>creating an entire dressing room of BOSS
Is Sanchez the ultimate ABU plant?
>creating an entire dressing room of BOSS
Is Sanchez the ultimate ABU plant?
Based Bossman
>In the 1990s, Bosman changed the football world
>In the 2010s, it's Bossman
Can you blame the other players?
The worst thing about Sanchez's contract is that he's unmovable. United would have to absorb most of it for any other club to take a chance on him. Even if he returned to his prior form he had at at Arsenal he's almost 30 and will be a depreciating asset. City on the other hand buys young players, pays them enough to retain them and gets value for their dollar.
it's actually bizarre they agreed to this shit and didn't at all think it through
Pure desperation to prove they can beat city
>fanbase full of low IQ customers
>must buy mercenary dabbing BOSS to please fanbase
>BOSS inevitably crashes club's finances
4D chess desu
Tell them yes, if you win the league you can all have your salaries tripled. See how motivated they are then.
Pretty sure they couldn't win it.
They've been fucked at the top for a while now. Ever since that megalomaniac Fergie wanted to take their old owners to court over a racehorse's rights or something similarly petty. The owners ended up selling to the Glazers out of spite. You reap what you sow desu
>The worst thing about Sanchez's contract is that he's unmovable.
That's the best part.
City are run like a well oiled machine since Pep arrived, that's why everyone is crying like little bitches about them now where before they just bought arsenal leftovers for a lot of money
real are getting de gea and pogba within the next few windows
remember this post
Wonga lowkey the reason why arsenal will finish above poonited.
Based Pollack
Holy shit united are a dumpster fire rn.
>hire one of the world's greatest managers who you know is demanding and temperamental
>fight him tooth and nail on transfer policy
>He ragequits putting effort into managing the team
>Sack him to high cost buyout
>Panic buy meme depreciating player for ungodly wages to shut up the tiers
>two greatest rivals fight for the league/CL double while you are adrift
>squad goes into revolt over meme players huge wages
United need a complete overhaul