What an absolute train wreck of a group
What an absolute train wreck of a group
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What is this? Why the fuck is israel allowed to play with us?
you really have to ask this?
How does Poland get an easy qualification group every single tournament?
Meanwhile we get lumped in with the fucking krauts at every possible chance
Why the fuck is this group allowed
Because the Asian teams refuse to
no, it's not about 6 gorillion
Not as easy as England's.
really digging that eastern europe ghetto exterminator 1942 vibe of the group
Alter bist du Nazi oder was?!
It may be easy to a decent team, but today we struggled for 75 min. against fucking Latvia
The lacerators of Latvia.
They gamed the system in some way, don't remember the details
The Skewers of Slovenia
Because they're cunts to their neighboring countries and then cry when they get harassed when they play away. As always, the governing bodies baby the weak kikes.
what the fuck are you guys doing
they have a high rankings, which gets you easy draws, which keeps you high in the ranking, which keeps getting you easy draws and so on.
greece done it for years as well
I dont want them to play with us. I want them to play with their countries.