week, it's decent.

>at fun
actually yeah this shit is just cringe

your children would end up being coke addicted twiglets

jets desu

>fnar fnar fnar I'm so superior
This is exactly my fucking point. You used that word because you thought it made you look better than other people. It doesn't. It just makes you look like a fedora-tipping faggot for forcing in words that nobody actually uses in common parlance.

This the autist i told you about

Attached: 1530935001527.jpg (1091x1440, 111K)

this is a clear sign that its Blue's year

hella based

five minutes of my life that would have been wasted anyway

i might never have sex again

I see what you did there

>retro hat with modern jersey

Disgusting, but the Caps need to make go back to this style for home/away and bring back the screaming eagle for a 3rd so I can see Ovi in it one more time before I kill myself.

Attached: T.J._Oshie_2016-04-07_2.jpg (220x223, 16K)


>implying the entirety of the nhl isn’t on coke

that's california lad

I actually hate hockey

Those jerseys are great except for the logo desu. Though I'm still mad they didn't pull out the blue and gold eagle jerseys for the naval academy game

shut up chambers


not hella based

Attached: dion-phaneuf.jpg (550x810, 113K)

i actually hate canes fans


Attached: 1526396099802.png (417x309, 116K)


>whores literally get to go to world cups just because they're pretty

hey guys why do the jackets call their fans "the 5th line"

then you'll just love it when they bangwagon another team!

what the fuck is wrong with her belly button

hella based

going to the game lads. shant return if >we lose

homo confirmed

That would have been nice. I don't really care for blue CAPS jerseys or the other winter classic ones. They really should wear something from Ovi's rookie year for one of the final years of his contract here.

Phaneuf was so good when he was on the Sens, didn't have the burden of being captain, played second D, rather than top. Fuck those were glory days


I actually love cocaine

I actually hate Canada

VPN off, Grease

can’t unsee it now

Same, just cant justify the price or trust the quality these days.

Go Caps

t. quebec


My coworker gives it to me for free.

is every tavares goal a fucking tap in

Is there a sound delay or us this NESN uh just always 4 seconds behind the play?

Still probably a lot of baby laxative and caffeine cut in.

Over rated

My coworker gives me LSD and mushrooms

Attached: 1550968328491.jpg (960x902, 59K)

it's called ELITE hockey cents

marner does 99% of the work for all his goals

My coworkers give me a hard time.

Attached: 1488337021122.jpg (465x465, 50K)

How does one "get pucks deep"?

based, haven’t done mushrooms in years

Ontario actually

Bolts actually need a pre commercial spot to teach fans the rules. This time it was offsides

bounce it off the end boards

i went to a radiohead concert high on lsd. they had this lightshow going on while they were playing. it was fucking intense.

Dump and chase although forecheck is a dead art

>terre de nos aïeux

Attached: 1542684747693.gif (147x160, 746K)

My coworker gave me herpes

Did EDC on acid once.
Was cool laying on the grass feeling the bass reverberate.

Anyone want to hit this bong?

What’s his name?

thats what you get for contributing to society

I really want to go to an M83 show on that

that's funny
>please tell me some jokes, I'm so depressed

Attached: 1537869632858.jpg (220x145, 7K)

I masturbate thinking of my female coworkers, but especially my female boss.

nothing fixes depression like a quick wank

Attached: 1553469330232.jpg (500x145, 51K)

The columbus blue jackets have NEVER won a playoff series.

I want to investigate her russiangate if you catch what i'm throwing down

What strain you got

this is a Fact of Life, Tuuti... gosh..

Attached: 1537747035100.jpg (1151x2048, 193K)


Just made breakfast for dinner lads

Attached: bacon biscuits and gravy.jpg (550x978, 94K)

considering whether or not I want to go down to the corner bar and grab a bite to eat

really regret using a fun play-on-words for hellebyucks name (HELLAbyuck) a while back and now sam wont stop using it

why are we the worst posters on Yea Forums?

Attached: 028406.jpg (398x500, 38K)


Attached: Screenshot_20190325-181505_Chrome.jpg (556x370, 32K)

Never seen him do this

Why are Finns so fucking ugly? Are they the Alabama of Europe?

can't wait for laffs to get btfo in fist round

get me some gravy fries and a coke if you do

The truth hurts


Attached: chef.png (954x1080, 1.42M)

>tfw no quebec qt
>tfw je suis québécois

Attached: QC.jpg (238x212, 13K)

we all do this user

Fucking pajama boy

Attached: LIAR.jpg (901x579, 112K)

the bacon looks good, but wtf is the white stuff

why arent all those "fans" throwing their hats??

>Overrated shit has a hat trick
Is /hoc/ ever right?

How's the gravy? Be honest

its not allowed in their culture to throw their turbans on the ice

So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from hell
Blue sky’s from pain
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail
A smile from a veil
Do you think you can tell

t. Wi Lu

you say pajama boy
I say elite
you say snake
I say 40 scorer
you say traitor
I say another hatty
you say Tavares
I say a god

I went to a Massive Attack show in Manchester while on acid, shit hit me hard, I was wandering around the city afterward until like 745 when I finally came down.


>camera guy tries to zoom in on the hats but the ice girl keeps doing circles showing off her ass

Attached: file.png (480x360, 194K)

now I feel like listening to Pink Floyd

I'm white you, cuck. what is the white stuff though

um ok, i was replying to that anons dinner, but to your question
>no, /hoc/ is rarely right about much

absolutely hate the long pointless comedown of acid

There's no sensation to compare with this
Suspended animation, a state of bliss
Can't keep my mind from the circling skies
Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I


Attached: 1545984071132.jpg (443x455, 56K)

It’s “gravy”

White stuff's gravy
Nothing special, just some pre-bought shit with some spices and bacon thrown in

Didn't mean to reply to you user, my mistake, carry on


Attached: Steve.jpg (400x400, 25K)

>just some pre-bought shit
fuck you

Are y'all havin' a good time out there tonight?

Attached: mr305.jpg (400x400, 15K)

Its just so damn tiring!

why the hell would you think your bacon with gravy?

*equips invisibility cloak*

Attached: patrik-laine.jpg (1086x724, 70K)

it's sunbelt poutine user, served with eggs

Why are you posting an empty chair next to a microphone?

why didnt pavol demitra's euro career takeoff properly?


>one of these day's, I'm going to bash you into little pieces....

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>>tfw je suis québécois
Mais est-ce que vous êtes une qt fille?

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Ray is absolutely roasting the panthers this game

why so sad blinkingguy?

>the ruins will beat the bl0ts for sure guys
>am I cool yet? I made fun of the bl0ts hehe
>hey guys, bl0ts. haha right?

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______ is the best food to pair with hockey

how does a burger know French?



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a single plum floating in perfume served in a man’s hat

gonna enjoy the ploffs this year if this is how STEAMING HOT blotsposters get over some bantz

Holy shit where'd he go?

crab legs

do you not have école up there?

Apologize to your nearest leafs fan right now.

based sockeye user

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Eat a vegetable you fat fuck

Went to IB schools, learned French from 2nd grade all the way until I was 16 or 17.
Haven't studied it since then but I still remember a ton of it somehow.

donnez-moi une qt Québecois gf svp

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I never paid attention in school

lol no

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how about instead its Steve Dangle but he talks about guys dangling their nuts in his wifes' face

no fuck you

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so like the hockey guy but not as fat?

that pic is literally my francophone grandfather

I am abstaining from alcohol tonight

Chicken and biscuits, unironically.

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I took french for 6 years and i dont know a god damn thing.

you should pluralize it :

>N'avez-vous pas des écoles là-bas?

Also I've met a lot of burgericans speak QUebec French because thats the french they were tough in school by Quebec teachers. Not bad french, just the "Radio-Canada" kind of french instead of the Continental French

HE used google translator

2 years here and i only remember the stupidest things

No one cares about an anonymous child saying he's refraining from alcohol

you're not even old enough to consume it, please shut the fuck up

For me, it's Grand Teton Brewing
Although Sockeye's good too

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that's impressive, user

For me, it’s the English language

Et maintenant, je suis triste.

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I was forced to take french from grades 1 through 9 and every single piece of retail merchandise has french writing on it, every set of instructions has the french version on the back, every government form comes with a french translation, i constantly hesr people speak it on tv. I know wgat certain words mean. But i could not speak a coherent sentende of it.

good translator can only take one so far

also french is a garbage language and way of life, no one should be learning how to speak it, besides all French frogs know how to speak English anyways since it's the only relevant language

Oh God it's alive

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Salut ma chouette!

Alors on s'enfile ces beaux hockeyeurs ce soir?


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esque je pus alez un toilet
thats it

ignore and it will go away

Honestly Hungarian is the coolest language I've ever heard

I cant tell if this is a guy or a girl

Can I learn French just by watching RDS broadcasts?

Hello, cousin

let's assemble some brewing fans

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Based Sean is back bois.

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why would you want to, it'\s a waste of brain space

In Montréal we have a lot of Haitian "Casses-Croutes".
They nake a fried pork dish called griot. Super cheap and great hockey food.

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when in the season do you just stop giving a shit about your team's results?

Canucks fan here, January.

Honestly Quebec has been by far the shittiest, dumpiest piece of shit place I've ever been in

their women are ugly and the food taste like sewer trash shit

the people are also all really unintelligent lol, it was really weird how stupid they were

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at this point

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excited to see what sanjay from toronto has to share with us

Just in time for the >laffs shenanigans
Can't fucking wait

It's similar to mexican

About Novemberish

Moi aussi, mais si je parle en Francais, c'est possible qu je peut trouver une qt.
J'ai besoin d'espérer.

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yes cantpucks should have given up when they got btfo in the finals, that was their peak, now they are top 5 worst team in the league for many years now lol

dont worry, Toronto will bring the cup home, you little chink fagit ;)

what a meme dude. so much bullshit and the college I ended up going to only gave credit for 5+ and only for HLs lmao



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Je ne suis pas gay.


>still no new thread

>season tickets
we already disproved this though, he's a fat manlet ginger lolo

>taking the stan lee to see your city's scenic parking garage

Laffs will be Edmonton terrible next year

If you want to maintain a conversation with shopworkers boomers from quebec only, sure, they learned french that way too.

Otherwise, it has way too much hockey linguo and bad syntax to be a good exposure.

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are you from hongcouver?

There's 2 you retard

wow wtf he seemed upset huh?

you do realize that fat ginger was a well established tripfag in some british general on Yea Forums right

and ive posted my season tickets here many times, if you werent a newfag you would know that

>what a meme dude
Not saying it wasn't. But there were some great parts about it. Intangibles, if you will.
The environment and the other kids that you spent time with especially.

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>Me too, i only speak french so i can possibly meet a french qt
>i'm so lonely

That is my bastardized understanding of this wretched translation

you'll see a parade one day

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Great analysis you fucking moron kek

>i'm so lonely
Not untrue, but what it actually meant was "I have to hope."

but user, I have

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cat fried rice

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Can I rely on /hoc/ to help me autistically shit post?