Famous memorial of George Best painted over by loyalists in Belfast

This was one of the best George Best murals in Northern Ireland and a very popular tourist spot. I don't understand why the protestants would paint over a local hero, who is himself a protestant. ffsis nothing sacred.

I guess sport can't conquer all. RIP.

Attached: GEORGE BEST MURAL.jpg (1030x520, 171K)

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Story is here


Actually happened a while ago but I only heard about it today.

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Because politics is more important than sport.

But George was bigger than sport.

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Awful opinion from an awful country.

>Ulster unionists pretending to be an oppressed minority
Pure fucking cheek

what type of dumbass line is that
>freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor
just say "freedom cannot be given, it must be taken" for godsake

its even more stupid when you know they have been the oppressors throughout NI' history

you dont know shit asshole

it provides more context

t. prod on his hollyers

They are Scottish cucks pretending to be English. They have no place on or even near this island.

Loyalists are, to a person, all swivel-eyed loons. The only time the RA has been deployed on home soil outside wartime is in Northern Ireland. Their Police still use military vehicles, because Loyalists still cause trouble.

Republicans have pretty much said "Well, wit da EU it's basically the same country any road." while Loyalists still burn effigies of Bobby Sands.

anyone else here have one parent who is catholic and the other protestant?

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Why do Loyalists hate the Welsh?

George Best was a meme who had about 3 good years

Celtish blood repels the beady eyed anglo grabbler

>George Best was a meme who had about 3 good years


>he thinks dribbling a 15lb ball full of mud and water through cow patches that look like fucking Verdun is comparable to modern balls and pitches

Nobody has ever displayed the skills George had in such horrible conditions. Not one cunt you can name ever got close:


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>some of those tackles
I'm flinching just by looking at them. Thank god they changed the rules.

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Kek this is some lefty /pol/ cringelord shit

>>he thinks dribbling a 15lb ball full of mud and water through cow patches that look like fucking Verdun is comparable to modern balls and pitches
Imagine taking the embellished stories your inebriated dad told you as gospel OH NONONONONO HAHAHAHA

That's what makes George better than Pele. Pele never had to deal with dirty leg breaking cunts week in and week out like the old english first division.

Absolutely terrifying 2 footed tackles flying in from every direction anytime a player stayed on the ball longer than 6 milliseconds. Takes a brave man to even go on a dribble.

Attached: george-best-football-soccer.jpg (236x315, 19K)

Reminder that the whole of the UK's wealth came from the motherland of India. You also banned Indian cotton and textiles from even being worn because the quality was so superior to UK shite it was killing business at home - Brits ignored the ban and wore it anyway.

He's just another meme dribbler - every team has had one.

Leicester fans will be creaming themselves about Mahrez in 30 years.

and no shin pads......

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>Leicester fans will be creaming themselves about Mahrez in 30 years.

Let me know when he wins the European Cup, scores in the final of the European Cup, wins European player of the year, gets top scorer in English league etc etc like George did.

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Pele was hacked out of wc66 but he still played on when badly injured because there were no subs
Yeh i will, because he won the title with Lesta. Had a nice life? Peasant.

Best is hardly Messi or CR7.

Daily reminder that George banged MULTIPLE Miss World winners between 1965 and 1975, including the American winner in 1973.

Honors that Messi and Penaldo will never acheive.

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>Best is hardly Messi or CR7.

Put Messi and CR7 in a cow field without shin pads, with a water laden mis-shapen piece of shit ball and lets see how much control of it they have then. They'd be fucking crying for mommy after the first 2 footed tackle went in on them.

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>my grandma's maiden name was sands
>was from a irish catholic family

>my grandma's maiden name was sands

Sands is also a common protestant surname in N.I as well.

looks 10x more entertaining than the floppy homo crap you faggots call a sport nowadays.

reply about something about starvation and tattys init

up the ulster lads

>looks 10x more entertaining

That's because it was. It's far too pussified now.

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shut up Edgy brah

George was literally drunk for half of his games for Man Utd. He was a full blown alcho at 20 and got hammered every night of the week. He even drank on the bus journeys to the games.

Imagine what he would've acheived if he'd ever managed to stay on the wagon.

Attached: GeorgeDrink.jpg (194x259, 12K)