I don't get this meme. Explain please.
I don't get this meme. Explain please
shut up fat
luv football
luv pints
luv me wife
simple as
lose weight
Have sex
Honestly, souf united is a shit club for nonces.
seething monkeys
>t. souf
cam to sheffield an' i'll glass ya, bender
It’s a Brit/pol/ meme used to mock the working class and football fans.
It's an average street scene in uk...
I'm an epl customer and love this meme, wish more people made them. and I would explain but somebody is going to post >tf >tp so whatever.
No, it's not for you.
ate the wif m8 you jokin?
It’s a funny meme influenced largely by the casual propaganda being pushed as of late by affluent coastal elitists to paint all Northern Englishmen as backwards retards because the region voted for Brexit.
Norf and souf rivalry is a biblical phenomena going all the way back abel & cain who represented souf and north respectively, the feud is still going on today and can be observed on every country on earth
More hyperbolic /pol/ garbage, what's there to understand
I think the norfmen may be my people.
>le pol boogeyman
The eternal leaf always has to chime in with terrible opinions.
Fuck off we're full
Fuck off back to the student union, Thierry-Jean Paul-Etienne-Francois
t. discord tranny
>Never thought i fight alongside souf fc
>How about a friend
Homosexual suicide rate were similarly high before their emancipation. That doesn't mean 40% of trans people commit suicide but who have attempt it
Source? How did people even know they were gay when people didn’t admit to it?
These great men conquered the greatest Empire the world has ever seen
What movie this line? Slips me mind
Forget it, just remembered. LOTR the two towers
Someone post the double-barreled version
pretentious neets with wotsits for legs and spaghetti arms making fun about "da wurking class" from their mums basements covered in their own dried semen
pretty much
Based working class lad
Kek, reminds me of Ashens eating this
>He hasn't taken the goalpill
where i live this meme is real life
Bruv it's real no matter where you are in the UK that's what makes it so good
Homosexuality didn't exist for most of history, so your stats are bullshit
Return of the king
paki nonce
Tru Norf
nonces the lot of em
< typical northerner
For me, it's the Norf.
i love the norf and all the lovely people living there
Onslow's a fookin' legend
Is this norf?
you don't get "it"
I've never been to Greggs, ate a hot pocket, had Poutine for dinner, or drank a PBR.
>ah cannae fookin beleev wah lust tah fookin borr-at
VERY based
IS THA A FOCKIN (proddy/papist) FC SHIRT?
Here's the tl,dr
First please understand that GB is actually like this.
BUT /pol/ attempts to shit up Yea Forums with satire on working class trogs being distracted by football, instead of reeing at muslims which is /pol/'s preferred option. /pol/ attempts to disguise this by claiming is really too deep 4u satire against middle class leftist elitism.
Yea Forums co-opts 'meme' as satire on the futility and deep seated moronism of the game >we all know and love.
They're East Midul you twat
>I jus sed fukin leev it
>Dont bulli mi
>Dont bulli mi
>Dont bulli mi
>Dont bulli mi
>Dont bulli mi
West Souf or West Midul cannot tell (for some reason in the forest end)
>Maight leav it, it realle aint worf it rought
if you think it's not a meme then you don't know what that word means, and if you don't know what meme means you're mentally retarded
Sounds like Black Country to me, worked with a few yams and this is exactly what they're like. Nice blokes though.
>12 year old living by inner-city meme life
Spurs cunt
For me, it's the penny pinchers
Are you Owen Jones?
please post more fat wojak girls.
Is this from edge of tomorrow?