Powerful. Xe’s such a role model.
Powerful. Xe’s such a role model
Other urls found in this thread:
those thighs are fantastic, you gaylord
Came here to find out about this, heard it on the rush hour, what were the fellas saying, apparently it was the sexual abuse but I can’t see what it would be about from the picture, can’t really into the women’s football but it looks like she just gave the nugget a hefty smash
Does she have any panties on?
Same. Came here after hearing "trolls" were involved, to see the shenanigans. But I am sorely disappointed. Haven't seen a thing.
All I said was that if she was a virgin before that kick, she's not anymore. It wasn't meant to troll or intimidate. It was just a crude joke like I'd normally share with my male mates during a game.
Came here for the comments too, this form of journalism is such click bait.
Hopefully someone said she looks like a goose stepping nazi.
Also whats the meaning of those tattoos of moustaches? One for each moustached minority she has luger'd?
Looks like Beatles hair to me.
I don't get it either. were the comments just a bunch of incels who couldn't contain themselves over a slightly titillating image?
false flag?
probably just overemphasising it
only takes 3-4 autismos to spam a comments section, especially when aflw posts probably get zero replies most of the time
wish i knew what was said lads
Imagine the smell haha
Who is she?
A lezzo
Answer me or I curse your country with another shooting like this weekend
why do they feel the need to voluntarily JUST themselves with shit house tattoos, she was perfect
Lmao I wish
go right ahead. Could you target the mosque in my neighbourhood please?
Women's sports were a mistake.
Prove me wrong.
reported to asio
"Hello, ASIO? Someone's being an edgelord on the internet! You need to do something! What do you mean, you don't care?"
anyone got the weebm where she's lying down swing her legs about, it is very cute
hoq did you even notice those tattoos, they're barely there
>tfw she lusted after dustin martin that badly she justed herself with tattoos
Sorry lads, Tayla Harris is old news. It's all about Ruby Schleicher now
for me it's Georgia Bevan, but she got delisted, no doubt for being rubbish
don't tempt them lad
How bad do you have to be to be delisted form AFLW?
Expecting a dick to fall out
It was a good joke mate. Hymens do break. Best /afl/ thread in ages.
I thought ASIO shitposts here. They're good at bantz.
What the FUCK is all this about
Surely this didn't make news overseas, did it?
So what, picture of woman kicking ball, comments are all "gibs me dat"?
Slow news day
Pretty much. AFLW is basically soft core in denial.
literally the most international coverage shitpost egg has ever had.
>Here’s a pic of me at work... think about this before your derogatory comments, animals.
This doesn't even help. It doesn't give a single example of the "trolling" that happened. What was it?
no panties, smart grill
Ask me nicely, impudent sassanach.
This. Shes a decent looking girl and fucked it all up with shit, degenerate tats. Id wager the heebs are behind this.
I'm a fenian in occupied Ireland. You're an insufferable little D*bliner, that much is for sure. The virginity reeks off of you.
I want her to choke me with her thighs
>the virgin dub
>the muscular nordie
Please watch our sport.
what acute
Bogen cunts btfo
God I hope not.
Would pull her shorts aside and eat her pussy to be honest
misogynistic troll. how dare you
ok i don't understand what is going on here?
did some people leave lewd comments on facebook ore somehting?
>The tweets and posts that were directed at 7AFL were not calling for the photo’s removal. They were calling for moderation and reporting of the degrading, sexist, transphobic, homophobic and hateful messages that sat beneath it.
what kind of "transphobic" comments were being left? is she a transgender?
You don't need to understand. It's the most non-news since laurel/yanny
anyone have a link to the screenshots of the comments?
imagine laying down on the field waiting for her to come down after that kick and having her crevices between her thigh and pelvis land square on your nose at the exact moment you inhale?
>the smell
reported to Australian government for unauthorized use of Yea Forums
shes a boxer and plays rugby. i bet shes retarded as fuck.
One can hope she has a penis
starting to think australian ISP's should be banning bigfooty and not 4channel.
>all those tweets/posts responding to this pic
why are normies/plebbitors/the general populace so fucking boring? I know the NPC meme is played out and cringeworthy but sometimes you really wonder
Has female rugby bring out the ratings more often.
haha, imagine her kicking your balls haha!
is there some kind of story I'm missing? Somebody link something.
thanks. It's not "lazy" to not follow all minor drama in irrelevant sports.
> the degrading, sexist, transphobic, homophobic and hateful messages
now somebody show me those messages because that article didn't. Was it actually bad or just guys wanting to bury their face in her pussy?
That's a nice tasty pussy. Some dyke is tapping DAT Xe's Ass.
haha i sure pulled something after looking at it, nudge nudge haha
Jesus Christ a related article:
>“These people need to be called out by the AFL, yes, but also taken further – maybe this is the start of domestic violence, maybe this is the start of abuse.”
somebody please tell me what the actual comments were that they're being compared to domestic violence
After reading all this I still have no idea where the controversy lies
nobody will post any caps of any actual messages. I have no idea whether this was "I want to lick her sweaty vagina" or "I will rape that stupid dyke cunt"
>Here’s a sampling of what those comments looked like. For context, Hannah Mouncey is an Australian handball player who is trans:
lol wtf? Some of the comments are crude and childish but how privileged are women that they're comparing the comments to domestic violence or even literal rape? Feminists really don't have any actual problems do they?
>the same people who want people arrested for guys captioning "wow I'd like to have sex with her" on this picture will also say that refugees who gang raped a child shouldn't be punished
Clown world
Based clown post, very funny hahaha lmao
shes a aussie rules footy player, not rugby.
he's american, there's no point even trying
i stand with tayla
only comments i saw was a few saying if he pants moved you'd see her clacker and one saying that if it was that tranny mouncey there'd be something else flapping around
kek theyre actually claiming that a comment like calling the kick a shank is sexist.
the way the media and everyone involved acted made it so cringey, literally inflated the issue tenfold.
pic related
>tfw hannah mouncey is the only widely-known afl player of any gender
>Be Australian thot
>Play footy professionally
>Get photo snapped while nearly flashin' the gash
>Can't handle some online bants
Deport this worthless cunt. Now.
I'd say bad enough to get beaten by a boy's under 15 side.......but that's probably not setting the bar low enough.
Does mouncey have a dick or did he get it lopped off
Yes, he still has a dick. He's a fat faggot who lacked the talent to play against other men, so he larps as a woman instead.
The cancer is spreading - word has it than male trannies will be able to compete as women in the 2020 Olympics. It's going to be a fucking farce.
Shame about the tats.
>watch AFLW
>Watch a local U16s match
holy shit those teenage boys need a contract and equal pay!
brb need to start training
Don't forget to take your hormones too.