Oficial thread Catalonia vs Venezuela friendly match

>Oficial thread Catalonia vs Venezuela friendly match
Pique avenging Messi tonight at 21:00 gmt+1
place your bets

Attached: Catalunya-vs-Venezuela-Hora-Canal-Dónde-ver-Amistoso-Internacional-Marzo-2019.jpg (540x260, 26K)

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Who's in the Catalonia squad and why is fascist Spain so against them joining FIFA?

is this really happening?
i need more infos

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last match of catalonia was two years ago against Tunisia, the result was 3-3
last match of venezuela was against argentina of course, 1-3

We won't have the best squad, some catalan players are with both the spanish national team and the sub21, and also some Spanish teams like Valladolid didnt let their players play this match because reasons

They will join FIFA right after Yorkshire and Brittany do.

Fifa and Uefa only allows national teams that have their own separate profesional league for some reason
I think it could be better if we could play in European competitions while going with spain in the world cup, same thing with UK, it would be better that Scotland and Whales played with England in the world cup while playing on their own in the Eurocup
People would be able to cherish their regional identity while also supporting the state unity in world matches.
This would be healthier for everyone involved imo

Terrible comparison, Catalonia is bigger than Wales and they are in fifa while not being an independent country, so dont be such an idiot Manolo.

not the worst idea

would you welcome aying with germany in the world cup?

This. Better comparison would be Faroe Islands, Jersey or Gibraltar.

none of those have 7 milion people

Couldn't Catalonia set up it's own national league by withdrawing its smaller teams from the Spanish pyramid? The bigger clubs would still compete in Spain like the bigger Welsh clubs compete in England.

Spain would never allow that pal

Two communist shitholes

I was more talking politically, obviously if 2/3 of those nations can be accepted then a massive one like Catalonia SHOULD have no problems (once the fascist menace of Spain is quelled).

>most affluent area of Spain
>shit hole

there's nothing communist in Catalonia, the three parties that could be considered commie have never got more than 15% together
And you are no one to talk really, you teared down the whole Rio center cause those buildings were seen as "colonial and imperialistic" by commie jews like Niemeyer and you build Brasilia wich is a politburo wet dream

>Hue education

Name a better area in brazil then

The virgin Catalonia
The CHAD Basque Country

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that's not Madrid or the Basque Country user

I dont think that will ever happen, the rest of spain has nothing going for other than muh unity, they would nuke us if they could, Catalonia independence is a pipedream for this reason alone

>Pique avenging Messi tonight

The basque nt is basically Ahtletic Bilbao and they play together the whole year,. not fair

>not a single word of this game in marca radio
s e e t h i n g lmao

They ignore this match but they will talk about some random Olot-Peralada lmao

why should they, it's a meaningless exhibition and not a FIFA sanctioned game

>the rest of spain has nothing going for other than muh unity
it's quite sad when you travel around to realize how retarded most spaniards are
In this regard, watching barcelona games in shitty bars outside catalonia is an eye opening experience. The recent 3 games against halal were hilarious, specially when they showed tve1 news talking about the catalan trial in the intermission. It was like living in a zoo with the monkeys

Pique and Bojan are playing against the team that defeated Messi's Argentina, thats enough reason unless you are blinded by anticatalanism
But Im sure talking about the new capeshit movie or listening to Roberto Gomez mumble about restaurant menus is more interesting


did they start chanting "Golpistas a prison" or what?

8 seconds

Catalonia is the richest region of Sp*in and props up all the lazy Sp*nish and their shitty economy. Granted, Basque Country will be next to free themselves from Madrid fascists but take them out of the equation and your country is unironically third world.

Why would they be reporting on a foreign country though? It's a Spanish station, not a Catalan one.

Basques are richer per person because they manage their own resources, collecting the taxes themselves and then negotiating how much the pay to the Spanish state
Catalonia can't have that for some reason, instead we have to take state loans to get half of our taxes back

The basque country is a legitimate state within Spain unlike Catalonia, that's why.

explain your reasoning cause one could say that they were just three regions from the kingdom of Navarra that willingly joined the Crown of Castille

no, they have that cause they supported Philip V in the spanish succession war

No one cares what happened 500 years ago dumbass

they were literally asking for their execution
I've never heard catalanes hijosdeputa so many times in 90 minutes
when malcom scored I jumped from my stool, celebrated loudly, americlapped and high fived my gf, the rest of the bar completely silent looking at me lmao
since that moment a table with 4 gypsy/pancho halalfags had been staring me down and it pissed me off so I started chanting the anthem loudly when the game ended
my gf got scared, telling me to tone it down, I didn't give a fuck and literally nothing happened other than bad looks
wish I had been in that same place for the 0-3 haha

since when does "willingness" matter?
Castilla rules because Castilla was strong enough to impose their will upon the others. Basic nature.


it wasnt 500 years ago and it's relevant now because the political autonomy still depends on it

>the political autonomy still depends on it
that's his point

Wales had a national team that played the Home Nations before FIFA was a thing. The British FAs never joined a "FA of the UK", and joined FIFA separately, unlike Spain which was a FIFA founding member. Later FCF joined RFEF, not FIFA. The Catalan case should not be compared to Wales but to Nordrhein-Westfalen or Västerbotten.

Right, basic nature that after the castillan candidate in the spanish succession war won over the one chosen by Aragon Spain lost every fucking colony in a century lmao

There’s your problem lol

what's his point?

Or Faroe Islands

the classic castillian reverse midas touch: everything they touch goes to shit

you were the only barça supporter?

football was invented in England, yeah and by that time Catalonia didn't have autonomy because they have lost the war, so? we are not debating why it didn't happen user
anyway there was a catalan nt back then before a whole spanish nt

that it shouldn't anymore

basic gipsy mentality, me stronger, me steal

The Faroe FA is a full member of FIFA and UEFA, they have their own league and cup and everything. If Catalonia had been in the same conditions, their teams could never have participated in UEFA competitions until being accepted by the international institutions - let alone being eligible for FIFA qualifiers. Just like Juventus plays in the CL thanks to the Italian FA being a UEFA member, not the Piedmont FA.

>by that time Catalonia didn't have autonomy because they have lost the war
u wot m8? Catalonia had lost a war and their autonomy in 1904?

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It shouldn't but it obviously matters when the whole state burocracy is based upon it, you can't say stop crying about the succession war when after three hundred years the wining side still has advantages because of it

not at the beginning of the game, there were a few more, but we were clear minority
but by the end of the game the place had emptied and I think I was the only one with my gf and like 10 halalfags left
it was an amazing experience, you should do it too. One moment they were calling catalans nazis and the next one they were asking for the execution of all catalan politicians, catalan prohibition or military take over of catalonia

>Charles left an undivided Monarchy of Spain[b] to Louis XIV's grandson Philip, who was proclaimed King of Spain on 16 November 1700

rightful heir won, although the ger*anic hyenas caused real harm to the spanish crown. what else is new.

that's how nature works, user.

yes, after 1714 Catalonia had lost their own goberment like València, Aragon an Mallorca for suporting the Habsburg candidate, it only gained back some autonomy after the establishment of the mancomunitat wich was just a joined goberment of the four borbon provinces, this was then killed by Primo de Rivera, after that it came the Generalitat wich was also killed by Franco and now we have another generalitat that yet doesn't control the four provinces like the mancomunitat did and in no way have the same autonomy that it had before the Borbons times in wich Catalonia even had their own army
So the reason Catalonia had no power to enter Fifa was because they lost a war in the 18th cemtury

they are lunatics, also thanks for the cringe of imagining panchitos going ultrasur

Actually they have it because of the peace process after the Carlist wars. Carlists rose up in the whole country from Andalusia to Catalonia, but Basques fought the hardest and although Carlists eventually lost, they wrestled their fiscal autonomy away from the liberal government and promised they wouldn't rebel for a 4th time (which they did anyway as allies of Franco's fascists). Franco respected that policy in the provinces that joined him (Álava and Navarra) and cancelled it in the provinces loyal to the democratic government (Guipúzcoa and Vizcaya). Post-Francoist Spain renegotiated the fiscal policy and created the modern Basque statute of autonomy; hardcore Carlist-Francoist Navarra never lost its privileges and its basic foral laws are still from fascist times.

Fun fact: the current Spanish red-yellow-red flag was a Carlist precondition to join the fascist rebellion. Franco, Mola and the others had first rebelled under the Republican flag. So our flag is not only a concession to fascists but also to Carlists.

it was the brits who didnt tolerate two borbon ruled nations together and started the war by suporting the Habsburgs
And it was because the Habsburg king died that the candidate didn't want spain no more and went to rule austria instead.
Nature my ass

that's the reason why they were able. to maintain it, not the origin
also wasn't the flag designed by Philip V son?

>the eternal anglo
>the eternal kraut

what else is new?

Where's Xavi?

bathing in oil

In Qatar

>not the origin
Of course the origin of Spanish fueros is in Medieval feudalism but that's not the point, Philip V suppressed fueros for revenge against Habsburgs and because he was literally a French Bourbon so he wanted to force the French system on Spain.
> flag
Yes, Charles III chose the red-yellow-red naval ensign because the Bourbon flag being used then was too similar to Bourbon flags of other countries, and Spanish ships could be confused with French, Parmesan or Neapolitan ships. The 2nd Republic replaced it with Riego's flag as a way to tell Bourbons never to come back, and it was Fal Conde's Carlists who asked Franco for a return of the monarchist flag.

Catalunya triomfant

Can anyone explain to me why a bunch of spanish journeymen + a couple good players are favorites against this Venezuela side?

we shoulve pick a diferent one after Franco to end the eternal guerracivilismo

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who says that?

typical catalan delusion

>be Pique
>claim he's not independentist so he doesn't anger non catalan customers
>still plays for Cataluña
>still parrots independentist bullshit propaganda
Fucking cunt
Why don't you let London join FIFA? They are only 45% white British anyways and they have a higher population than Cataluña

>muh Valladolid
Not even Xavi accepted to go play for your team

he's old

why should he play a friendly with Catalonia you dumb beast? that has nothing to do with the the independence

stream tho?

Starts in 123 bings

els ñolos estan com una cabra


venezuela doesn't have pit i cullons

Neither do the 8 seconders

can foreigners watch TV3 web?

Is there a stream?

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is this blocked. for you?

Attached: IMG_20190325_204817_1.jpg (3968x2976, 2.49M)

little girls dancing with tight jeans wtf

Nope, working fine.

Thank You!

Attached: f790188d4bba3b3a157d19f1d2b5d7d9789f0930_hq.jpg (942x1024, 89K)

Nice, is not, thanks.

fucking pique singing the catalan anthem when he has never sing the spanish one

who do you support?

local venezuela channel stream:

Who's going to win lads?

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so how are we gona make them go back to venezuela?

guys, this game is based
catalonia would wreck spanshit nt




This one Works, thanks!

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Meh, go with the venecos.

let's not start sucking each other's dicks yet

fuck off, he's catalonia's messi after messi

>no xavi
>no puyol
>no valdés
>winning anything

the kit is ugly, they've had better in the past

>Messi after Messi
>plays for stoke

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catalán delusion everybody

You cant be serious

fokin shit aleix vidal

pal de veneçola

How did Bojan go from scoring in champions league semis to play for stroke city?


Too much hype, most people can't handle all the pressure.

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He even had depression and anxiety attacks over it
Guy didn't have the mental fortitude to make it

reminder that catalonia (based) is missing half their starters, great players like cesc or xavi
they would murder spain nt 5-0 and halalfags would cry themselves to death

imagine a WC final spain vs catalonia and catalonia wins, literally will never happen but imagine the hilarity and the banter
closest thing would be a madrid vs barca CL final, UEFA should rig it and make it happen some day

>2 old washed up players who played for Spain
>beating Spain
This bait is unreal.

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Llorenç please

>spain nt reaching a final without catalan players
lmao nice one amic

That's gotta be sad, Imagine going from the best club in the world at the time to a mid table shitter.


ma let's when will they ever learn

wew that was close

they would bomb us after

Close call Catalan cunts

orale carnal

*tips barretina*

>pique is scatalunya's free kick taker

Not gonna lie, former referendum voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Spain crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these people get the independence

made me lol

third post from venezuela, God is with us, Jesus drinks ratafia

>3rd goalpost


Reminder that this Catalan team is nothing short of a bunch of Spain rejects

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lmao spanish press have been crying about their shit nt needing pique back

>pique, puyol, xabi wins a wc for Spain
>get cucked when those players win for Spain

how is that chuckening you dumb Chicano, they play with spain cause catalonia is inside spain, so?

They are giving the game on marca radio are you retarded

>catalonia's messi
>nu/sp/ BTFO
Yea Forums is a pro independence board faggots

Visca Catalunya!

Espanya ens estima



Are Spaniards annoyed over the fact that it was basically Catalonia that won the 2010 world cup?

1-1 veneçuela ens mira



yes, to the point they've tried to win it with madrid players and manager this summer and, well, you know how that went lmao

Imagine being Catalan and having your entire life revolve around your enmity towards your brothers

Catalonia is the literal Waluigi of """""nations""""""

How the fuck that MLS meme was over el Vasco?

>implying the whole "nation" of spain isn't collectively obsessed with catalonia 24/7 since the referendum

it's the oposite though, Catalonia has never bombed or try to invade the rest of spain, or baning their language and telling the rest how to run their schools

Reminder that if Catalonia happens Tabarnia also has to happen.

More like since Duque de Olivares and his failed Union de Armas that end up collapsing the Iberian union

Spain has a world cup thanks to Casillas, Iniesta and Villa, neither of them are catalan.

because you've never been a country proper, retard

8 seconds only get you so far

>falling for spanish boomer memes

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Iniesta has spent most of his life in Catalonia. Even played for the Catalan NT.

>iniesta not calatan
>implying Fuenteabilla is not Catalan

Spain wouldn't have won jack shit without Xavi and Puyol.

they are still seething over this yet they never said anything about Ramos waving the 20th century made andalucian flag

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let's be fair, all spain shared that victory except maybe Excrementura

No one cares for your politics, Juan.

Stop trying to hide the fact that the mighty Catalonians are drawing against a bunch of banana farmers.

just when you thought the gypsy couldn't be more retarded

venezuela is an oficial nt of a larger country, on the other hand we have not played in two years and our best players are with the spanish nt
we are doing pretty good all things considered

I also know him from pol, together with the ac milan albanian and one poster form hungary they form the anticatalan shithole country triad

I feel bad for Bojan lads, guy went from winning Ligas and CLs with the best team in history to playing in bong 2nd division

You have never ever won a game either.

Imagine going through all that logistical hassle to never win a single fucking game. I would have just given up and burnt the flag.

who told you that?

Why don't Catalonia and the Basque Country join ConIFA like most non-FIFA teams?

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do you think if Bojan and Messi switched ages that Bojan would be the GOAT?

Gooooooool de Puadooooooo
Messi has been avenged


be afraid, shitspain, be very afraid

Cataluña is a non country

cause we think we deserve better

I don't think so, apparently Bojan suffered depression and anxiety right from the start and that was when he was only a rising star in Messi's shadow, I doubt he would have handled it any better if the roles were the other way round

where is oleguer?

Involved in politics

and yet we won oh no no no no no no no no

Barcelona customers have ruined this board
No one gives a fuck about what you think

based catalans BTFOing podemos and all leftists

he's old and retired and was never that good anyway

Pretty flower growing off scatalunya's ass. Hope Dudamel stops being a retard and doensn't quit

Based colombia is based

i know he's old, just remembered him watching this match. that guy is 101% catalan

>spakis befriending other brownies
lmao cute

you were saying?

says the virreinato named after the catalan word for pigeon

Funny thing,

we are Yea Forums an international board and this catalonians give a fuck.

Funnier thing
Catalans are under Spain flag.

Stand by it. You would agree if you saw the match.

we should play the catalans

Attached: catalwnia.jpg (750x500, 29K)

>Doesn't allow catalan players to play the match
>allows the Venezuelan player to go
>he gets injured

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Unironically better than the one with the star

>calling based the traitors that took advantage of the napoleon invasion to gain independence and turning the virreinato of nueva Granada into a drug factory
this is the level of manolo cucks

tbf the Crown's management of the colonies was all kinds of retarded

shut up and go fuck some headscarf wearing sheep you cuck

nice flag but you would get wrecked
as you've seen catalan football is too strong and technical for england right now

lmao is this true?
was he a starter for huesca?

There was no way Spain could have maintained rule over the american colonies, you just can't keep a colony under control very long if it's on the other side of the globe with a whole fucking ocean between you and it

still is to this day

are you blind

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I think he's just illiterate

there were lots of ways, they didn't just ask for independence out of nowhere, spain shouldve give them more and more autonomy over the years while maintaining economic ties, we would all be better now
Criollos couldn't decide shit at that time

that's wales

one day brother


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>taking such an obvious bait
I miss the old days la's

>muh history
why are you /pol/ fags so cringe

You were right anyway, most of the Welsh team is English

Juanpi Añor I think

Victòria i cap a casa
Bona nit

he does play quite a lot
poor kid but lmao at huesfags

though to be honest, huesca can't reject venezuela's call since they are an official national team, they have to send the players no matter what
they probably didn't want him to go

fuck them, they couldve sent us one at least