Reminder Brazil won't win a World Cup until Neymar has retired

Reminder Brazil won't win a World Cup until Neymar has retired.

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Neymar didn't even play that game but yeah I agree with you.

Yea Forums was so much fun that day

We played like absolute dogshit yesterday and Neymar wasn't even on the pitch

that keeper looks like neymar

Neymar will be murdered before 2022 and >we will win >our sixth star in Qatar.

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Man i wasnt allowed to be on Yea Forums back then, would have loved to be on Yea Forums too... this year was my first wc as a legal (18+) 4channer lol

If you aren't allowed on Yea Forums, does that mean your parents know what websites you go on. Man I really wouldn't want to be you

If you haven't been using 4can since you were AT LEAST 15 you need to fuck off

I got banned for underage one Time so I got scared and stopped visiting the site lol

jesus christ

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This but with a career ending injury and he will watch Vininho become what he always wanted to be
You're 16yo, don't lie.

i have a deep and profound respect for german self discipline

this ct sucks,shit people
a hate blazil


i have been using imageboards since I was 13 and it has been absolutely catastrophic for my development as a human being.

aliens confirm brazil is the shittiest place on earth
how will they ever recover?

I'm doing fine tbqh

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HA! Nice flag joke! Very !

I obviously meant that I'm decently social, but good meme.

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based underage retard