I miss it already lads ;_;

I miss it already lads ;_;

Attached: wc-logo-composite.jpg (1240x920, 1.3M)

Other urls found in this thread:


the first knockout round was fucking great. after france beat uruguay I think everyone knew how it was going to end though, it lost a little magic

Fuck, I miss it too

for me, it's Russia v Croatia


yea it was pretty gud

have one of these lads

Attached: wc18.jpg (5000x5000, 3.89M)

Kinda sad one of the best memories of last year was shit posting on Yea Forums watching football
But fuck I miss it

Attached: llvh.jpg (422x623, 28K)

The HEXA was coming home...


Attached: 1531213246733.jpg (717x771, 105K)


a bit gay desu

It's ok if the balls don't touch imo

Attached: 15316657805870.jpg (419x433, 61K)

Never forget

Attached: ce5.jpg (1200x1163, 190K)

better see some of those at the Euro

This but unironically
And this time we gotta fuck everyone up

Same with CA too

Attached: f77.jpg (850x1200, 562K)

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>this amount of cope
Damn. chill it's just a game

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one of the really shit things about getting old is that every successive world cup feels less epic. eventually they just fly by and don't leave much of a lasting impression.

Attached: nhmf54ghd.jpg (542x602, 38K)

You seem to forget France Belgium and the massive Belgian butthurt

im amazed at the number of us that are still butthurt , like yeah i was made for like 2 days but after that i bassicaly went : "oh well whatever it was a good run"



нaдo былo выигpывaть y Хopвaтии

No, it wasn't.

Belgian jokes were slowing down but Courtois' seum added 10 bucks to the juke box ahahah

I unironically took a week off work to watch the WC

Attached: mexico-chan-ain-amp-039-t-so-smug-anymore_o_7236041.jpg (1088x1200, 361K)

This was the best version of the sofa picture

Attached: cielitolindo.jpg (2048x1568, 867K)

God damn I love these collages so much

My dick this for sure

Haдo былo.. Пeнки - лoтepeя

Attached: 1536520059217.jpg (350x334, 10K)

it was pretty shit overall

although a couple of kino moments for >us



>tfw Courtois cant stop being a cunt since then

Attached: 1402417810171.jpg (265x265, 8K)

It wasn't that great desu
It was South Africa tier

The comic was pretty good but underwhelmed the anticipation

He нaпoминaй. Mы были тaк близки к 1/2. Taкжe Aнглия былa нe в лyчшeй фopмe, и пpoтив Хopвaтии игpaли тaк ceбe. Ecли бы выигpaли в лoтepee, кoтopaя пeнaльти, мoгли бы быть и в финaлe. Hy или cыгpaли бы зa тpeтьe мecтo.

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Well it wasn't awful at least. But no matter what it was like at least we had a tournament. Odd numbered years are pretty sad. I'm not sure who deserved to win the most. Could be France but I don't know it's the kind of champion you keep forgeting about. Every team scored at least two goals I always love this. Some nice surprises.

he was so assdevastated it was quite funny
only Darko Milicic ever got more anally detroyed

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Odd numbered years are the best: We get both World Skiing Championships and Athletics World Championships.

Sorry to be that guy

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Based fucking Colombia

me i wish the japanese mangaka would do his small drawing for the Euro , but sadly i think unlike the world cup he wont care

Attached: 1530188156240.jpg (2048x1400, 471K)

>Darko Milicic

redpill me on it

Cant believe how much rest of the world cared about our inevitable choke.
I take it as a compliment. It makes me proud

Ha. Did you have multiple threads with 5000+ replies?

Props for playing along.

Did France break him?


Guy got drafted in 2nd position above Carmelo Anthony, Chris Bosh or Dwyane Wade, but he was so brain damaged he couldn't do any shit and had numerous hillarious meltdowns. He eventually tried to get into kickboxing, failed, and is now a peasant.

Attached: neymar padawan.webm (360x360, 2.11M)

i think it did

France vs Argentina was kino
Croatia winning would have been the good ending

I'm gonna pay Accel personally if he doesn't cont. this for Euros

Croatia would've been the people's champion. No comparable budget for training and they still have two medals in just 20 years. Tragically this can be it, smaller teams can have wonderfuly period even more than one generation but then they can just as easily disappear from the map like the old Danubian school Hungary and Austria. Or us.

poor sterling, he's improved at least

Last good WC was 1998

don't @ me zoomers, y'all should be getting ready for school tomorrow anyway

He did quite good that day, avoided one or two more goals...

>muh underdog
Been over this countless times but Croatia wouldn't have passed the first knock off game in the other beacket.

Attached: colonized.jpg (2048x1568, 1.07M)

The result was 4-2 for onions right

Attached: 2018-07-11-croatia-vs-england-world-cup.jpg (1200x1659, 869K)


>absolutely BASED output.webm guy
how could i forget

Ironically based

Attached: c87.jpg (2048x1568, 402K)

i hate him so much for fucking up all the players appart from modric :
>Kovacic is Taned
>England shirt become the Home one in panel 3
>Lingard is White
>Hederson is Black
>Couldnt bother drawing Kane with at least a beard
>Pickford with Brown hairs

like come on it isnt that fucking hard to check what fucking numbers look like when you draw them

Autism but I was thinking it too

>based Honda salute
Japan matches were so good to watch (except the bus parking against Poland)

Anyone have the pic of the kid with the japanese bandana?

I literally cried when they lost to Belgium

The shit posting on here was the best part of the World Cup.


Attached: 1cc.png (579x536, 14K)

or the spaniard meme with it

>And now Zidane is throwing him out of the starting XI
But yeah I didn't understand well why belgians were so butthurt about that semifinal considering they basically had the exact same gameplan as us against them when they played Brazil

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i saw peoples bassicaly judge the whole match and French team on when Mbappé played the ball when it wasnt for him and got a yellow card , still see today lots of peoples going : "french scums losing time" etc

I have a folder with all wc18 memes

Attached: 1531586833277.jpg (1920x1080, 439K)

Is he stoned or something?

No, he's zen.

Thank you brother. Do you have the one when someone posted his pic and something like "Heh, congratulations spain you only made me use 50% of my power" after barely winning the match last minute?
If not thank you anyway, dump wc18 memes please

Attached: 1530194895542.jpg (1366x768, 243K)

>Do you have the one when someone posted
Nah, I don't think so
>dump wc18 memes please
Alright, I'll post some

Attached: 85830998.jpg (709x1024, 62K)

Thank you man

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>you now remember the mexican cp poster


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The best job in the World

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uma delicia

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how did japan fucked up so bad

that edit makes the "football skills diving academy" comedy sketch 100% dumber and worse.

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Totally forget about Argies getting BTFO by banter. They never recovered

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Me too user

Attached: France.jpg (700x1151, 344K)

>Olympics and World Cup in the same year
Always the most comfy summers

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I want to fuck my country

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Attached: germany-wants-it-part-ii-2018-fifa-world-cup-russia-know-your-meme.jpg (610x800, 108K)

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k, that's it for now, I'm going to watch Belgium now. If the thread is up after the game will post some more maybe.

Attached: hand holding.webm (1024x640, 2.61M)


Attached: 79e.png (2048x1568, 2.17M)

The artist did more, but I didn't found a colored version

Attached: France2.jpg (3024x4032, 3.8M)

W-We'll get revenge!

pure french female

I think he posted some on pixiv but don't remember his name

Attached: DgGCJ5ZVMAIOtjQ.jpg (849x1200, 153K)

Stop Bullying us :(

Attached: images (1).jpg (259x195, 10K)

Attached: 8a4.jpg (316x202, 30K)

worst cup ever
too much weak teams who park the bus + no Italy

>senegal coach was literally a jojo villian/hero

I do not miss not having a rooting interest. maybe next time the usa wont fuck up against Trinidad

Never forgety

Attached: 1531591261531.png (1280x768, 98K)


Attached: images.jpg (257x196, 14K)

Me too....

Attached: Its+ok+bud+good+times+will+come+along+_85e6963984de1b9032cc8cbcb5cc4319.jpg (325x244, 13K)

t. Enzo Martoni

>you will never get a hug from wet big titty mommy president

Attached: 1531677505060.png (1920x1080, 1.87M)

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Thanks but I already know his pixiv, in fact I only found these pics on his weibo

Attached: 671f97afgy1ftpldnul08j22c03401ky.jpg (3024x4032, 3.47M)

Attached: gib.jpg (125x82, 2K)




I agree, fuck you guys.


>what them furries did to poor Zabivaka™

Attached: Shrugs.png (540x540, 198K)

what did this geezer do again? make webms of shit fast right?

That opening game was kino

Attached: NL Stone.jpg (2097x1430, 3.34M)

This desu.
Good I decided to play fm instead of watching this semen slurping game.

Remember when this happened and Yea Forums lost its shit? Good times.

Attached: Iran flip.webm (1280x720, 1.88M)


>Wasted all that time doing that when he could have just thrown the ball

I became a TSSUUU poster after Ronaldo hat trick against Spain

Attached: 1529088502899.jpg (1110x594, 361K)

good times

Attached: 1530138241000.png (1764x919, 510K)

most forgetable WC , no huge match , every team was shit and the fastest shitty team won.
+ lot of reffball

Sir Tapinton

to 1/8?

1/8 or Round of 16.

They were never going to let team "libertie fraternitie diversite" be defeated by a bunch of white blue-eyed men from the country that invented "ethnic cleansing"

Russia rigged that game

Best meme of WC

>that necklace

I still watch the 3-2 from BEL - JAP
I was at work watching that shit with the boys, we fucking lost it.
Great times

Attached: 1531587149515.jpg (634x419, 35K)

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each time i rewatch it i have a small tear to my eye

>posting a picture with 5 black men

Alright here's a cute nogger.

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Wait a sec..

Attached: 1544643039719.jpg (454x453, 26K)

Attached: im in love with the cocoa.webm (640x360, 331K)

My favorite moment would probably be Mandzukic scoring against Pickford.

After Pickford was being a cunt to Mandzukic even though he hurt him, Mandzukic came back to score against him and shut him up.

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i don't even watch football but shitposting on big sport events is always fun,

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for all the shit I gave it for not being 2014 and 2010 it was honestly a great wc with a lot of kino moments, and I am glad you guys were here to share it with me

Attached: 1529401600626.jpg (677x729, 170K)

why even live...
lmfao, based
thanks for posting, all of these are great.
I hope Euro will be another meme-fest

>I hope Euro will be another meme-fest

it always is , theres always meme worthy shit happening in big competitions

God I can't wait.
Did Belgium play any qualifiers yet? How did it go?

3-1 against russia , went ok russian goal was because of a mistake from Courtois
2-0 against cyprus , they didnt go for a big score they just played cool without pushing

Nice, I was rooting for Belgium in the WC.

hope also to see your team back , should be easy enough given their group

>all these newfags and zoomers reminiscing over a shit wc that happened last year
Nothing will beat ‘98

2006 was honestly amazing

>you now remember Vertonghen's header
I still refuse to believe he could've possibly intended that. It's too perfect.

he said that he didnt in an interview , he wanted to do a center to hazard etc and he ended up doing a curved header that is now a fucking world record

Ah yeah now the wondrous old 60's methinks these were the days *sips*. These purblind carls will never get it, amrite, compeer?

Attached: 2fb.png (1500x761, 431K)

Heard the whole French team ran a train on her in the locker room

I watched Germany-Netherlands, we're fucked once we get to "serious" teams.
We'll see how it goes against Liechtenstein tomorrow lmao

Kek Belgian bants are on point today

Attached: 78243576804 5637046.jpg (331x319, 41K)

what the hell happened to La Squadra that now they could fuck up a group with Liechtenstein , Finland , Greece and Bosnia , dont you have any good zoomers ?

We have 2 good zoomers: Kean (le based Niggur) and Chiesa. Verratti is my fave but he isn't a zoomer, he sometimes does good tricks but a minute later he starts fighting with the ref for no reason or stops running and lets the enemy team get the ball if someone only brushes his hand against his shirt. He is also very busy getting drunk, driving his lambo at 100 mph in Paris and getting arrested. I think it happened 3 times now.

sad , i live around lots of italians so it was kinda weird to not hear them a lot during the WC unless it was a belgium match

i really hope that italy have a new good generation on the way

God, I hope there's a good amount of shitposting in Euro 2020.

im pretty sure there will be for one reason alone , the fact we gonna get 4 meme nations with the Nations League spots

Holy fuck, I can't wait.

Attached: 1486057435978.gif (230x175, 1.94M)

its gonna be even more amazing if a big team choke to them , imagine France or Spain fucking up against Northern Ireland

I know like imagine Belgium losing to Wales or something ahah

never mind its even funnier than that

Attached: play off.png (1379x750, 84K)

It was shit, not that it was a surprise, here is why:
>world cup without Netherlands and Italy
>good teams choking, like Spain and Germany
>absolute shitters with no football history in the KO rounds, like Sweden and Russia
>meme team, Croatia, in the final
The worst one of the 21st century. International football peaked in the 2006 World Cup, its all downhill from here.

>you now remember a movie director saving messhit's penalty

i still cant understand what happened that day , hell even Eden say how it is his worst match ever in the NT cause we shouldnt have in no way lost that game

seriously i can understand losing to argentina and France but what the fuck gone wrong that day ?

Japan deserved to win.

>Memebappe on this pic
>Not Griezmann
Oh how I hate the average brainlet football viewer.

Why do beaners ever think they're relevant?