Why is Portugal so much more conservative than Spain?

Why is Portugal so much more conservative than Spain?

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is conservativism a sport?

average age of population is 78

Because they're not as close to France as Spain

it isnt, its full of commies just like madrid and barcelona


Shittier quality of life —> more conservative

People don’t have patience or time for leftist bullshit in rougher countries

muslim moors

wrong board lads

Spaniards are subject to radical left-wing brainwashing since the earliest stages of (public) schooling. The side that lost the Civil War has also been tryng to re-write the history of Spain for a while now.

Portugal is red.

We're not more conservative, we just have less commie shit.

We are?

I mean, Alentejo is basically a Soviet Republic. True old school soviet

>Portugal doesn't have a monarchy anymore
>Spain still does

The socialists are literally only ruling because the commies and the sjws allowed hem to

it isn't

greece is the only conservative med nation nowadays

But they aren't ruling or making any sort of noise.
What happened was a cheap tactic to take the right out of power.
Compare CDU with the commies in Spain. It's not even close. CDU is like a Dinosaur, here.

Monarchies only matter now if your country has distinct nations on it or has a Protestant church of its own

We are a Catholic nation state. We don't need a monarchy.

Not saying that the Republicans were in the right in the 5th of October. It was a coup against a fair government

And Brazil and England. Monarchies are a meme now.

only east of Coimbra

We aren't we just have less faggot type lefties probably cuz we still have soviet style commies taking the space

Spain has no soviet commies, only Catalan Anarchists and the SJWS of Podemos in a bigger BE. We still have PCP

>the socialists are ruling

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His death was in vain desu.

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And that's a good thing. I'd rather have commies than liberals.

>gets cucked by Juan Carlos

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I'd rather have none and put them on a stake to burn

BE and PCP, together, aren't even close to having the relevancy Podemos does, for example. That's what I mean.
Only old people, for the most part, vote for commies. BE is the whole "younger audience" crap that fools some young people into voting for them.
They're irrelevant, unless, a situation like electing PS comes. But PSD has been doing coalitions with PP forever, too.

>And Brazil

I mean, what do you want me to say? Of course that motherfucker Marcelo has Costa by the balls and they all have to obey the EU rules, but they are in power. And cucking both BE and PCP


Ok. I thought you meant actual commies in Spain. Podemos isn't truly communist

BE wants to rise, but Costa is cucking them and PCP won't let them have an union central, which is what they most desire

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House of Orléans-Braganza. They're basically just a normal rich family at this point though, but they're still technically royals or some shit.

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look at this dude lel

only the south, north of leiria they're banned, unlike in galicia

Based Christianity still strong here, and we still love our old identity of explorers and conquerors. We still build statues glorifying those who went out and killed/raped a bunch of savage natives, even to this year new statues are made

At least Spain's king is 6'6

That nigger that whined racism and fuck cops, not long ago, really was a big PR nightmare for them. Portas died, Louçã left, they became literal who's. Irrelevant, for now.

I mean, my friends and I can say racist jokes in public as much as we want and nobody bats an eye

You're not saying them next to the right (or wrong) people.

Já que estamos a falar disto, aqui está uma coisa que me tem feito espécie há já algum tempo:

A Catarina Martins não está cada vez mais gorda?

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Well that's not very christian

>Portas died, Louçã left, they became literal who's.

vox pls leave

Today I will remind them.

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BE is a big cancer and only attracts the younger generations of cucks and LGBTQ

wtf looks like a dude in wig

tá um TEXUGO

Sejam honestos: vocês vão votar no Ventura, não vão, seus marotos?

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Why can't you just let Catalanbros be their own country, Spainbros? :-3 They don't even speak your same language.

Pronto, tudo bem, toda a gente tem liberdade de culto.

Uns vão à missa, outros vão a comités, na boa

Can they save our political cesspool scene?

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Eu só voto se for para uma eleição falsa onde o vencedor é um intelectual posto no governo pelo exercito depois de uma revolta militar


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There are four official languages in Spain - Basque, Catalan, Spanish and Northern Portuguese. We get along just fine.

Confio mais neste
Ok Kaulza

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redpill me on that dude

É um deputado do PSD ligado ao Passos. Vai formar um movimento de direita ligado a varios partidos que é anti-socialista.

Está à espera que o momento seja propicio para ser Presidente do PSD. Talvez depois do Rangel ser Presidente e talvez primeiro ministro, nao sei

monarchs are still around, and still fucking their sisters.

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you just KNOW

Venham amigos

Santiago, deja de hacer el ridículo

>Northern Portuguese
La Comunidad Autónoma de Madriz hace el ridículo una vez más

is politics a sport?


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have sex incel

They are techinically royal family in the sense they are from the family of the last king we had (our monarchy ended in 1889), so I guess the same reasoning applies to most of Europe as well.