Anyone else sick of seeing all this virtue signalling about how great he is and how racism is bad and people saying...

Anyone else sick of seeing all this virtue signalling about how great he is and how racism is bad and people saying that the Sun (because apparently this is a paper that we must take seriously now and care what they say) will twist his hat-trick and say he stole the goals or some other retarded shit?

I stuck up for him around the World Cup but now he should break leg. Fuck this prick.

Attached: a black black cunt.jpg (450x450, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>literally doesn’t do anything except for play the match
>people somehow still find a way to get angry at him specifically

I'm not normally one for identity politics, but there really is no other way to explain the disproportionate tabloid hate Sterling got aside from it being racially-driven.

>*does literally nothing of interest other than his actual job*
anglo sun/dm readers are nonce-tier



They fucking blamed him for London knife crime ffs

If he can rein in the tabloids and get them off players' backs it's only a good thing.

Shut up incel. Get laid.


It's probably also because he left Liverpool, who are press darlings and where he came up through the academy, quite openly due to money


So what? He has to make a living somehow

Yeah, I don't care either, but it's something that gets the paper's going because it gets the punters going
From there it's very easy to paint a picture

I wouldn't say it's racism, it's just that Sterling's role in the England team was not particularly obvious to the average brainlet. This makes him an easy scapegoat and people will pay to read whatever shite the tabloids write about him.

They did it to Beckham and Rooney. After the golden generation was winding down, he was the next best thing. Yes, he didn't do anything especially wrong, but that means the Sun was forcing it, not that they're racist.

I'm talking about people virtue signalling, not people getting angry at him.

Pretty much said the Sun was irrelevant so why would you think I rate their commenters?

>Yea Forums idiot

the sun love liverpool and that's why they single out sterling I am very smart

>I'm not normally one for identity politics


It's a class thing, Sterling similar to Rooney comes from a 'chavy' background, and the Sun, being a toff newspaper loves to make fun of these sorts of people and put them down, its why they hate Scousers because Liverpool is a stereotypically chavvy city.

OPs clearly angry at him going by the last sentence mate

>the Sun, being a toff newspaper

In what parallel universe?

>the sun is the only tabloid rag
The Sun just try to ruin everyone

>the dribble straight into defenders role

the owners and writers are posh, and it's role is to get the working class to fight itself

I am OP and i'm angry at him in a displaced way. I'm really angry at all the fucking soibois defending him. Just look at all this fucking cancer.

Attached: okay i should probably not be triggered bt YT comments.png (857x1120, 146K)

I think you're right. having about 20 kids by different mothers probably contributes too, though

>the owners and writers are posh
Same could be said of any newspaper.
>it's role is to get the working class to fight itself
Tinfoil hat tier. It’s “aim” is to sell papers.

Toff was probably a bad word, id say their main audience are lower-middle class, plasterer and carpenter, cockney exiles living in Thanet and the like, who enjoy laughing at people from the inner city.

if papers existed for profit they'd all be closed down already.

most of those posters are about 14 years old lad. youtube comments are never worth reading, same with other garbage like instagram and fb comments

>Does his job
>Hurr durr he should break his leg because durrpeople virtue signaling

KYS you shiite meme poster.

Y'all motherfuckers need to realise how hard black cunts have it. Here, watch this video:

Especially that bastard Andrew Joyce

Preferred this lad when he was with Sam desu

>Tinfoil hat tier
You can't possibly be this naive. Obviously it tries to be profitable but Rupert Murdoch is just as interested in using it as a political tool.

Attached: sun.jpg (198x255, 14K)

Sorry, mates. I didn't realise you were soi too. Probably all love singing about how Adam Johnson is a nonce, I bet. Fucking vaginas. Enjoy your negro music, negroes.

If I posted that the purpose of a media outlet was to replace white people you’d call me a conspiracy theorist. What you’re saying is exactly the same

So what, vagina? You're a nonce too, I bet.

>white genocide
>maintaining the status quo
ahh yes, these are the same to me

Most of England's goals at the World Cup were from penalties and set-pieces. The reason we got these was precisely because Sterling kept "dribbling straight into defenders".

What the fuck are you talking about?

>maintaining the status quo
The status quo is pro-immigration and pro-diversity, you are seriously deluded if you think that isn’t the case.

uhh yeah thet's why the government sent fucking gunships into the channel to stop immigrants lmao

uhh yeah nonce that's why you drink soi erryday lmao

>(because apparently this is a paper that we must take seriously now and care what they say)
You have to understand that a shitload of people genuinely buy and read the sun on a regular basis

>score hattrick for his country
>mongs still find a way to have a go at him

Seems some people would only actually support him if he managed to deliver a No Deal Brexit that doubles the strength of the pound and turns all water into John Smiths.

You simply don’t live in reality if you think the establishment isn’t pro-multiculturalism. Not gonna bother responding with a delusional insane person.

Bit pedantic here but immigration and multiculturalism isn't the same.

(not the original guy you were talking to)

fucking lol

You’re the one who bought up nonces for literally no reason.

They are closely related. One is promoted to justify the other.

>where he came up through the academy
They bought him from QPR

Yh Becks got fucking slated for getting his mum a house

I thought sterling was Jamaican

Yes, that's exactly the type of virtue signalling faggotry OP is talking about. Nobody criticised Sterling, what they did instead was say what an amazing black man he was and how they wanted him to impregnate their daughters.

Nothing sums up the cultural establishment more than the BBC. You really gonna argue they don’t support multiculturalism?

>It's probably also because he left Liverpool, who are press darlings and where he came up through the academy, quite openly due to money

Ah yes the sun are doing it because they love Liverpool.

I love the hoops people jump through rather than just accepting it's racism.

Sterling is a working class black guy, who also had the bollocks to publicly admit he's a lefty, simple as that

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>people act like sheep and lump praise of raheem like virtue signalling faggots
>this means I know hate him and hope his leg breaks

You're quite ill

>You simply don’t live in reality if you think the establishment isn’t pro-multiculturalism.

Ah yes

>Daily Mail
>The Sun
>Daily Express

All famously left wing open borders papers

The way things are done now, perhaps. But you can easily accept immigrants and keep the same monoculture.

you ever watched the bbc news? Half of it is vox pops of some old bloke moaning about muslims in the pub and the other half is about the economy. Having a black lad on dr who doesn't make the bbc some multicultural pushing lefty monolith

>people praise a player for a great performance

Just let people be happy that an England player is doing well instead of trying to twist it into some sort of political statement.

>just accept it dude lmao
Not an argument.

Newspapers shit on lots and lots of different people, also will praise lots of black people. The fact that you think it just has to be racism show how brainfucked you've been by the pushed narrative.

2 of the highest ranking political editors at the BBC recently applied to join Theresa May's Tory party. They regularly have people like Tommy Robinson, Steve Bannon and Farage on their shows. They get presented by people like Andrew Neil and Fiona Bruce.

They literally photoshop the hats on the leader of the opposition to the Tories so they look more Russian/communist

In what world is the BBC this left wing organisation? In the news side at least, they are very right wing

>bbc news

You mean the same news that admitted it doesn’t give media coverage to anti-white murders?

>What you’re saying is exactly the same

There's nothing cringier than white people getting offended on behalf of blacks.

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yep that's a thing they definitely said, and I can tell because you linked it in your post

M8, i've seen two comments in the last five minutes where people have called him a 'wonder' and a 'gem of a man.' They're going overboard in their cocksucking praise of him, it is clearly virtue signalling.

>You're not allowed to talk about racism or think it's wrong unless it directly affects you

It's time to stop posting

They only seem right wing to you because the Overton window is so ridiculously left.

You mean a bit like we shitpost about Rooney, Vardy, Kane and anyone else who has a decent performance?

All this nig has been doing for the past months is okay the race card

Look up Kriss Donald

That's not true now is it? Because nearly every major newspaper in the UK is right wing and openly aggressive towards minorities and foreigners

>he probably thinks journalists like Katie Hopkins and Tommy Robinson are 'right wing' too

This just shows how far to the left this country has shifted

>muh racism
Except there's no proof for at all, except perhaps Sterling's direct intuition where he just *knows* it's racism.

It's not about speaking of racism, it's about people falling over themselves to suck black cock.

I'm not talking about on here, i'm talking about in the normiesphere.

All but one penalty were due to fouls on Kane, except for one on Lingard

>openly aggressive towards minorities and foreigners
>implying this is a bad thing

right after I look up q user pal

By birth, but he grew up in England

Ah ok, so you're so detached from the general public and society that your points of reference are insane

>openly aggressive towards minorities and foreigners

Ah yes. The same papers that constantly make click baity headlines about “shocking racism” are aggressive towards minorities.

>Changing the argument

The initial point was trying to claim the overton window is so far left, when this clearly isn't true considering the majority of newspapers in this country are certainly right wing and happy to spread open xenophobia and racism

>on today's episode of Everything I Don't Like Is Virtue Signalling

That's working class

In what fucking world is a plasterer not working class

Explain how they are not

It had more to do with the money angle than anything else. There was this perception that he was some ungrateful flash cunt who abandoned Liverpool to join a money club. A similar thing happened with Ashley Cole, whereas there are loads of ostensibly humble black footballers that the media loves.

Yep totally not racist guys, these headlines are typical left wing liberal shit

Attached: daily-express-daily-star-front-page-headlines1.jpg (800x945, 260K)

>he thinks there's a singular monolithic establishment with a singular worldview
It's almost as though there are multiple people in positions of power that would benefit from different policies and therefore encourage different opinions in the masses to each other, you know, almost like we live in a complex democracy or something and there are elites on all sides pushing their own agendas

Your definition of “racism” and “xenophobia” are anyone that doesn’t actively fellate negro dick like you do.

When the Daily Mail starts calling for the deportation of non-whites I’ll agree with you.

ah yes the famous communist elites

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No, my definition of xenophobia and racism is the actual definition, treating somebody differently because of where they were born or their skin pigmentation.

>Sterling scores hat-trick
>everybody wants to talk about the Sun
Fuck off and get a life.

Most of those are fake or true

>this thread

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Communism isn't a major mainstream political philosophy pushed by anyone particularly worth paying attention to

That's good to see. The more monoracialist views are normalised the better.

Na plasterers especially if theyre self employed are often quite well off, and i know class isnt entirely economic, but its a big part.

And the same with the far right in the UK, yet the BBC openly invite people like Tommy Robinson or Steve Bannon on their shows.

Yet to see communists on QT

self employed people are by definition not working class

Neither of those people are far right though.

Bannon and Robinson are "far-right" in the same way they likes of Corbyn are "far-left"

>Steve Bannon and Tommy Robinson aren't far right


Plenty of working class people are well off, having money doesn't change your class

Is that supposed to be racist?

There's a brand of thought that video games makes (mostly the white serial killer type) people violent. This is the same sort of thing. Might be stupid but not racially motivated.

I guess i'm not allowed to point this out because it's just so obvious that poor little Waheem was the victim of 'orrible wacist aboose.

Calling Pakis vermin isn't racist, just truthful.


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What a nothing obtuse post

Monoculturalist would be better.

>Black English player has a tattoo of a gun and everyone goes nuts
>Plaxico Burress accidentally shoots himself in a crowded nightclub and finishes his career with the Pittsburgh Steelers

They're objectively not. Robinson in particular is more liberal than most leftists.

>People who are discriminated against and told they are evil/wrong/disgusting and outsiders tend to commit suicide more

Really makes you think

They're centrists, at most centre-right.

working class means that you work for someone, and they profit of your labour whilst you are paid a percentage of the value of your labour. That can't happen if you are self employed. Read a fucking book

Both are just against Islam which objectively a far right ideology.

What a shitshow. What the fuck is the point in this thread

someone linked this thread in pol didn't they, you fucking losers

This. TR wants a pure white nation, but so did Hitler and he was a leftist too.

You are now aware Pickford literally has a large knife tattooed on his arm but it was Sterlings gun tattoo which was associated to stabbings in the papers


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>the deputy director of coutts bank is working class
>the man who digs graves isn't

ISIS are against mainstream Islam to the extreme, that makes them left wing too.

Yeah, everything is the result of how society views a thing. There is no objective good and bad and people don't have natural feelings towards certain events.

To be fair, I literally don't think I've ever seen Pickford's bare arms before

the deputy director of coutt's bank would profit off of other people's labour , making him part of the capital class you dense fuck

>Hitler was a leftist

You've spent too long with Americans bud.

Hitler rounded up the socialists and communists for the internment camps.

The National Socialist title was just an early idea to help rally poor people against "the Jewish elites" during the massive economic turmoil

If you were walking back home at night in a dodgy area and saw a group of black guys down one road, and a group of east asian guys down the another, which one would you take?

You’re either stupid a racist or a liar no matter how you answer

There isn't any other way to explain why he was picked for England, either.

Dross like Odoi get picked because the FA love it.

>working class means that you work for someone
So scousers aren't working class then?

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Which workers do a self employed sole trader profit from?

>Prince William and Harry are working class

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Yes I agree that’s why whites commit suicide more often

I'd take whichever one was quickest

So what? I'm sure there are lots of blacks that have similar tattoos and they don't get picked out.

learn to read please

>capital class
What does this even mean?

Scousers belong to the underclass of subhumans.

Sterlings tattoo is under his sock

If that were the cause then it would correlate to race too, which of course it does not. You almost always see a higher propensity for suicide among those with mental disorders, this is just another example of that.

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No they aren’t. At most the view “mainstream Islam” as misguided brothers. So long as they are Sunni that is. Islam is objectively a far right ideology and ISIS is just the most extreme manifestation.

They got paid for labour which others profited from idiot

Liar or idiot who ignores statistics.

Is /pol/ a sport?

It's almost as if other races are not discriminated against and it happens entirely in their own head.

Go home guys, he's posted another crudely drawn strawman image, there's no coming back from that now

>he nonces who support Tommy Robinson and think the S*n isn't a racist paper will be silenced by this

Who has the Sun been racist against?

Are these images made ironically, or do people actually think these make a real point to "own the libtards"?

fuck ((()))((()))(((white)))((()))))((())) people tho

If how people (e.g. transgenders) view themselves comes entirely from the way society views them, how does society come to these opinions in the first place and how does society ever change?

>all this seethe just because sterling told the tabloid rags to stop picking on him
How can one man have so much power?

>most of those things are things


princes don't get a wage or a salary dipshit, they own fucking castles and get a grant from parliament purely for their existance. Where are you getting the idea they get paid a wage or salary from a boss?

they were wacist against Waheem the winger from the North-West

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It does make a real point. Every university is full of people like that, as is every trade union, the Guardian newspaper comments section, anything supporting the EU, and every other middle class leftist in the country.

They are fake. That undermines his point, retard.

Those are literally the arguments that the far left makes about communism. They won't call what Stalin did communism, they call it state capitalism.

>Vardy has a few good performances
>Sterling has a few good performances
>"*ahem* Excuse me but you ARE aware that this is virtue signalling. Stop this madness now you pathetic idiots. I hope Sterling gets injured so people shut up about him."


Stop being so intentionally dense you scrote jesus fuckin christ fuck this shit bait thread off already

Look it up retard they do

Attached: 47A65C03-B50E-418A-A097-56BC430FAEFA.jpg (419x420, 38K)

Continue with this, way better than the massive denial of this thread.

No it's not, it's a shitty strawman lazily created to try discredit opposition.

Pro-tip: Most people who lean left in the UK aren't actually communist

This desu
Sterling is based now, he's no longer >sterlel, he is STERLAD

Vardy was a hero. He rose up through the ranks of shit kicking lower league teams, won the Premier League, got picked for England and played his heart out.

The nigger was picked for England despite being shit from an early age because of his disgusting skin and has since then whined about wacism, people saying mean things about him and generally looks like a butthurt wog.

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>Pro-tip: Most people who lean left in the UK aren't actually communist
Of course they aren't. But there are plenty who are.

They're not a majority, but they're a significant part of the country and must be ridiculed. You're one of them. You wear glasses and think beer should cost £6.50 a pint.

Umm no sweetie. You're either with Nige and Tommy or you're a communist. Sorry if the facts hurt your feelings.

read his fucking post again you weird cunt

It doesn't prove that it's racist. I'm sure Eminem was linked to gun crime a lot, or hate crimes against fags. The papers just get a bee in their bonnet about certain people sometimes, it doesn't mean they're automatically racist.

Yeah, nothing to do with the illegitimate kids, multiple woman beatings, drugs and diving, itz jus coz hez black n shit he dindu nuffin.
Fuck off you lying faggot.

>was picked for England despite being shit from an early age because of his disgusting skin
This is not a thing that happened user.

Not going to lie, was previously on the Sterling hatewagon, but with the two goals against Spain and this hat trick against the Czechs I'm hoping he's finally starting to come good in an England shirt and be the player he was hyped to be

Some people just can't have fun when non-whites are involved.

wish they were desu

Pints in my local pub cost £2.60, why the fuck would I want them to cost £6.50. The delusional world you people live in is scary

>muh left wing and right wing
i hear hands rubbing lol

nice misrepresentation

He pointed to them as an example of racism in the media, they are fake.

Are you special?

Dozens of blacks have been picked for England because they are black.

England has never had a world class black footballer. It has had many players who should be plying their trade in the Championship, all of whom have been black.

All tabloid shite, funny that huh?

sterling lives rent free in your head and your throat

Left wing people (enemies of the people) want bad things.

so you just can't read then I guess

Careful, that's very cheap. Are you sure it's ethically sourced? There might be some people who drive vans and voted for Brexit in there, too.

literally everyone who says "virtue signalling" on 4channel dot org is a drooling idiot

>Most of those are fake or true

How do you not understand how fucking retarded that statement is? Stop samefagging and fuck off you cunt

>England has never had a world class black footballer.
Ashley Cole and Sol Campbell.

Who's the world class white English player he's keeping out of his position, then?

>he probably genuinely believes this

Big yikes from me, why are racecucks like this?

>tabloids create court orders, driving bans, arrests, nights in the cells and photographic evidence

Amazing stuff

By 'fake' he meant the image, rather than the story.

John Fucking Barnes

You lot are weirdos

Literal retard


Nuke this fucking shite already mods fuck me

you're autistic and should kys

>any of these being world class

it's #FBPE mate

and nah this isn't a liberal criticism, my main objection to it is that you're relying on calling everyone else dishonest in their opinions, it's really just a fancy way of saying anyone who disagrees with you is a liar

>why don't people love niggers as much as i do

how can you not see how the dumb the statement "most of these are fake or true" sounds? What's wrong with your brain that you don't get why that's funny

I'm being a disingenuous retard to prove my racism true!1

ashley cole was absolutely the best left back in the world for like 5 years

Tommy robinson is only called “far right” because the left like seeing white children raped by non-whites. That’s literally the only reason.

Go to bed zoomer

>Faggot OP seething because mouth breather wasn't the headline
I bet you wrote this

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>>Yea Forums

please refer to Stephen Yaxley-Lennon by his real toff name

That hashtag annoys me mainly because it stands for "Follow Back, Pro-EU," so "E" stands for "EU," which is stupid

>"why don't normal people hate black people as much as I do"

It's your brain on /pol/. The most mouth frothing, easily triggered, mind melted demographic on the internet

As in most of them are photoshopped or actually correct and thus not objectionable. You’ve got the wrong end of the stick, mong.

Why are you inside on the internet when you could be outside committing moped crime or stabbing your cousin to death over drill music?

What the fuck are you actually going on about?

Nothing wrong with drill la

>the sun and tommy robinson are "toffs"

What are they serving at the student union?

oh my god mate just stop, you look an absolute fool.

>its almost as though we almost like live in a complex democracy
please be b8

You have to be a nigger

awful opinion

awful follow up

You think The Sun is owned by the same kind of people who buy it?

Honestly if you don’t understand by now I’m surprised you were able to turn on a computer

>janny help meeeeeeee

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awful skin

Whiter than you probably, not that that matters to normal people.

Reminder. This is why the lazy fat fuck of a Jannie doesn't get paid.

LMAO I like how op pretended he liked sterling and all his virgin pol rage was brought out

Where did I indicate that?

It matters to most people. Maybe not you and your family, because you can afford a maid from Romania and you've had some feel-good photos helping refugees, but to people across the country it absolutely does matter.

What I'm saying is this: Raheem Sterling is a dirty nigger and so are you.

sterling more like girling because he running like girl kek

>white people will die out in my lifetime

Are you mentally unwell, or just great at pretending?

fuck off lad


Yet you probably cry about /pol/ despite being equally racist.

>Dozens of blacks have been picked for England because they are black.
Give me motive and causality please. How and why would/could this happen?

>England has never had a world class black footballer.
John Barnes, Ashley Cole, Rio Ferdinand...

>England has never had a world class black footballer.


I swear the fucking /pol/ ponces who invaded this place don't even like football. They just use it to spread their shit

Remember when Yea Forums wasn't full of retarded /pol/faggot incels

Why would I cry about a bunch of mexicans mate

>easy (You)s the thread

Didn't Yea Forums JUST hire new janitors? They need their wages docked for allowing this shit thread to stay up so long.

The problem is they mainly hire American mods/janitors, so they ignore all the football threads that /pol/ faggots consistently shit up

Rio Ferdinand is only good because he's half white.

I 'member

I remember based 606, TMO, MOTD threads that didn't inevitably derail into retards spouting alt right shit and crying about black players

Could be due to the lack of Hotpockets outside of the USA.

this thread is specifically a retard crying about black players m8 leave it out


Like all shitskins here you cry about /pol/ and racism and play the victim yet make anti-white posts that are equally racist and /pol/tier.

>getting banned for making threads about George Boateng painting fences competitively and other harmlessly stupid injokes

Sports memes have come a long way

m8, most of them came over during GamerGate and the US elections, of course they know fuck all about footy

whites are inherently evil the jew media said so



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I love how the soi meme still spreads even though it's categorically been proven to have no bearing in scientific reality.

All because Yea Forums started getting reported in mainstream media as a place where edgy kids hang out. I missed Yea Forums flying under the radar slightly and being more lulzy.

You sound upset mate. White people will go die out within the next 100 years and you will do absolutely NOTHING about it. You’ll sit around larping on an anonymous imageboard until the end

>All because Yea Forums started getting reported in mainstream media as a place where edgy kids hang out.
confirmed newfag

I know 2007 is technically 'newfag' but still, even I remember it being less cancerous than this

Yea Forums was known for being edgy in 2007 too


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that was after hackers on steroids

You cry about /pol/ yet underlie the reason for its existence.

>Come over due to Gamergate or US election
>Oh wow fellow gamers on Yea Forums
>Take the redpill and hit /pol/ so you can circlejerk about how much you hate women and jews taking your video games/tv shows away
>See /int/ has "banter" between nations so go over there
>Learn about Yea Forums where they have flags too and enjoy the international "banter"
>Carry on spamming that cancerous shit over here even though you have little interest in sports past using it as a platform to spread your politics/nationalism

Feels bad man

Yeah but nowhere near as popular as leading up to the US elections when /pol/ became so infested by redditors and edgelords that it started spilling over into normal boards.

what’s the reason for it’s existence

How do you not get that that was b8?

For a bunch of skinnyfat incels to LARP has alpha males and pretend they are saving the white race by spamming Pepe memes and group tweeting people calling them cucks

I just want to masturbate with strangers whilst watching womens curling, I didn't sign up for this shit.

lmao ugly bitch is SEETHING

Like pottery.

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>based tara

racial ERP

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That doesn’t make sense. /pol/ was edgier and more extreme before the US elections.

You fuckers are so cringey

Yes but /pol/tards knew not to post their retardation outside of /pol/ (or Yea Forums), the flood of newbies just shit all over the place with their racebaiting and 'muh joos'.

>doble reply
He's starting to slip

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>seven pairs of trainers
>boomer shitters on trains with one bar connections
>simple as proper football men

Fuck those 606 threads where comfy.

>the trouble started with a mass migration of new users who refused to follow the customs of the site

Oh the irony.

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I don’t know if that’s true to be honest. I remember a distinct change around 2011, lots of unironic feminists and liberals from reddit started coming here. I remember people got offended by the word “nigger” for example. A lot of the right wing culture on Yea Forums was a push back against this.

>going to the Rowing section of 606 and starting arguments
>posting "help help I'm drowning" in the Swimming section
>asking weightlifting which steroids are the best if you want to be able to benchpress the Earth

Those mutes were worth it.

>all those seething 40 year olds

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So why didn't Heskey or Wright get shit?
Sterling is a bit of a bellend and has underperformed for England. Rooney and Terry got way more tabloid grief than he did tooi

I'm certain The Guardian, F365, etc. would not have said anything if Harry Kane would have gotten a tattoo of an assault rifle on his leg. And I'm certain they would not have made fun of him if the house he'd gotten for his mom had been filled with the tackiest shit ever like golden sinks and what have you. Absolutely not.

>the most feminist nation on earth

Shut the fuck up third worlder.

Good post.


>John Barnes

John Barnes wasn't fucking world class you scouse numpty

Bit racist, la'

>muh joos

Why do you europeans even let niggers in your country? Like nigga wtf are you dumb just look at the rest of the world lol niggas destroy civilizations. Stop being retarded europeans, for real.

Incels OUT of Yea Forums

You first

People really didn't fucking like how he left Liverpool, left many very angry with him. He made the right decision though, fuck Liverpool.

t. bored housewife

>middle-aged women shitting on the appearance of a successful young woman
>bears shitting in the woods

White european males just want to play video games and watch netflix in peace. We can't be bothered to stop the hordes. We deserve to be blacked.

If Yea Forums had sub-boards like 606 had for different sports, would it be better or is the bickering part of what makes Yea Forums fun?

fuck off, nu-male

No. Americhubbies crying about the popularity of football is what fuels this board.

Why do niggers take this shit from white leftists? If I were black I would be insulted that these people felt like they had to blow me out of proportions in order for me to appear good. Reminds me of a person coddling his small pet dog like some overprotective cunt. This isn't even a aimed to be racist. I just would like that shit myself and I don't get why black people aren't insulted.

It's not cause he's black, it's because he left their precious liverpoo.

/pol/ incels out
scores a hattrick and they're still mad

The absolute state of this poster. This has to be bait.

fuck off tranny

Ironic, Yea Forums could save the world but they could not save their own imageboard.

based columbia tbqhwyf

mind if i save this?

I can't really say something about his play. He's good. But he has a very punchable face which is probably why people dislike him. He also runs like a faggot with a purse and has the same size arse as Nicki Minaj.

Best point I've heard about racism in the media is that lots English players have been vilified both black and white - your Beckams, your Rooneys, your Sterlings. Only the white players get hero treatment though - Beckham in 2001, Kane in 2018 etc. When you look at someone like Ashley Cole, probably the best English player of his generation (at least the only one who was genuinely the best in the world in his position), where were the plaudits? If Kane had scored that brace against Spain instead of Sterling he would of had far better/ more extensive positive coverage

>someone like Ashley Cole
because no one cares about defenders.

True but even when adjusting for the less praise and attention given to defenders Cole was still short changed. The man had Ronaldo in his pocket on multiple occasions if a white lad had done that he would of been praised far more

you're searching really, really hard to find racism where there isn't any. black people are lucky to live in this country at all let alone football players earning millions, they don't need you searching for things for them to be offended by.

Why does the idea that there are maybe some ways in which black people are disadvantaged slightly in this country upset you to the point where you have to project your insecurities onto me?

Usually when the window has shifted so far and there are multiple history reference points and various different countries to base the window on AND you are part of the majority that has and is being shifted. You are the bad ones, you normie sack of shit. Sterling has been crying racist whitey for a good while now and the kikes are using it to try and demoralise whites.

Our borders are wide open mate. Where is this non-white rhetoric exactly? We've got a two party system that is pro open border and the press is owned by kikes who ship across North Africans on NGO boats. You are a low IQ sack of shit, kys

why do you want black people to be disadvantaged so badly you make extremely convoluted and subjective points of contention to try and prove it?

And you are lucky to be alive after einning the sperm and egg lottery. Jesus christ get a hold of yourself.

Most true / fake. Meanwhile your latest Guardian article is pro white genocide and the current state of affairs has whitey paying welfare for everybody else so who won exactly Ahmed? Looks like shekelstein wins again

That's just dumb journalism. They'll do anything to get a bit of traction, the kikes play both sides

I don't la'
this is a thread about racism in football, so I made a point about where I think there has been racism in football
why is it so difficult to accept that there might be some real cases of blacks being being treated worse because of their race? you don't have to be a SJW to accept this basic fact

sorry if that upsets you but any black person is lucky to live here and not in thier own shithole countries, especially professional footballers who would never have had their talent nurtured and supported in bongo bongo land.

Being anti-globalist is far-right to the Marxist/open border brigade

New poster here.

Wow. How are black people "lucky" to live here? Who the fuck gives you the right to make that judgement? Everyone is equally lucky to be in the UK regardless of their skin colour you dozy cunt.

I think you mean his (((Yiddish))) name boyo

The Sun is famous for sucking Liverpool’s cock and respecting the 96

I think the woke blacks understand this. It really is like how liberal women treat their dogs lol

Fucked more girls than you and sterling is still a chip on his shoulder crybaby

Sure they are mate, there's no such thing as nativism. I'll tell you what you sack of shit, go tell the Jamaicans, it's fucking shit and they should be English only, good luck

>How are black people "lucky" to live here?
maybe because england is a historically white country and all black countries are shitholes. in reality you know and understand this.


He's too busy taking cock up his ass to understand anything mate. Glugging down his fookin Guinness and kicking out racism, Ngubu scores again!!!!!

it's equally lucky to be born white British than it is to be born black British. Either way, through pure luck you managed to be born into a decent country rather than an absolute shithole

Why are brits so tense lads, is it because of brexit

It's not pure luck. Whites have been born in Europe for fucking centuries while blacks got here through liberal whiteys. Kys you low IQ untermenschen

We are inundated with spastics of the far-left sort who have been told by the big-nosed fellas how to think and act. It's depressing mate

The decent country is formed by the civilisation that lives there too so the 'decent country' shit is bollocks. The ancestors made it great you fucking sack of shit

all i'm saying is that black people should be thankful they live here. if it was so racist and oppressive they can always go back home.

also the most visible example of what your talking about does not come from whites but from (brown) muslims. they worship salah whilst completely ignoring black muslim players. yet if whites want to idolise people who look like them it's a huge problem.

stop reading twitter, far left spastics are much less prevalent than you would believe

>Supporting England

If I wanted to support actual English people then I would support Ireland.

I did. But guess what, there's a shit ton in real life. My friends and my basketball team both followed VICE and Vox etc. The kikes really have subverted almost everything. But I do live in London so. Don't forget they are about to revoke A50 too

Confirmed incel virgins. Get back to faking autism so you can spend your parents hard earned money on Japanese sim dating games on steam you gang of ugly cunts.

great argument. you sound really upset lol.

>My friends and my basketball team both followed VICE and Vox
wow thats pretty terrifying, hope you stay safe with people like that around in your life xx

Well I'm not wrong am I?

>ee..e.everyone that d...d...disagrees with me dd..doesnt have sex haha yeah

is that how you rationalise losing arguments?

black immigrants influenced the building of this country just as much as a white British person born here has. It's pure luck either way I am not responsible for this country's state at all neither is the immigrant

Lmao footie cuck

It's all clickbait to drive sales and traffic to shit tabloids. Fuck England and fuck the Queen.

Attached: 1246744_display_image.jpg (350x233, 23K)

>this /pol/ thread is still up


This thread has been very informative. Well done Bongs. Now time for me to be the Burger that derails the thread.

I will post two controversial opinions of mine.

1) I think Sterling is just as important to England's success as Kane, if not more so

>Sterling actually has won the league with City
>Kane has won: ??? so far

2) Had you guys started Vardy instead of Kane during the WC semifinals, it really could have been coming home. I just think Vardy is better against other top teams.

What says you?

>derailing a thread to become on-topic

Sterling and Kane are by far the most important England players looking ahead. As much as I love Vardy and think he should have been given more appearances off the bench, I would never start him ahead of Kane given the run of form he was in.

i bet sterling has small, hairless bollocks

>white people

t. Rupert Murdoch

>watching the English trying to repress their racism
>the people who literally invented it
can't we just all get along faggots


Sadly most of /pol/ still doesn't understand this image

Attached: IISC_EqualityEquity.png (3000x2250, 1.18M)

That's pure disinformation and you know it. Where was Tyrone during the industrial revolution or when we were farmers. Did Tyrone make all these wonderful inventions. No he did not, you dumb cunt

Neither did you

Sterling played like shit in the world cup. he's good as a paceman under pep but that's about as far as it goes

We understand Marxism very well you kike

Irrelevant. The point is the ancestors made it and therefore their children lay claim to the land and the nation state. Now fuck off

And what if it turns out your ancestors were just thieves and prostitutes, are you no longer allowed to lay claim?

Well considering a lot of the power of the British Empire came about through slavery of people from these nations, and looting their resources, surely their children are also able to lay claim to the land too?

>tfw my ancestors were probably from France or Germany or Norway

>looting their resources
What exactly did they loot? Were a couple of lions for the zoo really that devastating for a whole continent that they still aren't out of the stone age?

Also, there were hardly any slaves in England. Most of the couple of thousand blacks living in England in the 18th and 19th century were freemen.

This is literal gaslighting

Attached: Shmorky.png (300x400, 212K)

i hate seeing this wonky looking nigger, i bet he sucks his team mates off in the locker room and the whole team runs trains on his faggot ass after the match

Neat. Now do one for Trump.

>Identity politics
Yeah identity should never be taken into account in politics. Racism and prejudice don't exist either

They make Stirling hit pieces because people click on then, and make them money.
It primarily stemmed from the way he left Liverpool, but it is self perpetuating now.

You Americans are so lucky with your level headed media who would never resort to such tactics.
And I must say your choice of head of state is exemplary.

This kind of thread is a nice honeypot to identify all the nu-male faggots that fester this board.

Politics ruined this board

>Racism and prejudice don't exist either
They don't exist, but they should.

>muh ancestral heirtage

Christ alive get a satisfying fucking life of your own you sad virgin /pol/cunt

Most people here hate Liverpool though. Why isn't Sterling their hero?

Whining about virtue signalling is literally virtue signalling

Coutinho wasn't getting the slander Sterling was getting.
Even Rabiot isn't portrayed as bad as Sterling.

Explain it to me then. Inb4 'Marxism is about promoting degeneracy and the Frankfurt School n shiet'.

One of my ancestors was on trial for shooting a child. Apparently the child's mum said 'Well I did tell him to stop bothering the man' in court

All that image tells me is that inferior people should get unfair advantages

Sterlings's face always reminds me of some other celebrity but I just can't put my finger on which one. Any ideas?

Sol Campbell, Ashley Cole, Rio Ferdinand and now Raheem Sterling. Won't be long until Trent, Hudson Odoi and Sancho are considered World Class too.

thats actually based.