Irish Celebration Thread

I know it's early but fuck it. We did it! We beat Gibraltar 8-0!

Get in here lads!!

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Based although Gibraltar is also based

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thread theme

Fuck yeah, as an Irishman myself (my great-great-grandfather came over from Dublin) it’s badass our team is doing well!


based ironic plastic paddy

why isn't Ireland called Southern Ireland

we're 5/6 of the island

why arent you called western serbia hmmm?

Tiocfaidh ár lá

they are

>essex boy captains ireland

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The Northern-most point of the Republic is more Northernly than the Northern-most point of Northern Ireland.

Because we're good at war and expelled 200k of those savages?

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t. western Turkey

>tfw ashamed of muh irish heritage

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Ill take a 1-1 and John Delaney's head on a stake please

We all know what happened last time an >Irish side went to Gibraltar, mind you

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this war was for oil

Krajina was held for 4 years easily after JNA retreated, while being significantly outnumbered.
t.Southern Hungary


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Oh no no no

I'm sure there's a gibraltar poster on Yea Forums, I hope he turns up.

>Gibraltar is also based

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why doesn't Spain just invade and treat it like India treated Goa

Christ, that is grim

No just Scotland being shit as usual.

>why doesn't Spain just invade
they've tried

Attached: gibraltar.png (316x810, 37K)

>outnumbered 9:1
>kill/death ratio of 5:1

Why are we British Gibraltarians so fucking based?

Hence ">Irish" though tbf it's not like the Irish national team is any more Irish in its makeup

>got DNA test
>80% Irish
>7% British
>2% Iberian
>1% Scandinavian

Does this mean my ancestors were raped?

would be a laugh if we lost

i like mick but it would be hilarious

Im genuinely physically disabled but i know id be better than all of our team put together

honestly, probably

Based at tax dodging like Jersey

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The Gibraltar team is made of semi-professional players with regular jobs that train together only two days a week.

>On 27 November 1781, the night before they were to launch the grand attack, the British made their surprise sortie. In all 2,435 soldiers with 99 officers were involved, organised into three columns of around 700–800 men each——they included engineers and pioneers who were armed with axes and firing equipment.[51] At around 2 am they marched towards the besiegers lines. The right column came across the Spanish sentries at the end of the parallel, charged, and stormed the lines, bayoneting the Spanish defenders. While the rest of the defenders retreated, the eastern flank of the Spanish advanced works was taken and consolidated.

>With the objective completed, the British withdrew back inside their fortifications. The total British and Hanoverian casualties in the sortie were two killed and 25 wounded. Spanish losses were over 100 men, which included thirty prisoners; a number of these were blue-coated Walloon soldiers of the Walloon Guards.[55] The British did damage to the extent of two million pounds to the besiegers: fourteen months of work by the Spanish and a considerable quantity of ammunition had been destroyed. British troops and pioneers spiked ten thirteen-inch mortars and eighteen twenty-six-pounder guns in the Spanish siege works. In addition the platforms and beds on which the guns were based were also destroyed. As the British returned after their victorious sortie the garrison watched in amazement as huge explosions from the ammunition ripped through the Spanish lines and destroyed what was left of them

They better not overestimate Gibraltar, I said they better not overestimate Gibraltar today that's all I'll say. This Gibraltar team, the team from Gibraltar, they have some pretty tidy players on the ball in and around the box.

>Your Chipolinas, your Casciaros, your Chipolinas

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In two minds about this one because on one hand it would be hilarious if Gibraltar actually won or even got a draw, but on the other I actually quite want Ireland to stop being shit

how long til the game lads?

Based Britbongs

I might move to Dublin for study in august and I'll be there at least a whole school year. What's the sports thing like over there?

15 minutes

it's in 15 minutes

What happens if you lose to Gibraltar?

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Someone makes a thread with your country's flag with the title "OH NO NO NO NO"

You can play basically any sport except maybe winter sports or something really obscure. The biggest sports in terms of people playing them are gaelic football, hurling and soccer

Rightful Argentine clay

Nuke us


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you're forced to sign a treaty ceding part of your country to us in perpetuity

International football is basically club football now anyway European teams are full of Africans

>shirt names peeling off back off gibraltar's kit
Fucking hell Ireland, you have to beat these

This pitch is a braphog

>France with loads of blacks wins the world cup
More Nigerians now!

How long will it take for Ireland to break them down? I'm gonna go 28 minutes

what was the 2ndleg result since that would be the actual 'last time'?

>not owning 1/6 of your country

how do you sleep at night jesus christ lmfao!!!!!!!!!

Probably something like that but >we'll win 4-0 or more in the finish

How does it feel not owning 100% of your cities

The Irish teams since the 70's have been full of Englishmen

is Gibraltar a nice place to visit?

Cornwall is pretty much an independent nation.

No, England since the 19th century has been full of Irishmen.

no its shite

The 2nd leg was at home, so it wouldn't have been when they "went to Gibraltar"

You own it and it just costs you money, idk why you're boasting about it

My nan was Irish so I was always happy if they won stuff but she's dead now so I dont care

Sorry lads, I'm busy watching the Scottish Challenge Cup. Welsh team in the final for the first time and they're 1-0 up

>10 minutes in
>still haven't scored


>making the IRISH team look like giants

What kind of manlet nation is this?

>it just costs you money
they also have the highest rate of childhood obesity in the UK and make our average even worse

Their pure alpha English DNA has been infected by Iberian manlet genes.

Ireland to be losing only for Robbie Keane to become ireland manager at half time and sub himself on as we beat the mighty rock 3-2.

Is the weather nice at least?

Home advantage for them

Northern Irish are scum. All of them. It's Norf-Souf tier except it dominates every single aspect of their society.

Reminder that Gibraltar's star man plays in the 6th tier of English football

Probably too hot for a Briton during the spring and summer seasons. Gibraltar attracts a good deal of British tourists, some of them claim to find the place like a British theme park turned into a small town. The majority of the people, however, are not of fully British extraction.

True enough, all the catholics should just move down south desu

Unpopular opinion: The March internationals always feel so out of place.
Just went the club season starts heating up in all competitions you have a 2 week break from it killing the vibe.

I'd rather the season ended 2 weeks earlier and you packed all the international shit into the summer.

Isn't their star man the 37 year old part-time policeman?



Is this the match thread now? Can't see a proper one in the catalogue.

This is basically Ireland vs England's J team

>you packed all the international shit into the summer.
The players need a break though

A fucking rock

damn gibraltar looks like *THAT*?

Remember the days of yore where the retards were calling for Trappatoni's head and Robbie Keane to retire.

With Keane gone there isn't a single reliable goalscorer in the entire team.
Even when Keane hits 45 he'd be superior to all the shitters we have coming through the ranks.


It's England's b team v England's z team

Makes no difference? The internationals end up playing the exact same number of games - in fact, the exact same games full stop - just in a different order.

only an hour to score 8 goals
still do-able

England is actually Ireland's A team.

Declan Rice and Jack Grealish are TRAITORS.
Has there ever been a modern example of an Irish player who could have played for England (skill wise) but choosing not to?

Ipswich fan here.
You lot sick of the return of McCarthy-style football yet? Just how defensive is he playing it against the mighty Gibraltar? I'm unironically not that bothered that we're getting relegated because at least we don't have to put up with THAT any more.

whoa Gibraltar stronk!

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That stadium looks comfy

>You lot sick of the return of McCarthy-style football yet? Just how defensive is he playing it against the mighty Gibraltar?
if you think Ireland don't play like an uglier version of Stoke you clearly don't watch us.

It's been this way for the past decade and a half.

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They are both English you mong

how many do ireland have to win by for it not to be embarrassing? certainly a 1-0 or 2-0 victory would be pretty pathetic against a team of part timers.

tick tock seamus

still find it absolutely unreal Gibraltar are part of FIFA.
They literally aren't a country, they literally don't WANT to be a country.
Who was calling for this?


Score some feckin goals!

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Only a McLean of time

English is an ethnic group, not a legal document.

For example take Anjem Choudary.
He is a proud Britishman - but he will never be English.

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Can't blame footballers for wanting to play for the team that regularly makes it through qualification and out of the group stage

3 or 4 to avoid backlash
anything lower is a win but words need to be had
token gibraltar goal would be hilarious

Neither is England mate.

Don't know what you'd consider modern but Giggs played for England at youth level before switching to Wales

Based dilly ding dilly dong time bell

Forgot Kane

They last 3 England captains have been Irish

Whatever aren't all your pieces are a part of FIFA: Scotland, Ireland, England?

The Gibraltar national football team is managed by a Uruguayan: Julio César Ribas. He was appointed last year after after a two year long stint with Gibraltar's most succesful club (Lincoln Red Imps).

That lad's as english as fish and chips

Hes only playing for them because England caps adds a few million a year to his contract


>the absolute state of that kit

>if Giggs was 10 years younger we could have had Ramsey, Bale, Giggs and the great Craig Bellamy in one team

that team would have won the euros

Only just realised you specified Irish players rather than just Brits eligible for England, so no, can't think of any Irish

cant blame them for wanting a few extra million

Kem on eire, score some fekkin goals!

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Is there actually hostility towards Gibraltar's team existing in Spain or is it /int/ memes?

The Serbs were literally fuming when the Kosovans got let into FIFA and now there's a North Korea type of ignoring of them when their team plays.


Hole cringola

Doesn't really count though because it was at schoolboy level and eligibility for that is based on location instead of nationality. He was never eligible for England beyond that, at least with the old rules.

name the other starting eleven

They were originally drawn in the same qualifying group and had to change it

I dont really care desu just pointing it out, who am I to tell him how to carry out his career

I want to blame the wind but we're absolutely shite

t. Rhodri giggs

nice bait livershit fan

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They're parking the bus and trying to tire us out

Leigh Halfpenny, Charlotte Church, Tom Jones, Craig Roberts, Rhod Gilbert, Jason Mohammed and Rob Brydon.

But declan and Jack both have an English parent and would identify as English nationality.
Don't pinch our players you shit bastards. How are ethnically Irish lads mcgoldrick and cyrus Christie doing for you

Most over rated player of the PL era tbhwyf


? - ? - ? - ?
Ramsey - ? - giggs
bellamy - hartson - bale

Englishmen are the most demented people on earth

They genocide their Irish brothers shooting them down in the street like dogs but gleefully flood their country with Arabs and Blacks who rape their girls and stab their men

Who's in the studio boys

I need some Dunphy kino


Did you not watch any single game of them under O'Neill?

What an American post

>Still no goal.

Is Ireland worse than Scotland?

what about beckham - the most overrated player of all time?

Looks like a 0-0 slurpfest, boys
Fuck's sake

t. angus mchaggis

Because Spain doesnt recognise Gibraltar and I guess UEFA worried the place would get wrecked by hooligans

Did you buy a leprechaun hat on "patty's" day, Goober?

post irish slags las

No, Scotland are still worse Angus McExpat

when did Neville Southall stop playing?

that miserable bastard said there was a 0% chance of us qualifying for Euro 2012 even after we got drawn against fucking Estonia in the playoffs

it's better than the English media thinking beating Kazakhstan 3-0 puts them on the road to a trophy but it's still utter cynicism.

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Unironically probably

We don't have a player who can shoot

This is how Irish teams always play

Mick was performing miracles keeping your shite team in that division

Hour played and the Welsh lads are still 1-0 up in the Irn Bru cup final.

Becks was much better than Giggs both as a winger and when they played meme quarterback roles when they were old

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my gf desu
I had freckles when I was a kid but they've faded away now.

But girls manage to keep them but cover them up with makeup.
Tired of the Anglo menace putting forth the myth that freckles are ugly.

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>tfw no irish gf

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san marino will beat us 3-0


Gigg's should have played for Africa

This is like an FA Cup tie.

>shit weather
>comedy defending
>ground next to a visible airport and petrol stations

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for wales?
also, absolute unit

based mutt

I'm havin a laugh at least
Not quite womens football but it's close


The rock is overhanging the other end too

Everyone alive today had their ancestors raped at some point.


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Anyone else already hate this Maccies "peely peely" advert?


Check out this galaxy brain

>Mick was performing miracles keeping your shite team in that division
The funny thing is, now that we're doomed and definitely going down, we look pretty good.
More importantly though, like I said, I'd rather we go down than stick with Mick. It just made me not want to watch football every week, which is the last fucking thing you want from a football team, which exists for ENTERTAINMENT.

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Stupid sexy Mick

Yeah, it's pretty awful. Companies need to admit one off slogans peaked with 'Wazzup' and stop trying to force a new one in every new campaign

One end makes for such a patrician stadium view, then the other is just a bunch of RyanAir jets

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t. Ricardo DeShawn Cletus Eidenmuller


you just know



They're apparently going to replace it with this. Which would be sad.

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Can't wait for a wayward McGoldrick shot to cause an air disaster

The fuck?
As if they could ever fill that many seats.


Based Randolph keeping us in the tie

>the open end is the end facing the airport

What would we do without our based black guy

Ross County equalised. I realise I'm the only one who cares about this game btw

Ireland gonna win the euros !!!!

Thank fuck. Still very bad.

A brave performance from the boys in green.

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We only need 3 more to save face


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Fucking hell paddies. Sort it out.

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post colombian slags pls

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I though Gibraltar was English?

Oh, never mind.


user, I.....

>posting west brits

only seven more to go op

Obviously there is a strong Spanish influence. Roughly 1/4 of Gibraltarians have Spanish surnames (according to wikipedia).

They are llanitos, all of them.

Not even england is english tbqh

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I hate being Irish

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i wish my face was that kitchen top

>that sink full of bowls and other shit
Fucking disgrace.

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Back to /rug/ Ryle

don't blame ya


>killing IRA terrorists
pretty based tbqhwy.

just letting it soak la

Martyrs, RIP

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crazy eyes on the right

Just as a side note Ireland have already qualified to the last 8 of the U19 Euros as top of their group of 4 with only 2 of 3 games played, the only team so far to have done so. Future's bright, lads.

We've the worst women In Europe lads.. fucking genetically inbred :( if you're Asian, please come here.

Up the RA

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those kinda shorts are about the only thing that excites me anymore

Most embarrassing defeat in club football history for sure

Wonder how many the Anglos will poach

Outside two are obvious d4 slags

I'm sure Dec Rice can't wait to line up in future internationals with them :)

They're all English, used to do the darts walk ons

Roz Purcell is a bogger from tipp, sexy out

All the English born players Ireland have poached

John Aldridge
Harry Arter
Phil Babb
Leon Best
Keith Branagan
Gary Breen
Shay Brennan
Alex Bruce
Paul Butler
John Byrne
Lee Carsley
Tony Cascarino
Jeff Chandler
Cyrus Christie
Ciaran Clark
David Connolly
Simon Cox
Ronan Curtis
Liam Daish
Rory Delap
John Dempsey
Terry Donovan
Rob Elliot
Mickey Evans
Curtis Fleming
Caleb Folan
Kevin Foley
Tony Galvin
Jon Goodman
Tony Grealish
Paul Green
Austin Hayes
Ron Healey
Matt Holland
Chris Hughton
Mick Kearns
Alan Kelly, Jr.
David Kelly
Mark Kelly
Mick Kennedy
Paddy Kenny
Richard Keogh
Alan Kernaghan
Dean Kiely
Kevin Kilbane
Liam Lawrence
Mark Lawrenson
Jon Macken
Seán Maguire
Terry Mancini
Jason McAteer
Mick McCarthy
Jim McDonagh
David McGoldrick
Eddie McGoldrick
Paul McGrath
Alan McLoughlin
Stephen McPhail
Mike Milligan
Chris Morris
Clinton Morrison
Jerry Murphy
Aiden O'Brien
Andy O'Brien
Brendan O'Callaghan
Kevin O'Callaghan
Joe O'Cearuill
Sean O’Driscoll
Kelham O'Hanlon
Eamonn O’Keefe
David O’Leary
Alex Pearce
Gerry Peyton
Terry Phelan
Anthony Pilkington
Darren Potter
Steven Reid
Declan Rice (lel)
Callum Robinson
Michael Robinson
Martin Rowlands
John Sheridan
Sean St Ledger
Peter Thomas
Andy Townsend
Gary Waddock
Mickey Walsh
Jonathan Walters
Keiren Westwood



so lonely and horny las...

Is 1-0 against Gibraltar really that much of a victory?

can't even convincingly beat Gibraltar with a new manager bounce

wtf like

>75 min
>still 0:1
what went wrong?

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Gibraltar are actually not that bad

Is that all? Thought there were more 2bh.

Also, Maguire shouldn't count. Born in Luton, but grew up in Ireland and came through Waterford's academy.

Cool dribbling from Gibraltar

Fuck off

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Shut the fuck up

the most successful* ireland manager to date was an Englishman too - sir wor jackie charlton

*disclaimer: i have no idea what im talking about

Were gonna walk this shit group

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You'll finish third and you'll like it

We won't even beat Georgia I'd say

Gibraltar 7 shots
Ireland 9 shots

We can do this! Ireland have been fucking embarrassing.

In that case Sterling is English then. But no that's always brought up as a stick to beat them.

Because soccer is a west Brit sport. Real Irish lads play GAA.

Walters has been shite today

>we're gonna walk this group
>he says as they struggle past a team of actual part timers

>he says while posting with the flag of the union

Delaney is gone tonight lads

Hopefully the rest of the corrupt mob go with him

Never watching another Ireland match

West Brits play rugby

Nobody plays soccer at club level except dirt poor dubs


Never in doubt ABI

A win is a win


>a 1 nil win against literal potato farmers is good
top lel shamus

Against literal farmers and dentists.

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>Tfw we would actually be good if we didn't play those irrelevant sports

Start the (You) posting

>already played Gibraltar
>not top of the group

worse than scotlands result

>4 shots on target against a backline of shelf stackers

>We did it! We beat Gibraltar 8-0!

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Yeah I'm English

dont need to
you know in your hearts this game has been >you

World Cup 2018: an English story

Yeah we all admit this side is one of the worst in recent memory, no need to rub it in prick

Of course Sterling is English ffs.

>caring about garrison games

reached the semis
how did ireland do?

>Casciaro is legitimately a police officer

This post aged like milk

"no need to rub it in"
You're on spee

Based and pilled.

stop enabling the english

1-0, 8-0, it's all the same really


We WILL be top by the end of this international break

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>the punishers of panama

Top of the table lads. Tiocfaidh ár lá


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196th in the world

they used to have Dartford's goalie as their international goalie lol

The only farmers we played just drew 1-1 with Brazil

Absolutely dominated them. We might win the euros

That's Switzerland
Ireland's second
Gibraltar will be happy that they're higher than Georgia though

Careful talking about dentists

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Only winning 1 nil against the workers, from over the road

Northern Ireland are the third best home nation at the moment tbqh

preston north end will literally guarantee that Ireland qualify. robinson, browne and maguire will shit allover every team in that group. should be thanking us tbqh.

Swear the goalie was serving me a drink yesterday.

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Ever since Gibraltar joined UEFA back in 2013 and began playing official games against fellow UEFA member national teams on a regular basis, this is the first time the Gibraltarian team suffers a scanty 0-1 or 1-0 defeat.

Gibraltar lost 2-0 or 0-2 twice: against Estonia and Macedonia. Cyprus also 'merely' beat the Gibraltar NT 2-1 a couple of years ago. The Ireland NT itself beat Gibraltar 7-0 and 0-4 when both teams were drawn into the same 2016 Euro qualifying group stage.

Ranked 21st best team in the world at the time, two higher than Ireland were at the time, 9 higher than Ireland are now

Second best desu

>Top of the table lads.
Have you looked at the table?

England > Wales > NI > RoI = Scotland

Literal dentists

Who cares lads, it's only the EUROS.

Ireland is a world cup nation.

Idk lads I think we could win the whole thing

We were going easy on them, didn't want to cause embarrassment


We will easily be second permanently when we take back the 6 counties and we dont even care about this shit sport lmao

they had it coming
bunch of schlags

*blocks your path*

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Right, the mistake you're making here is that NI won't even exist anymore by the time the Euros roll around. When we absorb them we'll leapfrog Wales and be just behind England.

look who perked up

how's absorbing them been going recently?

It's looking good.

>we'll leapfrog Wales
who in this squad is gonna make ireland better than we are

N.Ireland were HUGELY unlucky to lose against Wales in Euro 2016.

Asspee btfo

>UEFA Nations League

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i didnt read that but sounds like its all been resolved
Welp, thats decades of conflict sorted out by one newspaper column

Based and graduallyimprovingpilled

enjoy league c

>get tackled in the box
>ref doesn't give a penalty
>'find' bag of coke in ref's car after the match and arrest him

You're closer to Gibraltar than you are to England in the UEFA Nations League.


>right next to the airport


Spain is closer to Gibraltar than England too.