Funny how Ronaldo is the one called gay

Funny how Ronaldo is the one called gay...

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There is literally nothing gay about taking a bath with your teammates. Shit, I used to do it all the time back in school. Sometimes we would scrub each other's backs with soap and give full body massages to each other. It made bond in a level I have not with anyone else since. Damn, I miss the lads.

>gets molested

Nah, that's quite common in Argentina.

that's called bonding with your best bro. are you some kind of autist that stayed home and had no friends? this is the sort of thing young friends do. when you have a broship you will even masturbate together

There is literally nothing gay about seeing your friends naked. I have seen many of my mates cocks

Wtf, not gonnna lie, that's super fag lol

this. who hasn't seen their friends penis? who doesn't have "that" friend who loved penis pranks where he would just whip his penis out and touch you with it. haha to be young

>those muslims in the comments

They might be wearing swimsuits, you can't even tell. You've never lounged around in the summer in a swimsuit with your bros? Totally not gay as long as you're not literally grabbing their junk... oh wait...

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yeah reminds me of when i totally jizzed in my bros mouth as a prank and he actually swallowed it the madman haha

Boner, I have.

Dude like who cares if he’s gay do you have nothing better else to do than to post on Yea Forums about a soccer star being gay go watch curling or something you boring fuck

Is that Aguero?

based kun


just bros being bros, nothing to see here

What the fuck is wrong with Argentinian TV?
Anyway I like it's disgusting post more.

There's literally nothing wrong with curling though, you hater.

still remember britain taking gold at the 02 olympics like it was yesterday. kino sport.

it's not gay to be penetrated, even if you enjoy it

it's only gay to want to stick your dick in a guy

also it's okay to be gay, just not okay to be a Capitalist

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penaldo is bi. missi is asexual. both their fans are turbo fags tho lol

Nothing gay about sleeping with your mates

Bro i see at least 20 dicks a day when i'm changing at my gym and i'm straight as an arrow
Nothing wrong with chilling naked with your bros

t. turbo fag

>missi is asexual
Bruh.. stop using this word however you want it's not a buzzword it has meaning and even if you're not aware of it that's not an excuse to shitpost with it so freely.

I hate both though
it's just a shorter way of saying he's an autist who only cares about kicking a ball and both his kids are suarez's

Well than just say what you mean. How hard can that be. Asexuality is not an illness nor is it an insult. Makes you look dumb when you use it like this.

So... this is the power of soccer "athletes"
... huh...


this would actually explain a lot

it's Yea Forums m8, the fuck do you expect

Damn those two bulges lmao. They are ready to explode in cum bursts.

Fair enough..

>Asexuality is not an illness
lmao, how is it not? it literally means you don't want to reproduce, you fucker, that's the definition of malfunctioning

What number it has in the ICD then? Oh wait, it isn't there. Now everything else is irrelevant and purely your personal headcacon and worldview that simply doesn't matter.

Appeals to authority are fallacies. Which organizations you consider authoritative are your personal headcanon and worldview that simply doesn't matter.

ICD removes illnesses for political reasons all the time. The fact that it was ever listed should be a red flag.

But more than that, common sense is enough. An organism that doesn't want to reproduce is broken, no amount of post-modern interpretations will change that.

Even if modern institutions say that being a broken organism is fine, it's just a 1984 tier rationalization. Being from Russia, you should know better than the government is not right by default, no questions asked.

Okay, reading up a bit on it:



>asexuality is a sexual disorder
>organizations lobby for years for the ICD to change it
>finally they concede
>asexuality is a sexual disorder, unless the patient says the magic words: "I identify as asexual"
>if the patient says that, then it's not a sexual disorder anymore

oh man, if all the diseases were as easy to cure as the patient saying they're okay with their illness

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is this real?? how the FUCK does anyone rationalize this as not gay??

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>Which organizations you consider authoritative
It's not what I consider but what is internationally recognized as one. Maybe you could offer a better choice?
>The fact that it was ever listed should be a red flag
You can just say some stupid shit and expect me to buy it. Again you're speaking about your own, subjective perception of things and situations something that doesn't word so well. (You) think it's a red flag while on the other hand it's common sense and acknowledged practice to review and edit such sources if information to keep them up to date with our current understanding of reality and scientific evidence.
>common sense is enough
Yet again. common sense =/= your opinion.
Did you just honestly link an article that explains how it is not a disorder? Can you read?

>Did you just honestly link an article that explains how it is not a disorder? Can you read?

Yes, I did, because it's hilarious how you bunch of retards rationalize it away. It's so hilarious and poorly-thought, so lacking in logic, that I can link to your own websites, because it falls flat in the face of anyone with common sense anyway.

kys phoneposting scum

ICD became authoritative and internationally recognized long before they made the exception for asexuality.

For decades, asexuality was a disease for them, and they remained internationally recognized all throughout.

ICD is now under fire for removing diseases for political reasons, so if anything, these decisions are making them less internationally recognized.

Nothing has changed to make asexuality not a disease. The reason it was listed as a disease is still the same and still exists. They made the exception* because organizations lobbied for it, and your own website recognizes as much.

It was not cold logical reasons that forced them to change it. *Note that they didn't remove asexuality as a disease, they simply noted that people who identify as asexuals should be left undiagnosed. It's entirely political, and you have a disease.

You being fine with the disease doesn't mean you aren't sick, it just means doctors don't want to deal with your bullshit if you're fine with being an evolutionary failure.

>no u dum cause me smart
Got it! Thanks for conceding, after all you had no point to begin with aside from your headcanon and straw man.

No, I did. I just wanted to make fun of your website.

So the two best players ate homo's and the third like to fuck his sister.

Does being a deviant help you be a better soccer player?

Someone keep an eye on Mbappe.

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So now it's my website? It's getting better every second.

It's the website arguing for your point of view, so yeah, it's your website. I brought it because it's flat-earther tier, so I have no problem with people reading the source material of where you get your ideas that asexuality isn't a disease.

Do you think posting the same stuff twice makes it more convincing, I wonder.
Anyway now you try to capitalize on the
>The fact that it was ever listed should be a red flag.
"Point". now that again shows how you're so readily embrace your distorted worldview. I understand that in your mind it means that if something at any given point of time was listed in any form of guideline it should forever be considered as one which is laughable and quite idiotic but if you insist on it I have to answer. While for the general public it means that the book in question was reviewed and edited in order to stay accurate about our current state of knowledge and scientific evidence. Now if you continue to argue against that still it means that you consider yourself to be more of an authority against the worlds association of medical experts which is again quite laughable and idiotic.
If you continue to try (and fail) to insult some people and repeat the same thing over and over again it won't make you sound any better or more "right". I hope you understand that.

You do understand that asexuality was NOT removed from the list of diseases, right?

Asexuality is still a disease. Pressure from lobbies is not scientific evidence, accurate, or the current state of knowledge.

Adding a footnote that basically says "mark people who convinced themselves their illness is fine as undiagnosed" is not the same as removing asexuality from the list of diseases.

If you ever stop being fine with being asexual, as per the ICD, you become automatically ill. So be careful to never doubt yourself.

As per common sense, and as per the ICD historically, you're always ill, because reproduction is one of the most basic functions of life.

this thread sucks

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