>The comment has not pleased City’s representatives, who are believed to think of moving legally provided the Bavarians‘ President fails to issue a full-length public apology
>He claimed at a conference in Munich: “My friend Pep told me what happens when he signs a player costing €100million.
>“He puts some videos together and goes to see the sheikh.
>“There is an opulent feast put on, during which he teaches the video to him and the money is transferred.
>“The next day, the sheikh raises the price of oil to recoup the money.”
Why cant they handle the banter ?
what's racist or insensitive about those comments though
>no thats not true, you're just racist
Just using oil as a base reference to Arabs.
Arabs generally come off quite lightly, the Arabian slave trade was and still is absolutely huge; whites, Africans, Chinks they didn't give a fuck as long as it could clean their house and replenish their hareem.
Mearly mentioning something as a group will soon be deemed as racist, with teams representing different nations competing against eachother on the field
[spoiler]C L O W N W O R L D[/spoiler]
Hoeness is a huge cunt. Maybe he should look at his joke of a club who got rekt by Liverpool who doesn't have any oil money instead of commenting on other clubs.
That the Sheik would speak to someone like Poop
“My friend Tuchel told me what happens when he signs a player costing €100million.
>“He puts some videos together and goes to see the sheikh.
>“There is an opulent feast put on, during which he teaches the video to him and the money is transferred.
>“The next day, the sheikh raises the price of oil to recoup the money.”
City haven't bought anyone at 100m euros though
>*buys choupo-moting and kehrer*
don't tell the sheik, pep is keeping the change
so this is what people meant by Bald Fraud
The reality is that Hoeness and Bayern's owners are greedy as fuck and don't want to reinvest the money they are making in buying new players. That's why they extended Ribery and Robben's contracts so much although their place should be at a retirement home for years now.
I have the feeling that Bayern is not going to be a relevant club for a while now that german youngsters are dogshit and they have to look elsewhere to find good players.
The transfer fee between clubs may not be 100m but when you add all of the other fees, the transportation, the marketing, and all of the other baggage that comes with a transfer, its probably close.
d-d-don't talk about oil money ruining football
it's... racist
you haven't heard the news? they are planning to massively invest
Was oil dependency the worst mistake in human history?
How can we get out of it?
they'll just buy the best bundes players for pennies
Low IQ brownies get really mad when you expose their incredibly simplistic schemes that they thought were intelligent and cunning.
>How can we get out of it?
We really can't. The number of vehicles and other appliances that rely on oil for energy vastly outweighs other sources. As we know, alternative energy is certainly possible but switching the world's car, ship, and plane fleets over to another source won't happen overnight. There is also the fact that we have another 200 or 300 years worth of oil left. There just isn't any incentive to switch, and if there were big oil would block any moves for such a thing to hit the open market.
Something tells me you support PSG.
"My cousin Nico told me what happens when he signs a player"
>he puts some videos together and goes to see the Bavarians.
>“There is an opulent feast put on, during which he teaches the video to him and some packets of paprika crisps, a bag of heroin and a free ticket to the local cinema is transferred to the Westphalians."
>“The next day, the bavarian raises the price of BMWs to recoup the money.”
How is that even racist. City is a plastic club.
"My cousin Zizou told me what happens when he signs a player"
>he puts some videos together and goes to see Florentino.
>“There is an opulent feast put on, during which he teaches the video to him and the money is transferred."
>“The next day, Florentino raises the price for building to recoup the money.”
if racist were sensitive about others they wouldn't be raicist
He’s unironically based
"My Cousin Jacob told me what happens when she negotiates with the EU"
>She puts some videos together and goes to see Jean-Claude.
>There is an opulent wine selection put on, during which she teaches the video to him and the money is transferred."
>"The next day, Theresa raises more taxes to recoup the money."
Levy said the same fucking thing last year before not signing a single player. Never take what execs say at face value. Bayern don't have a history of spending mad cash.
Volta pro DCE, filho da puta.
Bauern have their anual training camp in Quatar without getting oil cucked, based Uli
To be fair, Uli does the same but with sausage instead of oil.
Yes yes good Goy
>There just isn't any incentive to switch
The incentive is that burning oil kills the planet and renewable energies are cheaper.
Your goverment is losing billions every year because they bend over backwards for oil companies and cleans up their messes.
sustainable CO2 sponges will exist before battery technology advances enough to replace the mighty ICE, tBh
based sheikh
Peak demand will fuck us over long before peak supply does.
I am firmly of the belief that white people are the only racial group with moral conscience
this 2bh, carbon capture is the only way to save ourselves at this point
White people did not create christianity.
"Demands apology" but doesn't use the word "slander". I wonder why?
Nigga we've done some pretty fucked up shit in our history, and we are still happy to build our society on the back of sweatshops and exploitation.
We're not as openly bad as what people like the arabs are doing, but we can't take any moral highground
>has killed more people than any other race
For sure
any act of cuckoldry is called westernisation in the east so no i wouldn't say that the cradle of homosexuality and adultery has the moral high ground
Yeah,without it whites would rule the world
>renewable energies are cheaper
Renewable energies are the least efficient hence why no one uses them besides as a token gesture
And this is why privatisation of energy is a bad idea
Profit > future of the planet.
Hyper capitalism isn't fit to deal with climate change
>Renewable energies are the least efficient
t. brainlet
no thats usually lignite and if you factor in all the subsidies for nuclear energy gas is miles ahead of every other source right now
merely, you idiot chav
It's true; that's what all racism is.
the same way its anti semetic to point out reality
these are made up nonsense words
>*tax frauds*
holy shit buyern is so unlikeable