I've never held hands with a girl

I've never held hands with a girl.

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not even as kids when you went on a field trip with school / daycare and you had to hold hands so that no one gets lost

Aren't the slags there supposed to be easy? Good God Nigel step it up

You don't need to hold hands with the girl you're raping, Ahmed.

Don't people lose their virginity at 13 or something in the isles?

In Norf yh, in Souf people are stiffer

This is my favorite sport

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Why not just drive norf?

Not even once

This is sad nigga hours

>tfw haven't had sex in 2 weeks now

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>tfw it's 1.30pm and I've already masturbated twice for about 1.5 hours in total

The mods really need to handle these gay ass post before they infect us all. If I were you I'd worry about what IF a girl actually starts holding your hand. Because thats a sign your free life is done for, saver for a tactical retreat. How can you idiots not get this?

Why has there been such a rise of virgin men recently? Something weird's going on

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>tfw haven't had sex in 20 years

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The genetically inept usually died off or had no internet to QQ on. The rest got pushed hard by strenuous life. Nowadays most of them are coddled by mommy and daddy and protected by multiple layers of escapism. Women were also up and until the Tinder revolution somewhat reasonable and this gave these types some chance. Nowadays even your typical 5 will be convinced she can get Chad to stay. It's gone way overboard. Hence the difference between OP's problems and mine, seen above here in the comments.

the sexual revolution ""liberated"" females which led to unrestricted hypergamy on a scale unforeseen in western civilization. this is rome 2.0. this is weimar 2.0. the end is near brother

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Unwillingness to go for below average girls even tho they have no chance with attractive ones.

Have only ever had sex with prostitutes. Not conmplaining but sometimes i wonder if i could actually get a woman.

Blessed are the ignorant fools of the world, for they know not the unspeakable horrors that await us all.

based and redpilled

literally nothing supports that argument

You really think that slob cant get a fat girl with akne?

Bellow average girls also believe they can get in with the A-Team. I had a fat girl chase me around at work whom was convinced we could become an item, if not atleast fuck, just because we worked on the same department and the other girl (an actual hottie) was married. Which tricked her stupid brain to figure it was a 100% sure thing. Multiple short beta hairy manlets tried getting with her, honestly within her league if not a bit higher. She rejected all of them and kept hanging around me. I specifically quit my job prematurely because I couldn't stand her anymore and she would not take a hint. She was very bitchy to and behaved at times as if we were in a relationship. Getting angry at me and shit, then trying to make things up and repeat. Madness brother.

Literally just go out, drunk chicks are easy as hell

>tfw only have two friends who don't like going out so I never go out