Guess the national team

Guess the NT team based on clubs the players play for.
I only made 4 of these so please don't Google it you faggots.

Starting off relatively easy.

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szszswswyz land

Juventus should start Perin instead of that shitter from Poland





>Having players from the Championship and the turkish league in your starting 11
Well it all makes sense now

poland, ez. literally just looked at the strikers.

It was Poland, good job.

Another easy one.

Attached: 3.png (570x806, 1.09M)


Portugal, ez

>All these wolves
Portugal obviously

That's the team that lost their own Euros to Greece

durr Portugal

By the way these are based on last used squad, not the best one available.

Harder one now. 1 giveaway though.

Attached: 2.png (570x806, 1.06M)

both pretty easy so far but very cool concept good thread/idea OP



Denmark. It's easy because you can just guess based on the keeper.

Denmark, Kasper

Did you read his fookin post?

>implying I keep track of denmark's starting lineups

>Not keeping track of every pro teams in the World
baka desu senpai

Yes, Denmark. It's kinda hard to make difficult ones with these because most countries have at least one player you can easily recognise and if they don't, the team is usually full of literally who's playing for clubs from that country.

Anyway, here's another one.

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Eriksen didnt play against Kosovo, I use last used squads

what the fuck happened to argentina
whats that banana brand looking logo next to sevilla?

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I'm gonna go take a shit and maybe make a couple more after.

the state of argentina

That's Defensa y Justicia, small barrio team that is making waves at national level.

Apart from Messi it's all bargain bin shitters

It would probably be more difficult if you used nationalities to describe a club line-up instead.

Do one for a literally who team next

The question marks are players that would make it too easy.

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Switzerland, based on the keeper.




I think this one will get the noggin' joggin'.

Attached: 6.png (570x806, 1.09M)



Keepers give these away


>tfw PSV fan
>tfw you couldn't recognize who they were until the first person said the answer


Yep aussies

Australia is correct.

Last one for today. Might make more tomorrow if thread survives.

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Yeah, Sweden

what site do you use to do these ?

Tottenham Hotspur

Why isn’t the Swansea logo there?

every single one of you has been using google



here is pitch template

Attached: pitch.png (570x806, 1.17M)

>an MLS player next to Messi
what the fuck? how the fuck did it get this bad?

absolute brainlet

they really haven't been.

like they said, its really easy to tell from the goalkeeper

No, as has already been pointed out it's fairly easy to get it based on the goalkeepers. Most national teams are going to be starting a goalkeeper, who also starts for their club

the keepers always make it obvious

dank u wel

based idea. yeah just always remove the keepers and this is interesting.

or do it with league logos and not club emblems

OK let's do it, guess the club guys.
If too easy I'll delete the gk

Attached: Sans titre.png (580x806, 861K)

>having MLS players in your starting 11

I can't believe we are lining up a MLS player
that's why Venezuela won

Defense and justice, the most meme team In Argentina

Great “fanbase” you got there, braboneger


Leverkusen. The Jamaican flag made it obvious.

Leverkusen, wouldn’t have gotten it right without the jamaican flag

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>the absolute state

Attached: 033ee2b6-86c5-11e6-8fff-f52227c06034_1280x720.png (980x551, 528K)

how do I make these with full transparency

Transparent background logos
I had to google what shitty Spanish club Stuani plays for

The "?" means the players come from the country of the league

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celta de vigo

? Stuani is not from the team =>


I had to install GIMP now I'm learning 'cause it didn't work in Paint.

Club Brugge


learning to use editing software to shitpost on Yea Forums is ass, ive done it through the years and end up with a bunch of bloatware on my pc filled with converters codecs programs scripts and absolute shit.

stop guessing everything é_è, correct

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Attached: Sans titre.png (598x806, 1.03M)

>look at keeper
>google club of keeper
> "oh it's obviously x, look at how much of a pundit I am"

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Feyenoord (thanks to Cuco)

1st NO
2d: Feyenoord YES

whatever club cavani plays for


NO, but the reponse has been discovered if you want
Portugal too strong

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I appreciate the effort, but this game is way too easy, you need like 2/3 players from a top 5 league in Europe and you have the nation

Hid the GK to make it less easy

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Captcha is starting to get too strong for me too :(

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Monaco ?


the only polish defender I know is Glik then the russian made me think of golovin


Attached: unguessableteam.jpg (556x799, 310K)

Nigtlanta United?

Lesser Serbia

Atlanta United


Aston Villa

Southern Slovenia

the eradicator of england

noo I thought it would be harder to find
You search on internet or you only guess with memory ?
Atlanta and Aston villa CORRECT

Attached: Sans titre.png (750x806, 1.03M)

atlanta i knew, villa i had a guess but had to confirm

Spartak Moscow

>such diverse club players
how are they expected to play with each other when they get called up?!? Only portos had 3 players

ok now it's my revenge vecause you're too strong at this game

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wtf you searched for some random shitty team?

2d most titled club from their league

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b a s e d

IFK, Although it could have been Hobro desu
>Brazilian and Georgians
Is it Shaktar Donetsk?

This club was great in early 2000 before going low and now is starting to look great again in the recent years

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2d: NO

it's the team sheet from their early 2000's period **

>Continuing without me
Not based

last one since thread seems dead

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Who the fuck has two Ivorians?

Napoli? Too many Africans

finally a friend on the thread :3
You want a tip ?
NO (even though, yes there are a lot of africans in Napoli)

Slavia Praha

Yes correct :)

Always cover the goalie for godsakes

Good Luck

Attached: Shit club.png (566x798, 1.01M)

what flag is that in the midfield? wtf

I'll just assume it's a Norwegian club ?
If so I only know Molde and Viking club :x

this one is easy for pione sisto. at first i thought it was girona because of stuani, but sisto on the flank made it easy.

It's Norwegian yeah, but none of those

Found out because of Montserrat legend Alex Dyer.

Replace the montserrat guy (press f btw) and thats every swedish club ever


Keep in mind that nobody still found those :

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FC Energy Drink Salzburg

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Ngubu United


everytime I think, nobody will find but you do. I couldn't respond to those myself though.

He just got here btw
Apparently Yurop wouldn't pay him enough

>yeah fuck Dybala give me the Atlanta b01
jesus christ

but muh system, can't have two messi-like players on the same team now can you haha

good thread lads

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Level: Diabolic

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Gotta love Messi having to play with a Defensa y Justicia player


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its not good for my mental health when I think about what could have been because everything is better than this

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West Ham?

HJK, way too easy.

>Dybala playing literally as a full back
>Di Maria at the top
>Literally who is 2?
You actually made it worse.

>My Little Sawker
>Defense and Justice
>Tottenshit bench depth
And people give Messi shit for this trashpile of a team?

told ya it was easy :^)

this is the lineup from their last game before the international break

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answer plz peeps

No one will get this one

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kansas city. 2bh you could've posted the hungarian flag and 10 ?s

Your flag and Jonny Russell give it away

Either Ural or Goteborg
Goteborg it is then

Perin is shit. Polack is actually good.

Or monaco

What's that? Some club of your league?


*cracks open a monster drink*
Ah yes, Croatia 2018, that was a team

>Eriksen didnt play against Kosovo
Yes he did, he came on as sub and scored the PK.

Ricardo Flopriguez makes it too easy.

Strinic hasn't played a single game for Milan.

Striker is Fernando Morientes.

Yes it was Monaco from the final of CL 2004

Wellp. Didn't think you people would know MLS.


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team uranus

argentina during the world cup?

that is clearly France, a bunch of no nationality niggers

For clubs, is it most recent lineup or full strength lineup?

Bilbao or Chivas.

Trivago & Tripadvisor

Your local team?

I'm not a CHI

This one is pretty difficult, I think

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Montreal Impact

Nice. What gave it away?

>Scaloni actually put a DEFENSA Y JUSTICIA player in the Argies NT


No, it's not.

team of Özils?

no, it's from another scandi league

i'm guessing that would be montreal


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>least goals conceded
>should start perin
Jesus, jesus you are wrong.

Uganda man

For me it's because it's clearly a Canadian MLS team and there's Piatti. The defensive line also looks familiar since I know Raitala is next in line

Tromso IL? Norway?



That MLS player bootyblasted you in front of the whole planet a couple of months ago, what do you mean?

The Venezuela team you lost to started and MLS player (and one that just left MLS), and another MLS player came off the bench and scored.
Oh, and they had an MLS reject on their bench too.

Barcelona 5 years after Messi's retirment