>The Kamikaze of Kashima
Ronaldo's look just as shit and Bayern hattrick was offside
How will messifags ever recover?
that spain hatrick was a fucking joke. low iq de heya
I remember that match against Haiti. Now THAT was pure football. Truly a blessing from the Gods
>None of his goals were legit
ronaldo fans like ronaldo, messi fans like football
To be honest, only Spain and Bayern are really impressive from Ronnie's list
No, we shouldn't look at teams. We should look at Goals Per Game %, Assists and Pitch Contribution. Have a guess who is first in all of these? Football is a team game; there is only Team Ronaldo for Ronaldo. Messi works for his team. Has he done it for his NT? Sadly, no.
these PSV and Sevilla teams are better than all of the teams in Ronaldos list
Based penaldo.
For me it's Lavanta
>CL - p7 g4 a0
>serie A - p26 g19 a8
>CL - p6 g8 a0
>La Liga - p26 g29 a 12
it's funny how penaldo fags always never go before 2016
>farmer's liga
>49% Ronaldo hattrick included penalty
The other half are tap-ins.
Based spic stealing amerisharts quotes.
are there way more non whites on Yea Forums now or something wtf fuck off with this facebook trash
Magine thinking that Ecuador is less of a team than that awfull 2018 Spain side who couldn't beat russia, and barely scraped victories against Iran and the other team.
Then the rest of the teams are the same garbage
Not even that mate. Against Spain only the free kick was good, and Bayern at least 1 was refball
>ecuador didnt qualify
>spain did
>ecuador is better than spain
This is your brain on messoy
>-Atl. Madrid (3)
what's this guy's problem with indians?
a rapist and a racist
>messoy fanboys arguing Atleti is a shit club
so if the second best team in Spain is shit how big of a joke does that make lel liga? stat padder cope extraordinaire
>No, we shouldn't look at teams
I'll be so happy once both of them have retired. Millions of third worlders will kill themselves out of despair cause they can't post Messi/Ronaldo comparisons all day anymore
They'll just find two other overpaid primadonnas to fawn over
Mbrappy and _______
Ecuador had to qualify among all of South America. Spain had a group with a bunch of non nations in it
>Real Betis
wew lad
Panama qualified but they aren't even close to the level of Italy or the Netherlands who didn't