Wake up, Zion

Wake up, Zion

It's all over

Attached: Chad Tacko.jpg (266x400, 16K)

Attached: 1495995841310.jpg (124x120, 3K)

Based and Tackopilled.

the EXPOSURE has begun

>a low skill person can break your sport just by being outrageously tall


Why doesn't an NBA team just make an entire team of Tacko Falls?

5 of them on the court at the same time, they all just raise their hands in the air and loop it to each other, the other team can't touch them because they can't reach it. Score every possession.

You mean Zion being fed steroids and HGH during his teen years so his coach-parents could have a meal ticket?

If Zion is natty, I'll livestream /killmyself/.

Attached: CYPIONAX-200mg-600x600.jpg (600x600, 52K)

Another team could be all Curry's, shooting from half court

Not everyone is a scrawny manlet like yourself

I would imagine an NBA team has tall players that can jump high enough to intercept

tacko won't play int he nba

ayy lmao

Attached: 6 foot man runs past 5'10 men.webm (320x180, 202K)

this guy is wasted height. he was absolutely no talent, no hands, and he let someone 2 feet shorter than him block him

The game is rigged, society can’t handle Tacko being successful


thread is full of people assuming that there are like a thousand guys this tall out there

in reality tacko fall is the 37th tallest person alive in the world

your mom

I remember seeing a video of him a few years ago and he looked anorexic. Now that he's starting to put on muscle he's gonna be a force.

because this is the spam three pointers era.

Why aren't the 36 people taller than him in the NBA?

How good would Robert Wadlow have been in the NBA?

>Now that he's starting to put on muscle he's gonna be a force
yeah, a force on his knees and ankles

a force on the white women of the USA

stop making me hard finbro

The 36 people taller than him are simply unable to walk withouth a walking stick.
Face it buddy, is not that hard to be a center in the NBA if you have the least amount of athleticism/coordination.

their knees would probably explode
true maybe 20 years ago, but not today. tacko could have been drafted then, but he'd be way too one dimensional nowadays.

t. Never watched NBA basketball