Live on TNT. Get the FUCK in here

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anyone got a stream? it's not on leddit like it usually is.

Master race Apollos checking in

Stream for anyone looking.

am i a true orlando ultra if i only watch this game until my soccer game starts at 2:45?

Thanks to both of yall!

>saying thank you ever
ew gtfo reddit scum

this crowd reminds me of the early 00s expos homes games. pathetic

>telling anyone else to gtfo

>can't do that shit


>shave ice returns
brings tears to my eyes boys

Sports fans in Atlanta always seem to be very fair weather.

yeah except it’s these kinds of tears

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>Shave Ice

shame, too. the stadium really isn't too bad.

except for atlanta united

most boomers probably don't even know that this land was made for you and me was written by a socialist

u can't judge atlanta united until they miss the playoffs. when that happens we will see how many fans they get the next season. mls attendance dropped considerably in its second season.

The stadium is actually really good, definitely perfect for this level of football.
If Atl U continues to be mediocre, I wonder how many of their fans will stick around.

i fucking love shave ice

>Almost halftime
>Only 22 posts

Where is everyone?

>3rd and 20 at midfield
>run it straight down the middle

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Dedicated Spurrier cam

I have a feeling that most people didn't realize the game started a 2PM.

If you're not watching Spurrier Cam on are you even living?

Idk. Six weeks ago everyone was saying shit like “the AAF is gonna take down the NFL!!!!!!” but now all those propel are gone. Fucking NPCs baka

I looked it up and was told the game started at 3pm eastern, idk why. kinda pissed off now cause I missed half the game but luckily it ain't my team and everyone knew the apollos are gonna win this game anyway

shit's sad. this is a lot better football than the first half of the season.

They need this shit to be on actual TV, not "some blog's instagram" tier channels or no one but degenerates are going to care.

it's on TNT, a basic cable channel in burgerland. the primetime games are always on NFL network, generally there's one game per week that's only on premium cable

Most people do not have NFL Network or CBS Sports as far as I know. You would be surprised how many people are still complaining that they can't watch games because they can't find it on television. And don't get me started on B/R Live, my good Lord, that is an awful service.


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does anybody actually care about manziel anymore even at texas a&m? feels like forever ago that he was relevant

sup bros, the LFA (mexican league) thread is up if you want to check it out, game starts at 6 pm

here OP have thots as a tribute and so you know im not drawing people away from your thread

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what an incredible interview with Manziel so deep lmao

just for meme purposes

meanwhile ABC is airing fucking video games

interesting i have basic cable and i have nfl network but not nba, nhl or mlb specific channels. no cbs sports either. it's probably because i'm in a huge football state.

AAF, LFA, XFL merger when

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>3rd quarter
>less than 50 replies
starting to get nervous about the future of this league fellas

This, CBS “all access” does not give you CBS sports network. What the actual fuck

nigga XFL dosent even exists yet damn, chill

a better option would be bowl games amongst the champions of different leagues

>bowl games amongst the champions of different leagues
i think that's what we're going to see. it makes sense for both leagues and for the sport

Excited to see the 3-way rumble pic sorta related

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It's 2 PM EST. 4chin degenerates aren't awake yet.

Is it me or there are more fans of the apollos in that stadium that there are of the home team?


odds of another 40-6?

THIS is supposed to kill the NFL? This is some awful football.

the apollos train in georgia for some reason so that's an incentive for bandwagoning

Not like the legends have had much to cheer about

if your aaf team scores but nobody shitposts about it on Yea Forums does it really count?

Are there any videos of this

How do you miss that? 10 yards of separation

>THIS is supposed to kill the NFL?

no is supposed to be a development league and to provide some off season football for people to watch

Y’know at first I really hated people who said the AAF would kill the NFL but now that these gamethreads are dead as fuck I kind of miss them

theres actually 2 mexican leagues, dont really talk about the second one cause its their first season and its not so good yet

So THIS is supposed to kill the ncaa?

no none of the aaf players are eligible to still play college ball. theoretically the aaf will affect cfl recruitment of us players who didn't make it onto nfl rosters.

why does it has to kill anything?


That is how Americans do.

> the country of Atlanta

how different are the salaries between the CFL and the AAF ?

Yep, these are college athletes my man.

based and 'pollopilled

we wuz kangz

imagine having the honor to converse with skygod
what was the old saying, i speak german to my horse, french to women, and spanish to skygod

At least the SAT night game is good right?

will manziel play this week?

i think it will depend on how many people watched this game and tonight's game. if the ratings drop from last week the aaf will nudge singletary into starting him.

Oh I am laffin

I didn't realize the game started so early.

If anyone thought this league was competing with the NFL they are retarded. The marketing has always been extremely clear that the Alliance is complementary to the NFL and NCAA.

hopefully wud b laff

Anyone pushing that angle had to have been XFL spies or something.

I unironically hope so.

Why would want that?

No, but everyone has to admit that the NCAA is exploitative and corrupt as fuck.


>just get to watching
>that score
God poor Atlanta

Hotshots will win it all.

Based Chamberlain

The NCAA is the worst sports organization in America and "amateurism" is a joke.

It better be.

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Everyone starts somewhere my friend. Also, while there a LOT of issues with the NCAA, it is an important stepping stone for young athletes. Until America is ready to embrace a different system, this is what will prevail.

Which is why he is hoping for an NCAA killer.

Unfortunately for him, the AAF was never aiming to be that sort of thing. Not to mention all the money football brings in for post-secondary schools all across America. No way the top schools would be willing to let go of the good thing they have right now.

Not even 100 posts. What the fuck 4channel

Doesn't mean it should be like that.

I'm not in agreeance with how the NCAA is, but it is a bit more complicated than just say "it shouldn't be like that". In order for anything to change, you would basically have to go after the educational system for condoning collage athletes going uncompensated (aside from getting free degrees). The amount of money involved makes things hard to change too.

what a waste of time who would ever be fans of these garbo personality-less teams
now the FLEET now theres an AAF team you can bet your bottom dollar on

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We’ve parked! Go commandos!

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Good turnout.

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