hard lads
Eternal Arsenal Thread
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Yea Forumsrsenal
cancer thread
just filtered the billion wide population of india lads
>denis suarez
Do you miss him?
i miss the nuclear bombs we didnt have in our arsenal to eradicate all of communist russia to end the world
anime IN
i too like drawings of asian girls and theres nothing wrong with me or it
I'm not even an Arsenal fan but when the fuck are you guys going to fix your defense and tendency to get BTFO on the road?
HAHA i see you've identified >our weakness and you don't even manage a football side
My favorite Arsefag
>american hours
totally forgot about this kid
how is he doing?
Anime IN?
Kind of sad ice Poseidon might never stream again
lol TTD bitch
>ice Poseidon
google him its
>American internet personality
fuck i hate arse fans so much
Looks way different to the ones posted in the last thread. Probably fake as well, innit.
Liking the patterns, tho.
>that one guy who actually talks about arsenal in an arsenal thread
New aftv kino uploaded
wtf is Bellerin going for
wtf is holding going for
free holiday trip
Is socrates taking the picture?
How do they all travel on the same plane? What if it crashes?
Planes carrying expensive footballers don't crash
It's team building, innit
Don’t give the Kroenkikes any ideas, I can just imagine Stan drooling over the insurance payout and the rememberance merchandise sales.
I can understand Bellerin for keeping Guendouzi some company but I didnt think even Holding was gay.
Fucking faggot FC.
And Arsenal is now officially shitposting.
Who the fuck is in charge of these things?
No survivors
There are some serious roadman vibes going on in this pic.
me,last at second row on the right
No there isn't. Fuck off retard.
we need this guy, we can make an all igbo starting 11
Ndidi when?
-----------back4 tbc---
England 2022 side?
>this flag
>that post
really m8
Yeah probably. Couldn't find the bruised banana which was confirmed by Adidas
Get rid of Mkhi in the summer and make Nelson a starter.
Who would even want him though la
just to sacrifice him to their god
that's not how it goes lad
I’m afraid it is though m8
[Schira] #Arsenal is working to replace #Ramsey. #Gunners are interested in #Barella (Cagliari) and #Kessie (Milan). Connected destinies for the two clubs. If #Milan will close for Barella, they can sell Kessie #transfers #AFC
>Tfw have a date this Sunday
Wee bit nervous lads haven’t been on one in ages
what are you going to do with her m8
Denis Suarez is too pouty
what is her first name ?
cancel before it's too late la
Going to tell the girl I've been dating that I dont want a serious relationship tonight.
had the flu for 4 days now lads
arsenal's last great season was 05/06
It’s beautiful.
Adam Johnson is free
>Playing FM
>decide to check on Arsenal transfer history
>Mustafi to Bayern for £33.5M , Elneny to a random chinese club for £20.5, Kolasinac to Bournemouth for £22.5M
Somehow they manage to get Yannick Carrasco, Morata, Alex Telles, Ricardo Pereira and Lingard
unrealistic innit
So, with Monchi and Overmars confirmed not coming, should I be happy about the Zubizarreta rumours? Hope it doesn't mean more Barcelona rejects...
honestly I don’t mind even if we get a few Barcelona rejects in. The club is already ten times more ruthless than during Wonga‘s tenure.
If player X is shit he will be sold asap. Suarez will already be shipped home despite him barely playing and I’m sure players like Özil and Elmemey will follow him out the door.
literally who
sanchez was a bercelona reject...
Don’t worry about it
Gonna get some milk tea and hangout at a mall
Why does it trigger u la
Was pointing finger towards Denis. How come he's so shit anyway?
Wish it was so easy. The shoestring budget doesn't allow for a big mistake margin. Can't hire a bunch of people and see if any of them will be good enough. That being said, I'm pretty happy about the guys that did came: Leno, Sokratis, Torreira, Gwen and Denis; even if one of them turned out to be a mistake. 1 in 5 ain't all that bad.
Because you're a normalfag, though I wasn't actually being serious. If anything, I'm making fun of myself for being so abnormal that I've never experienced things like dating.
Denis has never really been given a fair chance but it’s probably the physicality of the PL, on the few occasions he has appeared he seems too lightweight.
I'd date you.
I stopped playing as 5 star teams in FM when I got Leon Bailey, Sule, Fabinho, Digne, and Ginter and Gagliardini while selling Xhaka, Wilshere, Koscielny, Holding, and a couple others for at least 20m each.
Its fucking unrealistic
>lime fucking green trainers
Absolutely abhorrent.
>live in Hong Kong
>hard to find a date
Come on son. Unless you're on a proxy. The entire fucking island is full of rebellious richfag girls who want a serving of rice on the side.
Hong Kong is rightful Anglo clay
It is but China was willing to genocide the entire island to get it back so, bit of a sticky situation. The Reunification Party is being stamped out too as political dissidents.
Any new Arsenal or anime related gossip?
>Lucas Torreira's father Ricardo has hinted that the Arsenal midfielder could head back to Italy, despite his impressive form during his maiden campaign in English football
>Monreal looks set to leave Arsenal this summer, keen on Barcelona switch
>Red Bull Salzburg wonder-kid Dominik Szoboszlai admitted he is honoured to be linked with a summer switch to Arsenal
Anime expo is out soon in Japan so some new announcements will be made. That's probably it.
Bayern and Juventus also want Szoboszlai so it ain't happening. Torreira was great this season, I'd rather not lose him. Guess him and his family don't like UK. Much like Reyes.
What ever happened to Basedduncu?
Fuck off filter. Sóyduncu.
Helicopter crash
Oh he joined Lester.
New Hi Score Girl episodes are out.
any of you lads playing Sekiro?
I wanna play it but I'm stuck with this shitty ps4 at uni whilst my computer is at home. 2 weeks until Easter so I'm gonna have to try and avoid all gaming media so no one kills the story for me.
Have only played it for a wee bit but it’s been fun so far. Although apparently it runs like ass on consoles so I’d recommend PC for it especially cause it’ll be 60 FPS on pc
Got it for Pro, really enjoying it so far.
Only managed to play it for a few hours last night but beat the Ogre first time without fire, beat Jyuzo the drunkard but after trying to fight Lady Butterfly I think I need to go another route because she is nasty.
I'm not an arsenal fan and generally avoid this thread but I feel like this picture has potential
get out you ugly cunt
Lol This brit paki gets so mad everytime, face it bro ur country is just as shit as the streets of India
Didnt know black goalkeepers existed desu
can't wait for him to die 2bh lads
Mustafi earns 90k a week, it will be impossible to sell him
Dont worry i might Get stabbed by one of your New countrymen when i go to the emirates
Agree. But you do know that Stan isn't a Jew, right? One of his few redeeming qualities.
That's because they're usually shit. Don't bother posting the exceptions to this like Kameni (who is massively underrated). You faggots know this is true in general.
>Torreira leaving
His family doesnt like England desu
I said he MIGHT not like England, you've just read what I said. The real reason is he's probably shown he's a lot better than Arsenal so would be snapped up by Barcelona or Madrid or Bayern. E-Z money.
If anything i think its about his wages.
He has like a 4 year contract on 70k a week when players like Mikshitian earns 180k, Ozil 350k, Mustafi 90k etc
>he's a lot better than Arsenal
Probably. I thought I saw he was on 50k or something.
fucking love to see Sterling do well to be honest lads.
Yeah, wish he was doing that for Jamaica, but we're shit
>6 goals in 48 games is 'well'
W e w l a d d i e b o y .
>tfw we could have Deeney and Dwight Gayle up top with Sterling and Bailey on the wings
Based Uri Geller
Always rated Troy Deeney innit
hey Jewmaican how do I into casual relationships?
>asking the biggest NEET here for relationship advice
there will always be something there
she will be serious about it or you will
you can set boundaries and stuff...but its very hard finding that sort of thing, just pretend you want to be in a relationship with them, thats far more easier, you can have sex with this person for a few months and just stop talking...happened to me recently with this third woman i was fucking, she hasn't messaged me since Jan, i assumed she found someone who was actually serious, and i don't mind nor do i blame her
just pretend you want what they want, which is usually a bf, there are better guys to ask about this though, i've never had a casual relationship before
I can guarantee you that I have had more romantic relationships with more women than you have
>romantic relationships
Who the fuck cares. We live to get laid and that's it. Romantic relationships are for fags or people in their 30s not early 20s.
If you're a friendless NEET like me, romantic relationships are the way to go, you always have someone to talk to each day when you wake up
Im not prepared to lie that hard
....why not just make some friends then.
Women especially ones you've been intimate with are a fucking chore to work with. Its emotionally draining after a while whilst having a few lads to chill with is always the pinnacle of relaxation (unless you're a drug addict). Being in love with a woman is literally the worst feeling ever even if they feel the same back to you. Literally a weakness because they're always on the mind.
It's not hard at all, you're not doing anything wrong, not really. Relationships fail all the time, people change their minds or find someone else. It's not like you're going to marry any of these women, your only worry should be probably getting them pregnant, which would suck
That makes perfect sense, but for like i said, friendless neets like myself probably see no point in that
I have two close male friends from school, both moved away...one went to Asia, i talk to him every few years I activate my facebook, and the other lives in Coventry, where he's married with five children (only one is his) and he calls me every week to talk, I am very happy with these two relationships but outside that, I prefer women, since more of my time is online it's harder to make male friends online.
Whenever I've had private conversations with guys online I always think "this guy is going to ask for dick pics isn't he", it just put me off for the most part
Irebro, would you say arsenal are a popular team in Ireland?
Morning everybody
Their national identity is Liverpool lad. There was once an Irish lad who posted here.
In honor of Arseal
Why oh Why did people decide that we should replace europeans with africans and pakis...
europeans don't want to play sports anymore...they rather work in banking, insurance companies or creating video games.
Im not talking about sports
>Jewmaican gets banned
Typical shitposter.
Fitizen still posts here just without his trip. Dude is O B S E S S E D !
you can't do that while wearing a trip lad
Literally all your posts were deleted and your ban was recorded.
stop being hyperbolic
How come the wages are all so spread? I get Oezil's World Star Contract being ridiculously high, but your ordinary ball kicker earning over twice as much as another? What in the fuck?
There better be some seniority system in place or something.
Fellow arsenal fans
Aubameyang is playing in the final 2019 African Cup of Nations qualifier to take place in June and Burundi-Gabon are 1-1 with 5 mins to go.
If thing stay how they are - Burundi go through.
If Gabon score, they go through and Burundi are out.
It's very exciting.
Its Wenger. He was too soft on the players.
Is Mike Dean still Arsenal's least favourite ref?
Glad Gabon didn't go through. Now Aubameyang won't get injured in some shitty AFCON game.
A living organism's journey through life consists of tracing a path through space time that begins at its conception and ends with its death. That path leaves a permanent trace that remains painted onto the matter that the mind interacts with as it grows and develops through time.
Whenever you are presented with a photo or any sort of sensory input that brings you back to a memory that you have experienced in the past or even in some cases that you will experience the future, your consciousness in that moment creates a bridge to that point in time and you can sometimes literally feel yourself being transported to a different period of your life because your mind is then connected to a different point in space time through that conscience bridge. Those are called premonitory experiences. Your consciousness simultaneously exists in the past and in the future, even though you are normally only experiencing the present in order to make the experience of life comprehensible to your brain.
Ozil's strength isn't just that he's preposterously high IQ, it's also that he has the ability to create bridges of consciousness into the future as well as into the past when interacting with physical matter. Beyond the fact that his vision allows him to choose optimal probability paths, he also seems to be able to simultaneously experience the past, present and future.
It is sometimes hypothesized that the future of human evolution will depend on the ability of future humans to consciously control their ability to experience time. By that logic, Ozil would be the next step of human evolution.
watched some of that griezmann doc, interesting story. he seems sensitive, almost childlike
imagining unironically choosing gabon over france
Not him but if I was to put a figure on it I'd say 5-10% football fans here support Arsenal and a few support Leeds or Villa. The vast majority are Pool autists and Mun U bandwagoners from Fergie era. Arsenal was well represented with Irish players in the 70s (Brady O'Leary Rice etc) and I think Islington had a good cohort of Irish living there.
He wouldnt play for france
Most Irish I know support united because of Roy Keane, never actually met an Irish liverpool fan
Number 4 Mohammed El Neny!
Cringe Why is that guy still at the club
He’s just a squad player m8
Yeah who is so shit he never plays, earns 70k and has the number 4. Plus he is a m*slim. Should have sold him to Leicester for 25 mill when we had the chance
I’ve had a thought lads
Girl I was gonna go on date with ended up being a cow so I unmatched Kek
Did you get more recent pics of her or what?
honestly it is a boomer kit and comfortably the worst design in the club's history, couldn't they have come up with something new?
Shut your whore mouth. That kit is kino af.
>dat badge
whats wrong with Yea Forums x dammit
I had to uninstall and reinstall
Did that, still shit
feels bad man, put me off posting with this stuff happens
Sorry babe wish I could help you fix it
High quality post
Every post I make is high quality
Yeah he has to be the most autistic footballer out there doing fortnite celebrations and calling himself Uruguayan. And making a dumb documentary about himself for having a story like 80% other footballers
>Franck Kessié
>Mateo Kovačić
bruh just smash
fat chicks feel so nice and soft
morning lads, how are we coping with the suicidal depression today?
its fine x
By staying in bed and rewatching trinity blood ofc
Going to church to look at cuties too young for me
Wenger was right, top four MEANS something, god damn it.
girls in their mid 20s are too young for me lad
just give up and sacrifice you and your son's wellbeing so you can get back with her lad. you're never gonna find love again.
yeah, it means eternal loser
he's doing fine without her lad. its been 3 and a half years now.
reckon me concussion is gone
Based Arsenal Women FC
>all those tweets begging the dubai sheikh to buy us
if this club gets bought by sheiks i'm done with football
Why though? We've been Arsenal PLC for ages, might as well go all out and win big trophies.
i like to think this club still has some soul in it
Will >we finally win the Women's League again for the first time in 7 years?
It'll be funny if City lose the title having gone the entire season unbeaten.
Had a couple shots of vodka this morning
and went back to bed for a couple more hours
what do you need pens for lad? submit a penmanship sample.
Gnabry just scored a bloot against holland lads
must be nice
unironically looks so much better than the emirates. crowd so much closer to the pitch. fucking hate how big our stadium is on the inside
anyone know who the qt gril is next to mustafi?
>the only way you can beat Liverpool is in the women's league
welbeck lad
fucking hate wenger