*kills your whole sports team
*kills your whole sports team
*Destroys building*
well in that case they were filled with C4.
RIP Chappaquiddick
Why do airplanes hate football players so much?
They can't keep getting away with it
we are talking about planes not pre set explosive charges
Who would win, ten airplanes or a million football teams?
don't worry schlomo it's been 20 years i think you got away with it.
C4 can't melt steel beams.
no, but it can blow them up.
Not so fast
no plane hit tower 7
based and al-qaedapilled
post the story idiot, im too lazy to do the reverse image search
bunch of youth hockey players in canada got allahu ackbar'd by a drunk pajeet truck driver.
Country 2-way stop. the truck was on the road that was expected to do, but didn't
Maybe I’m just paranoid but I’m amazed they let entire sports teams travel on one plane together
You think they fly them on 3-4 seperate, smaller private jets
Imagine the insuarance premiums on a team like Real Madrid. Their club is worth 4-5 billion dollars and you have to insure your entire first team travelling on one aircraft
Must be massive payments to cover those assets
*blocks your fans path*
you mean termite!
There's probably not a building tall enough for a plane to crash in Brazil, unless it dives head first into the biggest hut in Sao Paulo
Why do so many footballers die in airplane crashes? Americans don't have that problem
I think they travel on buses around Europe
>captchka is buses
fuck off jewgle
But tower 7 was hit by Tower 1 when it collapsed and fucked it up.
Yours get shot at school before they're pros.
I think if I got my first big pay and I played football in europe I would just take normal flights with civilians everywhere and when I am travelling mainland I would use the bus/trains since it's easier to do so over there. it would be annoying and alienating to my teammates but my fear of planes is irrational and I have no plans to change.