Was this the peak of AUTISM?

Was this the peak of AUTISM?

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Other urls found in this thread:


someone post the brief YouTube videos that were allegedly taken by the stalker in UTV's home


follow the link

yes probably

I did. There's nothing there any more.

maybe, i mean it should be hard to top that shit

explain what? all you need to get the gist of it is in the op image already

I get that someone stalked someone, but who the hell's UTV? I just wanted more context, I don't think I can fully appreciate this without it.

i read his fanfiction, pretty disturbing stuff.

I lost it when I got to the part where he made a belt with printed out UTV quotes for him to tear off and read whenever the mood struck him. Dude needed professional supervision.

yes absolutely, it was a defining moment for the board. if 18 - 1 was the conception then LEL was the buildup and UTV was the climax. we're in the shit nothingness phase now.

You're right the link is broken, just search it on google

UTV is some tripfag from those shitty football manger threads
the stalker made some ~200 pages diary/journal/fanfic about him, legit mental illness


are they legit creepy?

Yeah, I managed to find the pdf. I'm not sure that I'm happy about it.

Attached: Dismayed stone oriental man.png (342x360, 298K)

If they're genuine yes. They're minute long videos of the dude just hiding around his house.

how would he even know things about UTV irl?

Because tripfaggots are insufferable narcissists who love talking about themselves.

his address tho?

Is it these?

This pdf is simultaneously the best and worst thing I've read in my entire life.

Attached: I'm afraid.jpg (1024x657, 47K)




>15thSeptember 2013
>I sit here at 23.18pm.
>UTV has only posted once today
>It is days like these where I wonder why I do this for us. Why I do this. I wonder if he cares. >If we were a married couple then he would have been out all night and returned with the smell of intercourse on his Villa shirt and lipstick and vaginal semen staining his clothes.
>I feel sick

Attached: Distorted laughing hispanic.png (800x800, 1.36M)

>vaginal semen
is that what girls(male) lubricate their pusy with?

>that last video
the others are literally nothing, but that one made me a bit uneasy

It's the Yea Forums equivalent of BANE FOR YOU on Yea Forums. It attracted a lot of retards to the board.

what's the Sneed of Yea Forums?

If by retards you mean yuros than you're correct

Ronaldo and Messi posting.

I agree there is a lot more yuro's posting on Yea Forums than there used to be. But it was heavily UK and American on Yea Forums before hand.


>tfw no yandere admirer user

Attached: 1552688733869.jpg (813x407, 213K)

Whats UTV?

Document not found


these videos are nothing

Hope Solo

Where is UTV? he is still hanging around here?

>October 2013
No fucking way

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dude's always on TRB

Does UTV still post? What was his reaction to the document?

love the insightful garth crooks quote

Attached: utv.jpg (700x1100, 242K)

Good, that's what you get for trying to be a tripfag on an anonymous site full with mentally insane people.

Jesus fuck, this piece of mental illness is longer than my bachelors thesis.

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>bachelors thesis
That sounds unpleasant. In the US you only do a thesis for your masters/graduate level, not bachelor’s/undergraduate.

But wait there's more: you have to do a mini (35-40 pages) thesis every year. And then THE thesis (mine was 85p) for graduation.

You realise UTV is the one who did this right?

That's still delicious autism.

Sometimes I wonder what I missed before I fell into this hell hole 3 years ago.

Thank fucking god I only joined 3 years ago what in the living fuck is this autism?

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rumors are that UTV did all this himself btw

On the one hand you missed that autism, on the other hand you’ve only seen shit-era Yea Forums. Sounds like you’re an election tourist if it is indeed three years. Gross.

If that is true, then that doesn't take away from the fact that this is pure fucking Autism.

Like, everyone has had their autistic moments but fucking still.

Tinfoil hot take: UTV and the stalker are the same person, it was all a conspiracy for (you)s and screencaps

The weirdest part is that UTV was such a vanilla poster, doesn't make sense at all.

I have missed shit-era /spee/. I missed the Slip, and TORRES TORRES posting.

On the plus side, I got my 10 minutes of senpai before the fucking Jannies took it from me.

Attached: Liverslip.png (1132x285, 137K)

wtf is a UTV?

Meant to say that I've only been in shit era /spee/. Fucking tired. Basically agreeing with you.

No, that one Australian that hacked Yea Forums just to expose some attention whore was.

up the villa

>tfw you weren't included in the screencap

>tfw been on Yea Forums for nine years

>He had access to mods and jannies board
>Shitloads of trips like Cadfael were jannies


How is life, Brit-user

11 here. Dropped this shithole for 2-3 years and came back, wish I didn't.