How did we go from this

How did we go from this

Attached: images (7).jpg (554x554, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:érica_squads#_Brazil

To this?

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to this?

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from this

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to this :(

Attached: 175px-Fagner_2018.jpg (175x236, 12K)

uma delícia...

Isnt this cannibalism?

Who's on the phone, Yea Forums?

"Deals off. Au revoir"

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Zoomer mentality. This generation has no soul.

That's a meme. The guy took some pics from Africa and posted to make a joke. If you pay attention the soup doesn't even look alike

Using the term "zoomer".

based bettynho

Rivaldo doesn't belong with those two

The funniest thing about this image is that he says on the post that "my mother in law cooked this here too" meaning some other guy was eating monkeys the very same day


More like South East Asia.

You clown.

>How do we go from a Golden Generation who reaches 3 World Cup Finals in a row to an okayish one who doesn't win World Cups
we'll have better days in the future

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>carried Brazil in two world cups
>somehow doesn't belong with the 14 champions league goal man and the 2 seasons wonder


I've noticed that the biggest /pol/ tier poster outside of /pol/ are people from shithole countries in Europe like Serbia, Greece, Romania
Why is that? Is that an inferiority complex?
Are you guys trying to compensate or something?

*saves the brazilian national team*

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from this

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to this

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really? is he that good?
is he on sale?

it's just a joke lad chill out

yes goy, that'll be 100m plus agent fees

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that seems a little pricey, I mean we have the funds, especially after we sell our own mega talents this summer again but I'd rather wait for his price to go down after a top team picks him up and missplays him
but thanks for the offer!

>Brazil calling Greece a shithole

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ad hominem

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Bettynho didnt make it, this meme was created on brazilian chans.
Bettynho posted a picture of some random soup and people edited the monkey pics in
When it went viral he deleted his facebook from all the attention he got, and the original post was lost

There was no one as good as fat Ronaldo in his prime

Using these US crap nomenclatures outside of that place is just sad.

Le calm down it was just a joke coward faggot.

completely valid response
Brazil is a shithole and you're implying it isn't

Attached: AP_BrazilFavela__compressed.jpg (1000x591, 436K)

zoomer is a meme lad, it isn't the generally accepted title for this generation

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Both look great.

>you're implying it isn't
No, I'm not. Is your IQ 80 or something? You have really bad reading comprehension, my new zealand dude.

Le global generation. I belong with US people yet or what?

Ye jest but you don't know how good it actually is. My granny makes some with chicken broth.

Are you retarded?

Are there no landfills in Sweden?

Are you? I'm just showing how greece is a shithole.

no, landfills are for retards

Not even as good as the 2010 Robinho/Kaka/Fabiano Brazil frontline
How long until Brazil stops exporting players to other countries' national teams and starts importing?

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We don't have landfills because we burn it all. That's also why they dont have it either. Because we buy theirs.

It's weird because our guys are playing for the biggest teams but still playing like shit.

Le if it doesn't look like ugly retarded houses made of wood from hollywood movies it must be a bad place.

>How long until Brazil stops exporting players to other countries' national teams and starts importing?
Why would they do that? They've got it made as it is, the most represented nation in football is Brazil.

>2010 Robinho/Kaka/Fabiano
man this really was the year quality started dropping hard

lmao what?

>innkast i farlig posisjon

Do you allow foreigners into your league, Brazilbros? If you had no restrictions on the import of players, how big do you think your league would get?

and genocide

>Do you allow foreigners into your league

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post your uma's

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Yes but I think it's like, limited to 5 or 6 guys

Do brazilians wear braces as accessories? His teeth look fine otherwise

yeah it became a trend among favelados to use fake braces

players who can beat panama

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I remember those players, but I also feel old

>Team Death match!
>Atirando uma granada de mão
>Alvo neutralizado!

Get a life. Stop using people from the favelas as a scapegoat for everything you deem bad. Fucking loser. I hope one day you get the taste of our law.

Chillax Gökman, Greek architecture is by far superior to the country that you immigrated to, N*rdic subhumans barely have any historical stuff left considering that everything was made from wood.

t. Favelado

What the Fuck?
Is this really Athens?
Against a mexican city which is not even to being the most developed in the country?
Do greeks are really poor?

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To this?

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Is this a trap or is the Brazil stuff just setting off some false alarms?


Just IMAGINE being a BR right now lads

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>Image search
First day?

Didn't return anything for me


I just took it in the mirror that's why

At least we're not importing sandniggers and pretending everything's fine.


Brazil looks like Syria, but at least Syria's got the excuse of having a proxy world war conducted within it's boarders.

Reminder these guys minus Ronaldo lost to Honduras in Copa AMerica 2001

Rivaldo and Ronaldinho also weren't there though:érica_squads#_Brazil
That's hardly the strongest squad Brazil could have put forward at the time by any means

i resent this

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Fuck off zoomer

why are his nails so long?

Yeah but it's mostly Colombian shitters

wow cringe

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Man, Brazil seemed unbeatable back then.

>top scorers

You now remember Bryan "Showball player" Ruiz

looks comfy

Vinicius Jr will be the future.
Best player in the world in 2020,2021 and 2025

You know remember Robinho

They're nothing alike apart from being black.

Except they're both Brazilian and overrated by coffee-niggers themselves.

zidane transformed casemiro into a world class DM
the world is not prepared for what he's gonna do to Vinicius

Vini at 18 is already better than Robinho at 22.
Robinho never did in Real what Vini is doing.

If you say so.

Not the same person BTW

I know.


Traps are the Brazilian football player's biggest downfall.

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only by looking at this pic already makes me mad


imagine unironically being named Fagner

Yeah. You can see the arrogance and the attitude just by looking at them. They care more about their social media image than being the best possible football players.

why are they called hues?

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is bettynho a common name in hueland?

Based steroidnaldo

It's the diminutive form of "Beto", which in turn is a nickname for "Roberto"

"Bettynho" comes from "Beto", which in turn comes from "Alberto".

It comes from "Beto", which in turn comes from "Barbetto".

These posters above are all lying, it comes from Humberto.

you people make me sick

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Makes my eyes secreat


He deserves it. If you like him, welcome him to Kawasaki Frontale

You haven't got a clue m8. Robinho was crucial for Real in the 06/07 and 07/08 title winning seasons for Real. He even finished in the top 10 for the Ballon d'Or during that period.

Vinicius has done nothing so far apart from a few fancy dribbles.

Attached: neymar highlights.png (840x992, 44K)

This will never not be funny.