Is he right, Yea Forums?
Is he right, Yea Forums?
Just lol at video games.
Reminder that no professional player plays them. They only pretend to do to make money out of nerd clowns.
wisdom that could only have come from that massive prefrontal cortex
Snoyfaggots BTFO
Yea Forums BTFO
When he isn't training or playing he's in his laboratory working on cures for genetic diseases.
I don't get it. Is he shilling for Nintendo?
he says that because they don't have electricity in wherever the fuck shithole in africa he was born so instead of playing based crash bandicoot he was playing defaced trash bandit coon with other nzumbus
Unironically serious when I say this. Yeah he’s right, video games are such a waste of fucking time.
lol what fag
Yea Forumsirgin cope
So is watching sports
t. /reddit/ ngumbu gottseidank müller
Yes, every club that Mane has played for wears red.
What does he do inbetween games? Read Heidegger?
I grew up on playstation and because of that I am now a feckless, autistic, dimwitted, basement dwelling NEET. Mane is right, don't do videogames, kids.
no, because Yea Forums is far more entertaining than Yea Forums
It's not because of Playstation, it's because of you.
No, he was training. Something that made him turn into a millionaire.
seething manchild lol, go play video games loser
he's right, I don't know a single successful person that was into video games. video games makes you weak willed
Games are quite boring these days desu.
I only watch sports to have a reason to post here desu
Unironically based
Is he half-Polish?
I never liked god. I've never seen it.
I think it's something that wastes your time.
I don't want to lose mine in return for more misery.
"Nintenditus" was literally named after an NBA basketball players.
Celebrities and athletes play video games more than anybody because they are the ones with the most free time.
life is a waste of time. think about that
Your theory got btfo 30 years ago
>#1 – Lionel Simmons gets tendinitis from Nintendo. As a rookie for the Sacramento Kings back in 1991, Simmons got his hands on the hottest new thing in gaming: a Nintendo Game Boy, the first comprehensive handheld gaming system that allowed users to play video games on the run. Simmons played his so much that he ended up getting tendinitis in his wrist and forearm. It was bad enough to force him out of a handful of games....
Griezman and Dembele should read this
but they have won things, mane has won what?
player of the month?
Just get /fit/ mano.Then you can be a NEET all you want and people actually look at you when you leave the house.
story sounds a bit gay desu
Yea Forums btfo
>literally plays a game for a living
>games are stupid
What niggerology is this?
Why are Muslims mentally stronger and more disciplined than weak minded westerners
based sad
gamers btfo
Superior alpha male religion.
Every player associated with the Liverpool organization is pure unadultered cringe.
Absolutely based
Yea Forumsermins BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
Why would a footballer want to play Fifa?
Would you play a sex videogame if you had regular sex many times every week?
It's a very regimented and strict religion. Very few of its followers get away with being degenerates.
They arent.
childhood was playing video games
adulthood is watching sports
This is exactly why Liverpool will slip
>childhood was playing sports
>adulthood is watching video games
>Altruism is cringe
no u
video games are fine until youre like 22 or 23 after that its cringe
Living up to his name for once.
>ape spends his life kicking a ball around while claiming not to be a time waster
High IQ post
>he's right, I don't know a single successful person
You could have stopped right there
says more about you then about anyone else
>I never liked books. I've never ready any. I think it's something that wastes your time. I don't want to lose mine in return for nothing.
It's all about what he can get. This anti-intellectual consumerist perspective is not a surprise coming from a professional football player.
>play for liverpool
>dont like to lose his time
Do you realize that he gets $4 million to do that, you imbecile? That's his job.
That's because Yea Forums actually enjoys what we talk about
>neckbeard spends his life moving pixels around for 0 compensation and implies others are time wasters
Based retard
You realize there are plenty of gaming careerists that laugh at this poor nigger and his little $4 million dollars.
If you want to retreat into bank accounts theres a LOT more more money floating around the gaming industry.
t. nigger
Incels mad as fuck ITT
Christopher Weaver and the $2.5 billion gaming company he founded want me to ask this nigger why he wasted his life kicking a ball around.
$4 million dollars is his salary. His net worth is $20 million
>gaming careerists
Which isn't the point here, brainless burger. He is obviously talking about playing it as a hobby
Again, poor nigger.
Literally any gaming company owner laughs at this apes $20million.
Why waste time tapdancing for millions when the gamers are out making billions.
all i've ever wanted to do is cut his fucking receding hair. dude is ugly as sin
go outside fat ass nobody likes you
You're literally retarded. Wtf does a gaming company have to do with people wasting time playing video games, you fucking moron? Gaming company are writing software not playing video game all day for no reason.
Stop wasting time by dumping your emotions out on me. Im not your fucking therapist.
>Wtf does a gaming company have to do with people wasting time playing video games, you fucking moron?
What people? OP nigger is only talking about himself. If he doesnt have hobbies that he does just put of enjoyment i pity him.
yeah but he could say the same about watching movies, sports on tv, or listening to any sort of music. it's called a hobbie and the only thing you're looking for in any kind of hobbie is pleasure, enjoyment, decompress from daily routine that most of the people live in.
How is that not waste of his time? Because of his interests? Case closed
Well, for a religious person it isn't a waste of time because they believe in an afterlife and stuff like that. Spiritual gain? He is dedicating his time to his faith.
Yeah and gaming for anyone isn't waste of time if they want to do it. Exactly my point.
that sounds more pathetic than playing vr anime.
Based for a nigger.
200 iq statement
What about chess? Now theres a fucking time waster. Ive sunk hours and hours into that fucking game.
At least video games im rewarded with some sort of hand eye coordination practice.
>hates on something he never even tried
>Muzzie not having fun
Imagine my surprise
>Something that made him turn into a millionaire.
For his sake, let's hope he doesn't go back to Africa anytime soon
He starts by saying the place is huge and then right after generalizes the place (a remote village) he was in for everyone. Also repeats cliche I've seen on /pol/ (no concept of future blah blah)
You wanted an excuse to post /pol/ shit
>muslims are generally mentally stronger and more disciplined than westerners
said no one ever
>Henry is a PESchad instead of a FIFAcuck
Absolutely, 100%, unadulterated BASED
sony fags in ruins
>being so triggered a millionaire athlete doesn't lik eyour manchild toys
>being so triggered by triggered anons
That story prob took place in the late 90s, when PES was GOAT
It still is inarguably superior to FIFA and has been outside of about 2 years in the early 2010s.
>prays 5 times a day
You just know that Salah is going to buy Mane a PS4 for his birthday and his form will dip hard due to his Hyperdimension Neptunia addiction.
Now that I think of it, praying and masturbating are like the same. Thinking of some creature and getting peace of mind after.
Are you implying that there are people who do things without any pay on this site?
>Madio Sané
Yeah right nub. No less than Pirlo was a confirmed FIFA addict
Solemn nodding and humilitypilled.
Ironically, video games are going to take this apes job in the future in the form of robots and computers.
That’s such hypocritic bullshit. What do you get in return for doing anything? Unless you’re non-stop fucking, you aren’t doing what you where put on earth to do. What do I get in return from watching your slant-eyed black face on the TV, effectively playing your wages, exactly? It’s just something to do, just like playing video games.
I always thought Mané was a cunt based on his posture and attitude on the pitch, sort like the vibes I gather from Arnautovic, and this just further proves my intuition has been correct. He’s one of those people that thinks he’s better than everyone else somehow.
WTF I hate Sadio Mané with every ounce of my soul now