

Attached: 1547656380681.jpg (645x773, 55K)

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nobody cares also
>monkey soup

Gain weight

shut up fat

> i'm skinny because I can't afford to eat
congratulations, that's like flaunting big tits because you're fat. we don't need to hear any more from the poster child of malnourishment.

Calling it Footy is better than calling it futCHIbol

>t. esta chorando

is this something that bothers you in Brazil? do you live next to Ronnie Biggs?

>he didnt deny that he's a chunker
not a good look tbqhwy


hahaha look at this mad tubby


lol no

goes without saying. if favela specimen #1202982 called all americans invertebrate, i shouldn't have to prove im not something so arbitrary. while i will admit it's likely that your average adult american male will be overweight; it's not the case here. not through hard work, or because im poor but an overactive metabolism. but yeah you're still impoverished and whatever you call that sport is for semen-slurpers regardless.

Attached: you mad.jpg (1000x638, 112K)

The real name is gayball

Man you are annoying

>Why, yes? I would like to play some catenaccio

Attached: 1548652407763.jpg (474x658, 53K)

Le foot

>doesn't realize half of british slang and vocabulary ends in a "eee" sound

How else am I supposed to quickly differentiate between football and amerifat football with this flag?

you call football "football" and soccer "soccer" and wa la