Hungary vs Croatia

Hungary vs Croatia at 18:00. What are your predictions. Considering how shit we were vs Aazazaekbjain, wouldn't surprise me if we lose desu.

Attached: Bosnians pretending to be Croatians.jpg (1200x682, 223K)

Other urls found in this thread:

gonna be 3-1 for us, but kek at filename

Easy win desu

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Me and my Bosnian gf on the left

>Bosnians pretending to be Croats.jpg

Why would they pretend?

easy win for croatia 4-1

easy win for croatia 1-1


you aren't funny

you're just stupid and apparently proud of it

t. Marinko Rastika iz Capljine

1-0 or 2-0 for us.

>Bosnians pretending to be croatians
You should have just posted the national team.

Bosnians and herzegovinians are more croat than hungarian mutts in the north, and italian mutts in the south

turk rape babbies LARPing as Croats. imagibe being a Herzegroach lmao

you were fucking goats and being gypsies while we ruled an empire. rastika eating turks

Looks like little Zagreb boy is intimidated by our height lmao. Herzegchad fuck your bitch or something?

I don't really see the logic in following the national team then, when
Are either full blown bosnians or mutts
And subasic and modric are serbian mutts


mutts, but okay mutts except jedvaj. he's an idiot

seething ante. fucked bosnian bitches all troughout college. pozdravi mi anitu iz tomislavgrada pederu

>falling for UDBA divide and conquer this hard
>thinking Bosnians is a national identity


Lmao the coach is also bosnian, so is Ćiro Blažević

>Went to college

lovren je iz karlovca debilu

>rođen u zenici
>iz karlovca
nisam siguran kako to funkcionira

t. dijaspora peder

t. rural retard

Kramaric was born in Zagreb, which means he has like 70% chance of being Herzegovinian

Anybody going to Filozofski here?

only soiboi fags. are you a soiboi fag?

t. izbjeglica

I only hate nationalism. I come from a serbian-croatian marriage and am a member of the Radnička fronta and student of FFZG-a. Is it so difficult to not be attacked due to shovinism? Also I hate Herzegovian because they are importing nationalism to Croatia.

>divide and counquer thread started by a serb
Suprise suprise

>Divide and conquer strat
damn, do we do that?

The president is with the team in Budapest lads, we can't lose.

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Pali Traktor Milorad. Filozofski treba spalit sa napalmom.

i would berry my dick so hard in that gilf it would be crowned king tvrtko dmitar zvonimir

I predict a draw

Lineups, Jedvaj is playing right back instead of Brekalo

Attached: Lineups.jpg (812x443, 30K)

she's a milf Günther

>Jedvaj instead of BASEDkalo

Dalic is a fucking hat oh my god. The fucker has no idea what he's doing.

Dalić loves to experiment. When will he try new tactincs and players if not in games like today?

it's hungary. glad the left back problem is solved though

>brekalo as right back
How does a LW/LM end up as a RB?

When we qualify?

He basically played as RB against Azkaban and was real fuckin good

how has jedvaj been playing croatbros

he was good for me on football manager a few years back but i havent been watching him in the bundes

Because he played as a right winger the whole time, azkaban had like two attacks during the whole match.

He's been a beast for me too in FM. For the national team he's been kind of eh, no idea how he's been in the bundesliga since I don't follow it, but from what I know he's played as a LB mostly.


There is whole bunch of players born cca 95-96 that were put up as greate prospects few years ago, Halilovic, Pjaca, Jedvaj and then suddenly disapeared.
It's either because they were frauds and got sold for big money by the shrewd buisness man Mamic, or because Mamic had to flee the country soon after they got sold and there was no one left to guide them.

Eh that's unfair. Halilovic fucked his career by going to Barca, Pjaca got injured because le tv repairman decide to play him in a meaningless friendly which fucked up his career, and Jedvaj has also been quite injury prone too. I think Pjaca and Jedvaj can still bounce back, Halilovic is probably done though.

Or because they were sold to outside when they were to young. They hardly get any minutes in big leagues.

> Halilovic is probably done though
He is still 21. He could save his career if he gets back to the HNL immediately.

croats redpill me on pic related. is he the reason why croatia has become 2nd in the world cup?

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We will see, but most of the Croatian players you heard of are his doing.
Before him we were shit, we got decent with him, and this new generation that is coming without him doesn't look too promising.

halilovic will probably have an average career in some midtable belgium club which is probably a lot better than where pjaca will end up at.

no, he is not a youth coach or an expert in youth player development.

Kind of hoped Las Palmas would've picked him up as he was really good when he played for them, but after that it has been realy bad. He gets no minutes.

You sure about that? Halilovic isn't even starting for Standard Liege, which is literally a mid table club in Belgium. Pjaca is at least starting for Fiorentina regularly.

Only one who can get good is Jedvaj, and by good I mean a substitute at some top european club.

Yes, but it is not popular to aknowledge it publicly, although the majority of croats think so.

from what i have heard he is the croatian version of Uli Hoeneß. Manages the country's most successful club, and does not pay taxes.

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Jebeš HNS, Jebeš Šukera i ostala Govna, dabog da sve izgubili
HŽV 1911


Something like that yes.
I also think he did some semi-extortion crap by taking percentage of earnings or trasnfer fees or something from the players far after they left his club.

based orjunaš

pjaca had two serious injuries and this last one is probably career ending.
he wasn't playing well before as he played like 60 minutes in the last 12 games

>Be Nova TV
>Get the rights to broadcast the qualifier games
>Move them to your B television, Doma TV


>Kind of hoped Las Palmas would've picked him up as he was really good when he played for them, but after that it has been realy bad. He gets no minutes.
He was send to Milano, in the Serie A. It is a league that favors players in their 30s. Young players have difficult to proifilrate their career.

As I see know Halil plays in Standard Liege now. He doesn`t play whole 90 min but instead 20-30 per game.

The owner of Nova TV and Sportklub are the same guy. Some Serbian media tycoon.

and he isnt as injury prone as pjaca and jedvaj

>he's not watching Ljepotice i Genijalci

Kontra mraku, kontra sili!

was this the most honourable move in croatia's football history?

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for me its Tony from the sopranos

>that file name


>Ljepotice i Genijalci
For me, it's lud zbunjen normalan

For me it's the rerun of Plodovi Zemlje

for me it's gruntovcani

>tfw it's a win-win
>Gott erhalte

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god, no wonder this country went to shit.

>tfw you live with your grandma and she wants to watch the mass from this morning

Au šta je ovo, ovo je najgrublji start na marakani godinama unazad, crveni karton zaslužuje ušao bi u gol šansu, crveni karton sad smo ravnopravni, ali da li sulejmani moze da nastavi meč napravili smo tri izmjene sada je to pitanje. Evo te situacije Sulejmani brzi, pogibeljan, surov, drzak, ovo je start, ovo je bio start da ga povredi.

i don't speak Pokemon

fuck hungary

fuck, i'm hungry

sta napisa rodjace? Citam vec 3x ne mogu da protumacim

Any non croat ot hungarian watching???

Croatian is the 2nd most common language in Germany.

>no magyar flags
this sport is truly dead over there


why would they?

>Lovrencsics in the hungarian defence


Jebem domare

what is even the most popular sport in 'ungry? chess?

za dom spremni

i crnce

Football is the most popular, but shit af

semen slurping gay sport, nice fake fall

why do eurocucks allow such a gay fucking strategy in their sports?

>be american
>be fat
>have diabetes
>get shot

Atok vs ZA DOM

>tfw we finna gonna get dabbed on by HUNG-ARYANS


>have booth watch replay of every foul
>hey he just faked it
>ring ref, yellow card to diver, cancel free kick

not hard. IT's just so piss easy to fix but you retards have to act like 1 ref making all decisions and having no technology is best

Everytime I watch soccer I just can't help but be disgusted by how retarded the rules are handled as if it's still 1900 and no one has a stop watch or replay.

Same goal that Mandzu scored vs Denmark. Fucking meme defences lmao



lol seething mutt

check'd. also they don't use too much technology so it is easier to fix games.

Link stream niggers

You know how if you watch primitives shit, wipe with their hands, and then eat because they don't have germ theory

Watching Soccer is like that for Americans. The primitive and stupid rules are too obvious to us. You have retarded Fifa who just fuck prostitutes and embezzle money and havent touched the rules in 90 years for any reason. Leaving glaring holes in the sport that make it garbage to watch for anyone not conditioned that it's "tradition" to dive and waste time.

Nova tv siptaru

Saserem ti vrući proljev u dušnik, da sam blizu tva prebacio bi

doma tv debilcino glupa

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>on nema tv u sobi
Hahaha siromahpeder

have sex

al ozbiljno kaj si glul

Dubs and Ban Jelačić rises from grave and rides cavalry all over the magyar

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Hvala brt, evo mama kolinda za nagradu

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unf krutejebo kak bi ju jebo



>Barisic injured

So how fucked are we lmao

leovac in. should be fine

fucking who?

jebeni casual


Kalinič panj.

>Implying anyone can save that
Fuck off Livaković dick sucker




Ah yes, truly a powered strike by the masterclass player Wkafiski.

You retard, any decent goalkeeper saves that because the shot was literally shit.

Is this the rebirth of the hung aryan football?

jebemti kalinića

>deliberate decision to bring that mutt LB on who chokes the 1-1

Cope more, nothing Kalinić could do there nigger


He could save it. Any decent keeper would.

>refballed again

Attached: letöltés.jpg (205x246, 12K)

Fuck of tovar. Glupi jablan popio gol koji amateri obrane. Odi prodavat jogurt Duje

>mamić drone is here
If Livaković was on goal we'd be loosing 4-1

Based Lovren eliminating hungarian players one by one

Kalinic was literally dropped for some fucking randy who spent half a year in League 1. Let that sink in. Sluga would've saved that.

cope more, Kalinić is our Best Gk, you're just buttmad

Letica, Livaković even fucking Delač. It's not like we don't have any other goalkeepers, Kalinić sucks this season

Ak to stvarno misliš onda si klinički retardiran. Lik je rezerva u svom klubu.

Srkanje sjemena

Ladic je bio zadnji WC golman repke. Sve ostali su bili sranja i Hajdukovci. Panjevi tupi


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Kme kme Kalinić nevalja kme kme
Odi u hercegovnu jest govna mamiču

tfw no hungry bf

Rezerva u Aston LELi. We're fucked. Livakovic is trash too. We dont have one decent GK

>t. Ivan Kelava

>tko je Vedran Runje

You should already have at least 3 yellows for simulating like faggots

jel me zajebavas sad?

>tko je Tomo Butina

Kalinić je Prvi vratar, bio na klupi zbog ozljede,samo vi cmizdrizte majmuni, Kalinić je najbolji vratar

Go to Villa Talk and ask them what do they think about Kalinic, then come back here and actually claim that lmao.

isto panj. butina je za kurac bio cijelu karijeru. jedino di je branio ok je bilo europsko 2004. ostalo nista.

>tko je Vedran Runje
lik koji je primio petardu u sred zagreba od engleza. ubij se.

Šta će meni neki englezi glupi govorit, nemaju pojma, nevole ga jer je Hrvat

majstor ispod je u pravu
hajduk nije imo dobrog golmana od beare

Subasic je najbolji golman kojeg moj zoomerski mozak pamti

>le 6m euro keeper

tfw svi ocekuju nesto od nas jer smo ostali drugi a zapravo nas posralo cijelo prvenstvo i izgubit cemo od jebene madarske

Ne vole ga jer je panj.

Zadnji golman koji je igrao u Ligi petice ako izuzmeš Subašića

Mater ti je panj, Kalinić je največi talent i najbolji vratar još od ladića, al tvoj dinamovski mozak to ne kuži, odjebi od mene

Daliću pozovi me u repku da branim

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>prvenstvo ratara i vozaca traktora
>liga petice

biraj jedno

jedino nam ostaje Subašića molit da se vrati

Kalinić je Bože sačuvaj

We all know it was ERA PENAL

glupi tovar lmao rokni shut narkomancino tovarska

subačić nam sjebo finale bayo moy

Thet accidental tackle was 2 meters outside of penalty area.

Najbolji golman hrvatske reprezentacije je Joey Didulica
Change my mind, you can't

nobody cares Zsoltan, we have more important buisness to discuss

Ištvan was fouled outside the box

roknem ti mamu klošarsku purgerčiću mali, imaš li sperme još u bulji od sinoć a majmune?

Vidim da ti Dinamo besplatno živi u glavi. Nema nikakve veze iz kojeg hrvatskog kluba je kalinić. Lik ne valja i zato ne igra u klubu. Jeo je govna redovito i u belgijskoj ligi.

Subašić je bio ozlijeđen i sam Dalić je to rekao

sad zamisli zašto Dalić nije mijenjao Subu s Kalinićem i sve će ti biti jasno

pusa i pozdrav

Koliko se ja sjećam zadnji klub koji je igrao prije umirovljenja je Caen, u jebenoj Francuskoj.

pitaj staru di mi je sperma zavrsila sinoc

Like your favourite Hercegovian soap opera?

taj isti Subašić je najzaslužniji što ste uopšte došli u finale.

Kalinić je bio MOTM protiv Islanda, neznam zakaj ga nije stavio na gol u finalu

Ono što je sigurno Kalinić ne može biti vratar reprezentacija pošto nema minutažu u svojem matičnom klubu.

Bolje dati priliku onima koji su formi tipa Letici ili Livakoviću.

Livaković > Kalinić

pa to sam i rekao. branio je u marseju. hrvatska nikad nije imala dobrog golmana. ladic primo golove sa 40 metara uredno. dobio 97 sa skoro centra protiv danaca na poljudu. jedino je bio dobar 98. mozda najbolji na prvenstvu

he should be on goal. Fight me

Attached: Karlo-Letica-758x380.jpg (758x380, 73K)

for me, it's Simon SLUGA


top kek


ovdje jebe lud zbunjenoga

Vladimir Vaslij

najbolji golman kojeg imamo je kahlina iz gorice

some1 ples give me a good liveticker

Simon SERV

danke brudi

Istina, i uopce ga ne krivim sto je htio branit u finalu. Dalić se trebao postavit, rec da odjebe i igrat Kalinića.

I cant believe Kovačić played like 50 games for croatia and I can't remember one game where he did good. Like, what the fuck, how do people rate him

iceland in zagreb for wc 2014 i think

Daj reci koji kurac fali Letici da ne bi igrao za reprezentaciju.

>Varvodić(is he still around)

we are at the game faggot



no you aren't

rooting for both teams

Can Perisic get substituted already.


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>Austria getting jew'd
Adolf would be disappointed.

Idu mi na kurac ova nasa dodavanja, sve sporo i onda na kraju izgube loptu i oni opale kontru


>Modric does everything
>Perisic fucks it up


oh shit, post more

man, although our players aren't even that bad individually, we are the absolute fucking worst when it comes to playing as a team, so I often look at the other side of the monarchy, but hungary isn't good either..

modric je jebeni bog


pénzt ad a szarbán focijára



don't worry. germany will get rekt against netherlands today too. i know that feel too well.

Jebeni Perishit i Rebić

t. csóró kutya

i hate half of this country
god damn serbs are better than these communist dick suckers


why does perisic hate kramaric?

dumb tovar


gtfo istvan with your mongol tongue. this is a croatian thread



Dalic taking lessons from le tv repairman with not subbing players out.

>>>/ex-ussr/ @ u


Vida ninđa boktejebo


dalic is unironically the croatian LE VAMOS MUCHAHOS

>can't beat magyar ciganys

why are croatians so pathetic?

Why are we so fucking bad at possession football?


I hope Croatia loses every match it plays
t. Dalmat

t. ne moli krunicu


it's not a "it" user, it's a "they"

we're shit technically


implying its not a fictional country with a fictional identity



tko Yea Forums ovdje?

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See you in 20 years

Foul, refball, rigged

Based and razor wire fence pilled

Dafuq Croatia, I bet 10 dollars on you.


Proud Viktor Orban watching his son, Willi fuck the croats





>tfw we will get goals in the 88th and 93rd minutes

>make wc final
>lose because keeper got injured
>struggle to beat literal who country
>losing to hungary because keeper is shit

Where the fuck was Kalanic diving

Reminder that Perisic is still in the game

That one is the defense, awful

this tbqh

>world cup finalists

Our group will be the best, am I right hungarian and croatian friends?

are you >RIA RIA HUNGÁRIA pilled yet?

Yea Forums actually believed we would lose against this

Dude legit got fouled on, but this scot retard has been shit the entire game

1. Wales
2. Slovakia
3. Croatia
4. Azeribaijan
5. Hungary

Only brainlets blame Kalinic for that

Why are you so negative


u mad?


>Rakitic is a better goalkeeper than Kalinic

>you now remember that hungary lost against luxembourg and andorra

my God, second division team would be better than this shit

what the fuck was that

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what the fuck is this match

This referee is actually a fucking animal lmao holy shit

Itt: seething herceg niggers

Croatians did you know that the hungarian prime minsiter said you got second place on the WC because hungary?

How did that not end up in the net

I want to fuck Kolinda so bad bros...

what the fuck

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Go, baratok, destroy treacherous Croats.
ISTVAN and Kalman and MIKLOS HORTY are looking from the heaven

clown world

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now you see why :D

>after our fuckup hungary gives us hope again

Damn, I am starting to believe in V4 now

I am a realist

Hungarian girls > Croatin girls

Reminder that Perisic is still in the game

Nice Magyarbros.

Is this match fixed?

Croatian coach deserves a beating for that subs
how can you dismantle your own team like that

Lepasi add me block sam

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>ballon d'or over Ronaldo

because's a fucking hack

>ballon d'or over Messi


Modric is having a really rough game sheesh

So what happened to the Croatian team?

Croatia: A rant
Honestly, fuck Croatia. Fuck this stupid half-communist half-socialist country where the institution of students working over the summer to make some money just doesn't exist outside some very limited opportunities. And the pay is crap anyway, €2.50/hour?! COME THE FUCK ON, that's not going to cover anything. There's a reason why we have the highest failure to launch rate in Europe, and that's because there just isn't much work if you want to aim high. It is a fucking stupid reactive society that values complacency above all. And the way students are treated, we're disposable. We're not supposed to be valued. And the few kinds of work that do exist, like working in a shop, I know I'm not going to get paid because "8 hours/day" is not 8 hours/day, and includes unpaid overtime and weekends. Like holy shit. UGH. And you know what's our PM's response to this? "African people would be delighted to have the living standard that Croatian people do." Two years ago he was elected on the promise of Croatia being in the top echelon of the EU, but the only thing that's happened since is we've gone from being the 26th richest country in the EU to being the 27th richest country in the EU, overtaken by Romania.

"But Croatia had a war!" SHUT THE FUCK UP, Estonia went from being part of the Soviet Union in 1991 to being the fastest growing economy on the continent, while all that Croatia's done is ruined what good Yugoslavia left, kept what bad Yugoslavia left and in turn lost 600 thousand people just to emigration within 27 years. And it's going to get worse. And I'll join the emigration train. My only regret is that I'm only 20 and have three more years of university to grind out before I can leave this place. Because I'm not going to work for €600/mo out of uni. I value my hard work at a fucking STEM uni more than that.

this is basicly different team

Bracket babbies


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well, yes

That bracket could have been yours if you weren't utter shit

Kalinić's last game fo Croatia I hope.

Either team was going to be labeled as bracket babbies in that spot

How much did Orbán pay for this?

I CAN'T WATCH THIS. egsmesgngseoingionpsgniuopsainrsbnesnangw 3 minutes

one INA

Lol, guy is awful. Livakovic to be goalkeeper maybe?

>5 minutes
Is referee a Romanian?

Can someone remind me if Perisic is still in the game?

other Kalinić

Are you ready for our next coach crobros?

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Yes, Livaković is always good.


Attached: 2019-03-24 19-53-46.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Argentina 2014 had the toughest bracket. Switzerland was the best Pot B euro team. Belgium had its golden generation at its peak fitness level of 24-25 year olds. Netherlands had Robben and company at their maturity. And you know Germany just thrashed Brazil. Messi winning that world cup in Brazil would've been eternal GOAT, might as well engrave it in caves to keep for 3 centuries. But no, a fucking overweight gummy bear looking fuck who has done nothing since ruined everything. I wish Croatia won 2018, i feel like these two countries are the last 2 bastions before africans run over the sport.

>all these kids with memory of a golden fish

i get seething foreigners but croats being this ungreatful and dumb is just laughable

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>szép volt fiúk


is Hungary good at football again?


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posting in epic Hungarian victory thread

eh we barely passed Finland, we foreigners called us depressive before we started passing in WC

>the state of modric technic

We were third in 1998 and didn't qualify for EURO 2000 only makes sense not to qualify for EURO 2020


Congrats, magyarbros

el autismo racial...

why do Hungarian girls make me rock hard? i think feminism hasnt reached there or something but they aim to please men so well



because you're a faggot mutt


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Congratulations to you. I would rather lose to you than England, France or some other mongrelised football team.


>blocks your path

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yikes that was embarrassing

I hope that this makes the villagers turn on the Dalic nigger, I don't know how deluded you need to be to think he is good

To be fair, we were almost always bad in qualification groups.

congrats to Mađarska

He has no player to proper fill different positions. Defence was shit. Kalinić need to GTFO from the National Team.

pepe no. Congrats.

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Not gonna happen. But getting knocked out in group is reality. Croatia desperately needs good coach and transformation of mindset from "warriors and ZDS" to a constant powerhouse of Europe. But that is just me.


he got us the furthest ever
2nd place in the world cup
you need to be retarded to think this isn't a major achievment

we dont ahve a better coach and the last one was literally retarded

He was shit in WC where he had the players

Bilo je to godine, devetsto i treće,
Kad su našu Hrvatsku stigle nesreće.
Mađarske zastave digo Hedrvari
Silom hoće Hrvatsku da je pomađari.

Ustani Bane, Hrvatska te zove, zove,
Ustani Bane Jelačiću.

Nema junaka, nema Hrvata,
Kao što je bio Jelačić Ban.
A sada njega crna zemlja krije, krije,
I zelena trava prekrila mu grob.

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za dom

He bearly got trough Russia and Denmark.
If they put a drooling retard as a coach we would have ended up in the same place at the end of the WC

fuuuuccckkk you made me lose money croatia


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>croatia fires cacic
>one match win away to qualify for playoffs for WC
>match is in Ukraine
>Dalic gets the Job
>Croatia wins 2-0 in Ukraine and proceeds to playoffs vs. greece
>croatia wins 4-1 and draws 0-0 qualfies for WC
>achieves 2nd place
you have to give the guy credit, he has taken the job nobody wanted and made the most of it. this time 1st and 2nd place go straight to the euros and 8 3rd placed teams go to playoffs. i doubt croatia will be 4th or 5th.

I just realised, this is the first time Hungary defeated us. Also, we never really had easy to play against Hungary in Hungary. The only victory where we beat Hungary in Hungary was in 1994.

Ustani, bane i zakolji Dalića da ne moram gledati Kalinića.

Who will qualify from this group?

So THIS is the power of Croatia... Woah...

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Hopefully Wales and Slovakia.

Wales and Slovakia unironically.

you're a mongoloid with the classic croatian/balkan mentality

nothing will ever be good enough
hope you go trough it and just finish your pathetic life you weasel

ne moze bez klanja nikako a?

You'd know Dragan huh?

ovo je neki tvoj ostao u sumama RSK-a pa sranjeposta po hrvatima sa nasom zastavom

You dont have any French players besides Giroud.

We will win euro, dont worry frens.

Aj nemoj pričat koješta kad su Hrvati izmislili naziv "čišćenje terena" kad je bilo riječ o klanju Srba 40-ih.

Digits confirm

>kad je bilo riječ o klanju Srba 40-ih
Kaj ti doista vjeruješ u te bajke?

eto sta sam reko aj ti sine preko drine nazad
cekaju te đenerali tvoji

Croatian Serb plus Ustasa complex. Young nation that is

wow we care so little about football and hungarians so we immidetly returned to our routine of fighting about last 2 wars. Never change fellow Croats, I love you all

>nothing will ever be good enough
The result was fine, I'm saying Dalic didn't have anything to do with it.
He's a shit coach, Čačić would have had the same result as him in the WC, yet everyone hated Čačić and sucked this guys cock.
Dalić's highlight of the career before croatia was some desert team from saudi arabia.

>balkan mentality
Germany won the world cup in 2014, made it further in the 2016 EURO than we did, and they want to get rid of Low, dalic nigger lucking his way to a one world cup shouldn't give him imunity when he is consistently fucking up since that world cup

What happened to Mandzukic?
Also who should be the goalie?

fuck yea the Hungarian girl i met a few years ago sent me ass because of today's victory. Thank you based hungary bros.

retired and some rock would manage

I agree with this guy. But Dalic is way too political(Oluja and HDZ), and will metamorphose into another Ciro, lamenting about his 2nd place on Cvjetni trg when he is done with coaching. That was and will be everything he has done. He lacks mental stability to mantain his composure and forget about what has happened. And he severely lacks with solutions.

He retired from NT. Would score here probably, Croatia will miss him hard.

pics or it didn't happen

He has decided to retire from NT after the World Cup. Besides him our goalie Subašić as well.

>Also who should be the goalie?
We were debatting this whole thread about this question. The logical options would be Karlo Letica or Dominik Livaković

Mandžukić retired from international play along with Subašić (our only good goalkeeper) and Ćorluka a 35 year old defender. If Dalić doesn't start Livaković next international game I'll be done watching the NT since our coach doesn't know when to sub a player off or start someone else when we're beset by injuries in the defence.



>But Dalic is way too political(Oluja and HDZ)
I call this bullshit. He never said anything about politics besides when asked directly.

What about the edgelord who was sent home from Russia?

>Ćorluka a 35 year old defender.
Ćorluka is not missed as the other two. He was already playing shit

You mean Nikola Kalinić? He will not be back in the NT anytime soon. The guy is on bad terms with the coach because of the incident during the World Cup

Post that ass now

>when we win its the players
>when we lose its his fault

god fucking dammit
imagine being this dumb

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btw slaven bilic, our third best coach who coached a premier league club is like last in that same desert league

just stop, turn your brain on, be honest and say why you hate dalic
its not cos we lost, it has to be something else

probably because he is from BiH.

why are all the big players choking this international break? even Bale was shit today.

not posting the opened pic tho :^)

hungary = based

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I don't hate him, I just don't think he is a good coach, not for the level that croatia wants to play on.
If we don't have a better coach, just get a foreigner like all the other small countries do.

whore, i hope you are black.

>i hope you are black

Because they know their coaches don't have the balls to sub them off if they're playing like shit.

Can you say how many good games with him did we have? Our team last world cup was underrated, and still there were no spectacular games besides home game against Ukraine, group against Nigeria, and Argentina (even though this could go either way, argentina had more chances first half). At least in my opinion, world cup was carried by players, they were mentally strong enough to make comeback against England and through 2 penalties. As this team is far worse I dont think he will manage to bring back past succeses (but still there is probably no one better now).

>just get a foreigner like all the other small countries do.
No, we dont like foreigners on the bench. also there are some good trainers from Croatia who never got the chance.

I hope that dirty whore is burning coal too.

I was getting same kind of crap when I dared to say that maybe a bench warmer from english second tier wasn't such a good goalkeeper.

>i hope you are black.
holly kek

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>yfw Dalić gets sacked and Mourinho comes in pro bono and we win the treble (UNL, EURO and WC)

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Also, it is good Dalić to test no players in matches against Hungary than on Euro or World Cup.

our year lads, we're getting it all back

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But you've just lost to Slovakia.

Oh god please no.
K. Určić is obvious choice

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Ilija Loncarevic or Kruno Jurcic more likely

>we dont like foreigners
We like people who are good at something.
Nobody minded that Da Silva was foreigner because he was good, but everyone hated Sammir and called him nigger.

>Our team last world cup was underrated
i dont agree
we had the same players with cacic and we were losing hard
im not saying dalic is a genius coach, far from it
but he is the best we have and he showed he is able to pump our players mentaly
same to what ciro did

i still don't see hns paying any foreign above average coach


Just don't get too cocky else our players will read it and trash you trough sheer power of butthurt, like england.

its women in general janos
calm down


>we were losing hard
Losing hard against whom? Portugal managed to get in one goal in 120' with Cacic and that's pretty much it.

you sure you can out-do Hungarians in terms of butthurt? I mean just look at the post above yours. Our butthurt capabilities are almost Poland-tier

I will calm down when the pain goes away.

>Nobody minded that Da Silva was foreigner because he was good
Da Silva was in Croatia since the 16th year. He knew the language. Just like nobody would be against if Dani Olmo gets to play for Croatia. Sammir on other hand was in the NT because of Mamić not because of quality.

Another thing is having a foreigner who never worked here. I would not mind if let say Matjaž Kek decides to be coach of Croatia.

>Matjaž Kek
Could meme magic save us?

>I mean just look at the post above yours. Our butthurt capabilities are almost Poland-tier
Never got that impression about Hungarians. They seem to be all cheel

we're too apathetic and pessimistic to actually do anything productive with our butthurt, so it usually just gets channeled into drinking and shitposting

He and Lovren have essential west balkan/dinaric face, you wont find them anywhere else besides bosnian croats and their diaspora

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Kalinić OUT

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