I hate basketball

>i hate basketball
>dad only made me play cuz I'm tall
>i wanted to be a screenwriter
>zion keeps staring at me
>my feet hurt

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>play your heart and and get fouled out because of pic related

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He blocked zion 5 times and got refballed the fuck out, had to watch his team get eliminated. All because he said NBA was never on his mind and has a 4.0 GPA. Fuck these corrupt sports

Honestly, if I had to hear the announcers call any Duke player who drove into the lane against Tacko "courageous" one more time, I was going to vomit all over my coveralls.

courageous post

It was hard because the picture of Tacko was a

He sounds white, whats up with this dude do they color him black before the game?

>naming your child "Tacko"

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Why are Americans forcing college on their athletes so much. Isnt that basically a waste of time? If younget someone whosnovviously incredibly talented in a sport like that Zion guy, wouldn't it be better to make him a full time player as soon as possible?
Look at Messi, despite being dumb as a brick and probably barely passing high school, hes been a "pro" player pretty much since a toddler. Sounds like a waste of time, are there many "future prospects" that absolutely blow it up and end up having to rely on a back-up plan with their degree in the end? Seems like if you manage to make it in the elite level you are set up for life anyway, even if you suck after a few years

NCAA is a corrupt business who profits billions off these dumb fucks

yeah, it helps him blend in so he can sneak up to the hoop

Baseball and Hockey they don’t, Basketball is more than likely going to repeal the rule requiring a year removed from HS to be eligible. Football is the only one requiring university

I'm a dumb phoneposter, sorry for the incoherent post
I thought it's the same for NBA, seeing Americans on Yea Forums always talk about college basketball

Some people argue playing in college is important for developing as a player, I say that's total bullshit. Playing in the NBA from 18-22, against actual NBA players, will be a better lesson than 4 years in college ever could. And if they aren't quite ready for NBA? Put them in the D-League, it will still be better competition than college. The only people that REALLY want to keep players in college are, the colleges.

Yeah, I feel the same, football prodigies like messi and mbappe play for big main teams since they are 17, dont see why NBA doesnt do the same

Well, basketball is a very physical sport and most teenagers simply don't have the body yet to cut it against the big boys. Naturally some do. Lebron could have played in the NBA at 16. Still, is an NBA team wants to spend a draft pick on a teenager, why shouldn't they be allowed to?

Tacko was studying the sciences. If he quits playing ball later he already has something to fall back on

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based stem sticc

>he already has something to fall back on
>to fall back on

well, that's a given

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>El Haji
Sounds like an "American" soldier named him

The NBA used to draft directly from high school. LeBron James didn't go to college, he went straight to the NBA.

Because the NCAA is corrupt as fuck, it forced the NBA back in the early 2000s to make the "one and done" rule. Adam Silver wants to get rid of it, because prospects are athletically ready to play in the NBA from high school.

Here's an article on the NBA wanting to get rid of it, but it would cost millions of dollars in revenue to the NCAA. Fuck the NCAA.


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He's a big tall nerd

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damn he gon cure aids while zion busts in the nba

>you now remember Sebastian Telfair

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>prospects are athletically ready to play in the NBA from high school.
false. basketball players take forever to develop. look how long it took guys like Westbrook, Harden, and Giannis to become as good as they are right now.

You now remember Wendell Carter, Jr.

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>basketball players take forever to develop
Hi, NCAAfag.

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>comparing 90% of players to a freak like Zion or James

and why do you think being in the NBA, surrounded by and competing against truly great players, having access to world class sports science and facilities, would inhibit their development? and if it did, why would the D league not be preferable to college?

read the rest of the post

because they get no playing time unless they're a lottery pick

Do you think Duke's facilities are not world class? Their athletics department makes $2 Billion a year.

I think it's fine to 'force' these kids to take the mandatory 1 year of college before NBA, so they aren't thrown into the gauntlet against 30 year old mountain men about to ravage their little anuses. A year of college does a lot to a person's character, when you're not in a building with a bunch of 14-17 year olds. You prepare to learn and think for yourself. They need to start paying these kids though. Sure Zion is going to make $100 mil next year but most of these kids are doing it >for free while the athletics department and sponsors make billions off them.

>what are scholarships

not equivalent to millions of dollars?

One year makes a difference? Get fucking real. One year rule didn’t always exist either and it worked fine

Then they shouldn't get drafted. Fuck the NCAA. Take your chances, son. Fuck steroidbabbys like LELBron and ZyCUM Williamson. Fuck Coach Kuckeski and fuck Duke.

Tacko Fall next GOAT.

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t. boomer

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Hate how the top schools always get get calls. Fuck Duke, it's a shit university and I will absolutely believe anyone who defends it here because it's shit enough for you fags to be alumni

NCAAfag boomer.

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Based. Fuck Duke and refball. Fuck the NCAA. Fuck corrupt Coach Gaykrewrewzeski and fuck everything and everyone related to Duke.

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That doesn’t even make any sense nigger. Im literally saying abolish the one year rule

Dumbass NCAA doesn't realize Tacko is much more fun than Zion and they rigged it the wrong way

>sport only requires height

>The only people that REALLY want to keep players in college are, the colleges.
Also the kids who love basketball but aren't NBA material. it would suck for them to remove the college game

>but aren't NBA material.
Do you have 2 brain cells? Those players have nothing to do with this conversation

Tacko should have fouled Zion harder preventing the And 1. Then again I'm happy that 7'7" Urkel is able to get back to campus to continue his studies.


Be sure to say Hi to Mr Skeleton

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Someone that tall and that skin y cant be a fully funcional human being outside a basketball court, look how clumsy he is when moving after making the shot

Right, he runs like a duck...indicates abnormal bone structure and limb movement. I'd be concerned about taking a hard foul and snapping something.

this guy has marfan syndrome

You wouldn't remove college basketball, colleges would still be free to make basketball teams and compete, but the NBA wouldn't require their athletes to have completed college. Idiot fuckhead

glad someone else noticed
this guy will be dead before 30

the leaf isn't pulling your leg. the NCAA should be abolished; absolutely criminal shit


None of them love basketball as a sport

For most it's just an avenue to them for generational wealth

they want us all to pretend they are capable of reading and writing when in fact they are all illiterate, we have no standards for admissions and the athletic programs are there to make it even clearer that education is not the priority

>NCAA reports revenues of $1.1 billion in 2017
guys the NCAA is all about the kids and their education ok