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The media - CNN, The Guardian - are taking this one hard.

just disband the socialist party already, this is getting embarassing for them

How does an Argentinian get so obsessed with another country's political circus that he is compelled to post about it on a totally unrelated board?

obligatory passive-aggressive British leftist


Everyone with a working brain saw this result coming.

But unfortunately our generation's journalists are deluded, deranged and brainwashed idiots for the most part.

He's not even wrong you know.



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that's because of all the german bloood
bunch of autistic big government retards at heart

About it being off topic? Sure, and I'll take the ban for that. But at least I am laughing my ass off at all the retards that posted Mueller for 2 years.

I trust the plan.

t. Qtard

I too infact enjoy sports

Was Mueller meant to be the good guy or something?

hasnt performed well since the 2010 WC

Dems pinned all their hopes on him. His report now clears the path for Trump to win in 2020 fairly comfortably.

Oh wow, no wonder Loew dropped him.

the whole Russia thing was an IQ test really
Trump is retarded but actually believing that he's some kind of russian shill that likes to get pissed on by prostitutes is tabloid tier

Is /pol/ a sport?

Trump is of German blood.
Mueller is, too, of German blood.

Nice logic there, obviously non-German blooded retard.

2bh. I can’t stop watching Brexit news.

Damn (((Germans)))
We should gas those (((assholes)))

they just want clicks

>Trump is retarded
kys cuck

>in 2019

In a sense. Yes.

>Not exonerated on obstruction of justice
Nice "win" drumpftards

Mueller colluded with Russia

Occams razor, trump is literally too dumb to have colluded, and besides its known that the whole russia thing was some stupid bullshit on facebook and the internet. Gamergate bullshit got trump elected more than anything. People were tired of getting shit on for being white males, and the general corruption of the media

>Gamergate bullshit got trump elected more than anything

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it's more of a show imo

Not surprised. but trump is a mediocre president at very best. The only thing that him and supporters have got going is the fact the economy is doing decent, but really how long is that going to last? If a major crisis ever happened I would be legitimately worried on how well he would handle it. All that being said I still think he has a pretty good chance winning in 2020 just because the democrats don't have a competent contender. The DNC is going to be pushing for biden but he's too old, same with bernie. Beto maybe?
He has a cult of personalty that appeals to blue collar and working class people. He's says simple things that simple people like to hear. Which is a good portion of this country. That is what got him elected.