Nike is so fucked

Nike is so fucked.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>college basketball
oh wow, it's fucking nothing

RIP unc

didn't this guy just get charged with extortion and fraud?

This tweet aged poorly, Feds just arrested him for extorting Nike.



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>a man
>against a big company
>in usa
yeah rights lol

>criminal activity
>we are gonna have a press conference woo yeah
never understood this. The authorities should be informed, and talking to much about it compromises the investigation.

yeah no way they cme out alive after this and that huge TWELVE (12) millions fine they got from EU today

Big oof.

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user, I...


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That did not go well

gentlemen, the trump curse strikes again
>Avenatti, who was arrested in New York City on Monday morning, stands accused of attempting to extort Nike for $20 million in New York and faces additional charges of bank- and tax-fraud in California.


and you could have it all
my empire of dirt
i will let you down
i will make you hurt

Only in America could a narcissistic, deluded idiot like this become and stay a lawyer.

>a monkey
>against a soup pot
>in brazil

>(((Nike))) about to get exposed
>The Feds shut him down with literally minutes to to before Avenatti speaks

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This can’t be real why the fuck did he tweet about Nike then?

>A bong
>against Mohammed
>in the London Caliphate of New Pakistan

>Trump cleared
>Avenatti arrested

What a twist. Did you lads enjoy the season 2 finale of TRUMP?

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the trump curse is real

This idiot tried to extort $20 million from Nike (not suing them, just using his public profile to threaten them to make some harmful story about Nike that he supposedly knows public if they didn't pay)

Since Nike is a publicly traded company they didn't even have to call the police themselves, since the stock autorities took care of that themselves (they have to protect the stockholders) after the idiot announced on his twitter that he will hold a press conference.

even if there was a scandal and he wasn't getting jailed for extortion, what would be the scandal? That they pay the top players under the table? Everyone already knows that and nobody cares.

hey you're (a faggot)

How can someone be that fucking stupid?

Nike probably paid Zion to go to Duke. The top colleges probably use nike as the middle man for recruitment and the money is given to nike in their yearly athletic gear team deals

The NCAA does, and so do Nike shareholders.

twitter exposes societies real brainlets


I too was not indicted today. Good thing I'm cleared of all the illegal shit I've done recently.

Trump will pardon Avenatti only if he and stormy hold a press conference to publicly apologize to trump while wearing MAGA hats

Huge reminder to ignore college sports, they're a fucking sham.


>try to bamboozle nike
>gets bamboozled instead

lol that retarded cuck is already arrested for extortion

Lmao CPL at it again

Is this sequence real? This is less than an hour.

Isnt that the dumbass who fumbled the ball on the Stormy Daniel's case?

the trump curse

Tweets that, ends up getting arrested! LOL

Turn on One America News now!

Don't fuck with Orange Man

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Someone tell me why would Nike care about an amateur competition between universities?

>Yuropoor education

>there is no money to be made in college athletics
that kekels my schekels

> (OP)
Some will only learn the hard way.

Educate me then. We have the same competitions between universities here. Students play for fun. Any student that has a athletic scholarship doesn't play for the university because his club doesn't allow it.

>our investigation is continuing
>no comment
>our investigation is continuing
>no comment


imagine playing sports for fun

NCAA games get a lot of viewers, so Nike wants the famous NCAA players to wear their shoes because that's good publicity for the company.

University sports are televised events with up to millions of viewers in the US.

Do you play Apex too? Mirage is funny.

>University sports are televised events with up to millions of viewers in the US.
Why would someone willingly do that?

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because the universities select the top high school athletes to play for the universities. It's not just random guys who happened to sign up for the team, but the top young players in the country.

lol as if nigs are going to stop robbing each other fo dem J's cuz some fag lawyer did a tweet.

Nike gets a hold of them way before university.
Nike puts them in camps before they are even teenagers. Aau in highschool.

>because the universities select the top high school athletes to play for the universities. It's not just random guys who happened to sign up for the team, but the top young players in the country.
Oh, so NBA teams don't have youth teams or youth academies. Seems so alien from here.
So they get them when they're 13-14? How do they know they will make it? I suspect a house of cards scheme here.

So was it like a sting operation?


>NBA teams don't have youth teams or youth academies
No also you have to play at least one year in the NCAA it's mandatory

>Oh, so NBA teams don't have youth teams or youth academies.

Yep. The players play their youth b-ball on their high school teams and then the top players play 1 year of college basketball, and the worse ones a couple years more, and then they get drafted onto an NBA team.

>Nobody don't realize the NCAA is going to get fucked as well

Fans, Ex-players and other are turning on the NCAA for not paying their players and being corrupted. Avenatti won't be the only threatening the NCAA and Nike but others are falling into place. More controversies and FBI stings will come soon.

>house of cards
It's been going strong for decades

>So they get them when they're 13-14?

More like 8 or 9. Lebron James got snatched up when he was 8 years old for football.

>How do they know they will make it?

They dont, they just scoop up every single kid that they think could possibly make it pro and start to groom them starting around age 8. Most dont turn pro. The motive for Nike it to get everybody under their banner so those few kids that do make it will be in the Nike family.

>I suspect a house of cards scheme here


You don't have to do one year in the NCAA, you just need to be 1 year removed from HS. So you could go to Europe or play in college or fuck around and jack off for a year if you really wanted to.

Reminder the NCAA isnt needed.
There are no laws binding its existence or influence.
Up until the 1980s, the NIT was the biggest college basketball tournament.
NCAA has done way more damage to college sports than help.

Minor League basketball would destroy March Madness. Oh Yeah!

Almost every city has a convention center that could easily host a minor league team. Do this and College Basketball dies.

Ask yourself why College Baseball is so small in terms of viewers.

>Ask yourself why College Baseball is so small in terms of viewers.


Well the USA government made laws that stopped minor league baseball from doing this.
I dont hold out hope that they would allow minor league basketball to do it.

We're reaching levels of cope that shouldn't even be possible.

kill yourselves

Minor League Baseball is where the elite HS players go next. Some baseball teams draft college players due to the lack of talent consistency at the HS level.

Imagine if the NBA build up a minor league system across the US where every NBA team had a farm league to send players.

why was a tripcode necessary for this post?

Well he's a lawyer

At one point Minor League was unaffiliated with Major League baseball.

And minor league baseball made a lot of local money, enough to threaten major league baseball.
The US government in response made fascist laws to ensure MLB would dominate.

Baseball zoning laws are the most tyrannical laws ever put into US law. They are ridiculous and extremely unconstitutional.

It gets even better, and more Yea Forums-related: he had a co-conspirator, a big time lawyer named Mark Geragos. Among many other things, Geragos was the guy representing Kaepernick with his collusion lawsuit with the NFL.

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the other thing were you could have a lot of unpaid black men making you a huge profit was outlawed

Why are the scriptwriters of the simulation throwing so much shit out at once? My sides can't take it.

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Yep, the future will tell us about those poor oppressed negros that NCAA used to exploit. More fodder for niggers to carry on their tradition of blaming everything they dont like on whitey.

Ah, I like it so I keep it. Some boards don't have ID's. So I keep it, cuz why not?

Besides it was so fun telling everyone which 711 was getting gassed when the DFW area was out of gasoline when Hurricane Harvey hit Houston.

>threaten to expose the kikes running a large American company
>beaten, gagged and arrested within the hour

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In my country, college sports are only cared about by peadophiles

What "more free" country would allow this?
UK? Lol u people get arrested just for looking at a jew wrong. (Unless ur a shitskin muslim of course)

>be american

He didn't threaten to expose them. He threatened to expose them unless they hired him and paid him to say they were okay. The guy is a complete fucking moron.

>The guy is a complete fucking moron

Like, how do you make an ememy out of both Magapedes AND Kaeperniggers.
Thats so stupid it might be genius.

That's basically high school sports for us.

I'm convinced Trump drugged him and made him say the things he did.

>instead of just having a pyramid sport system with relegation and promotion where everyone can have a load of clubs, americans just support high schools and colleges instead

do you know how werid this is to everyone else in the world?

*where everyone can have a local club

Interesting. I'll have to look that up.

Tbh I'm still not clear how your sports are any different. The NCAA is definitely a cartel and a crime syndicate. But so are Fifa and the Olympics.
What am I missing here?

We have way more people and more than just one sport

You should check out baseball.
MLB literally owns ALL baseball within its territories. If you and your buddies go to a park and form up a team then MLB owns it.

apparently it's not the worst thing he has done. he pocketed settlement money from a case he won and didn't give the right about to the client. he also lied about his assets when applying for very large loans

Well, we have better illegals than you guys do. Our illegals eventually assimilate, yours seem to want everything to meet their standards. I guess the call to prayer is the most beautiful sound in the world to a Londoner.

The Lindsey Graham redemption arc was pretty kino imo

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>Bong trolling a USA thread and not knowing where to take it

what could be said about Nike that wasn't already exposed in the Louisville thing?

You should check out actor Bing Russell.
Gunsmoke regular and father of Kurt Russell.
He started a minor league team in the 70s that got so good that MLB just took it after he won the league championship.

I believe he was the last person to independantly own a minor league team. All teams are owned by MLB now because of those zoning laws.

>announce in Twitter that you'll hold a press conference hours later, after the stock market has closed for the day, about something that will probably have a drastic effect on publicly traded company
If nothing else he'd be fucked raw by the SEC for stock manipulation

Eh, I know that we had an Independent baseball league in America that was the equivalent of Rookie advanced. Jose Canseco and Rodger Clemens played in it.

It was still in the same minor league. They played against all the teams owned by major league teams. They were able to win because all the other teams whenever somebody got good they moved up to the major league team.
Independent teams could keep pretty much the same team for the whole season. So when this team started getting good and started making a lot of money the MLB just took it, because its legal for them to do it.

Theres no other equivalent to this in America for any other sport or business. Can you imagine any other business working this way? If you build a store and does well Walmart can just come take it legally.

>the right to extort people....
>you can't arrest me! I have the freedom to commit crimes!

>thread is only 95% sports related and isn't a general
surprised senor hot pockets hasn't deleted yet

Wew. The only reason laws like this happen is because at least it's just a sport. Anything either more basic, more common, and or more necessary to society would have caused some huge commotion as soon as it happened.

It was pretty controversial in its time. Came from the 50s when baseball was like the only sport America cared about.
The notion was that baseball such and American thing and so important that it doesnt have to be subject to its laws.
It was basically 50s too big to fail bailout.

What is this even about? Why is Trump mentioned here?

The guy arrested was the attention whore lawyer of the porn actress that was suing Trump.

because baseball is boring

He's also being charged elsewhere. Apparently he falsified documents to fraudulently obtain $4million in loans, and he basically stole a couple of million dollars worth of settlements from his clients and used the cash for his other businesses

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more people go to Minor League Baseball games than college basketball games, stupid zoomer

Yeah. Nike told him they needed a couple days. Instead, they went to the feds and got him on tape in a follow up phone call.

>Instead, they went to the feds and got him on tape in a follow up phone call.

That just proves how much of a brainlet he is. if you try to blackmail someone, and then a few days later they want you to repeat it all over the phone it's basically guaranteed that they're recording it

wow, what an epic twist of fate for professional race car driver Michael Avenatti!

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He's going to be charged with wire fraud (max 20 years) and bank fraud (max 15 years) in the next few days apparently.

He's completely screwed and going to get disbarred after he pleads guilty. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy

He also met Nike's lawyers in person where they videotaped him making the threats. He's a moron

what kind of fucking lawyer is this guy?

I get where you're coming from, but the seeds of our current set up were sown in the 19th century. It's not weird that different circumstances led to different outcomes.


oh he is so fucked

what kind of sentence is he gonna be looking at?

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>fraud lawyer

can't pay players under Title IX since you'd have to pay the women's teams as much as the men. thanks Ted Kennedy!

Wow. I remember seeing a documentary about that. It's interesting to read your rundown of the situation. Thanks.

trips of truth

Ted Kennedy was the worst Kennedy.

He rubbed shoulders with the super rich and fancied himself as one of them, he tried to become super rich himself but screwed everything up with his businesses, in an attempt to save himself, he tried to extort money from Nike to pay the IRS et cetera, basically he failed at being super rich, nis downfall was Greed.

Trump did this... Russia... Collusion... #Impeach45

not true

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college athletics are already a scam. how can you get in trouble for running a scam on a scam?

when the mob boss has had enough of you

because most of these people went to college? You fucking yurotard

Maybe he's seen too many movies

a fucking leaf. But I see that you are correct good sir!

The FBI has been pretty emphatic the recent arrests are just the tip of the iceberg, some major program somewhere is going to get buttfucked, if this system wasn't absolute dogshit the NCAA leadership deserves it too

They didn't pay him
Presumably the DoJ was waiting for him to make a move before they arrested him

Independent baseball is still a thing in the US. There's leagues like the Atlantic League, Pecos League, etc. that sign players that got released by minor league clubs and want to make a comeback or just keep playing competitively, regardless of money. They aren't well known because who cares about these players. To my knowledge their operations aren't connected to MLB's in any way.
There's also a few amateur leagues for college players to compete in over summer break without forfeiting college eligibility, ie Cape Cod League. These get a small bit of publicity because teams want to know if a kid can hit with a wooden bat instead of the metal ones used in HS and college.

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this but unironically

that guy that stole $30million from Facebook by sending them fake invoices shouldn't be in jail, there's nothing wrong with stealing from thieves

what if authorities were informed and they didn't do anything?

Good riddance to duke and unc

Attorneys do this for publicity.

then you either take it to someone higher or you back the fuck off. trying to extort money is the wrong thing, and holding a press conference is fucking retarded.
do you think assange thought, "I know, I'll have a wikileaks press conference where I tell all"
this guy is a retard

This attorney is a fucking ambulance chaser in the most grandiose manner. Doesn’t surprise me he was doing shady shit. He should’ve just disappeared and worked DUIs after the Stormy Daniels big nothing burger blew up in his face.

>College Baseball is so small in terms of viewers.
Because they air their playoffs during nhl and nba playoffs.

Ask yourself this, why does college basketball playoffs start in March when the NFL is done, mlb is in spring training and nhl and nba are resting their top plyers?

>during nhl and nba playoffs
those go on for like two months

It’s because college baseball is mostly irrelevant. People can watch multiple games in a day. College baseball isn’t even bigger than the little league World Series

we'll know their plans soon enough bro

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Look at all the cities these,leagues are in. All Bumfuck, Nowheres.
The reason is because MLB literally owns the territory around every major city.

fuck off back to /pol/, mon ami

Damn, the creepy pawn lawyer nickname really fucked with this guy’s head.

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barely had time to wipe the filth from his dick. maybe he thought sloppy seconds would summon the powers of the teflon don.

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>what kind of sentence is he gonna be looking at?

several years easily, plus he's looking at anywhere between 10-20 each for his other offences as well.

best part is since neither side of the political spectrum likes him they're less likely to let him plead down.
one of his cases allegedly involved stealing a multimillion dollar settlement from a disabled client. that's the exact shit I'd want to grandstand about in court if i was a prosecutor