/fs/ Figure Skating General - Wolrd Champ Edition

Poland on suicide watch

2019 Figure Skating World Championships in Saitama

>Links for people who want to get into figure skating

>Event streaming info

>Stats & scores

>Scale of Values, Difficulty Levels and Guidelines for marking GOE, 2018-19

>New GOE



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Shit I fucked up the title

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Somebody check on the guy.

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It's okay :)

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I wonder what medo thinks about

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I don't think she's envious, she has two world titles already. She's probably just happy that her season ended on such a high unexpected note.



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Are you the fan of the circus midget? It's ok then, you are all mentally retarded.

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Ive actually been a Zagi fan all along hahahahaahaha

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Look at him.

That she had a chance of missing out on the podium and needs to step up if she wants to continue being called to major competitions?

She's starting to look like a woman

Gorshkov, RusFed pres.

I ain't the kostofag, but apparently I have the same condition as Gabby

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>tfw 48h turn into 6 full months of shameless gloating.

Puma > nikek > shit > adidabbed

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I wonder how much the TSL gays will seethe.


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Do you think her boobs will harm her career?

no, they're already factored in her skating. her puberty has already happened and she's come out of it guns blazing.

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Based Charles

Fuck them, who cares

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>puberty stops at 16
but its mainly push ups and padding anyway


RusFed wants you to apologize for doubting their decision to send proven strong mind fighter instead of le wacky "empress".

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Nips knows who's the best

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I care desu, will watch them for the salt.

>loland on suicide watch
>medvedeva on suicide watch
>1tv on suicide watch
>rodina on suicide watch
>figurch on suicide watch
>tsl on suicide watch
>isu on suicide watch
>hamada on suicide watch
>borser on suicide watch
>rikek on suicide watch

If bigpharma stocks rise, it's all those antidepressant sales Zagi's win caused.

Zagi is GOAT!

All Alina's costumes are lewd in some way.

I apologize. Those who said that Alina was done should apologize too.

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Imagine the smell..

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I don't think this one is lewd desu

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Serbbro, Nyasha did it, i hope you're as happy as I am!

you zagifags disgust me
she's an onion faced npc with zero flair, originality or charisma
literally a wind up cheburashka

Look at her chest. There's strategic holes in the costume.

there's also fabric behind the mesh.

Why are you using a proxy Poland?

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Lewd anyway.

Polish minority in Litwa detected.

New fixed lutz btfo'ing Rika lel

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>fixed lutz

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basee francois

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Some people actually believed that Borser fixed her lutz at the beginning of the season

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Btw Kazakhstan will have three spots next year thanks to Tursyn. Not sure if they have anyone to send though lel.
Better than Canada and USA hahaha.

Canada will only get 1 spot right ?

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so zagi finally got the job done, nice
>inb4 announces retirement

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Rikek is shook af.

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I don't think this sport is Halal brother.

I'm scared, lads. Will Yuzu make it or break it tomorrow? ;___;

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Tutberidze sweep.

our imam issued a hadith 2 days ago
>allowed if it subdues the infidels

I think so. 28 or less for two spots, they didn't make it. Next Worlds will be in Montreal as well.


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>G O A T
nice joge!

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Imams can only issue fatwas(rulings) brother, hadiths were issued by the Prophet (peace be upon him) during his lifetime.

>A muslim gypsy

>that fake tan

>doesn't know the kur'an has a specific hadith for figure skating

do you even jihad?

>played vidya at home being lonely an horny and totally not depressed
>look g-guys I'm so happy and actually I was on Bali on my last vacation. R-right.

>borser on suicide watch
If anything a washed up 3rd is better than his usual retard choke show from Gabby.

If Skate Canada doesn't force Kaetlyn to return next season, we're fucked for a long time.

Actually Canada keeps two spots. For some reason if you qualify for FS it counts as 16. Even if you place lower like Chartrand. So 11+16=27

Bless Rika for this amazing season. I already can't wait for the next one.

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Suuum-body ones told me the 3Axl is gonna roll me

That she will never be as beautiful, delicious, talented and perfect as Alina

Yes Alina did so good!
Her jumps in the second half were a little shaky, but I'm glad she stuck with the loop in her combo and she still landed them all. In both programs she seemed so much more confident.

y'all just watch it because the women are hot, right?



She really needs a strongmind. Either by herself or by competing with a former friend.

I don't need to apologize because I was always rooting for her and knew she could do it. The assholes who mocked me when I called her a fighter who had not said her last words a few months ago should bow their heads in shame though. Now if only Yuzu's ankle could behave tomorrow. That's all I'm asking for.

I hope he can pull a Worlds 2017 fs but he looks in pretty bad shape and has lost a lot of weight. I also don't get why he arrived 2 days before the competition in Japan. The jetlag would fuck up anyone for a few days let alone someone who needs to perform at the highest level 2 days later. Not the smartest strategy. I just hope he can have a good free tomorrow even if he doesn't win. And fuck Nathan's ridiculous pcs.

I've been waiting for you to come home, user

I've always enjoyed the skill but part of it is the grace and beauty of these girls

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> Wolrd Cahmpion Edeteeion

> Bradie Tennell, 7th place, 213 points
> Mariah Bell, 9th place, 208 points


the worst part is, they didn't even make major mistakes. Bradie was weeping because she skated her personal best. This is the best they can skate.

FUCK, bring in Gattaca girl

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>Alina, you shouldn't have...uhg, you're the best
>T-thanks user, you've always been there for me, I-I thought....anyway, can you help us both in, my feet hurt a little?
>S-sure, baby

unfortunately she and Satoko seems to at least tolerate eachother.
Tbh I don't think that weakmind is her problem, at least if we talk about free, because I don't know what is going on with short. 3A is just incredible difficult element and I think that her success rate (again in the free) is pretty good. Note that she doesn't make almost any mistakes on other elements. I can only remember 3+Euler+2 instead of 3+2+2 in nationals, one underrotation in 4CC, nothing major. 3A success rate will never be near 100%, so it's understandable that there will be competitions like this one.
I think in general there will be a lot of falls among top women next season as many girl will try quads.
and remember that Miriah is 9th only because she slice her opponent calf lol

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Alina is love, Alina is life.


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*kills a korean near her*

caption this

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Can't caption this but somehow makes me feel bad for nips seeing how med stole their medal

Say it, polak.

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>how med stole their medal
Medve didnt stole shit.
Kihira fucked up several times. She could have even win this competition, but just like Konstantinova:
she is not constant.

And than muh 3A! 3A my ass! She should be constant with the basics before!

And than Konstantinova ... trying 3A ... less is sometimes more ...

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>thank you very much

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forgot link

Looking at Alina plastic face with no expression face only caption I can think of is
>when you realize npc meme is true

ISU confirmed that the dog-eater is a liar and Mariah did nothing wrong.
Why are koreans such pathetic crybabies?

seething, as expected

On a happier note, apparently eteri allowed Alina to eat anything she wants today.

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Based Poland
Based, cringing at Koreans and retards that "defended" insulin

>ISU confirmed that the dog-eater is a liar

nope! they just dont deal with the case, because if true -which is obviously true-, they had to ban BellBitch!

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>It was real in my mind

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>Alina Zagitova, House of Russia, first of her name, mother of Masaru, queen of Russia and Japan, lives in peoples hearts all over the world, a breaker of records, winner of all Grand Slams, gets happy with Silvers but will also take Golds, gets happy to just skate, Khaleesi of great sportsmanship, Protector of Iriska and the best figure skater in the World.

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>queen of Russia and Japan
>queen Japan
Japan has a Teno, you idiot!

not anymore
>pariah bell

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>not anymore

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>YWN feed her your corn chowder
Life is truly suffering

It's so sad that Alina will become deputy of Duma something years after retirement.

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>allowed Alina to eat anything she wants
A lot of white things and some yellow things too

>shit, i have to fuck off outta here nao

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She isnt the type for a politican. But maybe Alënka . ...

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Not necessarily. Modern skaters make a lot of money with their shows, they don't really need any more cash. She can just quit and do whatever.

Well. Then I have to marry her to save from such horrible fate.

>Then I have to marry her

The misery is dreaming ...

Dreaming? I'm on the phone with her right now. Booking a suite in the Okinawa's hotel.

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Mr Zagitov having sexual relations with your daughter is wrong

But Vladimir, you're already married, remember?

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Vladimir is divorced, baka!

When will Gracie return and save US figure skating?

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oh, sh....

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Marriage with Alina is no more. Now Alina is my wife.

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No Vlad, NO! We'll help you annex Mariupol! Please don't!

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When she moves to Mishin.

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>TAT and averbukh sucking up now
>rodina nowhere to be found

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>>rodina nowhere to be found

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fucking this, sadly she doesn't have neither the fed money or her family's money to move to russia

Why Mishin?

Perfection, your name is Alina Zagitova.

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>Nip PM: If Alina likes Okinawa, we can give her a house there


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Why she is so smug?

them slovenian and german judges, rip isu.

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Mr Puting congratulating Zagi


based and kremlinpilled

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>meanwhile, 10kkm away

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>almost cries for anthem

How is she so perfect?

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Bless Zagi. She deserves this win. Absolutely strong mind
You better apologize /fs/

Excellent taste in the choice of music from the japanese hosts for the award ceremony.


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>figure skating feet
Not even once

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>not caringly rubbing and kissing them erryday back to full health after she's done skating

It's like you never cared for her.

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too annoyed over the American girls, I miss Gracie and Ashley

Absolutely not. Shit fucking taste desu

She's the world champ, I'm so happy bros

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fuck off

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He's strongmind so I believe he will skate clean but sadly I think he will end up behind Chen

Don't make me invade you again du scheiß polacke

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Can anyone stop caмбo-70 ?

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>Hungary invading anyone

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Fact, Ashley is the only one with a World medal, for the last decade

Elizabet did a good job too

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First ever quad in senior ladies. I think she will be able to eat more than 200 calories today!

If I remember correctly she said in an interview that she can eat everything she wants she doesn't get fat. Might be bs tho

Don't underestimate Hungary

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Obviously it's a part of figure skating and genetics plays a large part for her, but all of the top skaters don't/can't eat much... Except Gracie

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I thought second place is supposed to be on the right?

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>Except Gracie

With how her season started aren't you happy that medo got bronze?

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>With how her season started aren't you happy that medo got bronze?
Even though I dislike how overscored she always is and that a result of this was that best girl tuktik missed out on worlds, yes. And I'm also happy for zagitova. I wisb both of their fanbases are such childish cunts though

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I'm surprised he didn't say "If Alina likes Okinawa, we can give her Okinawa"

My bad, I thought you were a medofag not a Tuktikfag. Almost every figure skating fan is childish, we're all saints here compared to crazy gooks.

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I wish she'll skate clean one day

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who is this

she's beautiful

so, we /offseason/ now?

Laurine Lecavelier

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We still have the men's free and the gala

based Katarina

world team trophy in fuckoka is next month

I still would desu senpai

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Was the tuktik-pogo shitfight noticed here?

dear lord have mercy on my soul

Why are South Koreans so crazy fans? I blame Yuna Kim, she must have woken something within them

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God, I love tatar girls.

Alina is going to grow up to be some botoxed tanned trophy wife of an oligarch. You can already tell.

looks like 37 year old Alina, especially in this picture

Well. It is time to become an oligarch then.

you can have Alina.

Gracie looks like a typical American girl who'll marry a typical American guy, like me

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B-but Gracie is my waifu to.

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Gracie won't allow bigamy

I miss her skating so much. She was so strong, so fast, so alive. Bradie and Mariah don't compare to her at all

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She does. I'm gonna live with her and her sister. You'll see!

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god damn that's a good picture of Gracie

come back Gracie, we need true beauty in figure skating

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Alina belongs to me, you infidels.

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She is property of the Russian Nation, bakka!

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Just as I am the property of my own nation. That shouln't stop our marriage.

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zagitards are fucking weird man

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Look at the top of her hear!


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she deserved it so much.

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Who is this?

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>burgers turning a blind eye to bullying
Color me surprised


Penultimate group of men up now.
Lets see how many choke.

/incel general/

i'm so fucking scared. My balls are falling off.

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Puma must be patting themselves on the back right about now. Which Puma sneakers are *you* buying anons?

Last group warmup now.

Stream where?

can we get an user to translate what kaori/rikek were saying here.


Nice skate from Zhou, he's putting the pressure on Shoom and Yuzu

Shota ded

Shoma choke incoming

Kek. KEK!

Zhou medal? Shoma is choking hard and I don't have faith in Brown.

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>Shoma choking again

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Yuzu the goat!

And the crowd is going wild!

What a fantastic skate. Still gold is for Nathan to take.

Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.

Yuzugod ! It could have been all over on the second jump but the motherfucker fought hard

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Pure kino there

He could impregnate the entire arena of he wasn't a homo

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What a guy

>all over on the second jump but the motherfucker fought hard
Yeah that was strong mind

Damn Yuzu doesn't have as many WC titles as I thought, only the 3rd one here.

300 despite choking on the SP, only him can do it

>that goe on 4Lz
Holy shit, everyone gave 5?

I'm surprised the Japs still clap as loudly for Chen as for Yuzuru
This is what strong mind looks like.

God damn the air on that Nathan chad quad

Yeah I'm thinking Nathan has gold
Poor little yuzuru

Nathan Chad world champ

Future Beijing gold medallist right there

It will by funny watching Jason after two programs with 4 quads kek.

What a skate!

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nathan tes is inflated

Absolute state of Jason.

Zhou just got himself a bronze medal

Nathan and Yuzuru were great.
But Russia and Canada lose spots for next year.

>no medals

The absolute state of Russian """""""""men""""""""

you should've worried about """""""""men"""""""" when they choose figure skating

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How come Eteri can't just do what she does with Trusik and Scherbakova and pop a quad shota bot?

Most of them gave 4

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jealous cunt

She's grooming one, look up Daniil Samsonov, he is the russian junior champ

Her drilling methods don't work for men for some reason. they all end up with career ending back injuries.

Is Erokhov retired? I didn't heard much of him this season.

He's not the first, she's grooming them but no results on senior level so far. Erokhov was supposed to make it big this season, he won Junior Worlds last year. Nope, injured most of the season.

>for some reason
Maybe because men mature earlier and can't really be starved and perform well??

Eteri should start by having a female skater perform well once they mature physically

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>that jiggle

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It's almost as if women don't want to go through puberty to skate well, whereas men need to mature past 16 to get the strength/stamina for quad-packed programmes.

Back from the pub, what a fucking shitshow

Chen won, right?

Yeh, and he deserved to. He got insane GOE on a clean skate.

The absolute state of "GOAT"

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>them Russian milkies

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2 Olympic golds tho.

Add 2 OGMs, 4 GPFs, 4 national titles in the only national field with actual competition and 16 world records, 3 of which are still standing even with Nathan Chad and his bazilion quads. All of this while being injured for the past 6 years almost every season.
Tbh if I were him with the state of his ankle I would have retired last year.
The good thing for him is that with Shoma choking hard once more, he is still the only king in Japan so he won't get more pressure from the jsf.
In any case I said it earlier this week that he looked in pretty bad shape, sticky thin and sickly looking so I kind of knew it would be tough. I expected him to choke in the free so it's a good surprise that he didn't. As for Nathan winning, he is ridiculously overscored but I much prefer him to Shoma so I don't really mind.

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and somehow I'm consider obsessed Pole itt, not fair.

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Not my fault you have shit taste.

Tbh I am more annoyed that Babasyan got her way onto the podium than at Yuzu not winning gold. Alina winning is the balm that is making all of this acceptable.

>tfw the pole was so traumatized by this WC he developed an alternative personality


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How can one woman make so many fags seethe? I am so happy she dabbed on you cunts.

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No one gives a shit about that Mickey Mouse competition.


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>Plushfags saying I ain't the goat

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Plushenko isn't even the greatest male figure skater in Russian history, how can he be the global GOAT?

>tfw no qt slightly chubby polish girl to shitpost together on Yea Forums

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Plushfags and Plush himself can keep seething. Yuzu is dabbing on them with his 2 Olympic gold medals.

yeah she did well to rescue her season. France GP was fucking dire, could have been curtains. To recover and get to worlds then win medal was very good.

wish I had chubby polish girl


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Trusova and Scherbakova soon here

Is pic related the secret to Nathan's victory?

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Yuzu is too pure to dirty himself by excessive contact with a slutty muslim junior. VERY creepy of Nathan to be grabbing a handful of that.

>slutty muslim junior
Fuck off Nigel. Don't you have a Brexit to make happen.

Yes. Extra motivation knowing he'll have more opportunity to grab Alina if he wins

Attached: 000146047440_RIAN-ID-5821571.jpg (1606x1080, 342K)

why we are treating alina like the beautiful one there
when it's clearly yuzuru

Facts don't care about your feelings.

>Forgot 'with a scuffed hairline'.

What causes a girl to bald at such a young age, is it PEDs or just malnutrition? Why not both?

What is this competition? Where can I see the schedule/results?

Javier, pls.

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PEDs. Why took so much before worlds, I won't be surprised if she end up changing her gender like Heidi Krieger.

Attached: pobrane.jpg (299x168, 8K)

Nothing. She's not balding. You are just a pojecting balding cuck.

With all the money jfs and Japanese companies ingest into fs and the number of good skaters they have, it's ridiculous that Yuzu is their only medal this time. What an embarrassment.

Do you have eyes? Look at the picture I referenced. She looks like she has male pattern baldness. Literally a triangle of bald skin going back into the middle of her head.

That's her natural hair pattern. Go look at pictures of her from 2/3 years ago and it was already like this. She has this so-called fuzzy baby hair before the hairline itself starts. It has nothing to do with balding.

usfed must have paid a lot of money

Some junior competition. Trusova and Scherbakova went there to dab on the farmers.
Table/results (in Russian) fsrussia.ru/results/1819/sparta2019/SEG004.HTM

More like people tend to dirty Yuzu's pure child-bearing hips with their grimy hands.

Wonder if anyone has ever touched his plump ass before?

Attached: DupvZ7DXQAQanLz.jpg (600x900, 59K)

You seem like you know a thing or two about baldness patterns.

I know that if I had a hairline as scuffed as Alina, I'd shave my head and wear hats all the time to hide my shame. But I don't, so we aight.

David Wilson and Bryan probably take turns on him. Why else do you think Jason moved up to Canada?

Well they don't have any pairs and dance team, no medals expected there. And in ladies event they were above politicking. They could have easily grab silver and bronze but chose not to. That's why they're the best and everybody loves them.

I didn't ask to be reminded of this feel

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Dopping and malnutrition for sure

Yuzu is just their exotic little cumdumpster now? Maybe it would benefit him more if he were to offer himself up to the ISU judges. There is a better way to bribe people and surprise, it's not necessarily money ;)

Attached: DXcIdQDVwAA0EeF.jpg (640x400, 38K)

>Absolutely disgusting.jpg
Yuzu is not for dirty old men with balding patterns but for young, handsome and tall lads only.

Attached: 76347540.jpg (516x502, 61K)

It's so stupid that they don't care at all about ice dance and pairs in the first place and do all their politicking wrong. Like never supporting their ladies or Yuzu but pushing their weight for Shoma the serial choker with UR issues. It's so frustrating to watch. I can't even blame USfed for doing it right. Yuzu is literally destroying his body to try and add more quads because his fed doesn't help him meanwhile jsf pays so that Shoma can steal Olympic silver from Javi or Asian games from Boyang. If there is some schadenfreude in all this is that Shoma finished off podium.

Not just Kim. Their whole celebrity worship is ingrained. KPop idols, kdrama stars. They all are put on giant pedestals to worship. If the cute kpop girl is accidentally seen with a man she gets torn apart. It's such a fucking shitshow in Worst Korea.

Post your boobies. Asking for a friend.

you better take that back, tariq!
keeping your hair in a tight tail for 10 years while eating icewater for dinner
their men are too tiny to be good at pairs and dancing

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>Ok I'm making an announcement, if Yuzuru decides to compete at Beijing I will try my best to become a flower boy so I can at least in that way get physically close to him.
Yagudin after Yuzuru's skate. Can any Russanon confirmed that he said that?

Scherbakova is skating after this girl btw

he did
he also cried a bit but I think it was after Chen skate

Who's this guy?
Based Yagudin

Attached: Anna's new bf.jpg (1274x715, 207K)

choreographer I think

s. rozanov. the other coach there

We will see more of Rozanov in K&C next season when they will have a lot of seniors.


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Holy shit Anna lost by 30+ points.

Another competition another win

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>Shoma Shoma why did you choke and left me with those 2 burgers?

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probably fell on both quads
>FS 176.90, 104.58TES 72.32PCS
holy fuck

Yeah that's what happened

Snap cross


What happened to Radi after she won her 2nd Junior Worlds?
Right, she grow and became fat.
Cant wait to see the pencil growing some titts right for her age!

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what did he mean by this?

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What do you mean?

I wonder how many clocks she already has.

How is she so perfectly beautiful, duh?
she should auction those watches for charity.

>pic related Alina's body at the start of the season, massive difference compared to now.

Attached: body.png (621x1080, 1.29M)

Im a fan of Miss Alina "Alina Zagitova" Zagitova

>How is she so perfectly beautiful, duh?
Duh, should've guessed. You're creep.

She's s-scary.

At what time does the gala starts?

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For me? It's got to be Stanislava Konstantinova

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2 am London time.

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What a cutie!

Are they not allowed to touch her at that show?

She is one of two most beautiful Russian skaters for sure. Other is of course Maria Sotskova.

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She's too pure for them.

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Me bottom right

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meant for and

did she died

They just cut the stream here, think they were last to go anyway?

she got a huge ass gash on her face and a few teeth lost, otherwise nothing too bad.

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I don't remember anyone skating after them, I only remember her screaming and her partner helping her get out of the rink.

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Thx too early for me

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Now that the dust has settled, I just want to (begrudgingly) express my sincere respect for the only skater who was realistically able to pose a challenge to Alina, Rika Kihira.

Taking into consideration the huge physical transformations Alina went through in just a few months (+5-6kg and 7-8cm), the horrendous media treatment back home, all the pressure being put on her and the fact that Kihira was laying down 3As while Alina at times struggled with basic jumps, Alina really had to dig in deep to end the season on such a high note in front of Kihira's home crowd.

PS: yes, I am still mad about the GPF theft; that doesn't take away Kihira's merits

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you forgot about one competition

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Overrated steroid users.

>it's 1pm in you shithole

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4am actually retard. Even if you live in far east which i doubt you do it can't be 2 pm.

Will Medo win anything ever again?

Wait i am the retard, it actually starts at 7 am London time.

It's 9am Moscow time.

2am in London = 3am in Paris

No she won't, she is useless and pathetic. She should retire and stop embarrassing herself over and over again.

I was wrong, don't miss it

Well still to early for me. Might catch the end tho.

Wtf Romanon praising Rika! Is that some good larping by Poland?

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I didn't. There's no way anyone can beat those 2 if they land even one quad in the FS.

no, there's too many skaters better than her which all must choke so she has a change at winning when skating clean.

Zagi, Rika, now Anna and Sasha, Tursynbaeva, Kaori, Sofochka. The 1st four mentioned can even bomb one program and still be ahead of her. FFS Trusova had ~104 TES only for the FP. How can you overcome that? You can't.

wtf, poor girl didn't even sleep!

>What I thought yesterday after the win? – Hurry to the doping test to pass. I sat there from nine in the evening until five in the morning, broke its record.

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Gracie is the most pure and beautiful of all skaters

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Russian athletes should be happy that they are allowed to compete in the first place. It is not fair to clean athletes from other countries though.

why was she sooooo nervous about a doping test, hmmm?

How many hours until gala?
What is up with alyonas posture?

>that trash formatting

Attached: 1553351146195.jpg (1080x1884, 191K)

Almost 9 more hours till it starts. Though it's usually boring during the first 30 minutes so even more than 9.

cute feetz, would look after/10

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>> No Stepanova
why even bother watching this crap gala

Survivor of course.

In other news, Anna's 1st quad was fully rotated, can't understand why her skate went out like that. Weak ankles perhaps.

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>more and more bald by the day
oh no no no

I hope whatever anti-hairloss medication she has to take doesn't affect her hormones too much.

how come Alina attract so many creeps, omg.


Considering the large amounts of steroids she takes no anti-hairloss treatment in world can help her.

>how come cute young women attract so many creeps, omg.

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if by creeps you mean guys who are not ashamed of liking what nature wants us to like then look for a study that showed 80% of men, in a blind test where they were shown pictures of girls, preferred those who were 15yo.

i'm sorry your youth has passed and you'll never get it back.

Attached: Alina-Zagitova.jpg (615x400, 49K)

yet I don't see comments like that
from fans of any other skater here.

It's a shame. By next season (if she doesn't retire) she will look like a skating egg lel.

>muh defence of lusting after underage girls
chemically castrate yourself

He's a fat gypsy, he'll never get laid anyway


Most of the civilized world has an AoC of 14, your religion has it at what, 3?

Are you new to Yea Forums? Pedos and thirsty fags are everywhere in this shithole. Browse the winter sports or the volleyball threads, the latter is almost entirely bunda posting.

Suppose discussions of age of consent do go out of the window when fat brown gypsies are concerned, true. To break out of such inceldom it will never be consensual.

Satoko is so serious all the time she's starting to feel North Korean somehow

Medvedeva have pig nose ((((

kek, the eternal sunni anglo and the wetback americaño

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Is this the ugliest ever Russian team for Worlds?

Samadurova: Literal Plain Jane
Medo: Sergei Dudakov in a wig, twig legs
Alina: Same hairline as Raffi Arutyunyan, fat cheeks

RIP the Pogo, Adelina and Radi style beautiful skaters. I'm pretty sure with a wig and some clown paint Kolyada could look like a prettier woman than this team.

Sotnikova and Pogo aren't attractive at all. Almost as ugly as Medvedeva.

Sotnikova only looks decent when she cakes on layers of makeup. Without it she's ugly. Alina isn't ugly either.

Idk what it is but boy oh boy do I find Medvedeva attractive

Agreed, Bogdanova
Agreed, ugly tatar

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I don't know about you but I have no sexual feeling toward any skater

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Same but only if you exclude radionova

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Sweetie... this is what perfection looks like. Also being plain =/= ugly, and Alina's hairline is not that bad

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Yeah same for me but only if you exclude Radionova,Lecavelier,Bell,Isadora,Craine,Stepanova,Zahorski,Osmond and probably some others that I'm forgetting

you sure?

Based non-pedo.
Thoughts on KMT? Hendrickx?

Also forgot stepanova and Tuktik T_T
Unironically one of the ugliest skaters alive, but I quite like her skating itself

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She is pretty objectively unattractive with that horrible ponytail, but she has a fire in her eyes when she skates that's magnetic. Absolutely fierce.

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I'm not attracted to them, I do find KMT cute though. And how the fuck did I forgot Tuktik.

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I know I know who it is but I can't put my finger on it

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Yes. Zhenya is the cutest girl in the world.
Kirsten Moore-Towers

>he doesn't rate this beauty

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tbf there are other acceptable options.

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>tfw no good brit skaters
pic unrelated

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What's with her left teeth?

Teeth seem fine

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Too bad she's the one that got dabbed on this time

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Thunder quads

>TFW they're broadcasting it on NBC right now

I don't either. It's only sport for me. The girls are attractive but I don't fap to them, only the hos on pornhub and xhamster

I will start digging through the archives.
year of our lord 2012, Sima was dabbing on everyone in juniors by ~20points, Kostornaia was scoring 20pts over Anna, Anna's sister was a better skater than her and Diana Davis was decent.

Attached: IMG_20190324_045218.jpg (1080x1920, 258K)

wew, 2012 feels like a lifetime ago

year of our Lord 2013, first sighting of the perfect girl, Alina Zagitova (#5), outside of very local competitions random local exhibitions.

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one month later Zagi would score 70pts less than gubanchik. what she must have gone through...

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a time where Diana Davis was dabbing on 22pt SP Kostornaia.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-24-05-26-51.png (1080x1920, 296K)

as a side note, Stasya's career was/is one of soul-crushing mediocrity from juniors up until today, ranging from mightaswellstayedhome to youjusthadtoskatecleantowinbutyoudidntandnowyoudontevengetamedal

Charge that fucking phone already

She started skating late though, didn't she?

a testament to Alina's response to failure, she had scored 80points less just 2 months earlier (her career low i think, and the point where she probably wanted to quit, what with the new year and stuff).

i'll continue some time tomorrow.

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Not many people know it now, but Sima was THE star in juniors, the brightest talent by far. Everybody thought she is the next big thing and Olympic contender. Second was Sotskova and Medvedeva was only the third.

ya. shame about the off-ice dramas.

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My friend said there's no drama in figure skating since like the 90s

your friend is an idiot.

hope gabby doesnt pass any of her crazy onto med

If I was an ISU judge I would inflate Yuzu's scores and uterus for some of that sweet, sweet boipussy

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Do you actually like him or you just want to see him being creampied by the entire ISU management board? Doubt.jpg

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Gabby had a concussion, and didn't get treatment for it

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Both. I love him but I like to see him cry sometimes. Getting creampied by the entire ISU board sounds hot, wonder how many old men dicks can he take at once before he mindbreaks? And Yuzu pregnancy?

Attached: hanyu_creampie_cumslut.png (1843x414, 146K)

what the fuck

Just in time for Rika ex, perfect.

oh no no

I'm not into all male gangbangs

What did happen?

Zagi fucked up with the zipper and then fell


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Can't believe that not a single pair or ice dancer thought about lifting him for the photo taking at the end. Useless bunch of dicks.

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why can't she be mine, God, why?!

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Because you're not me.

Vladimir, please.

Tfw Stasya will never be my gf

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World champ.. cant even take off her jacket or land the first jump. LOL

>Useless bunch of dicks.
Implying that he isn't just pretending to be modest so he can get a lot of that in the locker rooms later. A few men giving him the creampie all at once. The old men from ISU don't know what they're missing.

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I can always help her with her jacket.

Pic related is more proof if that was ever needed that Yuzu-chan is a girl. Look at how flexible and pretty she is compared to the guys around her.

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>complains young girl doesn't know how to undress
>see flag
>it checks out

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I'm so, so, so happy for Zagi. She pulled through like a total boss.


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I think tuktiks gala was the best this year

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What a beauty!

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>No initials
even gubanchik got a personalised top

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>that shirt
what the fuck, gleikh

Better to fuck up the EX than the SP/FS

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Nathan never losing an occasion to get close to Alina. Who will stop this mad man.

>ynr his lit planet of the apes long coat
man has style, check out his pants too

Attached: 7X9xSoWXUUU.jpg (960x540, 82K)

Product placement. He has a family to feed.

He seems like an alpha guy. A cute feminine girl Alina is definitely attracted to him so she doesn't mind him being near her.

stop it right now!

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Whatch out, frog, Alina is my girl.

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I hope eteri is giving him a fair cut of their earnings.

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jokes aside, Alina would never go for a manlet.

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Who are these thots? Kek at Yuzu's overhanding the fuck out of both. Nathan Chad would know how to hold them properly.

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She is supet tiny herself so it doesn't matter. He is a confident, talented, clever guy attending an ivy league university on top of everything. And he has a history of going for white girls. Better prepare yourself for the inevitable, Romania.

nah, manlets never get the hot girls, she's 1.58 now so with 2in heels she's taller than him which is top kek. i'd be more worried about that kike morris kvit since he gets to spend so much time with her.

I trust Leysan to see after her best interests until she's done skating.

>manlets never get the hot girls
rumeno cane di merda

Attached: persona misteriosa.jpg (640x258, 57K)

she's literally perfect.

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Plenty of manlets get beautiful model girlfriends taller than them. It's all about being confident, successful, rich and/or handsome. The only barrier I can see is that they can't communicate since Alina can't speak English but it won't always be so.

>hoverhanding again
Based hikikomori-kun.

>Choking in the gala
I mean it's better than choking when it matters. Still funny.

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>500 already
fuck that came up quick
