Which club is your qt gf fc?

Which club is your qt gf fc?

qt gf fc means that you found a football club cute and pretend it's your girlfriend. It has nothing to do with football players.

For me, it's Benfica, it has a cute female name and if I ever have a daughter I'll name her Benfica.

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wtf serbia, you alright?

man and I thought I was desperate

Holy shit, this is some autism. Suicide watch?

>you found a football club cute and pretend it's your girlfriend
I find it autistic and don't do this.

Fuckin 1 star post mah cracka

Jesus Christ, Serbia...

Not even that faggot Porcoposter is that autistic. Don't makes us look bar

What the fuck is wrong with this place, why are first seven replies literal redditors?

Palmeiras should be hot chic with big bundas

>it has a cute female name
We pronounce it as a male name though. Or a neutral name, if we're referring to the neighborhood in Lisbon.

Benfica reminds me of her...just a little bit older and body developed.

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>yfw she's a Porcodyke

good thread

my gf is not a club but a nation (rossiya)
i'll do everything to protect her against w*stern evil, even betraying my "own" country

Attached: 800px-Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Russian_Federation_2.svg.png (800x876, 357K)

sagan tosun bc Yea Forums

Based BE voter

i'm pro russian empire, not leftism

>i'll do everything to protect her against w*stern evil, even betraying my "own" country
Sounds like BE to me

Honestly, I subscribe to this post.


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baltika sounds like a nice cute russian girl

Attached: fc baltika.jpg (203x177, 7K)


reminder to you parasites that your day will come, god-willing.

What the fuck did I do!? I don't have a hard on for Russian shit nor I vote BE


Damn, the whole Russian bots thing is true

Damn, the whole Russian bots thing is true