France has never won a Rugby world cup

France has never won a Rugby world cup

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Even Ireland have won of those. This is pathetic from France, truly.


imagine living in a world where the Irish may go past the QF, what times are we enjoying

pretty amazing if it happens, 2bh

they almost won in 2011 though
that was one of the best games ive ever seen

You have five seconds to explain why Italy is even in the Six Nations.

they were kinda good when they joined and the way its set up means theyd have to vote themselves out

We were the moral winners in 2011

you won our hearts
seeing poo peeland get beaten in a home final would've been 18-1 levels of btfo

I thought it was pretty meh, and Tin-Duck is the worst choker ever seen. Also, once again McCaw can thank his invisible cape.

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Wait, isn't Six Nations the four UK, Ireland and France forever?

Rugby is an irrelevant sport. Who gives a shit?

If Ireland could have stayed in the 5N despite being worse than Italy for several decades, then surely Italy can stay. I'm a boomer and I can remember how absolutely pathetic Ireland was in the 90's.

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5n schedules were fucked and there's noone better

NI and Ireland play as one team in Rugby

t. pic related

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you now remember France getting cucked by Argentina when the world cup was in france




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It is an irrelevant sport. It's cared about by Celts, by small populations of weirdos in two continental countries, and by posh inbred cunts in England.

France have won two football world cups, the only sport that matters internationally, and therefore that's all that matters.

The English upper middle class are the only people on this island who aren’t subhuman. If you don’t rate rugby and you’re british chances are you’re a genetic turdbowl.

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this looks fun as fuck

the fact that a brainless thick beef like chabal is the most popular player in the last 2 décades in France, le once country of "french flair", you understand the problem.

t. larping middle class faggot

What an utter joke of a post. You and your people are inbred troglodytes after centuries of intermarrying and staying around in the same shitty irrelevant farmer towns forever. Look at the royal family, and prominent upper class politicians like Cameron and Rees-Mogg. Your people are hideous and the way they have run this country prove that they're retarded too.

The rustic life and blood of this country is in the working classes (which are different to the under classes which you have pictured). And the working classes have no interest in such small time, small brained sports like rugby with no international significance.

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Found the brain dead monkey

We should have won easily but the blatant refball made it impossible.

The upper middle class is different from the aristocracy. The “inbred aristocracy” barely exists and is a meme, they were all killed off in the world wars. I’m talking about your average privately educated Brit and the genetic quality in terms of looks and intelligence is just so massively superior to the rest of the filth that populate this island. It’s so embarrassing being a brit and being associated with ugly, dumb, inbred chavvy lower middle and working class scum puking their guts out in Magaluf and Prague.

I honestly think the British lower class are the biggest abomination of this earth. Even worse than Americans. There is something so fundamentally vulgar and disgusting about them. A complete lack of culture, class, morality and values.

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Some absolutely weapons-grade autism going on ITT.

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>There is something so fundamentally vulgar and disgusting about them. A complete lack of culture, class, morality and values.

You're either really stupid and unknowledgeable on wider British culture, or you're just wilfully blind.

The upper middle classes gave us the Bullingdon Club. The upper middle classes gave us, more broadly, the culture of university "rugby lads" who literally have initiation ceremonies involving drinking each other's piss, drinking vomit, performing grotesque sexual acts on each other, and who get violently drunk. A lot of upper middle class people aren't even smart, they simply are educated so aggressively and whipped into success until the point where they attain passable exam grades by default. Their critical thinking skills are simply non-existent. Or, if they're completely useless, they simply spend their whole school years being a rugby cretin and become untouchable because of their value as sportspeople to the "prestige" of their school and then the future university.

The British upper and middle classes are a blight upon the world and have cheated and lied and stole their way to success. I actively hope that Brexit anally fucks this country so hard that they lose all their wealth and become irrelevant.

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Utterly seething chav

Neither France nor England have ever won the WC that really matters: the cricket world cup

Blah blah blah. People with posh accents aren’t the reason why brits have been banned from clubs in Eastern European cities. It’s inbred chav cunts. You are the reason we are hated on the continent.

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Football fans = faggots with small penis

In fairness at least those initiation rituals grant them access to something usually associated with civic society and therefore something vaguely intellectual.

I unfortunately come from a country with a similarly disgusting underclass albeit on a smaller scale and mostly in one city, and if the similarities between my country and England goes further than that, then the idea of any 'rustic' and dignified working class is a fucking meme because such a thing cannot exist in a modern commercialised welfare state.
The dignified working class bettered themselves a long time ago, with the people left behind remaining there for a good reason.

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>The dignified working class bettered themselves a long time ago, with the people left behind remaining there for a good reason.


Any good genes in the working class are at least middle class by now. What’s left are literal subhumans.

>Rwc 1987 lel

>Rwc 1999 kek

>Rwc 2011 lole

My great grandfather was in the core of the old Dublin working class, being a stoker in the Guinness brewery, and my mother describes his road in the 30s essentially exiling a man who was seen having an affair and heard drunkenly abusing his wife, and the community all chipping in to help the single mother raise her kids.

Pre-marital sex, adultery, and any kind of wayward behaviour was all vigorously denounced by the old working classes, and because of their social conservatism, often behaved better than the overeating, adultering, and often degenerate upper classes of that era.

Now, the overeating, marriage abandoning degenerates are mostly at the bottom.

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Current rugby is nowhere near as fun. Defenses are insanely stronger and more organized nowadays. It's just like comparing a 1960 football defense to a 2019 football defense.

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in my memory the final was average.
Even though I was cheering for Australia during the tournament

>that brown guy on the left

For me, its rugby
not divegrass