Thoughts on MLS?
Thoughts on MLS?
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>new york
Whats the meaning of this?
the media wants this to be a thing
If americans were any smart they'd have nuked themselves by now
>new york is the side that ended up attracting all of the neo nazis
lol what
Theres literally no way a soccer event in USA can draw that many people. OP pic has to be Europe or Mexico somewhere.
yes, it's that Yankee Stadium clone that the German Baseball League built a few years back
>he doesn't know
Only hipster faggots like soccer in America. Or yuppie s o y s.
*blocks your path*
MLS has higher average attendence than NBA and NHL. Its only behind football and baseball.
Pretty cool. I always watch the games on sunday.
Was this even a thing?
So we finally got a neo nazi mls club?
This is part of football culture, football is a political sport.
No shit sherlock. Basketball and hockey are played in small indoor arenas not big outdoor stadiums.
>muh race
Cringe, but to be expected from the MLelS. ASL is the redpilled league.
Why is espee obssesed over mls. Fuck off already
I actually like this. Looks futuristic as hell.
It seems more of a yurop thing (Italy in particular). I can't think of any "far-right" Brazilian clubs.
Football all over the continent draws larpers that want to be like in GSE.
Can't wait for the seattle pride hooligans vs neo nazi mls club boys
>far right
So anyone to the right of Communism?
>Yeh America fucked up the civilized traditions of soccer
if you want a racist soccer club it needs to be based out of boston. That's the most racist city I've ever seen and I'm from the south.
>NYCFC has Hispanic white nationalists
>LAFC has La Raza nationalists who hate fags
Based CHADcanos
Atlanta is the most racist city ive seen in America. Its unsafe for whites to walk around in.
More anyone to the right of 'racial genocide isn't the solution to your personal failings'.
Memphis is worse. The courts and police are mostly nigs too.
I never had any problems lol
>american far right
>getting into soccer
le wut
I just talked to a black guy that said hes never once been treated in a racist way in America. So everyone can shut up crying about racism.
I think the far right starts from "I don't think immigration is so great as it's made out to be", lad
Took a while but he finally got his wish.
Far righters are people that say things like "I'm not racist but" and then go online to rant about niggers for 4 hours straight.
Because soccer is a popular sport among zoomers in the US, and zoomers have absolutely no concept of moderate political beliefs. Every single one is either an unironic commie or an unironic neo-nazi.
Super old boomers like American football
younger boomers like Basketball.
Faggots like soccer.
Someone should look into what caused this. Is it the minecraft youtubers that switched to becoming neo-nazis?
Nah, media says it's anyone who doesn't like open borders
What about Baseball?
People that don't like open borders often don't like colored people, different cultures and whatnot. Still waiting to find someone who's anti-migration and doesn't shitpost about niggers behind anonymous avatars during his private time.
Huh, didn't know that even existed
Internet echo-chambers, people single out twitter but really you could just subscribe to youtubers that fall into whatever political side you fall on and you'd get flooded with recommendations for similar ones so that's all you ever hear.
I don't think Twitter is what radicalizes people. It's more of a place where weirdos from either side of the spectrum will go after becoming weirdos in the first place. I don't know a single normal person that still uses it yet all the alt-righters have an account.
The silent generation
I don't like immigration because it has made my neighbourhood and country less safe.
>People that don't like open borders often don't like colored people, different cultures and whatnot
I like them, but I'd like to have Finnish culture in Finland and Arabic culture in Arabic countries. I can then visit and enjoy it there rather than have another Molenbeek as my neighbourhood.
I really don't care why you don't like foreigners I don't like them either but at least be honest about it.
>Proud Boys
sounds like homosexual recruitment center
Baseball is like before boomers whatever they were called.
MLB is literally American Mafia above US business laws.
A few years back people that didn't like open borders were just called conservatives not far right tho
because we're getting a taste of the potential brown future of america, and it is bad. very bad.
Thought they were all about diversity there. What's the problem?
Disgusting cancer.
That is because open borders refers to the EU which is less of a far-right issue than talking about migration which generally is about non-Europeans.
This makes me so doopin mad
Proud Boys are so cringe
Look at 1:40 it's like the start of some gay porn or something
Much like /pol/ they're a diverse group.
Who said anything about civilized, mutt?
I did, sand ape
Hm, so your just spitting out every retarded thing that comes to your mind?
>checks flag
No, subhuman. Thats what you are doing.
soccer is by definition a far-right sport. There is no club without a far-right ultras group supporting it, even the most leftie ones
How would you know if they post anonymously?
>proud boys
I couldn’t come up with a gayer name if I tried. They could call themselves “fag patrol” and it’s somehow less gay.
beto, what are you doing in dutch country?
are people really surprised there are nazis in new york? you people need to get out more
t. mehmet mohammed
This is lie and I'm not even American.
is this even true? I know that american "ultras" are leftist extremists so maybe they're bullshitting to justify their shit fight.
shame that the nearest team is whosborough
classic dindu
>tfw 90% of attendees here are white middle class suburban families
>the other 10% are limp-wristed lefties
Stay poor, under educated, and over weight, burger.
classic dindu
Will the proud boys drink my semen?
>Proud Boys
>Far right
Fucc you
Sorry, forgot pic
>Felipe Melo is a bolsominion
Of course
I guarantee this guy has a anime girlfriend.
He's a rag head you retard.
Was he fucking your wife when he said it?
>league played in large stadiums has larger crowds than leagues in small arenas