/US Chess Championship 2019/

Round 3 games:

Varuzhan Akobian - Wesley So
Hikaru Nakamura - Samuel Sevian
Samuel Shankland - Jeffery Xiong
Awonder Liang - Fabiano Caruana
Ray Robson - Leinier Dominguez Perez
Timur Gareyev - Aleksandr Lenderman

Countdown and live games:

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kys you fucking nerd

poor lil norwegian boy shilling his sport and noone cares.

I got into chess a couple of years ago when you posted about the world championship so I guess you've had at least some effect.

but you know the tournament is not worth watching if Chess24 just links the St. Louis chess club stream instead of having their in-house staff commentating.

Good point, Yasser Seirawan is not so bad, but Peter Svidler is a vastly superior commentator to anyone in the American crew.

Maybe if Yasser Seirawan had Ben Finegold with him, I don't know.

The state of Norwegian chess:
The comments have been recently disabled.

The colours is not the point here, the advantage does not lie in the white pieces, but in the first move. As it turns out, in the 1800's, white did not consistently move first. The players chose their pieces much like one would choose a given Monopoly figure, and then the player with the first move would move first, regardless of being white or black.

It's a poor political attempt to equate the colors of the pieces to race.

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It's mostly a PR stunt in view of the Grand Chess Tour tournaments in Africa later this year, I believe.

>anish kumar giri
literally white genocide?

No, no, no, he's way too peaceful for that.

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For me it's Norway Gnomes


hmmm cute dress jen

Just got back from an important meeting. Xiong appears to be in great form.

I really like the music around when they put their jackets on the chair.

>not listening to Magnus Carlsen

exciting night

Liren will end up being world number 2 doing nothing.

Boomer Naka and zoomer Xiong just won their games.


Don't they play multi-game series anyway and switch off

>Dominguez with a "Vamos" to his Cuban fans

What did he mean by this?

Zidane is back after all.

I really really dislike how caruana plays

I have come to admire nakas autism through streams

I wish Jen and Maurice would fuck off and we had Yasser and Hansen as the goat commentary team

Also hope shankland will bounce back

Xiong has been in good form and I don't quite see him winning it but he will be near the top

Overall, I think So wins he's played very well so far

t. 1500

With this being his first win in classical chess after his two years of inactivity, you could say that Dominguez is finally back as well.

caruana lives in the same city as me

Caruana choking while Nakamura the biggest choker ever finally wins a game? Wew, look like this championship could actually be interesting

>I really really dislike how caruana plays
>I have come to admire nakas autism through streams
That is an honest opinion, and I will respect it.
>I wish Jen and Maurice would fuck off and we had Yasser and Hansen as the goat commentary team
Yasser Seirawan and Ben Finegold would have been pretty good.
>Also hope shankland will bounce back
>Xiong has been in good form and I don't quite see him winning it but he will be near the top
He could pull off something like Onischuk and Akobian in 2017, or even Shankland last year. If he keeps this up, he might cross 2700 in this tournament.
>Overall, I think So wins he's played very well so far
My own favourite is Dominguez now. I hope for a performance like the one at the Thessaloniki Grand Prix in 2013, where he beat a field of slightly better quality than this.
>t. 1500
Good, keep improving.
It's already interesting.

He plays like a robot and doesn't take much risk. He's happy to take a draw against a lesser player rather than pushing. Obviously he's skilled and perhaps I'm too much of a brainlet to appreciate his play, but it annoys me and I would like him to see him stop being so risk averse.
>Yasser Seirawan and Ben Finegold would have been pretty good
Ben is funny (he actually had a stream yesterday where he gave good analysis of the so vs timur game) but I do think he'd give it too light a tone. Yasser is maximum comfy and gives good analysis that is especially clear for lower rated players, and Hansen is similar in the latter respect.

I don't know much of him but the rating speaks for itself so it's nice to see the added competition to an already strong field

>Good, keep improving
About to start studying relatively basic endgames in the hopes that working backwards will help me improve. Well see


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Why are brainlets so insecure about chess?

You didn't even read the second post

>finland's talking

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Now that black gets to move first, colored people all over the world will succeed. "Color should have an in advantage in chess or life."

why chess triggers brainlets so much?

i could see that helping players learn symmetry

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>if i play disgustingly ugly bad moves
>but really really fast
>there's no way i can lose!

literally every opponent i've ever had on chess.com. there is nothing more satisfying than checkmating someone with 0.1 left on the clock. i live for it

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honestly, same color chess wouldn't be so hard

1. to implement, for example on lichess or chess.com
let's say you touch and try to take/move the wrong piece - you get a time penalty or maybe your move gets forfeited

2. to play - it's not that hard to remember 64 squares, people literally play blind

4 man chess is much more of a brainfuck than what that would be

>it's not that hard to remember 64 squares,
Tfw it's really hard for me

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just takes a bit of practice to improve your memory

How do I do it?

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Not an expert on it, sorry. You'll have to google some training regimens.

a random position gets recalled about as well by both good and bad players

a non-random position gets recalled much better/perfectly by good players

just read books or study the game and you'll recall positions cuz of patterns you tend to memorize, for example "smothered" mate or just an 8 rank mate etc.

just read games in plain pgn and see how far you can get without losing position in your head

Victory by mouse slip is even better

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america hasn't had a relevant chess player since fischer lmao

didn't one just play in the world championship a while ago

Find the quickest mate

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Caruana and Nakamura are relevant tho


Nakamura is BAE

> Yoko Ono
Isn't that John Lennon's wife?

It's hikaru Nakamuras mom...

tfw playing for months and barely hanging on to 1200

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That's actually breddy good if you've only been paying for months

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So vs Shankland
Cuckuana vs Dominguez

Kino is on the menu boys

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timur 25 mins late lmao

He's playing in another tournament simultaneously with the fucking national championship lmao

>it's an everybody draws episode

Not necessarily, it looks like our leader might be coming back to Earth again.

>Spics in charge of predictions

jinxed it. When I wrote that post Ray had just blundered and all games were dead drawn

>win in 77
id just offer a draw desu senpai

Dominguez Perez is American now?

Yes, he used to be Cuban. Some of it might be Sinquefield money, some of it might we work for his current opponent, some of it might be worse conditions in Cuba. I don't know.

Can't Dominguez go Qg4 to force a queen exchange and be in a rook vs knight endgame?

No, the pawn just goes to h8.

>71. Qa8

Virgins, chess is

Drawuana strikes again

Shut the fuck up virgin,

Brazil is a shameful nation and a non-country in chess.

nice bishop on a8 fagi

BASED Caruana choke

Well done by the strongest player to come out of Cuba since Capablanca himself.

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He's such a fucking autist kek

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What was autistic about that tweet? I'm just curious about your thought process here.

Ding world number 2 soon.

Go to bed Magnus

Caruana has the black pieces against Nakamura tomorrow, there's a very real possibility that Nakamura could win that game.
My name is not Magnus, just so you know it.

I don't expect it, but it'd be fun to see that. Doesn't seem like drawing against Naka would be enough though.

If Caruana draws against Nakamura tomorrow, he loses 1.1 rating points, not enough to drop below Ding Liren. He meets Xiong in round 6, though, and I don't have to do the calculations to see that draws in the two next rounds would make Ding Liren the (temporary) world #2.

>tfw no 1-0

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magnus couldn't beat sergey or fabiano in classic. had to rely on blitz/arma which is a silly system. sort of takes away from his reign desu

I agree, Caruana's reign has been much more impressive so far.

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it's a real shame that this neanderthal isn't able to accept his mistakes. when maurice ashley is talking you show some respect


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>when the computer is talking through inactive sub-2500 GM Maurice Ashley you show some respect

That's a big head


just because you don't like receiving divine truth about your sub-optimal play does mean you're allowed to bully and sperg out at the messenger. i'm seeing a real pattern here

That particular game was an exception, the sudden forced mate in the endgame was not something any human player could have seen.

this nogga needs to calm down

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It's not completely true, Giri did win a tournament ahead of Nakamura and Morozevich once, back when they were still good.


Caruana was there too, apparently. It's so long ago, I forgot.

Here's how to fix chess: one of the players sets up the pieces on the board as if the match were underway, and the other player picks his side and moves first.

That is not a solution.

>he wouldn't play the equivalent of campaign in chess

Unironically what the fuck is his problem?
He is cleary better then both and widely considered the GOAT, why does he need to act like an edgy teenager on twitter?


Seriously though what's your problem

My problem? You mean Carlsen's problem, if he has any?

>why does he need to act like an edgy teenager on twitter?

it's just banter mate

lighten up

He clearly dominated Sergey before getting psychologically fucked, wouldn't really hold that one against him.

You could also argue that part of magnusmugs strategy, particularly in the second half of the championship, against prepuana was to be fine with draws knowing that he'd btfo him in the rapid portion.

Since you're in the thread, magnus, can you confirm?

I'm not Magnus Carlsen, but it was evident for everyone that should the match go to tiebreaks, Carlsen would be the heavy favourite, not only by rating, but also through previous tiebreak experience.

The dominant 3-0 result was still better than expected.

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>Jeffery Xiong
>Awonder Liang
>So, Wesley
>Nakamura, Hikaru


Anyone is American if the person is successful, lmao. The braindrain is real.

That's the American dream

become good at something in your home country, and then move to the US to make more money and pay less tax doing what you're good at

Yeah unlike the american chess legend Fabian Caruanison

Xiong and Liang are home grown, Nakamura has lived the great majority of his life in USA and learned chess there. So, on the other hand, was already rated well above 2700 when he changed federations. If anything, Dominguez is the biggest "buy" on the team.
Caruana was born in Miami to Italian parents. Make of that what you wish.

>Nakamura, Hikaru
Raised here since the age of 2, his mom is American
>Jeffery Xiong
>Awonder Liang
Literally born here

Come on cuckmany, you could easily pick bones about So and Dominguez (and perhaps even caruana as it's known that he was given a fat fee to change back to the US) since they were literally bought, in one way or another, but the other three are as American as can be even though they have slanty eyes

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You fail to see the underlying critic.

All these guys are only Americans, and recognized as such because they are successful.
Otherwise they would be called filthy immigrants, Asians, slant-eyes or whatever.
It's the same stupid shit in science. People argue which nationality person X is/was and claim their achievement as the pride of their nation.

>All these guys are only Americans, and recognized as such because they are successful
No, you fucking retard. For the three that I mentioned - who happen to speak perfect English and from what I know have the same interests and whatnot of normal Americans - they would be seen as normal Americans by just about everyone. Stop thinking that retards on Yea Forums are representative of the real populace. Idiot teenager.

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>You fail to see the underlying critic.
it's 'critique' you moron

Today's games:

Nakamura - Caruana
Gareyev - Liang
Akobian - Sevian
Shankland - Lenderman
Robson - So
Dominguez - Xiong


>Nakamura - Caruana
>Gareyev - Liang
>Akobian - Sevian
>Shankland - Lenderman
>Robson - So
>Dominguez - Xiong
Wait for it....

America is their home country you retard. Most of them learned chess here.

Wesley So seems like such a nice guy. I wish he was my friend

Also, I'm now remembering the heartbreaking interview where Daniel king in one of those 100 seconds shorts or whatever asked David navara about his favorite childhood memory

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Actually the most appropriate word to use there is ‘criticism’

>America is their home country


Are you retarded, they weren't raised in china or japan or whatever. Nakamura speaks Spanish and doesn't speak Japanese. He is american as it gets. Caruana doesn't speak 1 single italian world

Wesley is Filipino, Dominguez is Cuban, caruana is a child of Israel; the others are American

as wei yi is a meme now who is the biggest prodigy now? is pic related gonna make all the way to the top?

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It's pretty retarded that their parents didn't teach them the other languages with how easy it is when you're a kid.

Some parents do, some don't. In genral 2nd gen immigrants can understand their parents langauge but can't speak it fluently or write in it. However naka can't even understand Japanese for some reason. I guess his parents didn't care about it that much or maybe he was a difficult kid amd refused to go to asian weekend schools ( that's where they usually learn their parents langauge)

His mom is American and left his Japanese father when he was 2 and moved back to the US. I doubt his mom spoke Japanese, so it makes sense in his case

Chess is just an all-around bad game to teach kids if you want kids to enjoy board games.

The matches take too long. There are too many types of pieces. Too many specialized moves. There's significant "runaway leader" bias in the game (in other words, once someone is winning in the game, it's unlikely that they'll lose).

In the end, chess is just a game that doesn't appeal to many people because it's not fun for many people. But, because Grandpa played it, it's a social custom for the next gen to play it as well... Except they aren't. More and more kids aren't playing board games and it's because of everyone's insistence that chess be included in their indoctrination that kids just don't like board games.

Oh that makes sense.
I think you can learn a language if it's basically the only thing you hear for your first three years, I basically picked up catalan from my parents and maybe nursery, since it was way more scarce at school.

Fuck off zoomer

what a load of nonsense.

>More and more kids aren't playing board games and it's because of everyone's insistence that chess be included in their indoctrination that kids just don't like board games.

Aren't board games making a comeback?

>There are too many types of pieces. Too many specialized moves.
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

>Caruana doesn't speak 1 single italian world
He lived in Italy from 7 to about 20 years old, I'm sure he can speak some words even thought he lived in a bubble.

He lived in Spain that entire time lol

Why can't he use a webcam like.a normal human?

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too busy beating 1500 elo players

Lol no he didn't. He lived in Spain and played for Italy. He does speak English and Spanish only

>He does speak English and Spanish only
what a shame lol

Caruana about to get exposed

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Madness in the so match

cute birthday celebration

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so contrived
