

Attached: maradona.jpg (941x725, 392K)

He only says this shit because he's afraid. If he really cares about the team and country he'd try to help make Messi be better rather than dog on him to the media


Where else is he supposed to shit?

>wearing two watches

Attached: 1552604842860.jpg (500x465, 39K)


Reminder that Argentina handed over their only good World Cup squad of the last decade to an alcoholic drug addict who played formations like pic related.

Attached: 28826D15-88BC-4DD9-8955-C249DAF96ED9.jpg (336x515, 129K)


Perhaps it's not right but people can't take your flag seriously when the topic is football. Don't blame me, I'm just saying the truth, m8

why do argentines respect this junkie so much? he scored some bullshit goal and they all love him

What I said has nothing to do with football. When a person is regarded ad the greatest in any profession they do their best to belittle the guy who's meant to overcome them

There’s a notorious anti-Messi poster that uses a NZ proxy.

based. i still dry heave before i show horses every time and I've won almost 30 classes at world championships

Why does he hate him so much? Afraid for his argentina's "goat" status?

based coke snorter

Don't forget he called some random defender from the Argentinian league because Maradona dreamed about becoming world champion and that defender was in the dream, making him think it was a prophecy.

>Afraid for his argentina's "goat" status?
Messi has that status

Attached: statue.jpg (1920x1080, 318K)

Hence the " ". In his mind of course and according to some argies.

Maradona and his "hand of god"... He's a cheater to most, while to Argies he's "a hero". Lads can't even win over the Falklands , they are eternally cucked by amerifats/anglos, how could they acknowledge Messi as the best?

it’s called soccer you dumb beaner

you check the time on both and do an average, do have a more precise result.


Attached: 1539361710043.png (597x418, 132K)

only way to be always on time, if 1 fucks up the other is still ok
based Maradona

He might be right, but Maradroga is confused as fuck and changed his opinion every day

Drug-induced urinary incontinence is a bitch.

one has a compartment for blow and the other for downers.

Double audemar piguet nigga got drip

That's some autistic shit I could see messi doing.

How can Messoy fans not see that he is skillful but a virgin soibeta that can't lead anything?

he's always traveling. different timezones. maradona is a boomer he probably still has a flip phone

>éste está adelantado
>éste está atrasado
>y éste está parado
based diego

I watched the lockeroom footage before the game and during the half time of the latest cl 2018 finale, cr7 was quiet, he was kissing a fucking cross like a retard while navas and ramos were the ones motivating the others

Some people just have a sensitive bladder

>virgin soibeta
Imagine using those terms unironically. You should have a break from this site.

I used that term tongue-in-cheek. He is obviously not a virgin since he has children.
He doesn't have the personality of a leader. Period.

Maradona is a shit manager.