banitsa edition
Other urls found in this thread:
cric sucks
Love England
Love Australia
Love New Zealand
Love the cricket
Love Jesus Christ
Love /cric/
Nice depth of field effect lad.
Frankly my knowledge of test cricket is literally unparalleled
I have keenly followed every test series from ~2003 onwards, and can recite the score of every series even further back than that to about 1965 off-hand, thanks to online research since then.
Aside from being a statslord, I also have a mental montage of literally 10,000 test match dismissals: the bowler, the catcher, the path of the ball, everything
I am an admirer of the finer nuances of the game and have a deeper understanding of certain cricketing concepts than any of you can even conceive.
Honestly, there isn't a a single name of a cricketer you can throw at me that I won't have some kind of opinion of, I am even an enthusiastic follower of cricket beyond the test world and take nearly as much interest in a scorecard from ICC World Cricket League South America Region Division Two as I do from any test match
I would go as far as to call myself an eternal scholar of the game
the prestigeous golden banitsa cricket trophy
this is the post
/ck/>me in the /ck/ lads
Good edition
Cricket is NOT a real sport tho
based and bluepilled
the prize of the inaugeral bulgaria vs england test series
hey /cric/ i heard you got autosaged again
Looks like (((csk))) won the ipeel again, unless "DC" can stop them
Brenton Tarrant killed /cric/ as well as fifty muzzies.
Imagine being such a grotesque little manlet that you had to move to eastern Europe for a woman to even give you the time of day. Grim stuff really.
The thing about East euro women, is that yes they love money /citizenship, BUT they also love when the guy is alpha af. That means tall af, takes no shit and tells her what to do. If you start crying in front of her or complain how you get whipped by people espin front of her, she will tell you to stop being pussy and think you as a man. Also you need to the learn the language otherwise you will break up in 2 months.
Great thing is they think feminists are retards. Love everything easy of Austria
Watched Under The Silver Lake last night after someone (likely Daniel now I think about it) recommended it. Very pretty movie, disappears completely up its own arse about halfway through and runs about 30-45 minutes longer than it needed to. Think its main mistake was actually explaining itself. Best parts were the odd red herrings like the song writer that never really went anywhere. I enjoyed it though, reminded me a lot of Inherent Vice. And I didn't realise hipster were rediscovering REM.
how are we boys
>Very pretty movie, disappears completely up its own arse about halfway through and runs about 30-45 minutes longer than it needed to
Literally every arthouse flick
why has the visage of Martin Luther appeared in your left knee?
More like accost; like you do to children kek
How's auschwitz m8?
Good mate don't listen to the rumours. I've put on 4 kg since my last photo
/afl/ is grim today
rugby might be on the cards
Think I might’ve trimmed the beard too aggressively boys. But damn if it doesn’t feel soft when it’s this uniform length.
Worth it.
Your boyfriends thighs say thankyou.
I was wrong about New Zealanders.
Your response to the Christchurch terrorist attacks is an example set for the world.
I will never call you p**p**landers from now on wards.
Christ you're disgusting, Richo
wait wait wait, what the fuck kind of watch is that? hahahahahaha holy shit lad. did your mom buy you that?
watch fags are an absolute eternal cringefest, I subconsciously judge everyone I see who wears one.
>b-but I can tell the time in the Mariana Trench
i stopped wearing mine so i could have an excuse to get my phone out at work
Just to throw this out there, that banitsa on the pic is supermarket trash. Real home made succulent бaницa (banitsa) is pic related.
i can't continue to pretend i care zachy, i'm sorry
Can I blogpost yet, or still too early?
Whose home was that made in lad?
omega aqua terra
makes no sense blubbo
gf's mom's banitsa is the best
how's her vagina though?
one in op does look it’s actually trying to be nice whereas I am more partial to the bottom of the barrel oily banitsa
started taking fina a week ago and noticed that my hair isn't falling out anymore. also haven't lost my sex drive at all (fapped 6 times yesterday to pictures of misaka's feet) and wake up every morning with a stiffy.
not sure what went wrong for zachy honestly.
fucking hate filo pastry tßh, can tell this shit is awful
Bulgarian lev is weak against the pound today
but I’ve experienced all those things
Fapping to misaka's feet? very based actually. nice
Yeah it's trying to be nice, but it's not. The ingredients are trash and tastes disgusting. They use low quality cottage cheese and don't even use eggs and milk. I guarantee to you it tastes disgusting.
Babushka's home, of course, in a random mountain village.
yeah, and so the ones that are openly trash I don’t have a problem with
Damn, ok then.
good face day today, thank god for that
>cottage cheese
da fuq
op one is like one you would get at a cafe and would be bland and overpriced,but you can’t deny the appeal of those cheaper greasy ones you get at the small holes in the wall bakeries
>hairlets ITT
fucking have to go to the barber again lads, it just grows so fucking fast
a bit like your heart rate when you waddle to the loo
sorry, weak
Nigeria rising
actually really surprising that they beat Namibia and Uganda 2bh
nice link
Joe gatto>Murray>Sal vulcano>Brian Quinn
That's a lot of Ngubus
cric is dead riP I’ll never 4get xDXx
in a good mood today reckon not being at work has a lot to do with it
Cricket is really good and fun! :D
so true
>warner playing better
This is what affection for another person looks like, i know it's a yikes for you since you've never experienced it first hand.
>tfw want to share a song with /cric/ but its not on youtube
bad feel boros
such a terrible feel
this is really such a banger, best song I’ve heard all week .
Really do enjoy these night drive videos, lads.
AHEM *clinks glass*
Just wanna give a big shout out to Mr B Tarrant for killing two birds with one stone.
Now back to the cricket, this Pak pitch is so polished you can see reflections
Quinn is my favorite desu
Even Langer gave them JUST.
He is getting better with every season. Just pick up first 3 seasons and he couldn't even speak without fumbling.
>Brian Quinn
who are these people?
Honestly dont have a shred of doubt that we'll win the world cup.
Yea teams with personal touch have better coordination
gonna go walk up Bunarjik Hill for no reason
don't fall zachy
look who i found on /pol/
a lot of racist and cultural violence could be stopped if they simply accepted they're all greasy wogs
rundown on macedonia and bulgayria? they don't teach irrelevant european history in schools here.
>richardson injured himself
>strategic time out
what the fuck is wrong with the IPL
Jhye on the ropes
It's like watching a CS:GO match kek
'ning bla, zumbaya cumbi!!
chabin? x
Non stop commercial time.
Zoomer filter.
that looks pretty awesome tbqh ngl bla
tisbeen yonks since I had a proper chole batura x
>A precise analysis of four football games by "The Wall Street Journal" in 2010 found that the amount of action in a football game was 11 minutes, about the same as baseball.
>As a result, TV broadcasts of both football and baseball games spend huge amounts of time focusing on the nonaction.
>There's about 18 minutes of action in your average MLB game
>The findings: 90% of the game is spent standing around.
11-18 minutes
American football
11 minutes
now that's a DLF maximum
I wonder how much test cricket would be if we used the same metric to measure. 50% of the game action?
>thread is full of /pol/ faggots
KEK what a review!
honest question mate, no bullshit.
Do you wish you were born white, if you're not?
Not him, but I do. Things could've been so much easier, fuck.
might as well just pull out of the WC now, no way >we'll be able to compete without the likes of Jhye Richardson
would you take born white in India or born brown in Australia (you're stuck there though)
You misundestand me. For me, the main allure of being born white is to be born in a developed country instead of a shithole like India.
If I can get the fuck out of India asap, I'd take the former. We had so much potential as a country but we fucked it all up. The fucking poo in loo memes hurt so much ):
business idea: loos to poo in
Finch is LITERALLY unstoppable
>giving Bint a wicket
Finch in the form of his life Lads
If you think UK is a developed country now i have some news for you.
at least you guys paved over the Fleet
Gonna be honest senpai the way UK is right now, I'd prefer to stay in India. I can take the poo in loo jokes.
nah bteh, a different generation maybe
WAIT ON!! bhuvi is the captain of srh?? wew
this tbqh ngl bla
I just wish i learnt Hindi and I'd take try my luck in India rather than live here - there are some really lovely places in the UK but they're not for me. Though i doubt i'd be able to cope with the hectic city life rat race in India either - i need to have a home with a garden and quiet.
>City life in India
Better live in the countryside in one of the Southern states or up in the himalayan towns. If you've got money, you can easily live out the rest of your life like a king here.
>need to have a home with a garden and quiet.
same bla
my plan rn is to work and earn enough to retire early in some little village in the north of india
Also, Hindi is not really required to live here unless you plan to settle in the North. Only around 40% of the population speaks hindi.
Uttar Pradesh is insanely comfy. Agreed I don't know how you'd get cash flow there beyond dealing to tourists. But it is a beautiful area. I reckon you work hardcore 3 months in your home town and live the kings life ther for the other 9
rashid's been eatin
Most Indians bash UP for being one of the most underdeveloped and crime ridden states in the country. The people here can be very rude and ignorant too. I've lived in UP's capital for a decade now and even though there are some things that annoy me here, life here is pretty /comfy/. Too bad I'm gonna have to leave for Hyderabad in the summer for work.
For a foreigner, I would recommend Uttarakhand, it is just like UP but it rests in the lap of the Himalayas.
based prossielad dropping truthbombs
See pic
My old coach goes back half the year to Gujarat as he helped build a school there - this kind of selflessness doesn't exist in gora culture. Thing is where i live is like 15min walk from the city centre and 30min cycle to nice countryside but now it's full of Polaks, Turks, and chavs with no class and the original nice neighbours on the street are dying or moving away
formerly Uttaranchal
k x
>this kind of selflessness doesn't exist in gora culture.
ssshhhh..that's where i want to go
or another place in himachal
How’s New Delhi? A friend from law school lives there (and just became an advocate-on-record). Might be nice to visit.
it's shit bla x
even Brighton, once an atmospheric seaside town of hip nightlife in the 80s, is now a crime ridden shithole . Guess I’ll have to live there anyway lol as there isn’t really any other option
newly lost dog near my house wondering around frantically with fear, has been doing so for hours, no Bulgarians blinking an eye. State of it.I’ve tried chasing after it but just not sure what I can do about it
Europe in general is dying and withering away with all the refugee and Islamic bullshit and the slow birth rates of the natives. Meanwhile the future for India is exciting but right now its just depressing living here.
Yeah. Same language, same food as UP but way less pollution and more quiet and peace.
Apart from Nepal it was the nicest. Fuck South India tßh, not a nice experience. Didn't go north west because of war zones that people talked up too much. I think if they talked up to western stoners how much weed, opioids and other drugs are literally everywhere they could have a boom of dumbshit tourists ala Amsterdam. Not sure if that would improve the world, but it would bring money.
alri..gotta skedaddle
later bla x
Why the fuck does it seem like Indians care more about Europe’s future than actual Europeans?
tell me about this cricketer
Hlw dear bros.
Nigeria U17s captain - good prospect la'
Looks like a heavy hitter tttt
>Uttar Pradesh is comfy
u wot?
damn Rabada got old quickly
Delhi is shit m8. Too much noise, too much pollution and costly as shit.
Did you visit Himachal Pradesh, the town of Kasol is called the stoner's paradise according to most stoners I know. Haven't been there myself, plan to go once I start earning some money.
I personally worry more about Islamicization of Europe. No one deserves to go through that. As for other Indians, I guess you could it awareness rather than worry. The Indians you meet here are way more aware and knowledgeable than your average pajeet.
>Uttar Pradesh is insanely comfy
I think you mean Uttrakhand formerly UtterPradesh
ummmmm wtf going on
tbqhf the whole place you've got is super confrontational in an anthropological sense and I don't think I'll return. Love the huge mountains and rivers but that's about it. I really think I've done my dash as far as traveling to non western places.
N'golo my son
janny doesn’t work Sundays
oooo gd gd how r I am love you
Like the new american football album myself -7/10
Fair enough. Hope you change your mind in the future.
made a post on Yea Forums
business idea: flirt with women
Yea Forums is very low IQ as a whole so I shant be going
>low IQ
unlike your BGL
How can you tell it's newly lost lad? On the continent freeroaming dogs are kind of the norm aren't they?
Why are Bengali women so ugly?
What I just ordered for 140₹ ($2)
2 day bender completed
lots of alcohol, drugs and embarassing disclosures
shan't be doing that again
Based. North Indian I'm guessing. UP?
literally know exactly what sebbo would be like IRL
my gf is bong, not ugly tbeh
aloo = potato
raita = yogurt
bhature = fried bread
don't know beyond that
I'm guessing based, muscular, elite, epic, and dominant.
chole = chickpeas
>tfw haven’t had bhatura in yonks
Like whole or as hummus?
My lover uncle.
boiled and curried
what's a poori? samosa?
open a startup in auz :)
Doesn't look like your typical bengali. Good job lad.
Localite or working there?
Whole. Pic related
it is shakib
simple as
>unleavened deep-fried bread, related to kachori not samosa
Might open a vada pav stall :D
>Doesn't look like your typical bengali. Good job lad.
bongs are sexy tbhe
>Localite or working there?
For me it's lamb in a mint yoghurt sauce over rice.
Imagine the smell
For me, it’s the begbeak bowing
qt mynas
I like NE girls more.
Smells pretty good senpai. Tons of spices.
*scores a muscular 78* 179) on a rank turner*
Wish I had a jawline that aesthetic.
Strikes rate’s too high
hate these non native cunts.
very jealous of you meal. For me it's a cheese toastie because I forgot to shop today
>UAE Developmental XI
What does this mean?
He kinda looks like he has mumps.
why not order online?
Meant for
would honestly last three balls against raji in the nets. I can’t bat for shit
it's 1215am Monday morning, the only options are pizza or McDonalds
god i hate those birds
I blamed my father in my youth
But now as a father I blame the booze
MRFF is an extremely eclectic and dynamic young man, perhaps the most electrifying man in Yea Forums entertainment and his presence at /cric/ is sorely missed.
Don't get the Indian mynas here, I think they get bullied out by the the noisy miners and willy wagtails
why would you like non native species of animals
now THAT is a based bird
can any Indian fill me in on why all old sikhs are alcoholics
by the way, that is exactly what happened to them. they got bullied away by the native miners. same happened here.
Think it's a fancy term for UAE-A or UAE-B; basically a squad for people who are too old for U-19 but not good enough for the main XI.
>Match delayed by a floodlight failure
Didn't this just happen in the BBL? kek
Old is a redundant word there
Yes and in cape town in a t20 with sri lanka.
Putting money on it being due to spotfixing. Also see exhibit #1: that Chawla LBW review in the first over that was about 2 feet outside leg stump
No idea. Might just be a cultural thing. Sikhs love to eat, drink and enjoy life. I guess the old ones have nothing to do other than drink and discuss politics.
>come off a break
>LBW first ball
yeah the fix is in lads
Obiously its out.
Maxwell you cheating piece of shit
>boundary clearly moves on the catch
>y-yeah nothing t-there
It clearly didnt, hence hwy the third umpire said he saw no movement.
t. 240i watcher
>Lynn was playing in both mathes
Kek. You can't make this shit up.
Watching on foxtel go la, its pretty all right quality.
he is also wearing dumbo zoomer shoes with those weird heels. Guaranteed he touched the boundary, his body language showed it.
back for a bit
plug in bla x
My theory is that punjabis have /strongmind/ but have limited emotional capacity. Eat, drink, fight, hard work dedication, earn money, beat wife. But they aren't the type to study philosophy think about the universe and thie place in it or mourn when their pet dies - this kind of thing isn't in their nature.
Unironically tipping Sri Lanka for the world cricket championship
russell is animal
Me =high energy. You= a geek
>Dre Russel going beast mode
Pretty spot on analysis I'd say. They're simple minded folk. A sikh friend is a friend for life.
what’s the next kino test cricket feature my dear bros
jfc lads
wew a real PARTY going on R.N in the plug tbqh ngl bla x
>wide to open the last over
>denying russell his 50
That was a good match.
>getting spanked by a 19 yo
state of pookib
zero tests until Ashes, so that maybe
>Need 5 to win off 3
>Bowl a fulltoss
Based Asskib
>zero tests until Ashes
>kashmiri in mumbai indians XI
When exactly did tests become the hipster format?
>ishant sharma is playing
Low iq brainlet bash.
>kashmiri stepping out of line
Right around the time I started banging your mum.
>sehwag highlights in the pak match
He made cricket fun
Rashik salam, he's bowling rn for MI
my conception of the corridor of uncertainty unironically has unparalleled depth, like you, a brainlet right now is thinking ‘it’s not that complex, what is this weirdo thinking about’, but you literally have no idea
Lay off the drugs mate
wish I could just drink beer and listen to music forever
this is the blog
this is how i imagine sebbo (the younger bro of two bros)
>rate me and my sister
i can visualise sebbos irl persona with about 90% objective accuracy i reckon. Quite tall, about 6’ 1’’, reasonably wide, about 360lbs. Stands up straight, doesn’t smile much, sounds robotic, never one to direct conversation. Seemingly intelligent regardless of all this but socially awkward
>slitted dress
>tip-dyed hair
>that size purse
>strappy sandals
>unshaven but no full beard
>tee-shirt, no collar
>white sneakers, no socks
Where are my groceries?
dull comment. Needs to be in 5/4 but with no actual groove suggesting it's in 5/4.
fairly accurate to be honest
Where's poo peeland?
Umm... SHALL.
come again
That's what your mum invited me to do last night.
36(13) ut's Pant time
Getting a crash course in DNS
Honestly think they heard "blackholing" and figured they just needed to watch more of the same porn.
>first 1(5)
>next 40(10)
>now 52(19)
News tomorrow morning
>Innocent kashmiri boy smashed brutally by delhi man
71(24) now
This image has a lot of meme potential
>tel leva jaa
sebbo is big lad
Shit he's injured
>Bumrah down
No no no no
Where was this hitting in the odi series?
had a really nice day :D
toil on the morrow
Caption: "I am that I am."
Caption: "my head -- tabula rasa"
Caption: "My hair that my hair."
Would breed and produce some high iq upper caste children desu.
Kaun jaat ho?
I liked her bj lips
Brahmin se uski jaat nahi puchte beta. Pap lagta he.
My nose is pretty identical to her and I like her chin as well.
>high iq
t. Shudra
Brahmin here as well. Pathak
t. Chamaar
Imagine not eating meat.
I want to have sex with an Indian girl
T. Sebbo ‘heart attack grill’ bell
How do I start eating meat senpai? I've been vegetarian all my life. Everytime I wanna try eating meat, it feels like there's a mental block stopping me.
Start with chicken wings or something lol.
I’d start with things cooked using animal fat. You don’t get the meat texture and honestly it can be indistinguishable from something cooked in vegetable shortening.
Or soups using chicken stock rather than vegetable stock. These would at least take your meat virginity and may dissolve that block.
Explain to me how the texture feels. Is it like paneer or soya or something?
This actually seems like a good idea. Thanks.
look at you in your element talking about food you fat fuck
One of my favorites is French onion soup. Very savory. I actually didn’t know it was meat stock based and nearly got a vegetarian friend to eat it on accident. Looks a bit like dishwater but tastes like heaven when done well.
wouldn't bother. Supremely overrated. Land animals are basically bland proteins that only get flavour from the addition of spices or a shit ton of salt. But if you really want to ordering vitello tonnato is a pretty safe, easily digestible option. Well cooked duck is pretty lush if you want to go the deep end.
If you want something completely different from a life time of vegies go for fresh raw oysters or some high quality sashimi. Meat eating all the time truly is for plebs though. I only do it once a moth at most.
I'm Indian senpai I'm used to eating food that looks like shit. I like savory stuff as well. Gonna try it out when I go out with my friends next time.
I don't know really. I've only eaten boiled eggs for non veg food and that too because I started going to gym and couldn't afford whey.
What are you on about? Indian food looks lush but i'm biased i suppose. If you want your eyes to turn down food see German or Russian.
imagine the chewy fibrousness of pineapple mixed with the springyness of paneer or something like cauliflower
I only wanna do it to expand my options when I inevitably get out of this country. Its really tiresome trying to find decent vegetarian food everytime I go to another country. Was in Japan for a week last year and had to survive on fucking french fries and onion rings. Tried veggie ramen but it tasted like shit. Been thinking about starting to eat meat since then. By the way, isn't sashimi just raw fish with some seasoning? Don't think that would be a good starting point for me.
Fuck I gotta start working out again. I'm decently tall (6 feet) and well built and everyone tells me I have a pretty /fit/ body hidden underneath all that fat but I'm a lazy cunt who never leaves the house. I weight 94 kgs. What about you? The eggs do you any good?
Sounds appetising desu
sebbo weighs 587 kilos
kek hope you can find some
>Explain to me how the texture feels.
The texture of solid meat is pretty indescribable. I can't think of anything similar that isn't imitation meat. The texture also changes somewhat with the way it's cooked and level of doneness, as well as the type of meat and to some extent where on the animal it comes from. I want to say aubergine COULD be made to have a similar texture, but I don't think it'd be the same.
Cooked mince or fresh sausage has a very different texture from solid meat. I want to say it's vaguely like falafel.
There are other meat products that have different textures as well. Bacon is rather different from other solid meat cuts. Dried meat (like jerky) is very different as well.
>What about you
I'm a obese fuck too, trying to lose a lot of weight. Started recently, down 7-8 kilos. Honestly you're not even that overweight, you should look up intermittent fasting.
for me, it's intermittent farting. *pppprthhhpthbtbbbrbthhht*
I think I'll start with chicken like a true pleb.
>intermittent fasting
I've tried it in the past but could never stick with it. I like working my fat off and I enjoy lifting weights so I'm gonna do that. As an asthma patient, cardio is hell for me. I can walk around for hours on end but I cannot run on a treadmill for 5 minutes to save my life
The only meat I’ve eaten in the past ~2 weeks are the two strips of turkey bacon I have every morning with breakfast. Been eating a shit ton of beans and lentils recently, feels pretty good.
>I only wanna do it to expand my options when I inevitably get out of this country. Its really tiresome trying to find decent vegetarian food everytime I go to another country. Was in Japan for a week last year and had to survive on fucking french fries and onion rings.
Have you considered Taiwan? There's a significant native vegetarian population there. They also apparently have a native vegetarian cuisine that focused on creating mock meat (the story is it was developed by buddhist monks that missed meat). Like eel made from shiitake mushrooms. I've actually been interested in it since they talked about it in the Ghost in the Shell TV series (and is apparently quite real).
Oh and on that note, I would say that mushrooms can be made to have a texture similar to solid meat. I'm thinking of large portabello caps cut into strips and either fried or braised. The texture would be somewhat like the inside of a rare steak.
Is he secretly gay? Like for real. I know he kept asking for ausgril photos but virtually everything he posts looks exceptionally gay.
new girl at work was being very flirty all of last week
will report back tomorrow evening
is it me, you're looking for?
yes hello may i ask who is speaking?
Yea report that bitch to HR.
Will Finch continue his form on pitches that actually offer something to the bowler?
Oh is THAT what the monkey face comes from?
a-are you okay, /cric/?
What the fuck happened to /cric/ la
My dear bros.
'atchin this bla x
Baldy B.
Noncey K.
when the fuck will Telstra unblock this shit
Hopefully never.
Twatty T.
Panjabi MC.
thought on a simple aussie girl from gold coast?
consuming the usual pre toil banitsa
thinking about future USA vs nigeria test matches
Will /cric/ watch Based Boomer Dhoni lift the IPL 2019 Trophy once more ?
I think cricket has good future in Africa. I can see it growing in afghanistan too if things gets better in their home but apart from that this sport isn't going to grow further.
where’s sebbo
there’s millions of Afghans in Iran . Could develop there
>CSK wins lol
Sheer coincidence they won so soon after their ban.
Someone is very loudly playing You Are Not Alone by Michael Jackson in my street.
frankly michael jacksonn could have orchestrated the 9/11 attacks and eaten babies and it wouldnt suddenly make off the wall a bad song
Off the wall is a bad song
How have we been doing boys?
Me? Quite shit
Kenya should have been a test nation by now
Namibia too
grim what happened to Kenya
only Americans and E*ros knock indian food
give me a rundown on Zhen's Yang Gang
A lot of red flags there it must be said
fuck me dead
Turners in Tehran
Namibia barely qualifies as a country
Spells in Shiraz
Hope he's rostered himself opening day off.
You certainly may not
Please I'm really nervous wreck that Captain Marvel isn't the one to kill Thanos
t. Pieter Botha
kek, this liberal chick is a riot
What was the name of the supercoach? Forgot it
Sportsdeck you mean?
yeah thanks
I’ve got 5 DNPs lol
tfw i remember i trained my 4th grace schoolmate which was sitting in the bench behind to play with my back hair using a pencil in exchange for me helping him pass to 5th.
asmr is nice.
pick Australians?
Putin cucking Trump again lads
the absolute state of American political power
Yeah stonis and coulter-nile
Don’t know what lamichane, braithwaite and southee are up to, I thought the first two were dedicated meme20 stars
haven't posted in /cric/ for a while but this dire thread reminded of why i stopped
Back from the ban
steve smith?
steve smith?
steve smith?
steve smith?
W2c death
Thoughts on Zachy's new cover photo on fagbook?
Post it.
10 mins until another episode of the jos Buttler show
t. no friends incel
Who MI here?
um sweaty, only gross boomers use face in current year. me and my chad friends all use instagram and snapchat exclusively
t. incel
don’t get the point of Instagram . Seems dumb
post the league table
might have to make some subs
what's to get? pics/vids get posted and you can message your friends
>implying you have friends
they're not your friends. Just quit it and see how many you remember the names of
Ayy Smoth is playing.
facebook is a social networking tool. you have to be an adult to understand the benefits of using it has on your social and work life.
It still boggles my mind how many incels here don't understand this.
Quite a few empty seats
Thought cricket was a bit popular in India
you can do that on Facebook already
and? like i said earlier, only old people still use facebook. hope you aren't older than 21 and still on Yea Forums, lad. you seem a bit out of touch
calm down, incel.
Kek gayle cannot run at all and he’s going to be at the World Cup. Windies group stage exit
oh nonononononononno
Can't even accept a simple spelling error. This is the issue in a nutshell, all you want to do is display a presentation of yourself to the world where all your faults and mistakes are erased. And with FB you are allowed to curate a false image of yourself as a completely perfect and infallible example of yourself. But it's a load of bullshit. You're displaying a bullshit facade yourself to hundreds of other bullshit facades. Nothing is stopping you from "social networking" with others without it.
Protip: Adults just call it "networking"
Lovely over from my g jofra
>writing a mini essay trying to convince anonymous posters on an anime website that your life isn't shit
yikes, lad. get some help. i will pray for you.
>coward shies away from from the slightest hint of confrontation.
Yep, it's a BTFO zoomer
Sure is incel in here
are you proud of not being a zoomer, grampa?
Gowtham is wank
Rajasthan this year have embarassing jersey. Looks like they are promoting breast cancer awareness.
I'm literally watching a Reagan doco, so yeah, guilty as charged
I support jofra archer cc
Do Gujaratis support RR or MI?
>chink coming second
>6 million in 6 years without any physical proof of even 1/10 the number?
Yep that doesn't sound true at all.
Meme Shit batting tonight?
Wang Gang surely the team to beat
Benny boy
>strategic timeout
Just call it an ad break ffs
Steve Smith
Leona Helmsley is the archboomer. Christ what a piece of work
life not going well
real regressions noted
Ashwin has just makanded Buttler lads
Ashwin is a cheating cunt.
The jew of Indian cricket
My absolute lads
decent start from disgraced former australian captain steve smith
lmfao pootler was that furious
Thought it said batista edition.
Imagine my disappointment when it was just a mundane detail from Zach's dreary life.
Why is everyone mad about Ashton? Is it a “spirit of the game” argument?
BOSSwin so fucking based lads.
yes. Eoin Morgan is worried about the kids
Old tweets
Tweet: Can't but feel sorry for Zimbabwe. This is cruel stuff. Even more so, because the non-striker wasn't even backing up a long way!
Ashwin's response: it was indeed cruel,let's just say the rules are made just for the heck of it.Cricket balls can kill,shall we ban it?
In the spirit of humanity. Slog overs should empower the bowlers to push the front line.
A batsmen doesn't walk, that's a daily affair. Bowler mankads a batsmen, that is a an incident.
Question: Ash, it was within the rules, it was out. PERIOD. Cruel was the fact that it had to happen to Zimbabwe the way it did.
Ashwin's response: 1ball 6 to win,batsmen is a hero.Bowler with the presence of mind to do it and win a game for his team.Make him a hero I say
question: have you ever considered using mankad as a strategy? Is it ever on ur mind while running in?
Ashwin's response: Every single day,I can't push the front line,why should a batsmen gain yards.
Question: what stops you from warning and mankading then?
Ashwin's response: does batsmen warn the bowler about hitting him for a 6?? ** Question:** The non-striker wasn't backing up too far. The bat was still on the line. He wasn't trying to gain any advantage.
Ashwin's response: if it's on the line at the other end,not out???the difference is the batter being out or staying on to hit a 6
making an entire country and website (réddit) seethe like that
Holyfuck lads. The English are absolutely SEETHING on r/cricket.
just woke up
quite possibly the worth thread ever
cant read this lads
Day 2: even grimmer than day 1
Wff is that kit RR wearing lmaoo
As bad as puke green rcb one
Based af
So was Ashwin in the right or wrong? Tbh that wasn’t out, Butler was still inside the crease when he stopped bowling.
cric has gone to god without the ausLORDS
doing a big think
He's trying to say "pavement".
the cricket
ah yes
so true
Bit angry at the way jos was got out
Hope ashwin uses his pay packet to buy some lessons in grace and decorum
He has a valid point, but still he should remember he plays a kid's game for a living - a warning is a fair
heya cric, 'chabin
need your expert opinion on the ash-but-mankaad incident bla
red-ball me bla
o, just reading the thread now bla x
Is this burek or gibanica?
yeah das not out bla weww
ash is gonna get some lip from the rest of ipl fosho
donated blood today bla
just got some obese whale blood today, lads
they call you whalebla x
First day off in 2 weeks tomorrow lads
Going to see my friends and family :3
>batting the entire first day for a muscular 193(350)
happy for you bla x
heya whaley
'chabin blubbabla
blubbabla x
>soon cric will just be pajeets and microsoft pajeets talking to themselves
>not at present
Already is m8.
See you for the WC.
>mankading the non-striker on the fifth day with 4 overs to close
Boilers not working lads
Having to wear a coat as I cook my 2 am dinner
testament criquette kinographicinematorianism
prefer baseball to cricket
tipping a cringy post by an american on the cards soon lads
thought seething peewees weren't allowed to post here anymore lads
Inside 10 minutes lad, well done.
>pointing out that the antipoodeans are seething is cringe
Another one.
Will England win the World Cup and the Ashes back to back?
Will England was a successful Victorian photographer specialising in stereoscopic photographs.
Didn’t know that thanks
>Definitely, I'm Indian and see nothing wrong with this. Cricket is an aristocrats game which is why all the rules were designed to favor the batsman. Its no coincidence the majority of Mankads happen with players from the sub-continent who play strictly by the rules as opposed to some Victorian morality.
BASED. based Indians and Aussies on r/cricket are shitting on Muh spirit of the game English faggots.
>muh spirit of the game
>proceed to get eternally BTFO by AUS sledges and dirty Indian tricks
This is why England never wins anything relevant
/r/cucket is a hindi speaking board isn't it?
Absolutely seething poopeeelander
This is the post.
Just did the stinkiest poo
Is south africa considered the 3rd world?
see vids of Joburg and it looks gnarly then you see vids of beaches and it looks sweet then you see vids of angry black people and it looks 3rd world again.
help bros
Hlw :D
Probably MI
How do you boys feel about cevapi?
ate 4000 calories yesterday out of boredom
Not sure how 4000 calories kills boredom tttt
It me lads I learned how to use trips
something to do
Finna get banned for this but idc lads I have a life, tests to sit, assignments to submit ngl bla XD
Fair enough
Why is Twilight Sparkle a goblin?
Just let it die.
girl cold approached me in the park yesterday, but she didn’t speak English and wasn’t attractive
Ashwin did nothing wrong.
last /cric/ ever?
A truly unimpressive story.
But what will you use for a friend simulator?
On your bike then.
Cric is now closed.
>not rug
Thank fuck.
why's everyone mad at ashwin? he's just playing by the rules.
still a very rare occurrence
test, is my ban over?
Yes :D
joburg is inland retard
Some cunt gonna make a new thread?
Joseph Melican is a paedophile