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>he posts things in french and expects me to translate it myself

Pretty pissed off you've posted this with that flag.

Me no jemapelle fronsuare

some one translate

ask your queen :^)

english is 65% french

the queen comes from a german line. normans haven't been in power since like the 1400s

fucking ouiaboo we can't read French

>he only speaks one language


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some random tard on twitter saying that black should only act like blacks. whatever that means. that's why I disregard every fag who post screenshot of tweet or news. It means nothing

Hon hon hon

Ononononononon le Gros Etat onononononon les accents áléàtóìrès, sans règles ononononon le pronom ON onononononon il pleut, elle pleut, on pleut ononononon la mot POURRA onononononon trés chic ononononon pas huitante, nous (pardon, ON) dit CATRE-VINGTS ononononon le sujet, il est séparée avec une virgule onononono langue de merde onononon

>French is the only other language you can speak
Wooooow brilliant post my guy for sure got the noggin joggin

>French is the only other language in the world

But what does it say, though?

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>Ngolo Kanté is celebrated in France because he represents what we want from a black man. A guy who works discretly, shuts up and smiles to whatever is said to him. It's becoming even disturbing

>his second language is a european one
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਬੋਲਣਾ ਸਿੱਖੋ

It was made that way so retards couldn't use it

Kante is venerated in France because he represents what we want the black man to be. He's a 'boug?' who works discreetly, who shuts up and who smiles at anything we say to him. It's all becoming rather unhealthy.

Fact: Anons on Yea Forums fetishize Kante and its very sick.

I speak 4 languages and francais aint one of em
je ne va pa parle francais or smth?

>his language doesn't have the indetermined subject
>calls others retards


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Kante is just autistic, a reason why he rides a scooter to work instead of a Bugatti like normal players

just telling that if people like kanté it's because they're racist because this is how they'd like nogs to be. quiet, submissive, etc...

Thank you

This cracka bitch nigga stfu

>Speakin' forun

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>people like Kante because he behaves civilized and professional
>"REEEEE racism, you only like him because he's not like the average black"

so, basically, blacks themselves admit that most of them aren't civilized and professional and even look down upon members of their race who are?

Пoчeмy ты нe изyчaeт фpaнцyзcкий язык? C'est une langue magnifique

Really spun that one around in your head didn't you?

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Amerishart OUT!

English please, I don't speak African

>C'est une langue magnifique
tres difficile mon ami but i got assimil courses its just matter of time

first thAng he does is

ngolo kante is a french stud because what represents this country better than a black man. a lusty negro, why be discreet when the fern and sorbet has it all, as we say. what a meme.


Fucking retard.

Anyway he's basically saying that Kante is loved because he's shy, submissive and knows when to shut his mouth. If you're black and have these characteristics then whites will love you. It's true , just look at Pele. He never spoke much on racism, he was mostly calm and humble. And the Brazilians (plus the world) loved him for it.

Imagine the amount of hate Ronaldo would get if he was black. You honestly can not get away with being black and cocky in white dominated spaces. Showboating and mouthing off are are unacceptable... unless you're white of course.

>white dominated spaces.



very true post but /pol/ incels will downvote it

Like Formula 1 and Hamilton. You get what I mean.

because everyone knows its just a bit of banter when white people do it

Basadeau et rougepillou

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how is he "submissive"?

>Ngolo Kanté is celebrated in France because he represents what the capitalists want from the working man. A guy who works discretly, shuts up and smiles to whatever is said to him. It's becoming even disturbing

race problem are a way for the wealthy to distract from the real problem,class struggle

I see. So racism isn't a 'real problem'.

I'd expecting nothing less from an Italian.

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3D > 2D

>le pronom ON

kek, truly feels like you were traumatized by french classes

Yup look at the NFL, Brady throws a tantrum in the sidelines its because he is competitive and passionate, cam newton does it and he is inmature and dosent respect the game

Damn I'd bury my face in dat ass and I don't even like negrettes


Why do you whiteknight blacks when they don't give a fuck about you? It's just pathetic.

Explain the popularity of Ali then.

You might not like blacks Bassem but your women certainty do.

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Maybe he is Just polite? the real problem Seems to be that people assume Blacks are cocky assholes and when they are not is because they are acting the way White people want them to be

He's stating a fact. Meanwhile you're seething with your insecurities

Explain the popularity of Ali then.

I had 6 years of forced french class in the lycee and now I can't stand the language

but people love balotelli

Nah, but On is the stupidest thing I have ever seen

Just say Nous, like wtf

racism is a problem created and fostered by the ruling class. In order to prevent the middle and lower classes from coming together.

My father and most of the country hated Ali with a passion. He still calls him Cassius Clay. This idea that he was loved by most back then is not reality

He's half-black himself

i feel it's more along the lines of being able to back up your cockiness with winning, not black or white.
although some people hate blacks no matter what, that's for sure

Ronaldinho was pretty cocky

Well he talked shit but had the prowes to hild what he was saying, as we say here hold with your balls what you claim with your mouth, a lot of the hate trahstalkers get is when they are proven wrong and people rejoice at that, Also lets not forget the fact that he is in big part famous in retrospect, he was widely criticized for being like that back in the day plus is easy to now make of him a champion of the people seeing how Vietnam turned out to be but when he objected he got his boxing license revoked for 3 years and stripped of his tittles at the time, he was not legally forbidden to box for the draft case, boxing commisions Just figure he wasnt good bussines at the time

He was an extremely popular athlete all over the world

>be stereotypical gangsta thug black
>get criticized by white people

>be polite, civilized, friendly and professional black
>get criticized by fellow black people

black people really can't win in life, can they?

He got a ton of hate but he clowned mostly on other black people. Same with dudes like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant.

Later in life

ok nigger

>be stereotypical gangsta thug black

Nobody thinks this is OK. And this is not the same thing as simply being cocky and a show-off.

Nobody is hating on Kante. That's just his personality. But the black frog on twitter is trying to explain WHY whites love him so much.

we all know blacks are just as if not more racist then whites. but too bad whites cant call them on their hypocrisies unless we like to be outted but all the sjws

>You honestly can not get away with being black and cocky in white dominated spaces. Showboating and mouthing off are are unacceptable... unless you're white of course.

explain rap then. it's mostly just black guys bragging about drugs, money, women and gang shit but white (young) people love it.

He was still very popular around the world including with white people. A lot of white people loved him despite being the archetypal "cocky black guy", particularly in Europe. It completely blows your assertion out the water.

>he clowned
You even try and talk like an American black person. Why are you so BLACKED mentally?

>white dominated spaces.

It's right there in your quote lad.


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>be nice guy
>niggers hate you for it

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Everyone is aware of this by now, surely?

Go and choke on mutton, you fucking mutt.

Rap music is the most popular type of music in America, it's very popular with whites.

Is not so simple, sure social class plays a part, but theres a reason why the rich are disproportionally White and the poor disproportionally Black and Brown

>A lot of white people loved him despite being the archetypal "cocky black guy",

And plenty hated him. OK. Like I said, he mostly took the mick out of other black athletes. If it was hockey or something, shit would not be as acceptable. PK Subbhan (A black hockey player) got a lot of shit for simply show-boatting. Even got called a clown for joking around during a pre-game warm-up.


Just look at this. Lmao.

Why are Asians and Indians richer than whites (in the USA)

Because they have higher or equal IQ and work harder.

And that is why you have to exterminate them all, white ppl that is. There was a time when white people were cool craftsmen who lived in cozy towns and villages, but over the centuries they have been genetically mutated into viruses by the eternal tjew. Now white ppl are nothing but dogs on a leash.

>And plenty hated him.
Because of his anti-USA political positions not because he was cocky. If he was cocky but was pro-USA, he would have been univerally loved. He WAS universally loved in Europe.

>he mostly took the mick out of other black athletes
So? He was cocky and confident.

>If it was hockey or something
I don't know enough about hockey to comment but maybe it's not the culture in hockey.

hey I too had 6 years of forced spanish in high school. I beared with it and now I have a qt madrileña giving me classes in uni. Spanish has never been so sweet to learn.

>So? He was cocky and confident.

This matters. Which is why I brought up 'white dominated spaces' "It's OK as long as you're not behaving like that in MY sport." But part of this is also culture which is why... PK Subban was definitely not the best example to use here. Perhaps Hamilton?

Basically it's a mixture of racism and the culture surrounding the sport.

Football isn't a white dominated sport.

I did say it's culture also. Oh and demographics too. Forgot that one.

>I did say it's culture also
What do you mean by that exactly?

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Incompatible people being forced to live in the same society doesn't work. Mindboggling!

Who could have predicted this?

No one is forcing anybody, White people can fuck off any time they want

Yeah Europeans should just fuck off to where exactly?

Idk, Antartida or some shit

Hell inshallah

So you admit that white people are being forced to live among brown people?

The reason for that is because Negroes are always annoying. If they weren't, like normal, civilized people, we wouldn't hate them. But they commit alot of the crime, are loud, obnoxious, etc

But everyone and their grannies love Balotelli when he's not good enough to act like he does, while 50% of people (including me) already hate the non-black CR7 when he's got something to back his words.

The more famous a player the more polarizing

Hey its you faggots not making enough children

A sorry it was meant forAlso to the brit, you are being forced by whom exactly? Bunch of uneducated thirld world dirt farmers and goat fuckers? They dont have the power in any case is other Whites that are Also very likely partially responsible for the shit going down at the home countries of those guys

The elite

Blacks are so whiny
>nyeh he's only loved because he's nice!

No wonder they love shoes so much; they "brag" just like women.

Being introverted, friendly, and having a high work ethic as a minority or a woman makes the left seethe, and it'd beautiful.

>black person is loved and celebrated

people like kante, or pele, or messi's humble shy nature because they're talented rich footballers. footballers, never mind great ones, are stereotyped for being egotistical and spoilt.
>Imagine the amount of hate Ronaldo would get if...
if what? he does
However, being outspoken about politics is going to lose you support, as you're gonna polarise people. Some people in the public eye like to just live there life and not talk about things they have little education in, and people respect that. Also zoomers eat up cocky footballers, black or white.


Soooo more White people, see you should spend less time concerned with Abdul and mbuku and more with rich White people son

He thinks kante is adored for being passive and that is racist

Est-ce que tu es française?

You are correct. But those elites hide behind pretending to be on right side of history when it comes to equal rights etc.

based class conscious pedro

what is the most ML city in mexico?

Ali was extremely controversial and hated at least a plurality of white people until he got Parkinson's.

Do they?

Ronaldo & Messi prove you wrong

People love Messi because he acts like Kante
People hate Ronaldo because he acts cocky

Racism doesn't exist outside your mind

>White people

There is not a majority hate for ronaldo though. And there’s definitely more to hate about him than just his cockiness.

Aint your second language english, Achmed?

Most people hate Ronaldo and many Real players exactly for that reason though.

Perfect fluent french there, my moorish friend

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if ur black then u gotta be "humble" (google the definition of humble, why the fuck would anyone want to be that shit) otherwise ur hated

anthony joshua is playing it perfectly, act humble make it your slogan so all the stone island weekend warriors that would normally be racist as fuck will be big fans of him and make him money

>love and celebrate man for his positive likable traits even though hes a minority

Bullshit people love lebron, gangsta rap and wrestling
They love shit talk as lng as you can back it up and aren't too ridiculous


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>But the black frog on twitter is trying to explain WHY whites love him so much.
And this is why I dislike the tweet. The black frog is trying to cheapen Kante's popularity as well as cheapen people's adoration of Kante all through a massive assumption.

based portobro

Top kek

Merci, mon ami

You forgot :
they add a space before punctuation !

I like kante because he carried 2 (3*) shit teams on his back while supposed GOATs like missi/raPenaldo need stacked teams for them to function properly

*france was not shit but he was very important regardless

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how come nobody speaks french here? didnt you learn it in school?

no interest. the only foreign languages besides english that interest me are russian and japanese*, strictly for movies and vidya

*I'm not a fucking weaboo I just have exquisite taste in video games

My father was a French teacher, but now he only teaches Portuguese and has become an anglophile, he was already an anglophile by the time I was a teenager

This has been the case in America for a long time, they even created the phrase "uncle tom" to shame black people that "act white"

>the only french national that don't act like an entitled monkey
>being criticized for this

It's even worse, when the statement basically boils down to 'people only like him, because he's likable'

I learned it almost as much as English but I could never speak it well and my teacher roasted me so that killed my desire to learn it
sad, it's a nice language

*I was learning it

d-don't worry user

we'll conquer the red spring one day, where the spring of tomorrow rises

Only in front of ; : ? and !
Because you write it with TWO streaks so you make TWO spaces, one before, one after.
You write , and . with one streak so only one space that you make after.

I know two ronaldos, neither of them are white, but people in general don't like cocky people, it's not about race.

>ayo girl damn you fine you wanna some of this bbc
>no reply
Why are women like this?

Ah yea that's a pretty subtle poltard thread. However..

I'm going to skip the racebait and go straight to the pele bait.
>never spoke much
check the image to see an accurate romario quote on the matter

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (797x77, 7K)


a lad

normies like fury and wilder more than that boring cunt

most schools in the UK teach spanish as the 2nd language nowdays

>tfw no mup da po dida bix nood muhfugga

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Joshua is way more popular than Fury. But it’s not because he’s humble British people are cucks and simply worship niggers.

People don't like cocky people, regardless of skin color. Black people can be flashy and beloved as long as they aren't cocky, see Aubameyang for example.

Cocky players of all races get more hate then more humble players, this is true. However the skin colour of the player amplifies that hate. So a cocky white player would get hate yes, but a lot less of it then a cocky black player.

Italy, I see you. We are too high IQ for this plebian board.

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>People show a preference for their own kind but I'll only make an issue of it when whites do it

>google the definition of humble, why the fuck would anyone want to be that shit

I think that it's rather the whiny black players who get the hate, like in american sports.

>boo hoo I'm an opressed milionare superstar

blacks are the poos of occident

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being cocky is one thing but being a cunt like your rashford is something else

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Seems like bullshit to me.

Seems like all you have to do to be beloved as a black person is not be an arrogant twat, that’s privilege.


What's bullshit is the wretched weak whites that slobber over any white-presenting niggers, desperately trying to show how they aren't 'racist'.

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>choosing surrender monkey as your second language


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Imagine if a white male posted that to a white woman dating a black male.

>You can only be one of two extremes
not sure about this one Familie

qu'est que t'elle English s'il vous plais, pierre

Kante is great. He doesn't dodge tax and is actually a humble guy. I bet he feels insecure knowing he is morally opposite N'golo's attitude and probably loves showing off shitty brand clothing and watches ect

>speaks foreign
>uses the RACIST gammon meme
I bet you're a fucking remoaner traitor! WTO terms now!

How do you feel about north African women getting bred by sub-Saharan BVLLS?


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>he represents what we want from a black man
>lists a bunch of normal human features that people like
Really says a lot about blacks

People loved Iniesta for the same reasons. I don't think that there is racism involved.

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>The skin colour of the player amplifies that hate. So a cocky white player would get hate yes, but a lot less of it then a cocky black player.

I'm genuinely curious if you realise you're embarrassing yourself every time you post this or if you genuinely believe the utter tripe you're saying.

Why are you talking to yourself?

What an utterly bizarre attempt at damage control.

Mdr merci pour dire la vérité.

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sublime post

Fucking hate people who say shit like this. Victim complex at its worst. They just can't be fucking happy and need to find problems in everything.

I don't know if I'm relieved or upset to see that it transcends cultures but these types of people are getting more and more vocal and getting more attention now than ever. They're cockroaches and will never stop complaining and tearing things down. Vermin victim complex has NO place in sport.

Imagine if she farted lol wouldn’t that be gross lmao


>his second labguage is the one of his filthy parents
lmao nothing to be proud here shitskin.

yes you're a perfidious angloidaboo instead lmao

>Hating someone for being nice
Classic urban behaviour

>this fucking thread.

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it's not my fault USA turned english into mankind's default language

well, referring to it as english is a travesty, I speak american ofc

There's truth to what you're saying but your main example is bullshit. There are no shortage of people who hate TSUUUU for his arrogance, and prefer the quiet unassuming Messi. Pogba is black and extremely cocky but plenty of people love him. He's one of the most marketable faces in the game.


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Happens all the time. Look at trihex the streamer. Hes dating a white girl and the white girl gets dms telling her it's wrong all the time

>Stop westerners from caring about their nation
>All of a sudden corporations de facto replace the state and neo-liberalism becomes the dominant ideology
Really makes you think

Respect Whites in White Spaces! Simple! I don't go to the hood and complain about the smell and crime

>Kanté isn't nigger enough for me, a true nigga