Penaldo is a tap in retard so no surprise
Ronaldo has a better long range shot, he just rarerly uses it these days because headers have a better xG
Is this the last five years?
Coutinho is underrated lads
>white bar on a white background
Nah. Long shots are all he’s good for, and when you’re at Barcelona, passing to Messi becomes the better option anyway.
It says essentially 'Last 6 seasons including all of the Top 5 Leagues in Europe'.
They all count for 1 no matter the distance
>rating le occasional blooter man
He is great at blooters but Messi is Messi. It logically doesn't make sense to let someone take a low percentage shot, like Juventus now giving free kicks to Pjanic over ronaldo
>not capitalizing the R on Ronaldo
Ask me how i know you are a fag obsessed with him
Ronaldo = R9
ronaldo = cristiano
>le hard free kick with trademark steps that hardly ever converts into a goal
Then how come it took him 56 attempts to score a fucking single free kick?
>white bar on white background so it looks like it's 0
300 iq journalism
So what you're saying is Messi isn't even the best blooter on his own team?
Sorry in America we try not to speak Poverty languages
Guess which player from this list scored 3 hat tricks vs the best defense in the world
epic, based, and utterly redpilled
1 CL in 8 years lmao
>best defense inviting 100 crosses into the boxes and gifting a penalty
that game was high grade choke
based burger