>Today: 8pm ET/5pmPT - 津田学園 (三重)x 龍谷大平安 (京都) Tsuda Gakuen´s High School (Mie) x Ryukoku University´s Heian HS (Kyoto)
10:30pm ET/7:30PM ET - 盛岡大付 (岩手)x 石岡一 (茨城) University of Morioka Affiliated High School aka Desu Vult Mets (Iwate) x Ishioka First High School (Ibaraki)
1am ET/10pm PT - 山梨学院 (山梨) x 札幌第一 (北海道) Yamanashi Gakuin´s Senior High School (Yamanashi) x Sapporo Daiichi (Hokkaido) --------
This would be cooler if I had any sort of allegiances to or knowledge of any schools or localities in Japan.
Christopher Gomez
well there is some series of videos talking abit about the teams and schools from mainichi and NHK, but its in Japanese so idk if you undestood much, sometimes we throw random facts during the thread as well
everyone has an region to cheer, i am cheering to Hokkaido and Kumamoto
Ayden Thompson
I mean this game specifically
Oliver Cox
For me, it's kyoto
Gabriel Phillips
Heian are one of the most successful high schools in Koshien history (though not in recent years). Tsuda's pitcher Mae tops out at 148kmh/91mph. Heian's pitcher Nozawa only tops out at 138kmh/85mph.
It's just jarring to see her present baseball coverage for a serious audience knowing that she does gravure. Not that i'm complaining.
David Ortiz
well you see gravure girls doing lot of things so is kinda normal in japan at point that people dont care
Owen Fisher
The former opposition leader Renho (OPPOSITION LEADER!) was a former gravure girl. Certainly a career change.
Austin Watson
Well, after Nao Oikawa nothing else suprises me
Gavin Perry
>0-0 going to eight imagine the memes if it goes to tie-break 0-0 and goes in so much innings that they will be forced in call tie and make them replay again so they can have more 0-0 games?
If you want to be critical, the standard of batting when there are players on base for both teams has been awful. There hasn't been any shortage of chances.
Yep, Morioka Daifu are fairly consistent in the past couple of years. From the northern prefecture of Iwate (Ohtani's home prefecture) Made quarters of both spring and summer koshien in 2017 (I think I saw one of their games live). Ishioka Daiichi are a public school and it's their first time at Koshien. Very much an underdog. Getting Yoshida/Kanano vibes as their similar in relying upon a highly touted pitching ace. (Iwamoto, throws 147kmh/91mph.
Adam Hughes
>they dont wait the ball and bat anyways it will be an long game...
Joshua Brown
oh Morioka has an Daruma in stands
Justin Thomas
ops not morioka, its ichioka why both needs have oka
Really liking this Ishioka team. Consistent fielding, an ace pitcher, decent offence and good underdog credentials (Public school/First time at Koshien).
Colton Foster
That's not how this works. You watch, enjoy the passion these kids play with, shit on the inevitable mental errors and dumb plays, and fall in love with teams as you hate Osaka Toin with all your guts.
Levi Wright
>those drums
I love the fucking atmosphere in this tourney.
Nice base stealing dickhead lmao
William Fisher
Nice fielding to get out that jam by Ishioka
Ryan Ramirez
Updated. Someone else will have to update later, I won't be able to watch much this season. Won't be up too late tonight either.
I forgot to thank you for making this the other day
Mason Ross
god damn mest
Hunter Bailey
>MEST it’s all over
Nicholas Diaz
Remember that Ishioka is a "21st century team" so they didn't even get past their tournament's quarter-finals. They just got chosen by the committee to compete here. So they're doing great.
Apart from that 9th inning (And to be fair, at least he didn't lose the game) Iwamoto has been pretty clutch in scoring situations. And if he doesn't make that catch, all Morioka needed was a sac fly. Possible gamechanging moment there.
Daniel Reyes
First base redeemed himself there
Sebastian Howard
In a few years all these kids will be in NPB
Kayden Nelson
Ishioka pitcher, maybe.
Charles Rodriguez
not necessarily, only a select few at best. thats why there's so much crying in summer koshien because its the last time most of them play
William Lewis
>Ishioka batters >Hit to second baseman and ground out >Repeat
Brody Martinez
Not even that. Even at Summer Koshien, they're maybe 15 or 20 players who will make it to npb. Out of 42 teams.
Kevin Perez
Well that's depressing..
Blake Nelson
literal deifinition of insanity
Evan Ramirez
well, its complicated, but some get an after-life playing in College or Industrial leagues
Evan Adams
Are industrial leagues like the Minor Leagues for MLB
Austin Long
no, the minor league of NPB are the Farm Leagues
Christian Fisher
I think it's just an indie pro league, like the Frontier League?
Jacob Barnes
Oh dear. E5. But their catcher who is up now with the flamingo stance is their worst batter. So suicide squeeze likely here.
Julian Wilson
Very derogatory name using Farm league for them..
Oliver Wilson
the amazing mest
Matthew Harris
Daniel Baker
dat ball slip
Samuel Cook
Based meme swing
Jonathan Morris
He'll be haunted for the rest of his life. 1 fucking out away.
Missed the first game, but i'm here now. The pitcher is Kawano (148kmh/92mph) Low strike out rate (Only 7 per 9 innings) but has WHIP around 1.05 or so. Koryo (Hiroshima) Batting Lineup 5-Watanabe (3B) 4-Nakatomi (2B) 16-Kanazawa (LF) 9-Nakamura (RF) 6-Muneyama (SS) 3-Tsuryuu (1B) 2-Akiyama (C) 1-Kawano (P) 8-Fujii (CF) Koryo are one of the usual suspects at Koshien and have many impressing alumni including Tomoaki Kanemoto (Tigers legend, former coach and holder of ironman consecutive innings record) Yusuke Nomura (Current Carp starter) Seiji Kobayashi (Current Giants catcher) Hiroki Uemoto (Current Tigers infielder) Kohei Arihara (Current Fighters ace) Shousei Nakamura (2017 Koshien phenom catcher and holder of home runs record in Koshien)
Kayden Davis
are you recording this or using highlights? highlights has slow cam or alternative cameras
im getting the m3u8 from the clips on the right side of the yahoo stream. not seeing any slow cam or alt cameras
Michael Wood
Hachinohe Kosei Gakuin (Aomori) Batting Lineup 4-Ito (2B) 8-Shimabukuro (CF) (A very common Okinawan name so maybe roots in Okinawa?) 6-Takeoka (SS) (Star of the team, .407 batting average and 4 home runs overall in past 3 tournaments, getting some limited interest from scouts) 3-Kondo (1B) 7-Ooe (LF) 5-Sagayama (3B) 9-Hara (RF) 2-Tayama (C) 1-Goto (P) Hachinohe Kosei Gakuin have been a mainstay in the past decade. As a northern school in Aomori (prefecture nearest to Hokkaido), have been able to attract players from across Japan, particularly from Kansai region where all their famous players are from. Alumni include Hayato Sakamoto (Giants longterm shortstop, basically Japan's Derek Jeter) Tatsuhiro Tamura (Power hitting catcher for Marines) Fumiya Hojo (Tigers infielder)
Ryan Parker
ah, you need see the play by play highlights you can also select the game and inning
>Carp's farm team but there is an Carp farm, so it would be the farm of farm?
Wyatt Green
kawano has a pretty good chance at the 1 hitter
Luke Baker
I'm not being completely serious here but even if you look at the Carp's roster, the following are all Koryo alumni. Nomura, Ren Nakata, Uemoto, Shousei Nakamura, Shirahama, Yabu. To have 6 players from the same (albeit local) high school on your roster is quite remarkable.
Jeremiah Campbell
There's a list of where the Kosei Gakuin players are from, they're basically another Kansai team! Only one player actually from Aomori. Ito-Osaka Goto-Osaka Tayama-Osaka Kondo-Nara Sagayama-Aomori Hara-Osaka Takeoka-Tokushima Shimabukuro-Tokyo Ooe-Osaka
Aiden Sullivan
For comparison, almost all Koryo players are from Hiroshima or neighbouring prefecture of Okayama
Noah King
>puts the pitcher on base again
Jonathan Carter
my bad i meant to reply to this. whats the reasoning for this scholarships, parents moving families into the area or shadiness?
Hunter Moore
You weren't legally allowed to offer scholarships until 2007 and only Private schools can offer that (and even then, only the really famous private schools can afford that). Plus Private schools aren't that expensive in Japan in comparison to public school (You still have to pay $5000 a year for a public school, private schools are usually double, so it's not that big a difference.)
Jace Perez
The players all board at the school if it's a big baseball private school, even if you live locally.
Zachary Kelly
with the way japan is I wonder if someone would risk getting a few players in illegally. the fallout probably wouldn't be worth it.
There's not much point if you're a private school. If you can afford it, you can afford it, there's no limit to the amount of scholarships you can offer.
Isaiah Taylor
>You still have to pay $5000 a year for a public school, private schools are usually double, so it's not that big a difference not just it, but some public schools have an better baseball performance (jncluding gov. support to baseball developtment) some exemples are Akita project that made Kawano into Koshien finals and the BFTOing that happened few days ago
damn so some random japan private school just needs one rich guy to use american booster tactics to compete.
Colton Gray
also about schools in Japan, many schools are attached to universities, soo studants can go easly to college (sometimes without even the college tests)
Jason Brown
I wouldn't say it's as easy as that. The best players will only accept scholarships if it's from a school which already regularly attends Koshien. So you need to demonstrate some baseball competance first.
Joseph Ross
who is /ourguys/ in the next game?
Xavier Baker
That black dirt is aesthetic as fuck, wonder how its consistency is compared to the standard brick dust here.
Ayden Thompson
Low 80s fastball and he starts with 7 out of the first 9 pitches offspeed, Toho gonna feast
Jackson Stewart
Toho (Aichi) Batting lineup 3-Matsui (RF) 4-Sugiura (2B) 1-Ishikawa (P) (Two-way player, .472 batting average, hit 9 HRs last year, Tops out at 144kmh/89mph, interest from Pros, particularly local npb team in Dragons) 6-Kumada (SS) (.415 batting average, 4 HRs in HS career) 7-Yoshino (LF) 5-Nagaya (1B) 8-Kawai (CF) 2-Nagasawa (C) 15-Yamada (3B) Toho are one of the "big four" in Aichi (Chukyo, Toho, Kyoei and Meiden (Ichiro's old school)) Most famous alumni is Kenta Asakura who was long term starter for the Dragons.
Jeremiah Campbell
could be asian greg maddux but also absolutely not
Cooper Lewis
If this dude can top out at 144kmh explains a lot. He's pacing himself on his fastballs right now, but throwing his offspeed at normal speed. Needs to learn to take the same amount off all his pitches.
Owen Stewart
Tomioka Nishi (Tokushima) Batting lineup 9-Sakamoto (1B) 6-Maekawa (SS) 1-Ukihashi (P) (Not much info on him but tops out at 140kmh/87mph and posseses decent power, hitting 15 home runs in his HS Career) 5-Yoshida (3B) 8-Ando (RF) 7-Yamazaki (CF) 4-Kimura (2B) 3-Abe (LF) 2-Awata (C) Tomioka Nishi are a public school, it's their first time at Koshien. Another "21st century" team who got invited despite not making past the quarterfinals of their local tournament.
Grayson Richardson
its more dark brown than black and it seems normal or more sandy if you want see, you can pay the stadium tour and touch it if you want
Lamo just realized the band's playing Evangelion music
Nicholas Moore
In many ways, with the weather in Japan it may be better to visit Spring rather than Summer Koshien. Similar atmosphere but the weather is far better. I sat in the outfield most days and by the time I left Japan I was at least 3 or 4 shades darker than normal. Great sightlines from the outfield though.
Asher Morgan
And the outfield in Spring Koshien is still free.
Oliver Smith
>two pitchers who rake fuck yeah this should be fun
John Evans
fuck, i was going to drink water,and i missed it
the summer is cheap tho, is just between 100 and 500 (and i think you have full tournament pack like there is with summer tickets)
Ryder Hughes
This. Weather is humid as fuck in that part of the world and sweltering. Walk five minutes down the street and you need to change your shirt. Spring and fall are the best times to visit. Same goes for Korea if you you want to check out some KBO.
Nathan Robinson
it rains an lot between march and july
Oliver Cooper
It's not really the cost which i'm annoyed about but the fact you have to lineup to get a ticket. Queues are absolutely ridiculous (Literally like 300 people in the one line and there are about 7 or 8 of these lines) At least in the outfield, you could literally just walk in and walk out whenever you wanted. In the summer that's especially helpful cause you can just walk to the shopping centre nearby for the aircon during breaks.
Grayson Sanders
desu weater in japan is similar to USA/south Canada
Caleb Robinson
i>desu weater lmao im dead
Joshua Jackson
can you drink alcohol at the games?
Luke Martin
Japanese summer is the worst i've experienced. Even worse than Australia and Miami. In Australia it's hotter but it's just dry. The humidity in Japan kills you.
Luis Harris
I am from West coast. Lived in Busan for five years. Spent a bunch of time in Kyushu and Osaka. It is not the same. I hated the summers. Thank God the beer and baseball were cheap.
Jayden Collins
In Korean stadiums you can bring in all the food and beer you want from outside. People show up with coolers. They just take your soju and you can pick it up after. Japan they were a bit more sensitive to outside booze.
I'm asking about Koshien since I'll be in Japan this summer, thanks though!
Carson Richardson
Beer girls on every aisle pouring cold beer! (About 500-700 yen) Plus there's an AEON in the shopping centre nearby so you can take as much cheap beer and chuhai as you want!
in pro baseball there is rule about bring stuff tho, maybe koshie tournament has similar rules
Aiden Watson
fuck yeah, now how do I get the cute beer girl to hang out with me after the games?
Brody Torres
Food selection in Koshien is pretty limited though. KFC, Yakisoba, Takoyaki and Yakitori. But the shopping centre food court and the AEON has a great selection
Jaxson Gray
When it was free in the outfield there was no security so you could bring in as much as you want. Other places you can still bring in heaps but you have to pour into a cup which they provide for you.
Cameron Price
Ooooh, dont know about that one chief
John Flores
thanks for the info, how far from the stadium are the mall and AEON?
You exit the outfield and there's a sort of area where they list all the Koshien winners. After that there's an intersection and you're right there. You could walk out of the outfield and into the shopping centre within 4 or 5 minutes.
Xavier Cook
Jack Johnson
that went from a nice scoop to a double fuck up, damn
Chase Parker
>area where they list all the Koshien winners fuq i wanted to see this do you have an pic? i love zones like this
i am craving to see the museum as well, they even have an area to visit the stadium below the scoreboard in non game days
Joseph Reed
great play by the catcher there, who are the top catchers in this tourney?
Joshua Carter
Toho really wasting a ton of opportunities here
Carter Morris
Ones with scouting reports are -Yamase (Seiryo (Ishikawa)) -Shindo (Chikuyo Gakuen (Fukuoka)) -Egawa (Oita) (Oita))
Jaxson Peterson
He's not at this tournament but they're currently hyping up Sasaki from Ofunato in Iwate as the next Ohtani. Comes from the same prefecture and threw 157kmh/97mph as a 16 year old last year. youtube.com/watch?v=sUG8rebLi2A
Jeremiah Murphy
Just inside the foul line. Tomioka Nishi tie it up. This would be a huge upset if they win here.
Isaiah Torres
what province is he? i will check on qualifiers
i just dont know if will make an thread for qualies (maybe just the osaka final like last year)
>Yokohma Sadness Favorite Smashing Pumpkins album desu
Leo Anderson
Michael Brooks
Akashi Shogyo represent
Caleb Diaz
Stream link? I'm not getting anything.
Robert Ortiz
Iwate is churning out elite talent left and right it seems. Ohtani, Kikuchi, any others I'm forgetting?
Gabriel Moore
look in OP dude there are two links, the Yahoo one has worked with no problems for me each day
David Barnes
Akashi Shogyo (Hyogo) Batting Lineup 8-Kida (CF) (2 hits in 4 abs in last year's summer koshien) 2-Mizukami (C) 5-Shigemiya (3B) 9-Ando (RF) 7-Mizoo (LF) 4-Okada (1B) 6-Kawano (SS) 3-Shimizu (2B) 1-Nakamori (P) (Tops out at 146kmh/91mph, 42 strikeouts in past 31 innings, 2.30 ERA) Akashi Shogyo are a public school in their 3rd appearance at Koshien. (Past appearances were Spring 2016 and Summer 2018) They lost a close first round contest last year to Hachinohe Kosei Gakuin. As a public school in the competitive Kansai prefecture of Hyogo, qualifying for back to back Koshiens is an impressive achievement.
Lincoln Thomas
Is Nakamori in good draftability range? Looks really sharp so far.
Alexander Price
Kokushikan (Tokyo) Batting Lineup 4-Kurokawa (2B) 8-Matsumuro (CF) 9-Watanabe (RF) 3-Kurosawa (1B) 7-Morinaka (LF) 6-Kamota (SS) 2-Sawano (C) 1-Shirasu (P) (Tops out at around 135kmh/84mph) 14-Ito (3B) Kokushikan are the university high school of Kokushikan university, one of the second tier universities in Tokyo. Have qualified semi-regularly for Koshien with 8 previous appearances in Spring Koshien but only 1 appearance in Summer.
Probably not this year. He's got good velocity but this is his first real full experience of Koshien (he only pitched 2 innings last year) There are at least 6 or 7 high school pitchers in front of him. If he has a good game today, maybe a late 5th or 6th round pick, but will probably go to a top college to get some polish. Has good academics apparently so may play for a top Tokyo Big6 college like Waseda or Keio.
Josiah Young
Kida was up to some unfinished business from last year it seems
Alexander Allen
Just found out the reason why he isn't getting as much publicity. He's a second-year. So putting that in perspective, he certainly has a chance next year of being drafted in the later rounds next year if he keeps improving.
Xavier Parker
Oh I wasn't aware of this. Any way I can find out who's a first, second, or third year?
I've heard of Hosei, any notable NPB stars from those schools?
Carson Allen
The top 10 schools (according to a survey) in this tournament are the following. Seiryo (Ishikawa) (On the back of their ace Okugawa) Yokohama (Kanagawa) (ELIMINATED) Riseisha (Osaka) (ELIMINATED) Akashi Shogyo (Hyogo) (Best public school) Koryo (Hiroshima) Sapporo Ohtani (Hokkaido) (Meiji Champions 2018) Chiben Wakayama (Wakayama) Toho (Aichi) Narashino (Chiba) Ryukoku Dai Heian (Kyoto) Basically the equivalent of SEC football in Japanese college baseball, where all the best non-drafted talents play (Except Tokyo/Todai, they're an absolute joke)
Luke Evans
Yeah I just checked their alumni base, it gets a lot of diet people.
Bentley Lopez
This is a list of notable alumni Hosei (Atsunori Inaba (Swallows/Fighters, current Japan manager), Koji Yamamoto (Carp legend, Japan hall of famer)) Keio (Yoshinobu Takahashi (Recently fired Giants manager, star Giants outfielder in the 90s/00s) Meiji (Kenshin Kawakami (Played for the Dragons and Atlanta Braves), Senichi Hoshino (Recently passed Hall of Fame Pitcher, coached Eagles to Japan Series) Rikkyo (Shigeo Nagashima (Japan's Joe DiMaggio, most famous player after Sadaharu Oh and arguably more popular) Waseda (Too many to mention, but includes Yuki Saito (2006 Koshien hero), Nori Aoki (Mlb player), Tsuyoshi Wada (Mlb player) Takashi Toritani (Long-time tigers shortstop Tokyo (No-one, cause they're the top academic university in Japan and are only in the league cause of history, but they did have Kohei Miyadai drafted for the Fighters a couple of years ago, first Tokyo player drafted in decades)
Nicholas Smith
out by a mile, bad call
Anthony Reyes
thanks a bunch man
Tyler Ross
another jam escaped
Dominic Miller
Liam Clark
Evan Davis
damn it
Brayden Gutierrez
Nakamori really raising a case for scouts
Thomas Davis
he's handled the jams he was in quite well
Adam Gomez
Akashi Shogyo advances! Nakamori really shone that game.
Mason Scott
Nakamori stats: 141 pitches, 9 hits, 10 Ks, 1bb, 1 earned run. For what it's worth, Akashi Shogyo could get a lot of support from the locals as a local team. Their school is only 31 miles from Koshien Stadium.
James Williams
The Dodgers' stadium organist played it during the World Series last fall
Anthony Gonzalez
Why is the video player so small this year? Or is it just me?
Isaac Baker
Oita (Oita) Batting Lineup 4-Adachi (2B) 9-Tanaka (RF) 8-Otegawa (CF) 3-Nakao (1B) 5-Iizuka (3B) 2-Egawa (C) (.421 batting average) 7-Ando (LF) 1-Nagao (P) 6-Ono (SS) Oita are a private school from Kyushu. Although they are a relatively old school, they've only really qualified in recent years. They made Summer Koshien in 2014 and 2016 where they lost in the first round both times.
Connor Smith
Matsuyama Seiryo (Ehime) Batting Lineup 6-Takubo (SS) 5-Sakamoto (3B) 8-Orita (CF) 3-Omura (1B) 2-Kishida (C) 7-Shinjo (LF) 17-Ichikawa (RF) 10-Keanzan (P) 14-Watanabe (2B) Matsuyama Seiryo are a private school from Ehime on the island of Shikoku. Only qualified for Koshien in recent years (Summer 2016, Spring 2018). Their only major baseball alumni is Makoto Aduwa (half-black relief pitcher for the Carp, pitched in 53 games last year as a 19 year old)
Toin Gakuen (Kanagawa) Batting Lineup 8-Tomita (CF) 4-Yamamoto (2B) 6-Mori (SS) (.368 batting average, impressive pop for a shortstop with 5 HRs in his HS Career) 3-Kamikawa (1B) 14-Kanda (RF) 5-Kawakubo (3B) 9-Baba (LF) 1-Irei (P)(Only tops out at 130kmh/81mph) 2-Shimizu (C) Toin Gakuen are a famous baseball school with a rich history, though their last trip to Koshien was in Spring 2003. This is mainly due to their location in Kanagawa (arguably the second most competitive prefecture after Osaka). They have numerous famous alumni including -Yoshinobu Takahashi (Former Giants Manager and long-time Giants outfielder) Keiichi Hirano (Former Blue Wave/Tigers/Buffaloes second baseman, 2 time golden glove winner) Daichi Suzuki (Current Marines Infielder, 3 time NPB all star) Eigoro Mogi (Current Eagles shortstop)
Sebastian Walker
One more I believe.
Kayden Hughes
yea, until 29/30 will be 3 games an day
31 will be quarterfinals and all 4 games will be played at that day
Abril 1st will be free day, then semis and final on following days
Brody Bell
>Toin Gakuen thier school is big an lot, there is even an classic music theather inside it
Keishin (Fukui) Batting Lineup 3-Hamanaka (1B) 4-Kouhara (2B) 2-Anamizu (C) 17-Takehara (LF) 8-Onoda (CF) 6-Yamazawa (SS) 9-Furukawa (RF) 5-Sakaue (3B) 1-Adzumi (P) (Tops out at 135kmh/84mph) Keishin are a private school from the central prefecture of Fukui and this is their first time at Koshien. They were formerly a girls school until they became in coed in 1998, hence their lack of baseball history. They did have a pitcher drafted by the Tigers last year in the sixth round. (Joichiro Maki)
Hunter Harris
they are in spirit
Eli Cook
Fuku Toin!
Mason Johnson
Early days, but considering Irei only tops out at 132kmh/82mph), he's probably gonna get lit up.
Carter Lee
>2 runs could be worse
Juan Edwards
Adzumi (Keishin) seems to have quite mediocre control, possibly due to his windup, seems quite wild.
First game is the last game of the first round. Chiben Wakayama (Wakayama) v Kumamoto Nishi (Kumamoto)
Chase Kelly
Kumamoto Nishi Batting Lineup 16-Noda (3B) 9-Nakamoto (RF) 5-Minase (1B) 8-Sakai (CF) 1-Shimogami (P) (Tops out at 137kmh/85mph) 6-Urata (SS) 17-Suenaga (LF) 2-Ito (C) 4-Kurematsu (2B) Kumamoto Nishi are a public school from the prefecture of Kumamoto in Kyushu. They are the last of the "21st century" teams (places set aside for teams which didn't reach the semi-finals of their tournament) and are probably the weakest team of the whole tournament.
Nicholas Baker
let's go reverse carpu!
Mason Taylor
How have the games been the last couple days? I kinda sorta missed them
Zachary Williams
Chiben Wakayama (Wakayama) Batting Lineup 8-Hosokawa (CF) (.458 HS batting average) 6-Nishikawa (SS) 4-Kurokawa (2B) (9 for 26 in his previous koshien appearances, including a home run) 2-Azuma (C) (7 for 22 in his previous koshien appearances, one of the better catchers in the tournament) 9-Negoro (RF) 3-Sato (1B) 7-Hazama (LF) 1-Ikeda (P) (Tops out at 138kmh/85mph) 10-Ayahara (3B) Chiben Wakayama are a private school from the Kansai prefecture of Wakayama and are a mainstay of Koshien, having attended Summer Koshien 23 times and Spring Koshien 12 times. Their heyday was in the 90s when they won Spring Koshien in 1994 and two Summer Koshien within four years (1997,2000). You may remember them from their epic choke in the first round to surprise quarter-finalists Ohmi. Surprisingly for such a storied team, they have very little successful NPB alumni. The only of note is Haruki Nishikawa (Outfielder for the Fighters).
Joseph Sullivan
Kumamoto Nishi go ahead in the 2nd. Possible upset incoming.
Imagine getting absolutely slaughtered on national television. I don't think we'll see another 20+ run game in this tournament but damn there's got to be one.
imagine being that starting pitcher. He works his ass off to get to be a starter for one of the elite baseball programs in Japan. The weight of all the opponents he faced rests on his shoulders. Then he goes out in one of the biggest, if not the biggest, game of his life and gives up double digit runs and his team flies back to their snowy mountain village in disgrace.
Noah Rodriguez
i presume we get to see the seiryo ace in the last matchup today right?
Julian Foster
Okugawa. He's probably the second best HS pitcher in Japan right now. Will get drafted possibly in first round.
Shiritsu Wakayama (Wakayama) Batting Lineup 5-Yamano (3B) 4-Shimoida (2B) 6-Ogata (SS) 9-Kashiyama (P) (Tops out at 140kmh/87mph) (Their ace Iwamoto is having a rest, but may come in later in the game) 2-Yoneda (C) 14-Yamada (LF) 7-Takidani (1B) 8-Katakami (CF) 13-Iki (RF) Shiritsu Wakayama are a public school from the Kansai prefecture of Wakayama. Their heyday was in the 60s when they reached the final of Spring Koshien and semi-finals of Summer Koshien but they have experienced success in recent years, attending Summer Koshien in 2014 and 2016 and Spring Koshien in 2016. Noted alumni include Shingo Kawabata (Longtime Swallows infielder) Naoya Masuda (Marines reliever)
Hudson Edwards
Takamatsu Shogyo (Kagawa) batting lineup- 8-Hikura(CF) 6-Otsuka (SS) 4-Taniguchi (2B) 3-Tateiwa (1B) 9-Asano (RF) 17-Ueda (LF) 5-Shinohara (3B) 10-Nakatsuka (P)(Tops out at 141kmh/87mph) (Like Wakayama, they're not playing their ace Kagawa today) 2-Arai (C) Takamatsu Shogyo are a public school from the Shikoku province of Kagawa. They have a very rich baseball tradition although most of their success was in the 20s and 30s (They won summer koshien twice in 1925 and 1927 and spring koshien in 1924) Before their last run in Spring 2016 (where they made the final), they hadn't made an appearance at Koshien in 20 years.
Joshua Flores
Brody Peterson
Ah shit I missed it
Carson Collins
Second inning and they've got the bullpen going whew
Aaron Turner
to bad neither team played their aces because the fielding looks a cut above.
2 hits for Ueda (Takamatsu Shogyo) now including 2 rbis!
Tyler Green
What a catch.
Damn, what do I have to do to go live in Japan and watch comfy as fuck baseball all the damn time
Lincoln Gray
get a load of this guy's noggin lol
Ayden Carter
who is first? Sasaki?
Benjamin Thompson
Seiryo boutta dab on Narashino. 14k's
Brandon Miller
Seiryo (Ishikawa) batting lineup- 8-Shouji (CF) 7-Arimatsu (LF) 5-Chida (3B) 6-Uchiyama (SS) 2-Yamase (C) 1-Okugawa (P) (Tops out at 150kmh/93mph) (Widely regarded as the second best pitching prospect in Japan after Rouki Sasaki (Ofunato)) (130 pitches, 3 hits, 17 ks and 1bb, 0 earned runs in the first round) 3-Fukumoto (1B) 9-Okada (RF) 4-Yamamoto (2B) Seiryo are a Koshien mainstay from the rural prefecture of Ishikawa in Central Japan. They made the Summer Koshien final in 1995 and the quarterfinals of Spring Koshien last year. You may remember them as the team which choked away a 7-1 lead in the bottom of the 8th, and then choked again in the 13th inning with a 11-9 lead to lose 13-11 on a walk off grand-slam to Saibi (Ehime). Their most famous alumni is Godzilla himself, Hideki Matsui.
Luis Johnson
if i cant mistake, the summer koshien will be 6/6 if nothing bad happens
Austin Sullivan
Yeah, if you're throwing 97-98mph as a high schooler you're probably going to be the best pitching prospect. Not since Ohtani has there been a high school pitcher in Japan with this velocity.
Ian Mitchell
any chance he'll be in summer koshien? I wanna see him pitch
Leo Jones
Narashino (Chiba) Batting lineup) 6-Kakuta (SS) 4-Ozawa (2B) 8-Nemoto (CF) 9-Takahashi (3B) 3-Sakurai (1B) 7-Takenawa (LF) 10-Yamauchi (RF) 2-Kaneko (C) 17-Iwasawa (P) (Not using their ace Iizuka today) Narashino are a public school from the Kanto prefecture of Chiba (which borders Tokyo from the east). They are a semi-regular attendant of Koshien, winning Summer Koshien twice in 1967 and 1975. Their last big run was in 2011 when they made the quarters of Summer Koshien. Their most famous alumni are Masayuki Kakefu ("Mr Tiger", Hanshin Tigers legend) Kazuya Fukuura (Long-time Marines infielder, recently reached 2000 hits in npb)
Zachary Hill
Very much depends if he is able to single-handedly lead his team out of Iwate regionals. Morioka Daifu (which are at this tournament) and Hanamaki Higashi (Ohtani and Yusei Kikuchi's old school) usually dominate the prefecture. Last time Ofunato (Sasaki's school) reached Koshien was in 1984.
Jonathan Ramirez
damn, I hope he can do it
Hudson Martinez
Turns out Iwasawa (Narashino) is a submariner. And he just hit a batter. This should be interesting
>Yu Takahashi singing in an dramatic form as koshien images passees by
fixed to be more clear
Isaac Rogers
great defensive inning
Ian Campbell
wow Baseball people is really crazy to get more and more kids at game
NPB 2019 slogan video (that is showed before the japanese broadcasts in TV) is litteraly an kid bulding an baseball stadium as talks about the dream of kids being baseball players
Iizuka (Narashino) is bossing this game right now. Only 2 hits and 2 walks in the 5.1 innings he's been on. Maybe Narashino's strategy of soaking up the early innings with a reliever could work.
James King
Not that Narashino are a weak team by any stretch, but this would be an upset. Seiryo was expected to make at least the semis.
Austin Watson
Oh dear, Seiryo's bad fielding strikes again.
Jeremiah Bennett
this team keeps fucking up
Leo Watson
Bunt? Really? Now? With no one on base?
Christopher Peterson
Jordan Carter
Oh dear. Picked off on second. Seiryo are choking here.
Evan Young
Jayden Wilson
>pick off
Kayden Cook
When your high school chokes away a lead at Koshien yet again