Soccer qualifers
in 5 mins
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why no bigcock origi
Congrats Russia!
our squad is worse
martinez probably dont wanna take too much risk , he will probably play him against Cyprus
мaмкy eбaл
>fifa ranking: #1
Guilherme (GK)
Zhirkov, Kudryashov, Dzhikia, Nababkin, Fernandes
Cheryshev, Golovin, Akhmetov, Kuzyaev
Lunev (GK), Shunin (GK), Schennikov, Belyaev, Ignatyev, Semenov, Gazinskiy, Ozdoev, Miranchuk An., Miranchuk Al., Smolov, Chalov
what are we, #50?
2 brazillians, georgian, uyghur, tatar, russian from spain
Haha we will be dogshit.
This match will be torture to watch
Cheers Russia!
gib stream link la
Hope it will be an interesting match!
>georgian, uyghur, tatar,
were born/raised here so doesn't matter.
> 2 brazillians
One of them lives in Russia for 12 years, got his passport like average foreigner, without any privileges.
So only Fernandes is questionable
If you don’t win i’ll kill myself.
>russian delusion
Yeah that 2 midfielder hoofball gonna work like a charm!
Why are Belgium #1 exactly? Did you pay FIFA? You haven't even won an international competition and were knocked out of Euro 2016 by us.
rooting for Russia so we can take first place at fifa ranking desu
Euro 2020 final should have golden goal rule for extra time, perfect throwback to Euro 2000
Russian from Spain? Cheryshev is of fully Russian extraction, his mother is called Yelena.
Not sure who to support but hopefully they'll both make it to the Euros either way.
Because we smashed you twice at the world cup and france, croatia were dogshit after it
He raised in spanish football system.
They almost always win friendlies and dominate their qualifiers group, their #1 spot was undeserved until the WC where they were actually a great team
he means that he was born/raised in spain and went through spanish soccer system
his father played for Russian NT in the 1990’s btw
You just insulted him.
cause of the way FIFA calcul points , winning without lost 14 or so matches against countries that are even shit ? = a ton of points
did I miss russia's anthem?
Zhirkov, now that was a player.
BLG 2 - 1 RUS
screen it
>virgin thorgan singing anthem with pride
>chad eden not giving a shit
you fucking NIGGER
pls support us, you're Belgium big brother. You protect us against french and dutch bullies
This is correct
we weren't even at the world cup because we bottled the qualifiers
Now Kersakov that was a great russian player
Just humped my younger sister
no streams on footybite wtf do i do lads
because we absolutely dominate against shit sides for 10 game stretches
add a few wins against decent teams to that and somehow fifa thinks you're the best
Batsi batsi batsi
I hope you russians in this thread aren't gay liberals or i will smash you cunts
if u don't mind Russian commentary
because they win more games than the others, because when they win they trash their opponents(normally)
Wasn't he suppose to be the next big thing ?
I liked him on Fifa when he was still at Spartak
Usa tier minority pandering
Лaгaeт блядь! Дaйтe нopмaльнyю тpaнcляцию
Nah mate, only gays or liberals here, no gay liberals
>the raper of russia
i need a stream lads, footybite doesn't give anything
We will smash them.
Dzyubinho hat-trick.
Only liberators here
who should i pick then
He is our captain, if anything
still struggle to grasp that those aren't friendlies
>tfw i have a stream link that's perfectly working and in high definition but won't share
post braphog worthy images and i'll reconsider
nah he's a Carroll-tier "wooden" striker
Liberals obv
I provide the ultimate. Not for me, but for others. For I am a kind soul.
Based, as always.
this size right here, absolute perfection. i need more of them
WTF how can she even find pants?
imagine the smell
This is fake?
wow... this... sucks
too small
russia looks like shit
I mean worse than usual
>calling back a 35 year old retired nt player
jesus i didnt knew the situation of the russian NT was that bad
mfw this game reminds me of my ex-gf (she was russian). I shouldn't have broken up, I'll never find another gf
What don't you do for a funny surnamen
normie get our reeeee
Tielemans godverdomme
>That giant space for him to shoot
There are plenty of good young players. Especially in Krasnodar and CSKA. Some of them are called in U-21. And Cherchesov is widely criticized that he don't call young players in seniour team.
it's over
belgium's golden generation has expired with nothing to show for it
>the chad counterattack
Ok, I'm out.
bully free zone, only frens here
Holy shit just end Courtois already
You can stay
it's over
france's golden people have expired with nothing to show for it
1-1 biatches
>with nothing to show for it
well the best place we ever had at a WC
ok so courtois' career is definitely over now haha
>go check poland match
>missed the two goals
This guy is crashing harder than Karius, and doens't look like a model
We know but just shut the fuck up please, thanks
The virgin courtwa vs The chad Dzyuba
*Snorf* now KARPIN that was a player
just put back Mignolet already
Why doesn't Casteels play over Cuntois?
Are those twins in the russian bench any good ? Is there any upcoming talent ?
best keeper in the world la
hmmm sweetie, we invented the neon tube
Holy shut just bomb Belgium
Cours, toi !
poor man's lloris
>get benched by Navas
>do this
The absolute state of fucking giraffe kek
Someone post a webm of Courtois amazing goalkeeping pls
literally karius tier
leave american shit
We have young players A LOT better than the current ones at the same age
Yes they are almost Golovin-tier but coach doesn't trust them
STOP IT, we friends here
name one
this, lolris is the superior meme gk who performs his comedy in world cup finals like a chad without giving a single fuck
your mom
>friends with french
this , we started copying french youth academies in the early 2000 so its slowly starting to show
>lots of journalists talk about Trossard being the next big player for the NT
>already 24yo..
Verschaeren the next GOAT
come home Belgois
Is the goalkeeper situation in Russia so dire that they have to rely on naturalizing fucking BRAZILIAN gks out of all the gks they could naturalize?
literal who
toutes les Françaises qui viennent étudier en Belgique et qui passent toutes leurs soirées dans les td te feront changer d'avis
no VAR?
are we friends too?
I don't want Wallons and Wallonie in France. They can be independant for all I care, but not French.
Why no Chalov
is thorgan the chad of the hazards?
He's been here for 12 years
And he is good
Still better than courtois
Not really but he currently has the best form while lunev doesnt perform very well recently
Shunin is a meme
Vous buvez quoi? Wat zin jullie aan t drinken?
Chouffe ici
carrying Anderlecht alone at 17.
da, ya xotchou ruskiiy drug (I studied 5 chapters of a Russian learning book)
Belgium on the left
>memepiss scoring for fun for the dutch
fuck this faggot
theyre all shit lol
Anyone have a stream?
already drank rhum coca before dining, I'm in the shit desending phase, half drunk kinda depressed
genk or antwerp supporter ?
But does he squat? And does he like slapping championships and battle of the nations?
nah he's beta and jealous of Eden
aiki noedel water hier
Good thing then becasue we don't either
Yari Verschaeren the white Pele
No, situation is okay. Guilherme just living in Russia for long years, he spent all his adult career in Russia. He is almost Russian.
When will Martinez take the mignoletpill?
Goal webm
bruhhe (cercle)
yayaka lost, doubt belgium will
hm, you have a point
For me, it's pride of Czech Republic, Edik Azarov
Stop it, that's gay!
Looks like he is riding in Platzkart on Transiberian railroad and enjoy it.
batsuyashi showing why he's been on loan his whole life
For me, its Paradise Danger.
Damn is that skinny kadyrov lookalike?
looks like an american meme beer
Why can Belgium do against Russian chads ???
low energy counter
Belgian cum desu
we have better beer than you but you will never taste it because it's not budweiser
>reeeee I deserve Real Madrid I'm da best
Based Dzyuba plays with Belgian girls
stop making fun of me because I drink kriek é_è
What's wrong with him? Why he does that?
Lucocku is missing.
He should be playing for the Castills team
canonically true
I though it's inmates from thumbnail heh
>muh soiboi IPA’s
This is tripple trappist country sissyboy
because they export a lot
it's the highest rated brewery in our country aside from westvleteren
Where the heck the green comes from ??
Someone screencap this
i drink baltika 9 and dont give a fuck
the only true budweiser
kerher and buffon babby
please leave americ*n
>All these mad belgians
not my fault you're so smoll
>walloon intelligence
hazard just a girl
Huh? what the fuck is this?
I drink Leffe Bruin. It says this is belgian but I'm not so sure about that. Not bad tho
Is it Zelyonka? Are they ill?
>tfw no gf
idc, Trump said he likes Belgium
We all like belgium, just not br*ssels
Yeah its a pretty popular belgian beer, cheers
If Hazard wasn’t so arrogant he’d almost be Messi tier. That tells you something about Messi. The best player in the world but still a humble down to earth family man.
Yayacuck won our hearts.
I saw Lukaku in batshuayis first touch
This is what you get for trusting w*lloons
implying Antwerp/Brugge/Charleroi/Liège is any better
WTF Golovin did with his socks?
isn't Courtois a Walloon-Fleming mutt?
Drumpf is a retard lmao
Yes i like it too
Belgium is shit
I'm going to play vidya fuck this
Courtois is flemish, nice try kaaskopje
Bro only counters lol
antwerp is worse but the others are better
For me it's La Chouffe
Yes of course brugge is better retard have you ever been there
Daily reminder that russian players cant dive
lol the music guy fucked up
Good taste
good post, lucky avg iq is 80 here for lots of (you)
Just like your favourite minister Francken
maybe running around but he's nowhere near messi in finishing
Pls ban too op it's not fair
>if hazard wasn't so arrogant he'd be the GOAT
bottom of the barrel opinion, effort doesn't put you there, autism does
brussels is a shitehole unironically, it's full of everything but belgians
that's a campaign from some gay/aids association that happened during euro 2016
>meet dutch abroad
>chill dudes
>meet belgian abroad
>19 yr old degenerate with skater clothes and hat wanting to drink beer all the time and needs a smoke every 20 minutes
>tournament in france
>degenerate ad campaign
why am i not surprised
got insulted by boomers when they recognized I was not a flemish. Now I go to Netherlands to practice my dutch
Nice one
You obviously never went to Charleroi. But the worst of all was Liège. It was hell on earth, why the fuck did I go there, worst shit I've ever visited.
yes francken is a retard. Why do you assume i'm NVA? just because of memes against poor innocent walloons lmao
Down with the Walloons
t. paki
Liège is far better than Charleroi though?
>see american family in plane
>fat and reek of shit
This onions boy Batshuyi. Lucocku would’ve scored by now.
absolutely unfuckable (both of them)
Inb4 polenta
>too poor to go to Uccle/Woluwe
>meet american
>get shot
why does he have red on his lips
Fuck that. This is what I hate about your sport. A simple tap on the foot and Hazard falls for a penalty when he could've just cut back right and play on goal. What a shit penalty.
lol based boomers.
But seriously what did they say?
the fix is in!
LUL that dive
>meet american
>too fat to pass through the door
>he gets shot
how can one man be so BASED?
eh nice penulty
a foul is a foul
it's only going to get worse with VAR since contact = benulty nowadays
Liège, it's full of French though
he the favourite minister according to all Flemish, not just NVA
Based Zhirkov!
Well, I hated it. At the the very core of the city in Charleroi is OK, while I thought there was nothing salvageable in Liège. But, well, that's just, like, my opinion, dude.
honestly that was a penalty
azard could've stayed on his feet easily
smarter move was to take the foul
What does EЛКИ-ПAЛКИ mean?
they looked disgust when I said I was a 'franstalige' then they yelled at me (and my fren) in wathever flemish dialect you speak there
You may be mistaken one for the other, my dude, Liège is pretty decent while Charleroi is definitely shit
>our defence
something like "oh no no no"
favorite minister of 50 year old HLN posters who bother to answer polls
meme from russian /ftb board. That's some expression of old Russian commentator.
Literally Figuratively something like: oh shit!/fug!
you forgot the best one
starting to love our drunk boomers now
soms ga ik absolute onzin schijtpalen in de hln commentaarsectie
oh wew
Le omschakeling faec
don't care, next election if NVA is still the 1st party of Flanders (so in 9/10 scenarios) I'll just work outside of Belgium after uni
The only one that would have matter is 2 women with scisoring action colours on the groin, but this bunch of fags didn't do it. They had one job...
het is zoveel beter nu je een 'echte' naam moet ingeven en eindelijk ziet dat het allemaal 60 jarige fossielen zijn die van 8 uur zitten te zeveren
Why do you think nva is bad? In general we like walloons
Maybe it will be Vlaams Belang :^)
not him but
some boomer from de kust allowed me into his private parking spot after I told him I was a Walloon but I hated sossen
a few days later I came back to get my car back and gave him a six pack of some beer from where I lived, he invited us for coffee it was pretty fun
russian nano insect with chip
it will be groen and NVA
I've seen the script
Je visitais le Belgique en anne 2012, chez mon penpal belge, il habite Louvain. La ville Bruxelles etait joli. c'etait plein des arabes.
Pendant mon sejour j'apprecie la chocolat et les pomme-frites. Les filles belge sont jolis et le football culture et sympa la bas. Mais je vois beaucoup de burqas et donc je reviens pas.
laat ons hopen
>new thread at 318
welcome to /sp new friend
Oui, oui, le Francais est un langue magnifique.
Oui c'est Bruxelles ça, il y a trop d'étrangers, c'est une horreur. C'est pour ça qu'il y la Wallonie pour les blancs.
Bump limit is 500 posts, you wot m8
because they keep insulting Walloons, they pretend Brussels is still Flemish while 90% of popuation speaks french.
+ they just try to block belgian economy/justice, etc... on purpose to say after : look Belgium is not working we should split.
And Walloons ministers are just dumb and let NVA do whatever they want
fo fok sake m8s. Haven't been here since 2015. My bad.
based , too bad too much peoples voting socialism cause muh allocations and wellfare advantages
>Burqa, it's forbidden here not like in London. If you saw some in Brussels, you are a muslim because you survived coming back from deep places in Molenbeek
>he doesn't know
Hmmmmm i have to look into this
Barbara Streissand
Who's better ?
>Left: Miss Russia
>Right: Miss Belgium
walloons would be alright if they'd stop voting for the fucking PS jesus christ please
It's okay now you know :)
also welcome back, what have you done since 2015-2019?
i wish friend , personally i voted Parti Populaire
Belgian. Her hair isnt fucked
left: mediocre
right: ew
Holy shit it's even worse than miss kaka last year
whats the equivalent to a slag in Belgium?
I've been voting MR my whole life
I think right? Not quite sure
are we in a Chambers' story
Who do you think is most useful in our team? I'd say Fernandes or Dzyba but I'm not sure.
We dont really have those
I voted for pic related for miss belgium (she's the daughter of a russian woman who married a millionaire waloon )
I still believe in januzaj
those girls who buy 200 euro bottles of grey goose for a picture on facebook
ugly as shit
It's strange but today most of attacks go through left side, so Fernandes is not really noticable. Dzyuba only made Courtuis to mistake.
and how would you have photographed them so we can see they scissored themselves without having lewd positions?
I've been browsing krautchan and a bit of 2ch.
we only had slags from the early 2000's to the early 2010's
Tielemans got cucked by the big Belgian white cock
lmao china
w-why, what happened to them
Both look average at best, my schoolmate looks better.
>tfw no more fellaini to bully manlets
>tfw no more Dembele to dribble in circles
>tfw no more kompany to get injured pre-game or 8 min in
>tfw no more KDB to hit passes twice too hard
my ex girlfriend was a slag white trash from middle of nowhere watermolenwijk
she stopped that lifestyle after her friend died drunk driving, now she has kids with a bald guy while i browse Yea Forums
Do you stalking schoolmates online?
He has a valid reason here
>He doesn't do it
Fuck off Kazakhstan
>tfw soon no more lukaku with the first touch of a trampoline
The one without a dick
Am loking at you Denmcuck
Nah I just thought about her when I saw these two average looking roasties and found her pic.
>the punishers of nippon
I prefer mine
it was back when people made blogs and other stupid shit, before FB and IG, they'd get drunk and post mirror selfies with blingees effects on Skyblog
Fucking based. Back when Miss Universe wasn't a political agenda
Not bad, not bad too.
Very nice, but looks like hipster feminist yes?
bit much of a square jaw tbqh
looks like a young Sofia Vergara
Not really she's actually very smart, graduated from one of the best unis in Russia.
i like russia
Drop Mertens for Januzaj pls.
i like them
i want to marry her. wich mail service should i use?
>Semen slurping game so boring and predictable people are blogging about their classmates.
me too
I like russia.
But I love everybody else
i wonder sometime what would be needed for wallonia to stop voting PS while not voting PTB also instead
Not sure if compliment or an insult desu fampai
Why logo of those qualifiers so weird.
It looks like clinic or some heart's health foundation.
it's called relative poverty. you feel poor if your neighbour is rich, if flemish were poorer than wallons, wallons wouldn't vote for the socialists
Nna Kraviz or Charotte de Witte ?
As a half russian I hope the country rises above the current level of talent in the next decade.
This is a bad game,
A big fat line of coke
for me it's Amélie Lens
cheeky insult, sorry for bullying
Ew they look like human std's
Called it
tbf it could be 0-3
there are way more worker in Walloonia instead of employee and factories' worker feels more protected under socialists parties instead of liberlas' one
I dion't understand why she's less popular than Charlotte :(
>as a half russian
>greek flag
Lodygin is that you?
Doesn't explain why there isn't an anti immigration workers party like vlaams belang is for us
I dont care what slag or instaslut you post, whatever thot you can find, nothing compares to a middle of nowhere siberian russian schoolgirl
choice is easy
Shit game but chill thread. Belgian flags are comfy.
is she? I feel like Amélie is way more popular
called it when learned the seeds
i like russia too friend. I hope that one day i can take the transsiberian express and see lake baikal :)
aaaand between the legs
is that piss? I have a whore fetish, the nastiest they are the more my penis twitches.
>that classroom
That's got to be in an abandoned building, right?
>transsiberian express and see lake baikal
wtf i didnt know it was 2011 in here still, let me guess you also want to go to tomorrowland?
I am the opposite of lodigin greek father, russian mother, but I support lodigin since he joined olympiakos
i want one day to go visit ST petersburg and that tank museum near moscow where they got the only maus tank prototype
I don't see how anti immigration would help workers anyway. Their problems are relocation (in easter europe and asia) and the robotisation of their job.
They just believe in a far right party to protect them (there isn't one in Walloonia anyway) while the flemish workers think that yes.
Hy pибят(
>siberian russian schoolgirl
>panel hung in the wall is in Turkish
What's wrong with Baikal exactly? Not hype enough for you?
it's called socialism
In Turkey? Really makes me think...
>substitute one wood on another
He doesn't want to get all the free pussy available in Tommorowland
go away american
@Ruskies. I'm a big fan of you literature. I've read tolstoj, dosto, tsjechov, garsjin and some of pushkin. Who should i read next in your opinion?
more like STDs
One of the student in my major is Russian studying here for a year. He's from Lipetsk. How is the city like ?
>Wanting antibiotica-proof std's.
MostIi enjoy is the chase too anyway
Bulgakov or Pasternak I'd say.
>watch a russian film
>get depressed
are they all like this?
Smolov is not that bad.
Smolov is smol
Chadov is chad
Cool you should definitely visit, Spb is great. And got much better during wc in terms of foreigner friendliness.
This is Soviet film. Soviet films were not to entertain, but to make kind people.
pretty much but everything by tarkovski is kino tought quite slow
russian frens, how old is mika from fashion-land?
Dmitri Gloukhovski or Svetlana Alexievitch
Watch out for the car (or something like that) was lovely tbqhwy, watched it not long ago
Not a Russian, but I've studied Russian lit at uni.
You should check out the émigré writers, especially Bunin, Gazdanov and Nabokov
Gogol, Lermontov, Chehov, Kuprin, brothers Strugatskiy, Esenin.
How hard is it as a tourist to visit Russia. There are lot of stories about fake police officer stealing tourists or taxi drivers that take you anywhere until you paiy them more
Miranchuk - beta
He is ok though. Esenin would be a greater meme, especially if translated.
ur fine m8, Russia is probably safer than Brussels
Before the game finish.
Is there any good Russian tv serie to follow ? Am a bit bored by Hollywood
RIP Russia
Batshuayi has got a worse first touch than Lukaku.
He never disappoints
just watch this channel
Eh? Never heard of it. Spb and Moscow are easy to visit, most yong people know decent English so you could ask for directions and everything, also metro and streets have English signs. I live in spb and city center is basically 70% tourists all year long.
yeah i feel like peoples get misguided about russia cause of dashcam videos , gopniks memes and the "to stop a douchebag" serie
No, all shit.
> Belgians chanting kalinka
well towns east to Ural can be tricky
masha and the bear
Told you. Ruskies cant dive like spaniards
The Method
I want name of serie that I can watch in English after. I don't speak vodka
ok thx ! I love your skylines
i forgot, read him too
You are very nice people. Now i feel bad for dabbing on a russian exchage student in chess yesterday
Verschaeren is better than mertens right now
>those 1bn views episode on YT for a kid show
Never been east Ural. How zamkads even live in the frozen wasteland?
So teams will get new kits for Euro 2020 right?
Fuck off, bravadan
>this is your brain on purple drank
Get a grip idiot, the kid played like 4-5 good games.
my goldfish is 7 year old and is starting to get slow and going a lot near the surface or fully at bottom , i fear it dont have long anymore friends :(
Well, that was interesting I guess
By never being west to Ural. I only was there once, Moscow metro is fucking good.
s q u a r e s
q q
u u
a a
r r
e e
s q u a r e s
End its suffering
Seven years is impressive for a goldfish, r-right?
I'll be 23 in 20 minutes and probably not even my own mother will wish me a happy birthday. Thanks for this comfy bread Russian friends, you are good people. It was nice having you.
Oх, Maнькa, ты пpямo из кoжи вoн лeзeшь чтoбы зaпoлyчить oчepeднyю пopцию зoлoтиcтoгo нeктapa пpямo в cвoй нeмытый poт. Пcccc-пccccc. A тeпepь я paзpeшaю тeбe cпиздaнyть нaпocлeдoк чтo-нибyдь нeвpaзyмитeльнoe и yжe нaкoнeц oкoнчaтeльнo yтoнyть в ямe иcпpaжнeний. Oмeгa-дpыщ плз, нe плaчь, я жe нe хoтeл тeбя нacтoлькo cильнo пpoтыкaть. Tы глaвнoe ycпoкoйcя, a тo ceйчac нaчнeшь нa cвoeгo oбидчикa cтpeлки мeтaть и фaнтaзиpoвaть oб aнycaх.
Happy birthday!
Happy bday cunt
Gelukkige verjaardag man xxx
Happy birthday. The thread was quite nice, looking forward to November game.
happy birthday fellow belgian user , may you get luckier than me
>27 year old virgin
Cook it, this way it will be forever with you.
Fuck me. I'll be 23 in a week. Happy birthday, bro! Wish you all the best. Belgian beer is so fuckng good
Untill the liquid shits strike
Happy bday! Comfy thread and expected game result too.
Happy Birthday too 96 fags
t.23 in July
Yup. Class of 96
happy birthday Congo
I'm glad it's over.
comfy matches from now one until next match in Russia especially after the performance that we saw today from Shitland
I hope we'll get through the other matches without a problem.
holy shit dude, we go to the same school, who are you
So Belgian lads, when is Koen Casteels getting his start?
I just know her since Miss Belgium bro, never seen in real life ?
How is she IRL though ?
>ever playing
we will be Lucky if we see Mignolet on the pitch against Cyprus , San Marino or Kazahkstan
Our rival in the group is not Belgium but Kazahstan.
When Courtois is injured, maybe he'll play
Good we are playing them so soon and not in a few months.
Well, except for the trouble with players.
I missed this comfy thread and the game reee
>you wait all day for the game
>game is finished, you don't know what to do
>Stare at the clock, another day of wagecucking approaches