>asking permission from girlfriend to watch sports
Asking permission from girlfriend to watch sports
>asking permission from girlfriend
>taking orders from a girl
That sounds hot desu
>bringing my girlfriend to Opening Day
Beta or chad move?
>Can't golf on Saturday because it's our anniversary
Wow this thread is full of faggots except the first guy
Fucking boomer lmfao
depends wildly on how you execute the date
You'll get there one day my zoomer friend
>dumping your girlfriend because she won't let you do what you want
Only correct answer ITT
Chad if it's what you want to do, beta if it's just to please her.
whats having gf like
>being this pussywhipped
user i...
Never had one. I imagine it’s fun tho if she’s hot and you get a long with her girl friends
Fucking shite, almost as bad as being alone
A bit like having a dog or some other stupid pet
>and you get a long with her girl friends
this is one of the most important things. It's destroyed 2 of my relationships.
>gf blocked 4channel on my PC and phone because it was "straining our relationship"
>then she found out I was using her husband's PC to shitpost on CL match days
>her husband
>gf's son won't give me a turn on the switch
I haven't touched a girl ever since I drunkily made out with some 4/10 at a frat party freshman year, 2 years ago
Depends on how mature you both are.
If they fulfill your needs (sex, company, etc.) it's really nice. If they don't you're going to feel like shit for the most part.
It's fun until she gets too comfortable and turns into a miserable nag, which is all women's final form in my experience.
I just reached this stage. Does it ever go back to how it was?
bag of sand
A bit like family gatherings, they get annoying after a while but you miss them when they're gone
Like the thing you’ve been looking for all along has been found
And every once in a while you spend $200 on a weekend
>Compromise and say she can choose the movie later
>Your team loses and you have to watch some shit romcom
Literally me tonight, watching constant gardener as I type. Kill me
How do I get a gf lads? Considering getting bumble but I'm a manlet (5'5") so probably setting myself up for dissapointment
>asking permission from girlfriend to watch sports
nigga you got a MOM not a girlfriend hahahaahaha. better do what she says or else you wont get dessert tonight lmfao
tfw 27 yo khv
good movie
Yeah I’m the diehard fan and she’s never been to a game. I told her we’re going and that’s our anniversary too.
We’d just go to the game and dinner afterwards.
No it actually just gets worst.
t. Married fag
high maintenance
Can murrifats be that small?
Even as a mexican I'm a king of manlets 5'11.
I do have a gf and its fantastic, petite latina gf with a big ass. Tight af.
In Mexico we have a saying 'siempre hay un roto para un descosido' 'theres always a broken one for a tore one' it means there's always two that are meant for each other.
Is there anything gayer than having a gf?
I'm half mexican but fuck you spic
>cant watch the game until you finish the list of chores your gf wrote
>always finish when the games over
you half to go back
I mean you'll never match with women who would reject you in height alone.
So don't worry about that and just focus on your matches
>27 khv never even been on a date in my life
>no desire to have a gf or sad about not having one because miserable angry husk and hate everyone
anyone know this feel
>Good looking
>Single, dreaming of the one that got away
>tfw have to ask gf permission to cum
You'll find the one bruh.
In Spain we also have a saying, "se pilla antes a un mentiroso que a un cojo", and yes, you're the liar.
This is what i'm worried about. I'm having a great time by myself (doing well in college, job offer set up, using my free time to read/learn a language/practical skills etc.), so I don't know how I will adjust to settling down - or even getting into a long-term relationship.
Our societies are different, but I've had several girlfriends and I'm 5'4". Of course, I took the shittiest decisions and most of them lasted for way too little time and I've been lonely for way too much time.
me, but im only 21 so maybe it will change
It will user. We will make it
no you wont
Communication is key.
There's nothing wrong with talking about what you want from a person.
If you're both looking for the same thing whether it's fuck buddies or fucking marriage and babies then it should be smooth sailing.
The big problem comes when one party wants more than they can get. Then you'll resent her until it eats you up inside only to realize later you were the one staying for something that didn't exist.
I speak from experience
>finally find a gkrl tha likes sports as much as I do
>gets mad when I browse Yea Forums during the game because I'm not paying attention
There's no winning is there?
Based and redpilled