Venezuela vs Argentina in a nutshell

Man, a country dying of hunger defeats one of the most trained one in relation to footbal.


Attached: VENEZUELA.jpg (690x994, 178K)

How hard are people partying right now?

Sadly people have too many issues right now (parts of the country are still without internet after the massive blackout) and probably don't even know their team just cucked Messoy. Most didn't even knew back in 2017 they had just became sub-champions at the U20 due to all the protests and Maduro killing almost 200 persons.


it's just a friendly, though

just a friendly, there is the "oh shit we won", but that's all. I don't think even qualifying to Qatar will make us go to party over football.
we have TV u know.

how can you party when you are literally starving


yeah yeah.



>all these cacazuelans with non cacazuelan flags

Is the energy back on? How bad has to be Maduro to allow this shit. It's like he WANTS to get thrown out.

Like a week ago, the blackout just lasted 3 days and at worst a week in some places, it somewhat worked for us because the meat was selling like hotcakes.

Why is south America so far behind? Europe found out communism was bad like 50 years ago

And then 30 yeaes ago we forgot and started to turn the EU into EUSSR.

>the EU is communist

i keep forgetting how outright stupid /pol/tards can be

Based Venezuela.

that's your fault, greedy amerikike

>*power outages behind you*

Kill Maduro half of them will go back